Opera redialsingers of Torontolpmduetion ot Coui Fan Tutti which will mooted in Barrie on April to nature at thonanadian Artlm series cei errm the Noun Bicentennial Yearct me gt The amusing and beautiful or en considered the foremost worig in the compo comic opera realm will have as itastanvsueh outstandingyam Canadian sing ers as Mary Morrison John Vicklt era Donald Garrard Roma Butler AndrewMlcÂ¥illan ma Sylvia Grant Nichol Goldschmidt is musicisl di tor and Herman peigrnrnrei is gedlrector Pinno accompan intent will be providediby Mario Bernardi The complete opera in two acts will be ptrlnrmcd in English with costume and staging promising to makeit as outstanding on event at the local musical season as the companys presentation or Die Fiedermaus here last year 1a The themeof Cost Fan Tutte is love The title could be trans listed as All the Girls Do It The cast characters is small and most of themusic is in the form of duets 1rios quartets and othertprms of ensemble singing The series is being sponsored again this year by the Band of the Barrie District Coliemaie inst itute Hckels will go on sale early in February when campaign will be conducled locally Other ariists in the series this year wlll be outstanding young Canadian baritone James Millignn and the collegiate bond itsell which will be presenting the final concert The concerts are presented in the school auditorium Atnajor ï¬gure inthe new and enthusiastic Canadianopera world Nicholas Goldschrnidt arrived in North America in 1937 with an established European reputation as an operatic conductor He acted as opera director athuth stanlord University and the San Francisco Conservatory of Music and in he was appointed head of to Opera Department of the Columbia University Since 1946 Mr Goidschmidt has been thtI musicaldirector of the Royal Conservatory of Musics Op era School and has been largely responsible tor the consistently high standard of the Schools op erotic productions in less tnnn nine years the gchool has pre sented 21 operas as well as num erous operatic excerpt programs The Opera Festivals in Toronto since 1950 under his vigorous mus ical direction have made operatic history in Canada in Here Mots Thornton ihsiitlité Pans Earnin GuardIonic The Old Maid and the Title and Douglas Moores tlhe Devil and Daniel Webster both on radio from Vancouver and many other firsts from Toronto For the past several years Mr Goidschmidt has made trips to Europe to conduct operas on the BBC and in Holland and Belgium Herman GeigerTore has dtr ected operas in lending theatres in Europe and South America He was stage director for several years at the Theatre Colon in ï¬uenos Aires and the Theatre Sadre in Montevideo Before com ing to the Royal Conservatory 0p era School in 1948 he served as artistic director of the Municipal Theatre in Rio de Janeiro Stage Director of the Toronto Opera Festival sincc was organized in 1950 Mr GeigerToreis work has made considerable impact on the development at opera in Canada Besides teaching at the Conserva tory he is hrtistic adviser for the CBC Opera Company Last year he taught at the Kathryn Long Course 01 the Metropolitan Opera Company New York iSocial Wélfare Visits Made By County Nurses During December Simcoe Coun ty Health Unit nurses made 30 social welfare visits in fadditlon to re uiar school calls child health conferencesand chest clinics families lhenï¬elye weli men mg citizens other1 agencies etc regularly tryto persuade the public health nurses to obtain some material beneï¬t tor some amily remarks Dr Scott health urlitd actor in his mouth iy report We realize that are not dispensers of lood audioluthing but neither qnn we allow children to go hungry One nurse reportedthat she had itclephoned municipalclerk five times before she spoke to him The tfamily had been on wellarelor years but had recently becrtaken all because the court had orders mesons GOLDSCBMJDT As well as his work with the Conservatory Opera Comp Mr Guldsohmidt has directe any of the broadcast performances lot opera by the CBC Opera Company on radio and television