Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 18 Jan 1956, p. 8

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things to learn Linnea conference Therewul be noiishermen or farmerglue lumberiaeh or seamen at unique 09m monwealth conierenesrscheduied to be held lnpxxord Englandnext summer The conference by thebuke oi Edinburgh will study the human problems or industrial communities Those apparentr ly are problems that do not touchso deeply the men whomake their living on the sea or on the land The men who work close to nature andthe earthknmw satisfaction in their toll that the rectory worker does not always iind in his Canada has been invited to send 30 del egates to the July eonierence which will have representatives from all parts oi the Commonwealth They will not seek means of greater production or methods or increas ing trade They will discuss fwhat can be done to give industrial workers satisiaction iromtheir work and how to make industrial communities happier and more harmonious The conierence is recognition of theiact that man does not live bybread alone In its attempt to do something practical about that iact it is uniousamong conierences committee under Trade Minister Howe will select the Chnadlani delegates from per sons recommendeflsbymanagementand lac bor groups in industry The delegates will be expected to spread whatever gospel they iind at the coniarence among their col leagues and associateswhen theyreturn The main value or the conierencethe Duke oi Edinburgh has said will notlie in thefreport orthe speeches and discus slaps Itsvalue will 11 in the gability the members to describe their polntsot view and experience to th benerit of others their ability to distinguish be useiul intheir Own speci Ultimately it is hoped that the members willhe able to extend their influence in their own countries and industries to the end that industrial enterprises are so organised that they term an integral part oia happy and healthy communit Canada whiehhas already solved good many human problems connected withits expanding industrial might is expected to contribute considerable informs Winbeoi fielfifii othet Commonngnltli countries But undoubtedly it also iiillind Radio and Television Radio the girl wonderol the 7205 hasnt been pushed to thesidelines by her youthiul rival TV reports The Financialfost she has just changed her habits bit and con centrated onthepast qualities which made her successiul The result Accordin to CB station officials steady and igtgnd phflvate lowing made upoi minority udiehc chine otlllltlizok for the iuture hung anee revenue will above preTV days pm Im mmt selective aiterpoon programsfilmed at wo Vmen increases in experimental educational and cultural programs otlessthan rity and more musical prog CBC officials estimate that radio still goes to close to 98 iii its potential listenin audience whiloTV attracts about 33 mail or this is accounted for by cate that TV canreach 759 adia homesfar more than are cuom an is the plcfiure hoses my mm TV has taken ver the living room lts estimated at only bout 25 orythe space The rest of the 25 in cars 20 19 in kitchens in bedrooms and bout still pursuing and to wait real estate te iol drmrai HnnLrvllle lies midwayfion ihe 70mile fringe purhopesconfidently in inesnew outlet atNorth spouslhility forthe extension at TV otinterest and action within CBC orthe gov lermined at the moment Muskoka an radios are scattered lies5uch as ours themoresoibecause during the by many thousandsoi visltoragwho bring wealth Mayor and Some more than rivate That bodyspeaks officially gold wholesl irnmediaie protest ea and Bread Pn in admd re other day inllegina lt nowggmts 10 cents loci This at iirnewhen Canada has nearly billion bushels wheat piled up ind when the price oi wheat so ior as the iarmer llcodcerned has dropped more than 15 cents bushel within the year The Childrens Aid Problem Grilli Paeket and Times Slmcoe County Council last week lame to grip with the problem or the Children Aid Society and adopted some measuresle may inventori siderabie eiiect ion the operations of the society lo the next few years The Comiclisvaction loll owed many years oi debste andconcern over are mounting costs oi childrens ald work in Simcoe ycars which saw the Countys contribution to the Society file from $13000 in 1030 MM in 55 Eiuller this year the County engaged firm management consultants to study iheproblcm and tosuggest means whereby the Societycould oper ate more efficiently and atlower coat The sug