Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 18 Jan 1956, p. 1

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nday Jan rimindountyBulld nnro VGeChgltillfl Fairs Announce ProbdbleDciESg lonally arrange milI ISIIIl or 2021 Sept 202122 ant 2425555 Septo 12329 Oct 23 Barrio be requas rumin Al the annual metinxot the Georgian Bay Fairs Association held on Monday Jan 18 at the court House Barrie the following air date lor 1956 were provis Theoédates will now haveio so approyed ylocal lair boardsojt isexp2cted that some changes the blind libraryha rise 01 it since Court Judge Presents Annqu Report rHerKonor Judge Mrs Hhm ii naieouésiaisoiy To County Council For Annual Grants County Councll spent the rnajér partni their time on llrdsday con sidering the various lppllutlonl or annual County grants in the momlng two delegates waited on Council to supplement their written requesu by verbal appeal radarlion of Agriculture The first thueto be heard was the Simcoc County Federation oi Agriculture The spokesmen tor the Federath were this newly elected presldanGoldon Caldwell oi Guthrie and the immediate past president John Hughes GluYChill Mr Caldwell lexplnlncd briefly to the caunelllanxthe workthe cstlndustry in thenguhiy despite the continued increase at indus trial units He stated that 1am costs had risen iarm income had dropped Tn be Irrlved at by better farm man agement and better marketing cnge to the Federationand he be lieved that this challenge could only be met by an educational program to help more farmers to realize that there must be unity and purpose among arm peopl Later recommendation went torward tothe finance committee asking them to consider méklng County grantoi 82000 This was thcamount oi thegrant made to the Federation ofAgriculture last yearui Club Begum spoke to the councillors on hehali or the request lor grant to the CNIB He gave hrief review of the work being done by the CNIB in the caurltyhnnd quoteddlgures showing the increased demand tor this type of work The number Registered blind persons inthe County in November last year was 161 as opposed to 147 registered in March 1055 se vices slippiledghy the flCNlB branch line the county had also in creased Atth end of last year 45 people were making use or the the beginning oi the vicar The home teacher service was being used by 37 people in November 1955 in March 19540n1y to had been under his service In conclusion Mr Murdoch in nouncedvthat the new centre in Toronto would be taken into occu pation on Jan 27 and that tltree persons from the county had ap plied inr residence thereand had been accepted Later in qr grants Federation wafltrylng to do and its importance Mr Hugha cxl pandod on this theme pointing out ihat agriculture was still the largr solution to this situation he claimed could only The situation presented chill ring Secretary WLMurdnck Demands for the supplementary the County council commune 1956 HannaCouncillor Home Gib blns Wilkinson Cage Willem Nash Patton Hanna Hleldi Dalton Maurice Evans 30an Scott Rawn Uttlia Mi dlcion Devillo Gallium Wales Keller Belcher Calvert Beliord Sornervllle Booth and BridgedCouncillors Ellison Selby frlahzood Sproule Williams Nash Maurice Belchcr Johnson Verrieru Borrow Little Wales Dcvinc McLean Wilkinson Middleton Ganton Calvert Bates Beliord Down Hood Keller Mills Somervlllc Kinnear Robin son Evans Scott Curtis EducationCouncillors Habaood Clank Bartholomew Nasty Qucs ncll Horne 2Cagc Belchcr Elli son CurtisSprouli Borrow Batu es UnitPeacock Wales Trace Devinc Clansinn Calvert Heliord Downey Hood Hughes Mills Somcrville Kinncar Jermcy Rob lnson Evans Alderson Healthnnd WeliaHduncillors Johnston Peacook Habgood Wil liams Cage Nash Qucsncllc Bel chcr Johnson Sproule Borrow Rawn Trace Jermey Wales De tlne Belfo Calvert Downey Hood Bartholome SEIby Klnzie Somdrvlilc Dalton Llak Robinson Evans Cranston Clar AflICHMMllclllors Downey Sproulo Patton Dalton Johnson Link Maurice Borrow Bates Pea cock Trface Wales Cransion Little Jotmey Sclby Bartholo mew Ourtls Belcher Evans Mills Devinc Robinson Cage Calvert Alderson McLean Somervllle Belierd Nash Hood ReforestationCouncillors Gib bins Nash Klnnear chldlnx Calvert Quesnellc Johnson Lisk Borrow Johnston Klnzic Little Beliilél Walesr Wilkinson Mid dleton liermey Patton Rawn Sel hyDevirlc Williams Evans Bar tholomew Robinson Verriere Cranston McLean Somerville floodgflclinrd Leflaliflon Colin illorsCran ston Cage Somorvll AldclsonJ Evans 5ilison Hughe Little Bel iord Downey wllkinson Rawn Quesnelle Habgood Gihhins Cvnnty lroperty Councillors moxie Downy Middleton Nash Peacock Scott Wales