Lowe who may 46 10 YOUNG OANADIAFS nudel some pieces of clothing be ing rent to war orflum tn Koren andbelppnckthemon thelrway The picture oi ground child rm at AlrhKelweh knin near Sidon Lebanon ien was lomed to the Ontario division of the Rad Croat by Mrs Johanna Korlu who was the nurse in charge oi hospitals or UNRWA in the Mid dle mt Thanks to UNRWA the enact iook healthy although their clothes are rugged and they are barefoot The reiugce prob lem lngely problem at youth with morevthmi hail below it years of age The United Nation is not able to clothe all theehiid ren who must rely for this old on the Rod Cross and other Volun tary agencies énetys Bulletin Ontario Division TheCanadian Red Cross Society The womens work committee of thc Barrie branch oi the Ontario division at the Canadian Red Cross Society is appealing to church or ganizations and other outside groups to accept work to he done at their meetings There is also need or individ uals at the work room at nonun lop St East reports tlilie loco our airman rs mm Ch be contacted at the Red Cross headquarters every Thursday alternaon between the hours at two alld flve oclock or at her home The telephone num berisaatfl Both Honors and sewers are needed to help complete large quota and it is hoped that many will volunteer to help the Red Cross in worthwhile work now that the oi Christmas activi ties is over Sent Overseas work committee groups garments mostly for children which are sent to the League at Red Cross Societles which has warehouses at Geneva in Switzerland Marseiile in France and istanbul in Turkey to Joe ready tor distribution wherever disaster may strike it is because these warehouses are Wornms make the Hospital AUiniéry Hostess Night Planned March The Womens Hospital Austilifl oi the RoyalVVictoria Hospital is again planning HostESS Night this year The date has been set at Thursday March with Mrs Heifron as convener Other fundraising projects or thecoming year outliued at the rnonthly meetin at the hospital last Tuesday elude spring rummage sale aftea and draw on Hospital Day the serving of re treshmeilis at the nurses gradua tion tag day on Sept 14 and 15 sulaject to the approval or the town council and tall rummage sale Conveners have been appointed tor each eyent Mrs MMills is calling regional meeting of District No inEart and is asking rep resentative oi the provincial hos pital auxiliaries association to be the speaker The local auxiliary voted to provide lunch and give any necessary support to Mrs Mills Conveners o1 standing conunlt tees in 1556 named acan execu tive meeting held recently at the home of the new president Mrs McCarroll dry sewing Mrs Gable and Mrs aldwell cutting Mrs Elrick marking Mrs Roy Christie Mrs Bullock and Mrs Butler voluntary workers Mrs Hogan social host ess Mrs Orchard publicity Mrs Gable The were 26 members present at the January meeting Mrs Mc Carroll presided Correspondence included thank you letters from Mrs bloke ie Mrs StewV art aiid Mrs Badgley all of whom had been ill and trom Miss replenished with Red Dosegar ments and bedding that it has been possible to have Canadian Red Cross Supplies on the scene of disaster in Europe and the Near East in many instances within matter at hours Not by any means do all oi the shipments go to the league The need in Lebanon has been great this past year and shipments have gone there direct ram Canada Shipments are also going to the rellei of recent flood victims in the British West Indies and har ricane victimsin Yucatan Mexico Earlier in the year shipments were sent to England Norway Gaza Mexico Pakistan Germany and Holland clothing To Korea The Red Cross is now being ask ed to send clothing to Korea tor the children of lnohon and Seoul Red Cross hospitals These child reil range in age Irom one to 15 years It is nearlyalways nec essary or the hospitals to clothe their patients as 80 per cent of the people in this district are without means of support and must of mcessitythe free pa tients They arrive with nothing butlworn and insufficient cloth constantlyihg and are permitted to takeceivcd with delight gt 521 home whntvis given them in hos pital as once clothed it is imposs lble to send them out in rage Disasterrï¬ellct Nor dug the Red Cross orget the needs oi the people oi Canada Disasters suchas tires and floods leave many people without the necessities at life These are well taken care of from stores or clothing and suppll made by womens work Besides the civilian clothing made lor shipment overseas and distribution at home supplies tor outpost hospitals and blood irons iusion service as well as many thousands oi dressings are made by women work groups Help Palatine helium How invaluable the eiiort of each member at the womens work committees across Canada is can best be illustrated by quoting letter received last August tram the UNRWA liaison oiiicer tor Palestine refugees