gesilons are being opted but the County is going step iurther tban the management consultants cdvocned The county is going ioclose upethe branch offices of the Childrens Aid Socier in Or iliia and other centres leaving only the Barrie head office Resident social worker operating in the districts where there are new branch oinecs wIll carryon in annanner similar to the Victorian Or der urea County Council makes it clear tha riocrlticlsm oLtho ChildrensAid Society in this county and iinds that it has beendoing lacorn mendahle job in caring ior the chlldm It also realism that theclosing or branch oiiices may curtlllsome of the work or the organization but believcsthat well organizedsysiem oi resident social workers will ensure that no really needy cases are neglected The real crux oi tho entire childrens aid problem inSimcoe and othercounties lies in theisct that being asked io bear aburden which Altab uld not To all oi real esiai which is the W159 County raleesits filmist Almost all pur poses Was not intended to pport social service geneyniordhe protection iceEls obvioualy aprpvlncill and ederal billty and not amunielpal one and until the highergovemmcnis recognizcihis responsibility the problem will always iace the County and its municipalities some Countiu relieve the pressure or expense by augmenting their funds ior this social service workihrougb ranannual canvass This was tried iorionly onolyear in simcoe and the successlwas not outstanding However bel ve that ii the Womens institutes of that some similar Commwide organization would adopt such an annual commassis their bigprojccl consider ho own prolt pom and now have to pay the full lost in any event thc County is to be commended on taking some bold aieps to correct problem that has iong been oi growing seriousness llpnisvilile Disappointed Huntsville Forester Huntsville entertained strong hopes that satis dutch1 television service here would follow the opening oi the new slailon at North Bay These hopes have so iar beenblasied The operation oi the new northern station has is Ammtsville wilhlittlc improvement in reccption and scores tlzcns who have installed Wseis anticipating oi the promised improvement are deeply chagrinech North Bay scrvee at this pcth has proveda isappointrnent oi tiretlirce stations located respective align Barrie and rth Bay Encou oasis we maoreuiarnuhcviiier re woui belassured when this groupoi locations was ole rcided upon Barrie andPeierboroproved wholly unsatisiactory and we were encouraged to put Pet Bay Thithas also proved allure What are the towns oi the location and import ance oi Huntsville to dol Are we to remain sil ently crushed because geography plays link with us or is theresome avenue through which lln to central raionb Ontario serving inadvance of 30000 peopIeKcan be expectedio arouse sense eminent oi Canada Television Canada is sol aidized by large films or the taxation evied on all parts of the country gtInsoiar as beje Hailburl ton taxpayersare tome expected to contribute with the more fortunate parts of the coun receive inzreturn whomnothing wami livtclcvision licensing is controlled De partment oi Transporewhich in reafi Governmen then that publlc organiza ept some responsibility ior service to on rust communi summer months local population is supplemented to Can iiuougb the expenditur sums oi publlctiinds ad rilslng Fr The galhlntion emands iniervéntioin by the munity andshould with pull less with emphasis and dete 17 opp Exomlri Fe lure tic Well who having macaroni casserolefl with mushroom soup and tom aio mixed in mid cheese on top You tell me what to do and lm sure can moire it Margarets eyes sparkled and her mother thought might as well teach her how to help prepare iood since she is so keen about it mm in will to eatll not to girl Banal hm will healthy lppeflied cum abns ol Iilnplo talk like floodlit Potatoes ior routing sonabe them arranging then on the oven rack alter little ero out illdob the centre lop skin and then watching the was temperature and the clock mining in loimporhnt In meal amouryen ahead so the iood willgtbe ready at the right hour coma wiih practice Boys are oiten surprised at the variety iood and the ease with which they on bepreparcd over the embers oi the cunoiiro Apples can be baked So can Pigs in Blanket smalluumes enclosed STRIKES £51 assTarps children Such re strikes be mo tion and piled labor giants the auiomobllo business must so said Mutchmor see rotary or ihevllnited Church Board or Evaogeilsm and Social Service in letter