Belcher Vcrriere Define Mcllca son Maurice Calvert Cranston BellordSomerville Sproulc Dal ton Johnston Galltnli Karrie Pat ton Bates Evans Hood 130th Printing Councillors Deviné BALLOT 0N FIRST Half an hour belore Bimcoe Countyléouncll were due to assembledor their firstsession Monday afternoon the pubf lic accommodittion lnthe county building in Barrie was tilled Extra seats had to be hroughtinand people were seated in eVery available place Many had to stand around the number and several hundred tilled thehalls outside crowding into doorways in an endeavor to see and hear the proceedings appointed Hm AdlaiI Since 1899 His Worship Warden John Small of Adjaia was elected Warden by clcar majority on the list ballot This IS the first time such has hap pened since 196 whEn Walter Middleton rcevc Flor was tad It is also the first time vim that the Warden has comcrlrom Adjala Township Call or Nomination fiwlth the full council of 51 as sembled County Clerk FredHun lcr declared thc proceedings open or the receiving nominations Nine councillors were put up as candidates or the wardenship Reeves James Patton John Small Fisher Gahtbn Arthur Evans Lawson REhlnsanr Leslie Borrow Alfred CageFred Kinneal3ums Wales Wiih the closing 01nominatlons the clerk invitcd sponsors to speak on behali of their candidates At this point six oi the candidates withdrew with the consent of their sponsors The candidates thcn standing for election were John Small oi Adjala Jamestatton oi Nottawasaga and Fisher Ganton pi Madonte John Sinall received 35 votes Fisher Ganton 18 votes and James Patton had 15 Thc total posslhla votes was 69 but one councillor was absent during the Icount Whenthe resuliahad been made known Fisher Ganton pmllosed that the election of John Smnll tn the Wardenship orrlm shouldfbe made unanimous and this was seconded by the third candidate James Patton lanckoi Courtfipnoe His Honor Judge Harvie administered the oath of office to the new warden and installed him in his seat In his addres toicoun cil His Honor drew the attention of council to the eve creasing Mills Verricr Robinson Hidling ContingencyCouncillors Middle tonPattonv Simone Manorcouncillors Maul rice Lisk Hugh Cage Devine Calvert Clark Keller Johnston Some 150 people had to turned away dis lack oi court space He poidted out that next week Supreme Court wouldbc in session with long list of cases which involved at least 60 witnesses and 90 jurylnen conse quently space in the countyjulldz tag would be at premium Jin asked that council might live eon ridoratlonrto suspending their les xionshould county business take them into next week until the position resolved itself in the coun ty building Romarklng that every ycar litl gation is increasing wlththe re sultthat thesittings oi Supreme Court and County Court conflicted more often Hi5 Honor lniormcd council that the Chief Justice was bb the opinion that thincountv should now take steps in nlarze court iacllitiea As judge would llke to ace this hutil am not urging it inr know lt would cost lot money His Honor commented Mnldcn Speech in ismaiden speech as wir den His Worship thande Shc monomers tor the honor they had bestowed on the township which fihe events the past low years would indicaterthat SimeoeCountY will see its grtéatest expansion in the llatterfupai pi thls century continued Warden Small flhe financial positional the county is lngocd shape let us resolve to keep thltrw dismorship concluded his arm by saying that ealized his grmponcsbllities jthnt woidovendatvortadciphisjcstr all time Devolloaal ekerolses were car ried outnyRev Newton Smith St George Anglican Church Allandale and Rev Cecil II Brenn otCentral Unitedchurch Barrie lemhal Congratulations Lloyd LethebbyVMPP for Simone East altered his congratulations to thc Warde was live heard ol him he is going tohring allthey necessary leadérahip and dignity to the Springit was hoped that the Go all would Visit this new buildln am sure you will be proud of what you have helped to create The finance committee has re conunendationgbelore em to co sider the making 000 grantto the CNTB the same as last vent Essa Townshi Counc hangural Held urination illeliuf accounts totalling sol193 were ordered paid at th2inaugural to training sehool 129 the 1956 535 Township The Gas had brought 1M hea 901 Alum To 33117111 ings of cases of neglected oluldren figure were accounts to he re are Court during the year rem madmananon or pub 319 rwardship orders had vheen well will Sm01 muru palltles ahove theminimum mad osof these gave wardship him 35101 stotalled $11 251m provided by Semi5 thé ll st irne 214 of the Wily