Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 20 Jan 1956, p. 15

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Mrs Lorne Buyers tool place and utter prayer word at thanks to the eovopentioa inangnlinl the gum mdaueaylta snail imports of th School whlch were very encouraging showingn average attenddeer 76 and total receipts at Olflcr eleeted suoe niendent Marvin Band sew fitfry MervyaSmith anistnn secretary Keith Bellamy ire ure pilnill firs Land leader oi singing Marvin Hand leaders oirereaponres Slew art Demott Mrs Corrigan Mis alonary superintendent Mrs Gilchrist temperance superintend ent Mrs Blakely cradle roll superintendent Mrs Fred Beuam with Mrs Earl Smithas askistant and memory work secretary Mrs Corrigan Teachers appointed were Pri mary Class Mrlei Butchers with Mrs Gilchrist as assistant Juniors and Mrs Elmer Intermediates Stollz assistant Mrs Crosbie and Mrs Jul tray asalstant Teenage Glrls Mm JE Mccague with Mrs Corrigan asaistant Young Mens Class James McCague with Stewart Dermott assiatant and Bihle Class Wood uwither Shiiton Mrs Corrigan and lidrsf Stoltz as assistants vote at thanks was extended to the teachbrs and oliicersoi the SundayKSChool or their contribu lionduring thc plist year Standihg at the Portal was sung and husinesa concerning the church was conducted Mrs Mr Butchers was elected secretary re plaEing Allan Corrigan who asked to be relieved in his report of the Session Shilton stated that Burns Church has 102 members 17 or whom are nonresident serving no memhei and adherent lamiliu While the churoh has last five airlines who have moved to other communities some new families are attending here Gratiiying reports were submit ted from the various organizations in the church The treasurers re port showed some $2400 as re ceipLs fromall sources during the year and $32464 was subscrilied to missions by members and Sun day School otterings The WMS reported sendinz $44491 to Pres byterial and Croabie Old Everett and Burns mission bands also con tributed over $136 There also was good report from the BabyBand and Young Peoples group Ross Hand insurance adjustor spoke briefly and the elections Replacing Watson Kerr who hasrnovedirorn he community on the anald man agers is Elmer Blakely and Har old Gilchrist fills the vacancy oi Stanley Cunningham who has also moved Allan Corrigan McCague andEarl Smith were rteelected or threeyear term Treasurer is Marvin Hand and treasurer is old Gilchrist Down THROW that BATTERY AWAY it because of broken cav er ease or post Haveit repaired by an expert andi éiéii Lhiwu in we Maww digeflthoroiech mound erm rez sumo tendrat LE Neesue assistant for floral contributions Rev and hire Shlitan werq thgnlred tor their ssrvi dingtort year Wald skietin In January meeting 0L Burns as held at the home oi Mrs Stallion la Alltslon last Thurs day with unattend with tamarind presid new opened with worship aim the hymn fillyFather Worl and prayEr by Mrs Kerr tollow it new beginning rthoug new ear by the president Faeing the New Crosbi Mada latiray read an article cohcerninl work in Angola nod rmemhirsvresponded to roll eall with velse containing Chriatfl outine business waa transacted antliavorahle reports of ihé years work were submitted Gdudin sealed by Mrer an infpresa ve worship service in keeping with the new year and Shiiton delivered the medita lion on the theme Christ using Whom do men say that say ye that arni closed with the Hymn ight Good Fight and benediction hy dev Shiltorl social hour was enjoyed Lunch wasvsarved Holy Communion was observed duringthe regular worship service Burns United Church onSun yandvthe choir contributed the number Bread oi the world in Mercy Broken Saddeh The community was saddened to hear of the sudden suing 013a beloved friend to any in the district Dr Walker 01 liston at Stev son Memorial Hos pital onSunday The late doct during the mansyaars hewas practising in Alliston endeare himseltvto families in this