raw flit oywrrwo 13 ï¬nmwtnrm9xgtfwï¬mrmer Arrxzvru an 731w Evsryexpgctdtionoi arequest to county councillor increased grantby the Childrens Aid Society was realized mhtw can belo ging to Toronto fish mah lce andsank maboutfm feet of watch 911 Station unday was salvaged yegterdaysiteri noon the own rs insuranc Hand Toront locatedthe cara 1955 Chevrole TIGESTEWARTPRESIDES Eh Ii OPENING Mr Justice Stewart is faced with the hearingoi 28 case when he up vs the Suprern Court sitting at the Court Hour Barrie on Monday Jan 23 Thislong list includes iive criminal actions ten jurv civil actions and idnon Jury civflAaubooaamu Jattccitinoiud rive divorce actions The Sitting will pen at pm on Monday with the appointment anddlilctian otlhe IGrand Jury Some lurymcn willbe engaged during thesitting andatlcast 00 withEsses will heard by the possible con the building County Council will suspend their sitting during the rstot Supreme Court Jury Criminal Actions SliPREM Tooze and Muir for defendant Motor accident Caroline Reynolds and Janice Reynolds infants lunder thongs oz 21 years by their next lrlend Lawrence Rcyno and the said Lowrance Bey ids plaintliis Donald Hocken detenda es Agar Amys Steen ondpasel or plamtitls Thompson for deiondanL Motoraccldent Francls Chitonce Arnott plain2 tit JohnR Maelsaac and James Klï¬night defendants Boultnn Marshall QC tor plaintttt Moore and Carter or delendants Motor accident Bruce Watson and Larry Wat son an infant by Percy Walso his next len Watson plaint delcndant Bouiton QC orplalniiflfs MaoMilian accident Morink Regina vs threc charges altcmptcd murdcr notjrepresentcdlod Regina vs rt Brown rapc Regina vs an Cliiiord and Marlu Ellis pla Clarence Pres dolandani David plaintiiis ol damages Clarence Coburnpial Li Davy defendant Bowerman tori plainti Wlii be Dr Bilkey tdherhair man 01 the nth annua1 gnember VShip campaign oitbe Barrie Corn munity Concert Associationit ha heenlannounced following pre parntory meeting thi eek lhe campaign will be onducted during the week April gt Cocbainnan R50 Chap 58 Samuel Simonds Side plaintle trading under thutirmmamc and style of Electric MOIOTSEiViCE and the said Norva Orser and Rohcrt Crichton defendants Boul ton SMarshall QClorplalntifl Hughes Aoa Amy Steen and $assel tor defendants Motor ac cidan plaintiff Community Cen ro organized and established by the Corporation or the Tow lot Orillial under the Centres Act 1950 and amendments theretop and The Corporation of tho Town of Grillin eiendan eld Wee of hen uToronto discussed various availabilitiesxln gth certvlieldl the1956757 seri Complete plans were made tor the spring campaign be launched witha under the chairmanship olMrs lager Aarsmr Mrs Paul treasurer ca quartersl Iwill torebn Dunlq the parks PE at th Roxy Theatre The second ocertht ls onMonday evening Jan vntht Beaux Arts Trio AT M0NA QBARRIE Bouimnis Marshall Qc rar plaintiff lIalncs Thornso Eug ors Ben on Howie and Freeman iordotendants lAncidenL Annetic Chartrand suing under the Fatal Accidents Act RSO Cha in on behalf of herselt and mumengor the 19th at husband Gaston Chartrend plaintl TJoseph Hunter and Hoar Transport Limited deicndants John Jn Robinett egg or plain titt Hughes ngB AmysSIeen for deiendnntsVMolor James Lindsay Mars ally Disin tiltv Hummus Transport and Turn to page thee pleasei Hisworship Mayor Eldon Greer conductedthe election 01 ofï¬cers at thcinaugural meeting the Board of Park Management on TuesdayUJan 17 Oiiicers elected were Chairman William Garner rooted to comer up th board by Thn charge of ill represent the theTowii Plan 115 air mng gourd and heliepmsentatlvc ire Horticultural ptovement Society The ParlsB rd will 100 trees ior planting streetsjn bo Horticultural 9161 weighted down gt with Mldland appointed ohairnian and the press were givennhc lvilese or sitting iniohdjrepoiting the proceedings 01 the committee Was conaid not at was topanyyillage to Council iandieit efliï¬d€flipï¬hï¬mly Milt thereport had been bro ht in as tom of appeasemen The ï¬g ures suggestedhadjbeens sick on theiearning ow £the munici palities gt Grairman WI Keller pointed out that the Mp0 had bee broughtin on hesuggestimibt th ister otv ghway$ Councillor Roy Hickling Vespra remarkih that thecommittee had notex suit everybody moved thatth port be putvtothe voe Councillor LaWsovn Robinson put forwardfan ammdmentto the pit ect thatt rebatesho lb all rnuniciphlitie it thé grbiip plan 19 the Farmers Union oeCount not Canadianboom bet tommerce was the night gt Mid Councillor yg couid oudlted statement egatcheplledvthey go Decisionthe Councillors Borrbw ston two votes Hood dleton gtNul Patto tw vatesEDbnisorlise Verrlere Thugmotion edflby clear majority Exports ot toys 12mm lap in 3254 reached momma about to Electr as or has gnetCh are as oils when the president the