Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 20 Jan 1956, p. 10

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vuiu VLriton durintrm LMNWIWWV With Mrs min Ar nihilismr with Mn Pub Harry Coleman and In Meir or Barrie and Mr In ways and many 1th Mellow Mr and Ill Mn liaise Mellow otBaitdn had her wn Harold Schomberl Mrs Whitesldes giro had been in Toronto over holidays returned to theAmmell Nursing Home Toronto Visitor Mr and Mrs Cabin Ind lun iiy at Toronto were recent Sun day visitor with Edward Webb Miss Mabel Edward at Toronto was weekend guest with Mrs Atkinson Mrs Gordon Patton and Mr and Mrs Kenneth Cobourn were re cent guests at Gronhel with rela tivto Waiting In Gill3rd Mrs Alice Dnnnelly is visiting her daughter and soninlaw Mr and Mrs Owen Bell at qiliord In Nortth Mr and Mrs Frilnk Gibb Joan mid Debora spent the weekend at Norlhwood James Arnold oi Oba is spend ing iew days with his mother Mrs lLDonneli and Mr Don nell From Cold Lake Alberta Mr and Mrs Grant Gilbert of Cold Lake Alberta were visitors with Mr and Mrs Tommy Maya and Mr and Mrs Harold McKilli run during the past week Mrs Torrenoe Hunter has re turned home irorn Barrie alter few days visit Mrs Bate Nunln Home New patients at Mra Batcs Nursing Home we Mrs Mary Moore of Allision and William Thompson Egbert Mrs Corbett who had been patient returned to her own home early this past week Course in Montreal Bill Lemmnn son DI Mr mid Mrs Lemmon isrtakinfl short course in telephone operation in Montreal Donald Smith son or Mr and Mrs Hector Smith is laid up with fractured ankle the result at iabogganing accident this past week Lelt For Winnipeg LAC and Mrs Morley Allen and the girdle that walks and dustl ride the girdle that antralsf and dounl bind the latter parentt Ir grinder Weekend Gusto me Toronto Mr Dove McFaddm tron flame Mb Berlie Hunter Mattias The Presbyterian WES met 011 Thursday Jan 19 at the home or Mrs Maya The United Churd annuumeet carur Cookuowmrand in will be at the churchon Jan 25 potluck supper will be served at pm Institute NM The uth Simcoe Institute are holding concert at the Town Hall Chokstown on Jan 27 when eaeh branch will contribute num ber Everyone welcfrne Cookstown Womens institute are having series of euchru during the winter he first one is to be on Jan 26 at the Town Hall All welcome gt Bowling Club Elrl Gilroy Gremlin 75 Jim Smith Starlits64 Dori McKinl can Harvesters 62 Hannahizers 59 Jack Benton Redranu 49 Mina Beeston Yank Hiiiii sng es Lloyd as 250 Katy Gilroy268 ugh High triples Lloydjluxhcsh G70 Katy Gllr0¥5fil High averages Bud McKee 184 Doris McKlllican 177 Team score hlgh singles Grem ims 1092 high triplesUGren1lins 30H Barrie Yiiiton Sunday and mekcnd visitors with Mrs Miller and Miss Barbera were Misses Joy Chila Ilon Florence Morrettaura Lu cas Beatrice MoQuade Jackie Sul livan Norma Heulsee tram Barrie Toronto visitors were Mrs Dr Kirkup Mr and M8 Tom Haixh Mr and Mrs RobertvMiller nnn family from Newmarket Mr and Mrs William NicodEreo and Mr and Mrs Charles Foster willow dale Mr and Mrs Tib Miller and children at Barrie United wms Meeting the United Church Evening Auxiliary held its first meeting the year Ian 12 at Mrs Arthur Coopers The meeting opened with hymn followedby rayer by the president Mrs man Minutes wizre read and Jill tiara oni limovemanl than Jean Coutts gt IM sl el Imflmfiflftom gnu N1 front angling nkiahwidumenpfllo to Woman new headlights 031 distinctive new hum rrualon ratio 01 96 to one new mama economy proved and the roll cal was swcred by 19 members and our visitors Sevérai rick Ls were made andlmaks read diiring thajmon Business items were 6de and Mrs Monkman went war the