an surrounding communities Al though manydomands weremade his tinre pecialiy during tn ar years ea doctors wererat premium hEserved the commun and stayher Miss More ret Hood at Midland accompanied Mrand Mrs Sherman flodd oi Churchill visi at theflood horn lasthMonda Mislsj Murphy of Mansfield was the guest other friend Miss Janet McCague over the eeken Mrs Harold rpfiiyspen unda withre alives at tayn WéekendGaelk Guests oitmr andJvirs Wood at the weekend included Mr and Mrs SMilrie and Langlord1and Mr urward ot Simone and ac mounting motor for Employee Hart rbsnieris show in On Monday around 30 urn MrsD Mr Purdon who wasunployedvtg the Cppeland Milling co by ambulance to Toronto hospi lai The community wish him speedy recovery Mr and Mrs Simsand Mr and Mrs Nelson Sage their daughter Susan 01 fWhltby spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs Thomas Cooper Weekend Vislto Mr and Mrs Lloyd Knight and iamily oi Oriliia spentti week end with Mr and Fergus Rowat Mr and Mrs Gordon Row Lyn arid Donald prilila spe Sunday with Mrand Mrs twat and other relative Mls James Gizadall at Cold water spent couple of dayswith her parents Mr and MrsLionel and Mr Bob srigleyénd idion it Barrie spent Eu Mr and Mrs Lloyd 3a urned aite with Mr and Mrs Dolbert Ban nerman Markham Mrs RJ Gosaling is spending couple of dayszin friends crowss sundry Vultora Mr and Mrs Vincent Tor onto visitgecl Mr and Mrs jla Fraser on Sunday EMipand Mrs Sampsono lo lth 50 an Neil at Richmond Hill vls ted and Mrs Vic nd Mrs th Bér the Slime Coun Rdezation Agi¢ultur banquet Saturday Bee on see and Jack Ke tended theehristening or Robert resident opened the with Hymazsz She lntrodaced ajor Cooper of the Salvation in Barrie who sho film the woritr nlBEntleys Mrs Cochraneand will hel Mr andfiitrr Bull at Cooksvllie spent Sunday With Mrs olly ch ay ht project makingTs un erway Next mee in daughter oiCMr and Mrg Ray unease on Sunday at Anglican Ga oh mission Hugh McKay pr Grailswe wither and Mrs oronto with ilhe Januaryw meeti the Study book hltzh winds up the Mitchell will visit Barrie Congratulationl illord is very proud of its ee talented young ladies shit Constable and Sylvia and ith Kell whdwon flrst prize the vocal trio contest at the unionFarmer convention in To New Parents Congratulations to Mr QwenvEcll on the birth or their on oniriday Jamie in Royal tal Barri Winsmm WMS washeld at therhome or Mrs Girvan Sawyer Rev 13 rsiinstalled the new wicers ussellthe newpres ident was charge of the meet ing opening with hymnand prayer The ditlcrent secretaries gavrreports and thanks werere ceived droid ers Prank Hughes and Mrs shaft Sawye ior Christ Cards 01 bequest to the grateiuuy received from the late Miss Bertha Neilly Mrs Sander5waa in chargeoi the worship service KellM Todd well asais rig Weaver gave eline accounthut two erg 301 Saturday Visitors Mr William Kneesh and son George his wile Blithppt Vergena Vermont were ca lens at nald Kneeshaws and rnmentf It was better to approachtiiei lettered badly loss at blood but wuahlenfi credion ltidayevening at the the vmoiith organ iEJoystbil tfwo hasketi haxei had Tor nib woold be elected De Peie Brians were bad pl cred the continuedme hmm the third day Hé mire mi in east ral Wet Newlyweds Prieuik and neighbors in the Ermine and south tenth line gath homrseof Mr and Mrs Gerogle triligh lamp hope that relish the course witness shedii in their home thatMrs Tracy and ed willteel the warmth of ha thexxrlendswhleh John Partridge entefiained at th lyre andon MoGui island Mrs Mrs Wilbert 31 itqu were the deligh of all Lungh was nervedma bring the gtg to aclose méeting or the Farmers Un ion meal llZ will he held in the Orange II on Friday Jari 20 There will be aape Mtnesin ns Institute waa held on Jan 41 the Oililiol Mrs ilsogt Twénty in hers and threeylal ors were resent VMrs wasiri ehalr for the shut ins Pat Thank you notes chfldflm including he for chium presehts and one from the Sickychildrena