have recently visited Gaza dad wish it were within my pow er to describe to you and to each one or your Red Cross workers the value of the materials you have sent The clothes or small childien ale distributed and re blankets the ï¬rst gathering or the year gt president Mn Hum Wail4 Ice was injhe chair new war lntroduad by new Mrs Chuluchriitie and thank by the promo convarcr Mrs Vance assumes madman gtSavedlby traylj Thats the newest themc song not mothers who have discovered the easiest way yet to get breoklast served amid the early morning tamlly lamily rush Try using individual breakfast trays for each member at the Whensupper dishes are large trayr can be assembled and rea tor the breakfast marathon Plan simple but adequate break lnst menu so that nobody goes to work or school without the first important meal oi the day The complete meal can be served at one time and whoosheverytnlng goes to the table in one tripvia There are in camps in Gaza and in each one of them there is maternity ward Each mother receives or her new baby one of thcvcanadian Red Cross layeitea and onher cat is one of the very beautiiul quilts whiohyoiir work ers hove made At the foot or the cat is bassinet fashioned by the camp carpenters irom the Cana didn Red Cross crates when the mother leaves Btha clinic with her new baby sheis given special package of food and av layctte li is quite sight to see her with her baby onth arm and the load package and tile layettev on herhead rignuptial visit to the tuberculosis hos pital made an even greater im pression than the partlclpation in the mother and child program The liaison ciiieer round it dis treasing to visit the hospital its many tuberculosis pael but it was low to look down long length oi the mens and womens wards and see on every cot brightlrcolored patchwork quilt Everyslngle bed in the hos pital wasequipped in this tashlon and the small childrens cribs sported lovely coloriui smaller thankingthe auxiliary for itsgift in her Ihesecretary Mrs Butler read the minutes of the executive meet ng it wasdecided that 16 plan would be instituted for the social hali bouri held at the close at meetings Each member was asked to bring onesandwich to be serv ed with other members sand wiches plea for more members was made by the presid letterwas read Zion the OnJ tario Hospital Auxiliaries Assoclt latlon with regard to contest be ing sponsored in high schools Why Wish to Become Nurse superintendent Miss He en Shanahan and Clinical Instruc tress Miss Lily Metcalie to pub licize the contest gt Mrs Lewis presented the and itors annual statement prepared byMaurice MscLaren treshments were served piece at every mhmbers Christmas cake and cookies were enjoyed ¢r Chiropractor Gives Talk To Kinetre Club Dr Hartley Tuck chiropractor was speaker at the meeting or the Kinétte Club last Monday evening The topic he chosen was pro iession Members met at the home oi MrsGeorge Lunau on Nelson St this month with the vicepresi dent Mrs illiamdackman in the chair eportwaa given on the distri butio ot Christmas hampers by the Kinsmen towards which the Kinettesdonated $100 Several memlbers were usy knit ting parts of Layette bemgmade tor the Childrens Aid societyu Molly the hospitaldietieian Itwas decided to ask the osplgai At the close at the meeting re secretary Mrs Dowuthwaite RR Through the Yearst Wifh Quilts And Rugs Fair Theme Through the Yearswitn Quilts and Rugs will be theltheme the eighth annual Simcoe County Quilt and Rug Fair being held oh July 25 26 27 and 78 The locale of the fair this year wilLbe Coll ingwood where the excellent tac ilities oi the exhibition buildings are being made available iorthe event The main hall isrpacious and airy andwill provido plenty of opportunity Am the expansion thejair and for the develop mentol unusual exhibits to illus trate the theme An excellent committee with representatives from different parts of the county has been torm ed to makearrangements for the popular project of the Simcoe County Arts and Crafts Associa tion Thesexecutive whichwaa elected at recent meeting is as European Travel Talk anci Slides Entertain FWTAO Christmas meeting of the Fed eration oi Women Teachers as eiationioi Ontario Simcoe branch was held inHiilrrest Sch ol in the form or dinner The teachcrsbi Hillcrestirn erL the convenership offMrs Neuie Hall had decorated he auditoriunr on Christmas eme and the tpbles were attractively set with centiepiemg and tapers Mrs Joan Winter led El gi song accompanied at the piano Mrs Holloway gt After short business meetnig Stayner treasurer Mrs Cranston Siayner Tiiecommlttee urges everyone to begin now tozlook for autiientit pioneer quilts and rugs and those using designs oi the 18th and 19th centuries Artists are encouraged iollows Chairman Mrs Kells Cpllingwood vipeohaimiah Mrs Spearing RR Sta todevelop designs tor quilts ole modernï¬avm or some that wn lo illustrate