It isa unique fact at since hlsarrival inCanadB Mr Gold schmidt has personally directed over pone hundred operatic per formances including the first Can adian hertormances or Menottis Programme the lather in pay Weekly for their support The father had paid Inothmg How cgnl tellthe mothers to thheir children milk and cod liver all they haveno money to buy them asked the nurse If obtaining material airth not rthe health units direct responsi Ibsiity certainly seeing that medi icai attention is available Ior child is its responsibllityndds Dr Scott ï¬n the familymentioned aboveone oi the children has bezn referred fromrthe Hospital for Sick Children Toronto for treatme Arranging iorsuch things is urgent and timeconsuming cams mensdhe Moil srnmi SILHOUETIE The silhouette for pr siimm andxstraightec than Fabrics are lighter inweight an moreIVaried in texture ï¬ndiï¬ié multipurpose ostunie isthe all tirno favorite gt 12152 Supper Feb 116 Tbe Yanuary meeting olAThflrIl ton Womenr institute was held It the home oi Mrs Reid with 25 members and two visitors Th presidentwar in the chair tor the business Nani everal than you notes werqreeeived bale usedvciothing hadhbeen sent to Scott Mission Toronto same clothes had also one to needy tamiiy in theneig borhood An invitatlpntrom Littles Hill Wiwu accepted The branch also decided to entertain member husbands Ind iï¬miiies on Ieh in at turkey supper Mrs floit was appointed convener for milV iinery course The program was in chargeut Mrs Black convene at public relations and eomnmnity activities She opened with poem on friend ship Mrs Reldffavored the gathering with solo and skit on work was presentedby Mr Black Mrs Bone Mrs Altmln and Mrs Jennett Mrs Campbell district president Kave an interesting drch on WI work concluding with contest on the hand book Mrs Lennox moved vote of thanks for lg fine program IThe meeting closed with the singing at The Queen During the lunch hour mus ical skit was presented The assistant hostesses were Mrs Altman Mrs Bone Mrs Banting Mrs BeattygtMrs Black and Miss Vanloor Detailed History Of Essa Township Recounred to WI Centre chpra Womens Institute met at the home or Mrs Rennick this month with ill members pres cntn Mrs Orville Dobson pre sided After the usual opening proce dures Mrspobson thanked the hostess for the use of her home for the meeting and Welcomed visitors Mrs Wallwin read the mine utesand letters committee was choson to make arrangements for millineivy course Reportswere given by standing ohmmittees Roll call was an item for the Twaedsmuir hook in keeping with Mr Rennicks historical re search program Mrs Rennick read wonderful paper on the history of EssasTownahip from i820 to 1950 starting with Cooks town Essa townshipwas named after the daughter of an Indian chief and wasfirstsurveyed in in by government engineer named Benson The lirst settlers made clearing in theforest west at the Cookstownot today Those settlers came from York now Torantoiiauowing the In dian trail through Newmarket and Holland Landing in order to reach their new homes theyv had to cross the big swamp jsouth oi Cookstown George Dinwaody and Thomas Dull settled on lot Con cessions and 10 SamMcCain Was the next settler on Lot Con ssion ii The nearest neighbors the new settlement werefive miles away at Bond Head All supplies Were brought in from Holland Landing and had to be carried on mens banks as the trail was impassable Io orses 9r cattle So it remained for years until the government constructed crossing over the marshy ground MrsRenntck told the dates and names at following settlerstromgt ireiand and tland and recalled their first ch and ï¬rst school both of which tarted in log cabin homes meeting was held in the esidcntsand Thomas Duff was elected to attend he meeting of the districtcoundls at ofVlntoStIyTisecular Music5a it EClï¬NTRALï¬UNiTEjD cHuRcH 17WEPNESPAY JANUARY kindly nian moan aosuurwm listens to Barbara and Margaret Whitingas the singing sis tars do number during dress rehearsal for The VASCAP Story to bepresonted unit the EdSulilvanShow This show