The annualrneein Presbyteriai Womens manr Society Vii held in Bil Bold Prnbyterien Church her onJaah gt wimmewesldeau an N711 lilm unflachemdl Oriiiia presid ing The president read many heiatui passages oi scripture suit able for the pew year Opening devotions were nether glue Mrs was electednew Freebyteriai pres idem attnemeenns nm treisurer Mrs Abrams Toienhnnu reportodthat the hen hytariei had nailLeatceededthe allocation and thanked the auxii iary treasurers lor their splendid etaoperation reported groups and seven new mlasioh hands Therfli heldin iciqria Harbounwiih item and Pnui Rumbaii asspeakert and over 200 children presentvial hishiisht oi the yea Mrs Say zaniation se retary successlui mu rally in Essavfioad Church with 55 siris and 12 lead ersï¬presevnt new CGiT zrohp has heen organized in Collinzwood The banner was wonbyJJuntroon The study tortho year wa ihe Canadian Indian Mrs Sayers was pleased Io port an increase in memherahip Mrs Stewart Harbour young tnrY reported two active groups one at Coilingwood the other at Goldwater Baby isyettes and toys or ital inMontreai weremadgandgiits WEre sent to the hospital at Gravenhurst Splendid thanie oiiering rneetinss were reported by these groups Dismal Giving Mrs Harvey Johnsonr Hillsdaie evening department secretary said that there had been anflincrease in givings Bales were ent to CeciuaJellery School in Kenora and gins to Gravenhurst One auxiiiAry ported entertaining the mission in at Christmas party Meaiord gir reviewed Giits were sent 1on Leather doie in Montreai reported havinu eturne arias as speakers Mrs MacDonald Oriiila home heipcrs secretary was pleas ed to give the report Ior this sroup as so many kind sets were record ed She asked that copy at The Glad Tidinst hartaken by the home helper secretary when viaiiln as only sma minority take th rnagnzin lt Some groups in not senLueparito her but sh wastplease reportiflw given by theHolme Huskers Mrs BahStrand library de partment secretary reported ma teriai sent to shut ins andto Sun nybrookdiospitai istoryg and éoi oring bookssent to Gravenhurst where there nredofehildren in the hospital Sunday School papers sentdo British Guihna Christmas cards given to the SalvationlArmy and three hcxe oi literaturel sent Easy stepain sumo innit especially totwoe haltsized AND us fit shorter an summa oleï¬n properly no reported 3223 visitlruedentems new mimoenxedded to wrung uopl nndcq le and We givew where needed IAnr wwwmm Mrs cumming Barrie supply secretary repa ted hale CecniaJJetlery school Gravenhursr Hospital Scott Minion She 3de lb clothing sent bei with timer wor andqarments eiee am MeCiunz Eirnvele me eat eat to and the Koodvrepalr button on nture secretary that the recommended etudywu used by rnost man It Glad iidinu and THE Record also being used in meetings MiraA cqrbetLGna yenhurst invethe iite memhera shin report Mrs WrMCKOflflE Victoria Humour reported slight decrease in ubscriptions to The AMileinn historian reported irthdayv meetings held in trbud hd Graveuhurst schooner Meeting Mrs iharrinstongave report of sectqnal meetings with Mrs GauimlnA is speaker and Mrs J2 Cisek speakins in one sec tion rs McNahh Oriilia senior auxiliary secretary uksd that all senior members heip and encourage new oiiicers and lead ers Alteration denim The altarnoan sessioix opened with devotions taken by Mrs Badseroriiiia Mrs Curr presidentr at Toronto and Kin ston Synodicai was introduced by MrsWiiiiamMcEschern and spoke on stewagship 3God is cailinl His chur Jar purpose in leurhidlt at world rovoiu Lion she declared summing up laithiuinesa as servtce unlimited she added that each group and meï¬iberahnuidr determine its utyn giving Christ and His Church God never sin for anything unreasonable How will you give account to the