aim and obiteta of the WMS kers Oflering who receivedand edict ted by singing We Give But Thine Own MrsGeorge Farinook charge of the rahip period and opened by singing hymn The Scripture warmsq hyMrr French loll owed by prayer by Mrs Farts She thenvgave thechnpter lrorn the study hook Newcomers To Corrigan read poem Cone inn Born Mm Bohrlséhgave talklan her trip from Gennanywhichrwas enjoyed by all The meeting clay ed by repeating the Mizpah bene diction Refreshments Were served byoglra hostess an committee cars or 1956 ast residen Mrs Cprriga fraught Mr Donald Monkman lst vicepresi dent Mrs Kellogg anvice president Mrs Holt rd vibe President Mrs Faris 4th vice president Mrs Pearson secre tary Mrs her assistant Mr RCaldwell treasurer Mrs Pearson corresponding secretary Mifs Wheelers community trienn Ship Mrs Coburn supp Mrs associate mernb rs Mr Marling Mrs Cart Chri ian eitizenship Mrs Cooper Christ ian stewardshipMrs LE Hayes Missionary Monthly Mrs Fil dey literature secretary Mrs French press reporterMrs McWaters pianists Mrs Miss Irene McMaster PresbyterlmWA Meeting The Presbyterian WA met at Mrs Gibbs on Jan with 11 la es answering theroll call The president Mrs Brayrnan opened the meetlng with hymn and prayer Mrs Chrrie read the Scripture 1255mm Cards 01 thanks were read business items discuss ad and various committee were formed MrsH MeKillican and Mrs ier program conven ers ned with piano seleelionx by Smith anddoau Gibb The special speaker Mrs At kins mEmpoernaovaaiiPTIhfllP Km tatha Dynaflow traumaion and smith lyto255 Yul there The omeeting closed with the benedictionalter Which the hostess auisted by Mrsil Hugherservedilunchanda so ill hour waaerucye Recent Vhitorig Mr Zimmerman Dr nnd Mrs TLewisund Miss Jo minimum ujexteadernp th nun oi the in Harry Wain Joseph Ohleill Ibndon wu banelorthe Marni or his with Henry OfNeilL gt Mrzand Mrl liliamCulrilninz spen day with Mrlnd1rs Georne PJohnson Saurin ourts tourbent oarburatioo to more Saturday land Mia Mrs Andre and daugh ter arsha of Owe Sound were guest or Jew days with Mr mm gt Congregaqu Meeting The nhnualcongregational mee ing the Presbyterian Church was held on Jan in Hughes Hall with good attendance present to review the work at the pastye The minister Mr Douglas Fox wastheflchnirman and alterxthe devotionalportlan of the meeting the clerk or the on was cell on orhis report gt This report contained review of the activities olthe church re garding the spiritual weiiare the congregation llhenjollowed reports Xrorn allorganlzatinns of the church layHIE Meters 01 each department When all reports had been given and reviewed lt was agreed by all present that theeongregation again very healthycondition 35 arda nttendanee genera it spiritual wéllaie and yeijy sound financially Alter the meet ingyadjourned the ladies or the congregation served lun erall who celebratedhis 88th birth day on 12 Mr Averill is well and he rty and is veryactlve for man of hisvyears The com munity joins in wishing hlrn man yearso health and happiness lion mam naramwo inncn morons lce Foot Think The ice onthe lake is about loot thiek now and th lcgmena Ye beginning to take on eir supply MrandMrs MaaNelllnnd boys of mhhmonilltill were weekend visitors in town enema You The aleigbride plannedby Womens lnstitutehad tofhe pa Sanders has beiniia the hospital or few wee hope tor speedy recove he from until théofrjonuo treatments is the PLACE Yvhere yotihiDlAhAOifiiD ondoiher EXPERTLYEXAM NED CLEANE REFINISHED loiohk Iake All ihisis FREEoiidwijh thec9ri1piirnenisof REEVES JEwEtL RSI Zlsincé 1390 quirnond Merchdrits bring your rings rr today

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