Hospital or donationofsm it was decidedta replenish first aid kits at Miriesihg ind ternwasaecldedoh and com rnlttee of Mrs Jack JohnsonMls anetvit as decided to procure med tor Alan MbCartney for sav ing the liteoi smallchild 2Gloxinialpulhs are to be planted and given to shit ns Mrs Wilson iscmvener Mrs Mohair was in charge otgtheprograrn on Health The otto ch ay in itself is little sphere wehave but to round it at to option was given rnento children shestre$ed iovercometears and build up can iidenc To feel WaflNd loved fen learn most by example gtMrs Muir read number of Unitedcmapies Clix The monthly meeting of the UnliedCouples Club held on Jan10at the home Mr and Mrs Bar tendanee senton aboauntot illness Thedeotionalservloe was con terestin and We mernbers we deer 1y impressed by his time words In order to stimulate church numboi of tur ens must mngd am AMilhuraS voiln Loeai hece Thré eslngstatlon sohoals quilt pat andusetul brings happiness Childs Woods with an at 30 Several ere ah Dalton Jamey andCtzuneillor neth Handltoa attendedfan of the bank he repru eotaJroroutoDo sn jinn that cleaned nearher fluori Perv ard Dunlap minted con er with thew overseer Gilbert Walker regarding possibleremoval of obstructions lnthe port rred to during thewinte gtReedo mall spuroudayfthe township 955 were substantially increase we therprevioua year reached 3183 $127lll45 in 1254 Breakdown expenditures was yet tdbe camp by the or wing passed eachlo $20 handled through two banks ylaws were and to he dltierent Bettina GoesTo Clerk in view at the work connected wiih it doneby the clerk rm utionwas passed turning war to him UlDAlwitmded by the Fe eration of Agriculture represen ing 5512i the amountlevied in 1954 or the Federation Council hasrevertedtn the grantbasis or the Pederatio aathe levysystem had not re Compensation Bohrd regardingthe case oi ante relietee 01 county minis New Medunte properties were listed on the Simeoe Countytax sale Amounts involv were $lt873 mourns cares were acceptedrur rhospitaliutio and one wasnut approved Township insurance poltcies were renewed Reeve canton Deputy Reeve ermey and Clerk Howard Robin son attended the meeting or the Huronia andGeor nouns andMrs Woods named mm httendanceflhe club is starting contest among its members and Athletio rieiu Dunlap ler suuleieot sap their bottiea All others were reelected in cluding Mr Canton as president in dais supplied by the clerk it wasleamed that Medante popula tion increased from 2359 in 2444 Coma Aruiotntmenta Members Council were ap voihied toIBoards asiollows Early tramii Dunlop Jerrncy Vasey Brimage Woodrow Warmlnsler Athletic Eiel iermey Dunlap Kills lale Ath lit Field image Woodme Moonstane all Rhee vicwe sheep valuaiors mapound keepers who served in tooth wem alI rciappointed Councilpassed grant of $1010 Pelerdfing pupil at Mount St Souls public school who brought Ionor to Medante by winning the Zimcoe County Public Speaking ontest in1954 Accounts passed were Township $10350 Telephone $67770 Roads $727355 Aetive Road Month Dace ber was an active month orrro sexpenditures as work vasqarried old which had been held oVEr letter train the CPR requested Medonte snowplow employ clean tracks at crossings alter aassingglnpne case snowhad usedvaderallment more To moenow neranns onlwnnr you no sonar SUNLIFEVOF CANADA the rum and Annuities 24 flLAPPEETON ST panels hire 54512001 families The group will bedivid ed equally and the side hav the least points will provide St Patricks Day supper for thtclllb flhe next meeting will be held at the home utMrand Adams on Feb important iactora jinthe develop urers report etcq Wei glven Frank Coughlin of AntenMills presided tactile election or am suggestions for or er people and Mrs Wilson gave splendid Mrs Glenn BISO PLUMBIoliagZQ HEATI N6 84 DUNLOP STREETWEST fiiouc 3770 ductedby Bob andlat Masulre Kenigvr of Stroudgave an in thoughtprovolrlrig

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