Great Steward Chris sits axiin asainst the treaxur He sees what wegiver so every man she give adsording as God hasprus pendhth The ovflerins was received ard dedicatedhy prayer byMrs Barr Henetnnxuishene LMrs MacDonald pitiila xead the corre ondinz secrets stonv woin IMiss Ipuise Reith oronto le retary lorsduityorkenme coun cii executive spoke on Status Women the Church presentinz aspectson the ordination of wo men to them strxand eldership Mrs Stetirart Midisnd thanked Mrs Curr andMALReitIr lor the heip and inspiration they had brought torthé meeting Mrs Curr conducte the installa tion servi loathe executive MrsCJack riewlyeiebted pres idenhanokb highly of the retiring presidenhimrs MabEachern and commends hervilor herappoiut ment on co on executive Mmlhnis Oril benediction pamnent weather in er there are 1450 wea posts throughout Canada bsarveats whether voi the meteorological sti ments and ï¬le The rope BB¢Jnbled rim puhiishedsbyv the imatoiogicsi nthe hat havesoudoi13with your time talents and materihi gitts tor rich Sikorsky oto nonstation oi the stun The MAFheMDD the equipment Rois iéaderahlp obMiss Smith and cap tains JoyceGibson senior and Heienflflehois junior assisted by vicecaptains Jouinne Reynolds and Juneshie The cheer lead ers main purpose is to supp the teonu and to assist the schoo in cheering the teams on to vic ory pushed they mov on to aving the tittereddiag hato detection unit onlygrainttraces oi hisï¬howwu taken Antone Dunnoin Dans under the direéuén or the Girls AthleUI Soc ty Leap year dentes always great lumen sis tiiinklng about your ï¬rostiective éscore Dont target you ask him this timé Aiso further in lheiuhire is the tMikado to be pro tedby the BBC GleeGiuh Linie and work axis the yardstick by which success is messurcdgjrhe Mikado should be smashing hit because both Mrgtmm and the Iï¬cmhers are devoting at otgiiard work and preparat on to it Theyare active at rnost sports events such as netball gaines and 1h Tudhope in the fail ahdwoiie bï¬kemaiiismeg throng ler an sprnl terms ï¬DCe lets Show som moand let our team umpmych weepprecia their suegess gBukethnu FridLY it in inxed do or the boys baske nzland gt ened nthe on Artillery urin Woriéd We 11 cnmejig sinï¬ nssistnnti droiessot 01 Queen Univeas overhis present Aha pay Warn at at pa Art Ciuh ast Wednesday veh andvga interesting demonstra tionot st Vinepainting He iiiustrated compositionitech niqués and methods or obtaining texture movement an admin ripFr the rnsin pic of reverse Mr Beyefsky who he as his warassignments Lse centration campv beiiev is no longer apart rpm tie the common property 01 aif to enlisted in the sdvancement need andprogress is cated gt dent yrs iLssei at the meegg BALANCED FEEDING WI éiteait continued tér the fwhoixe be tetrns Midland on trounced both seniors an unidrsvoite two ver Bothmania deserire And its hope th 11 Jan 13g certaian whsnié They Journeyed th rpm nanny wt Emrawwzw 37 me leer rh subjects or stuck were minti mrlegtmenlmlnthemr gt mat living veryytv the dome mirvivhni jute his sons ii ward Hawke at Township and Hawke Torohtb mastamen we Frank Durniord Elsie or Oriliin Township sister ms Andrew lowering Cotdwaier and broth Andrew Hawke orLVSudbury Reeve uwrenoe Devine Walter and Europe MWYXFIB51LM Cold Mater are nephews and Mrs Charles Ai Danhy oi Cohiwater is aniece Service condacted py Rev Rn cummmg or Ooidwater Chumh was Sheid trom residence onvmesda Jan water Walker 30 pan internient was at Coid manna ABme Iabar ncorne otCanndians was ammoooo in the iirst nine months or ya reeord high and nirhor than in thesame ast basement space tabledapartmeatgwhether ethe imnvenient Be ve Yr extr roani cten into imamshrine norm tqdofiuuiah °I ï¬iï¬mhh gen one foiï¬eu GIVII II 31 win hum youxmirgï¬liwm BEAJE were