to Prime Minister Laurent Dr Mutcbmor cannot be accusedof being unsympathetic toward labor unionsand their de mands ior higher wages andcthen befiil 45 ent have usually been directed against poweriul corporations it is something new to find him now equally criilcal oi organized labor glauis That is as it shouldbe with spokesmanior the United Church or Canada whose mem bership is composed oipeople oi all classes occupat as in the Dominion gt Dr Mntchmor was speaking in bchsli oi rhosg people gen erally and the strikesmitten communities in particular domination lhewimme iaieuca oi Dr Mutehmor riticism wastheGen eral Motorssirik Oshawa and other points had closed down ior nths all the companys plants so put 17000 workers out oiemployment with the 10$ over $0000010 in wages alone not to mention the losses in trade sustained by the corn ynnd thg local businesses Union leader George Buli re shouldhave consulted company and union officials to find out whatthe strike ssues were he lore writing to th Prime Minister Leonard WoodcomUAW director at Detroitl said the GM strikers ere trying to get whati already the Canadian automobile indus nd hescoiied at Dr Mulch Thisisa big strike Us big strike by any standards nd certainly it is bi enns tat Canadi plying toDr Mutehrnor said he Highway 12 Woodqookreems xto 9191 In they will throw industry 1Mnltionlljeonnomyhio an fir senori depression or Mr Wonoooks claim that strike llaVvolautIryJotion Ionian memberlthat may in biscuit dough in avsmall re ilecio rouidoor oven or in the aiter being wrapped in heavy tinfoil There are so many easytoprE pare dishes today which girl or boy can get ready all by them salvcs The instant Puddings are great iavoriies with young siers There is nodanger oi little fingers being sealded because they are made by adding cold milk to the powdered mix child learns to measure the milk exactly and stir it gradually into the pud Willie may othersasflthe most Christian men alive today Dr Frenkhubach likes to think of wiih home to supportwonld willinlly quit his Jobtandrior poveriab hisllmliy irje oould avoidihwl The only rcasoosble excuseior such aacrilica would be heart4 or 0m in lllfie industries to day ad the neartlessness lsconlin ed to £1011 leaders who orginize and pr ipltaie strikes to iorce the employer to yield to their de mands They themselves have no part in the sacrifice theylmpose on their members Muichmor is speaking the pin truth when he 1ikenstbese hlg strikes to civil war ior unions have become so poweriul that ihcy can deiy civillaws iorclbly close down great industriesLdlsruptand destroy trade and lmpoverish en iitc communities ior viwhatr Chleiiy ior their0 gloryund Anybencijis irlnge orolhera wise thaiare secured laybig and protracted sirlkesare caneelied out by the losses and sacrlilees endured byline strikeraand thlil families is soynolhin oi the iruury to the local an national economy Dr Muichmor is right strikes must be stopped belorei they become public nulfliip andan economic menace Coldeaiei Reeve Gels Head Wound ponnwam fa though mu ing severe cuts andbruiscs onihc night oi Tan kiln an accident at his iarm in Medonte Goldwaters new reeveLawrenca Bovine con ducted special meeting otrcouni oil the neist evenlng He is at tending county council atBarrie this week ior the first tirnevas reeve oi poldwater himse as an Apostle to the li literatu apturing thern ding powder If Junior is care lies and use too mud milk the pudding will bersloppy or iihe uses too little milk it will be too thick Thus he discovers thatra good cook must read di ciions CANADIAN lies the Shield 100000 yenr Dr Laubach declarcs that bombs or governmentscannot pre ntthe ironn voting We need gy ii we are iosave the world Awar 01 um klndncss the strategy advocated Teaching people to read and placing the Bible lpiheir hands in their own language is his basiciprogram Dr Lauhach is teachlnx peopleairom agcelght to 80 in read by an unl que chart method and eachone teach one principle They learn to read aweekih simple story Jesus Indthe prodigal Son and in month Gospel according to entlyurged the Bible societie oi the world to sup ply his new éaders with ZU000 000 re Bibles annually than they presently produc To bring literacy and the Sc peopled 30000000 Christians must bemoblllzcd ne explains phasizing the necesltx at every Chapman1mm Finding ireedom to enter cou missionaries are the mopChristian world long agolt Dr Ofilneii general Turn page ten please Advertisers Dictionary is srawanr monasou cnui inn rm siau writh