improvement PW rash quid Henderso lithe presentrecommendations renewed exrstlng war mond George Elli pf Hus committee are accepted The Bradsfiimdm Ivan Caldwell and Turnbull county council Barrie ondoniiia mun wereappointed sheep Valuers or will receivea5llper cent giant this Over 71 was cg an or the coining year and Cole Ai yearCollingwoodand Midland la ganglia wlftaiifs unis cglglinmn Miles Elwoo JennetLEugane per cent andall other municipal as 222 the GAS limith Jennetgd £59911 Len mesmth assessments ranging up fix an eorga ight re to live million dollars do per cent in th domestic relathns aPFPlnted poundkeepers Baaad nnassumed levy at 28 133 tanlilies used the courtdurlng The school attendance lattice is null thls Will imean thatEarrrlé the year or the first Pme 164 Winston Blanchard of Alllswnh1jd grant arnulult t0 $343254 urban municipalities paid moreto ew adultgcms we pagans Ste oscelynwas appointed $20r1522 Midland to the countyroad levy than therur court undyo ese 128 involved rnunlcipalities Tea or the cou nonlsuppon desepdgps school board gt ps surveyed were paying grants Enew support orders Wer made sfimfivlwers in excess qt 25 per em lsion eorge unn and iour existing ordersrwe ied involving 51dependents in al William jBaIl Hugh Molaeanr Southeast div Thompson Nearly 332000 was paid de ndents throughpuie court oflice Mm 00 Ran Jeane Herfll or Judge manom llton polntjd out that at thepresi eot timemb luv njle detention quarters existed th timehe ing shelsas undertaken the duly Deputy Reeve of locating lace when ecessary xoi alchild elinquent to held yap andem an ntil the child could bebmucht attendance weré Treasurer acourtrhe Qatari Juvg Bell Louis Truax lenileand Family CourtsIAc states um detention home should he provided in every municipality in which ailuven and iamilyjouri is end llshed The lack or such thereevecxpte cilit problem tor fldngf theiprivflegg the iiceior anothe liton presented to County Coun cll on mesday theannualreport of the Juvenile and Family Court Her Worship was introduced to the Councilny Councillor Lawson Robinson chairmanjoivthe juvenile and family court committee The report showed that in 1955 287 delinquenciesdlajd been re ported to Durtoflicers and 166 of these been healtwith as juvenile court cases while the other 121 had been handled in counselling offices Thirtyiour children had been placed on pro batio to the colirt under the sup ervi at the probation officer Nine children had been committed remarked on and otle ed his sonal congratulations the rapidity with which The Ex drainer published the newsarld photo or the Wardens election NEWWARDEN JOHN SMALL Admin narvle Mr Small sine first Warden Township is swordin by His Honor Jud gt SPECIALROADJCOMMWTEE RECOMMENDSVMOREGRANTS FOR URBAN MUNICIPALITIES The special committee studying the possibilities of increasingvroad grams to urban municipalities lwiihlrrimlnuies otthe declara tion the per was on thestreet with the result pt thaelection This shetlcr serv1cetha weIget from our metropolitan les Former Warm Two tannerwardens Simp son warden in 1913 and 11 Epiettwarden in 1823 were called to tax the lace mtheWar dens dais Mr Simpson remarked thathe hadseensome good gath hing to compare erlngshut gt with the at this ccnslon Mr Epiett in ofierlng his chn gr ulatlonsjo the War en lnvsted dations are that municipalities with high assessments make larger contribution tn the county road placed their room beforecounty levy and therefore earn more council yesterda The report and money in suhsidy for the county reconunendations were tabled for Furthér by adjustinent sug iurther consideration today gestedrmrhan and rural cornrnun Jlheconmilttee was ities beghalting fairer contri the recommendation of the minlsr butions the county roadsystem ter pt highways ho was of the Formerly urban municipalitiescon opinion that the time had come tributed $1511 compared with whenthe county ishouid increase the rural contribution of $124456 the rants or streetsitn urban ilrh cumsninem at ecauseaf increased nurn ber of highways the largertowns cgtmrgymmmvgfio are less dependen nthe county W0 is ayor road yuan also offered and welcomed the loan ina survey at 18 counties the hair me town Baril commitlee Iound that with the ex caption oi Reldrew County Sim coe Was the only county the lnchormnlttee consisting otall th Th tting was then ad division ncth Smith Hector Turrilhull lsaac VSpeers All members oithev 956 were present for athe meetin iReeve George Also ln rold Zdeslre to seethat these rididreo brought before medo oz antinue delinquents

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