society the report otthe CA8 work for 1955 and Council on Wednesday To Cutler presented budget or 1958 Jo meet this budget the society askedtor grant iromthe county $227000 some indication othe inaction of council may be gauged from the tact it took three dilterentnion tionr before the matterTuar erred to vtbe ï¬nance committee or consideration motion by Councillor Hugh Johnston0rlllia ito the etlect that the financecom mlttec consider grant oi MN the CA5 was heavilydefeated alder grantno $190000 QdunUCnllnoil wm adjourn their aacsion thia bemoan ill resume again on Man 304 lho adjo ti faet that supremo wquIrt smugIn the Building Monday 15 second motion by Dalton Jer mcyv at Madame recommending that the iinance committee can to the society was also detealed Councuior Johnston returned witha motion to the effect that the iinancc commit consider the advisability or making grant to the CA5 This was uccepted by members the Council Dellclt Ignored in presenting the report and budget of the society Mr Cutler relerredl to the situation at the hcginningot when theCAS had come bclore Council and re Sétisfucloryi Years Surplus SiuiefAudiiors he County is to he icongrat ulated Dn having such reuicient ofï¬cials said Mr Jarrett o1 Glen dihning Jarrett and Campbell County auditors in presenting the report and accounts tor 1955 to Council yesterday Once again the Countyhas shown its sound being exnoyed iinancia position and has come up with very satisfactory surplus or the year Thcbalance of the surplus Tac countatthe endoi 1954 was $7 000 01 this $55000was 911w 4mm hWI¢VÂ¥ The lure the ever increasing plus 61121955 $65000 ivin total balance in the surplus account of $81000 The uditors were concerned at costot Ch drens Aid They elk instructions should be given to break down payments to the ChildrenaAid into statutory ahugau 01 the county and voluntary contribu tions by the county as suggested by the special committee No appropriation was made nor instruction givenrespecting the payment of $8000 to CAS towards their deï¬cit agreed to by Council in November iThe accounts of the society indicate adeflcit 01 $9M after providing for certain reserves such as Purchase of can mlcrotilnring an stationery on order butnot received The aud itors suggested that the total detieitbeincludcd in the law evy lem waspuhisherbt wen Sound Sun irom 1001 merger with The wtook the same postonih SunTimes The paper seven governanent ttle Iarms with iota lh auditors pointed out that thecollection oi hospital accounts lrorn some municipalitie eon tinuedto be slovtand iLticult prom3 Prior to Octnbe ast year 14 townships were owing amounts on this account and some the debts wentbnck tonmï¬l Tbe amount is $7485 lttlwould he hurrah could at together up these 17 think it could be done with the help at thevflree jthemuuicipanuessz quested grant o1 3184000 together with $16000 to maritime deficit of the Council had seen it to Rive $184000 grant but had dorm aothing aboutdhe 313000 deï¬cit The balancelol revenue over ex penditure attire end or 1955 had amounted to SIWM whicli had gone to meet part or the deï¬cit or 1051 whichhad to be paid at the beginning otthe year The your tiniahed with deficit 3912422 The president reminded Council that the society had come to Coun cil at the all session last year and asked tor an additionalgrant of 5000 tomeet the deï¬cit He unlt dersiood that this had been agreed to but no payment had been re ceived sotar Assuming the re celpt oithis payment the actual deficit would be $32422 Declining Number to Foster limes nlrnlngto the budget for the presentvyiarh Cutler drew at tention to the increased estimates or board amounting to $24000 He pointed out that the hoard aid ior luster homes in Simone County had not been increased since1951 The number lot taster homes had dropped on alarmingly 1110 ment in this county was or month which compared very un favorany with the rate or $45 per month paid by neighboring county Conseq ly the board at dir ectors leltvthatthe only thing to do to retain and obtain luster homes was to raise her rate to atieast slperday oaluaoyln Quantity Referring to blank on the budget oppositethe item maintcrh ancev payable by Slrncos County to 0th municipalities Mr Cutlei Your guess is asgood as my tth erations comes to In revie enue for 01 spdnsibilitles of Council asde tailed under the Child Wellare Act 195 would amount to $14020955 The amountpaid to othermun ipalitiesisexpectcd to come to $2758860 From the total these two amounts must be deducted the court order olleetions which would be about $55001leaving figure at 129515 The society estimated that the cost at administrationand protec tion work would amount to 55 mass making the total oncm rrohrerh In conclusionMr Cutler said Worshi 688children needing ldren telcasts un derlamtiy