Maritimers were unable to put price tag on damage used by the Januaryzthaw and it will be months beioie the cost to business and industry is known Some areasoi Nova Scotla were stillloodedat the weekend as thexresuli oi rain and melting snow It appelredh be the hard esthit province with damage be lievcd to be more than $3500000 engineers utility companies and iamilics whosehimies were flood ed showed mature had dealtgthc east coast one at her most costly blows it may have cost Marithners at least $10000000 Floods and sleet caused property darn counted at nearly 337000000 The 1055t0bilsiness and indus try was incaioulable Iaimhercrs woods operations were cut oil and they estimated losses in the hun dreds oi thousands ariam WashedvAway in Nova Scotia damage in brid gas and roads may icech 0003 bridges may have been lost Many others were damaged Whaliouts onpaved and gravel highways will cost hundreds lotthousands oi dollars to repair Thedamage estimate ior all Mariiime power and comrhunicaé when it camezto the eodoi its run way Vlt struck the move aheavafI butioruinatelyzlanoing blow on thelcit side or the head above the eye Devin remainedco sciouslalid was ableto drch his the muegdaiaho oidwauus iactory on Coiawai Numerous stitches were inkenr in the head lio the lite tion utilities was nearlykflboofioa and countiess lines knocked devil and freezing rain in Sen Mex an Vera 0V3 WGIB flooded to oint are real iiiel ngriavoritediish discover preliminary tabulation of road The highways department said 100 About 15000poles were shattered alwagrcaiboonlnabusybouse hold You can hardly have failure with them even it you tried one teen age girl said with conviction Mother lets me use two similar mixes regularly Fri day after school orearly evening One cakeor one batch oi cookies which lcan use to treat any my own gang who drop illInd the family gobble up the real oi them Daughter sho be iuowed gradually in tuk moreand more responsibility ior iood preparation in she gets older girl discovers how much thought has togo in to makinxrout aloud shopping listShe often gains new admira tion for the way her mother can stretch iood dollar and by ab servaiion picks up many uaeiul iood preparation combinations Having guest oi her own ior tho ovenhg meal Mollie daughters desire to excel as cook WI her company IIIng that she plaill are pure meal comps or aeliliet some othermember oitho anally Attend iotho dish waahlnrchore that night Encourage each youngster to compile Cook Book in loose leai notehook or Card File in it iavorite recipes which gun he loll owed without misunccirom any one are written out ihe rea number oi Cook Book peeieliy written ior children 1th er direcilohs outlined step laystep But most modern Cook Books make no mystery oi how to getmeal ready Some oi them feature dlahs from diiiercnt countriu child is often intrigued by these glvleais are alien the only time in the day when the whole iamily getJogether On weekends my not make point oiieijingvron or daughter anara in news tlon Thus they make their own special contribution to home hap piness As they rnake one will RENI Copyritht Mr and Mrs Sydney Baud Tho perished in their homo only five blocksirom the Moyna han residence Mr Scottsaid arson was not the cause oiihe tour fires in which the 17 persons died Expect More Headway Neither party in the General Motors oi Canada strikenow in its lath week would predicts quick and to the conflict but both indicated etthe weekend they ex pected to make more headway io ward settlingit negotiators were to leave side issues aside and turn to hardcore matters in iuihdress bargaining sessions Topciilcials oi the company and the United Automobile Worku ersClOCCL were to take part inthe ailout effort to end ths strike that has kept 17000work ers and live plants idle 130th aides spent the weekend in their own private huddlea at De troit to review respective posi tions We Expect alittle dliierent at iitude company representative said We could get on to much better iooilng ihatrdocsnt say its going to and next week But we couldget onto anew period whenhoth sides are working lo ward an early end He caution ed however that negotiations again could slide back to stale we Robbery Solved Fantastic planning that went by wind ollnslns destmciivelsleef imoure largest cash haulincrlrn inal historywasuniolded at the weekend in Boston by Joseph Specs iQKeeie aliennames sus theft of 313192000 all sy ior homicides that COOKING FUN FOR CHILD

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