will York He travelled to these meet ing was opened in Cockatown in 1847 Mailwas carried trom York to Holland Landing and than to Cookstown onfoot The first fairwas eid at Clover Hill in 1357 MrsLRchnick told of some ol the iirstindustrics and the names of the owners and the lirst cemeteryon the David Lewis farm whichvhas since passed into other hands Moore ivas one of Cookstowns eariyteachers He was the father at thewell known Nina Moore Jamiesonuauthor of Cattle in the Straw MrsvRennick went on to West Essa withil record of all the iorv iginal settlers Many of their descendants are wellknown today he spoke at the origin the manyglittie chu es in gold On tario having th uameEbenezer and the reasonforthglname1lto pta where Eugehe Smith great graadtather ob the present owner settled Mr5m passed away in was at the of 194 The records speak or rm as very Mrs Smithread humor allowed by God Save The Queen and delicioustea served by he hostesse meeting Is be held at thehoma of wireslg Dawson on he anoihe saiute to satiny or the great names in thehistory or popular music and will be seen Sunday Jï¬n 228 pm over CKVETV Barrie nioot Thefirst post nflice flashé Sister Alma Funecott ivas in tee Sistér Etta Fer son ï¬lth stalled as worthy mistresso Gold committee Past Mia ass Sister enstar LOBKNo 551 ucceedlng Gilhnniy Past Mistress Sister Ag East Mistress Sister Lunar Gliinesjobson and Past Mistress is now at th rnnuai ceremony inier TTOmpidnS auditorsz sister Mandalevorangelialiy llvlfstiiesl7ast Mistrem sisterMaud The installation was conducted Mumberson ister Shirley Knight by Blue Haven LoaAunderthe Mimi PM dir ction of Past Mistress Elsie 41 V¢IInu punyrm uw New Stud Stresses er More Missionaries Thei Ilanuar meetinx 15 Unity Auxiliary of Collier Strut United Grinch wu heldnlt ihl or am Dun lop Street mum Birth Aanonrm NWWOIMJI Carhgbell am Kline and In Waikerflwu in china years rtddy book ho Van ï¬vvfl ne mmnowrm wwflnr WV nzioisintbamglitaslaioaworld once War plug hit kahunaitoaslbdlinaliha Bavhun breech and rubsat nude ioorder irvmymsr own materiais can m3 Warliq 8t ram ahing duck was followed lt stressed the need stoolsten tum Strangers in Their Own Land was own This was the story or an In tram the reservation to the city and the Idiustments with which they had to cope The theme or the worship service was Call to the Missions oi the Church through Onel Vocation Mrs Lewis guest or the cvening installed the members of the new executive foriflu fo more illi Helreshments were served at the and ot Lhevcvening tamiis movinl VELKAY sank JANUARY SALE miners more 3304 ENJOY YOUR 256 vlswmo WITH R¢A vicr from SHAKELL ALEX SPECIAL SERVICE TO PROSPECTIVE BUYERS WITHOUT IRANSYBRT you are not able to drive out to us wewiii Nehru up and bring youto onr showrooms Willingiy Inc of charge 24 noun movies we orrm on Phone smoun snizi COLLECT do main 3931 min TRANSPOBTIO sea apruaar rcnpvision DEMONSTRATiZD no Voaummon EXPERT SERVICEMEN INSTALLATION cttaw exrakmncan IN canan aesuurs n11 WNANDCOUNTRYv PEClAL rudcrmsr 101 $2500 WARRANTY run one vmv VlfllEVEBY SET WE SELL Thlsvlnciudes any nrw parts and is in addition to makers urinal warranty ISHAKELIJS GARAGE LEFEOY 1m mantra iifaegvvaau cnoncniu ado arson Hurst and her officers run Mis tress Sister Baker Sister Cravyf ford Sister Murray PastMistress Sister Huey Worhx Mistress ter Miudé éemmens Past Mistress starCarr and Sisteranssnn Other qflicers Golden Star Lodgefor the coming year are Sister Gertrude Jennettp deputy mistress Sister Louise Stewart recording secretary Sister Eva Henry Iinancial secretory Sister Bernice McFadde ter Agnesr Wyne nastress Past tress arsetlus chaplain Past Misr tr Sister Thelrn loinpkins guardiaw Sister Irene Howey dirf ceremoni SisterMary shewchuk1irst lecturer Sister cttirer Isi Mistress Slste Annie Biggar pian Lin eel it off and have saignea dresso dressy bolero blouse and highriding skinhe neath is SisterPearif rd sisterHarr et 01 Sister EdithVHowe sacoh committee Sister adeléine gtMin AAyyrmyxyxxymyyrrr tin toshidndresses vaiu packed otters SSSWS GLEAB d8