historical legends llle county heiuldr iWondcr values of the sea ens 10 liest Nylons Dacron blousesl Pain and hOneycoinb ioadclotbs Crepes Sharkakins and Jerseys Shoit and irion xleevestyles tone astels in izesrjzv the trayi You may evenhave some early morning television fans wholl want to enjoy their morn ing meai jhotel style in front 01 the widegtopen screen Noextra preparation ior themsame ahead oltime detnilaesamc nourishing breaktaatlust dltlerent destin ation when the breakfast bell says 50 Breaklast must supply air share at the days load needs It should consist citrus trait or juice bacon or or some other proteimrichloo enriched white or whole grain bread toastrolls or muiiinsanilk ior children and tea or entice tor the adults it de sired Extras like lam marmalade or honey cango along or the ride it all the essentials have been lnA eluded dirst gt Made to order or boy break iaata ate tasty BACONMAM AliADE R0135 Let the broiler toast the rolls whll bacon sizzles in the panSpread vorite merm aladc on th hot buttered rolls iilieach to with crisp bacon sliccsand theyre ready tor easy munchingin any roo at the house Avcool glass oi Lruit Juice and milk or hot cm to top it all oil mlaelle E0 soonilp be boasting brealdast marathon nutritionawise Youll that the mad has taken on the akerMlss Margaret Sin clair pinustrated an inter travelogue with colored ides Miss Sinclalr travelled through Spain ltalwrrance Switzerland England and Scotland last summer Everyone enjoyhed seeinggic tures of places ich are so am iliar in history and literature such as Shakespeares birthplace Rommholyrood Palace Gibraltar Cannes alid Pompeii Thinkfwere extended to Miss Sinclair tor not interesting and inlormative lecture by Miss Nora Deliart The president Mro Mac Ieiinancxplcsséd her appreciaA the excellent arrange Miss one Simpson thanked Mrs McGuire who catereddor the din ner this minuteminded meal pi and the llillcrest teachers ltwll Plannédbnyewf Flos WLZMembéréf luaur W191 no Womens Inflitute our held on at the helm ol Mrs sum neon ytlth 15 macro HomelNursing HintsSubiectï¬ mom when ivyvWlPaper The lanuary meeurtg oi Ivy Womens Institute was held at the homo of Mrs Jenneit with 14 members pruent no Earl Reid the president was in the In ere cake to keep two dates inlaind the filh ot the lnsu the distrlctmili presente nceih In kaatown Holland the lttbpt February when Jendeti will have an open night for detail Deere mummy lily W1 will We sandwiches coulriesund oil at that meeting am McVanel convener of health and homejecononilcl was in chargedtile programsMfl Illallvsinarsl Criap contrast ot collar and calls set at the floure tlattering lines or this new basic ll youre Shorter fuller want to look slimmer and taller choose narrow vertical stripe or this Simple tosew Pattern 4850 Holt Sizes 14 18 1310h Eli 21 Size 16 takes yardsdd inch fabric it yard contrast This pattern easy to use simple to sew is tested for tit lias cm plete illustrated instructions Send THIRTYFIVE CENTS 35c in coins sinmpl cannot be accepted for this pattern Print plainly SIZE NAME moms STYLE NUMBER Send order to ANNE ADAMS care of The Barrie Examiner Pats tern Deptl so Front St West Toronto Ont new look in who house The im swer lBreaklastonaTray baconminimum nous wiener buns or bacon rolls this butter or margarine tablespoons marmalade 12 slices bacon Spreadbun or roll hnlvéa with butter one teaspoonxpcr hall Toast iln broiler untih golden brown Cook bacon until ctlsp but not dry Spreadrolls with mann alsde one tablespoon per roll and hue two slioes cookedhuonin eachrolL Serve immediately Yield baconinannalade ï¬t is es ask you to to lunch oldvrnan ldnt value your friendship for their hospitality meeting Mottln and Mra Bert McQtnyreadon article on New Years Resolution Her main advice was to et love truth loyalty andyldndness rule our heam Mrs George Carmthers read ing entitled flharos Nr Place Like Home recounted the per sonal experienceore person whore family came to visitand under iook to dispose of all oldiedhioned articles some still useful but many Just kepiilecauseol arso ciaiions Stranze to say the re sult was appreciatedby the old folk Hints For The Home Nurse was the subject oi Mrs MeVanels paper which contained soverai use lui suggestions onhow to make sick person more comfortable and contented Cheerful turtmiudinis weliventilatedquiet at tractive nourishing men and neat tidy and amiable nurse were row of thehlxits Some houses hold hintsand contest closedtbe Tea nostehsurwuo Mrs it Jennett Mrs John Hosanna Mrs Hogarth The razltlueuchrevpariy will be held in the school onMonday Jan la The committee iti otm was made up or Mr andjm roe Carruihera andlur mantra Haggarth sm monaass Sprain its this your become ottemoonor cbektaiidiessesmen ly by the removal of jacket DISCREEI CHANGE slim sheath town dress can become festive enough Jor after dark by theaddiilon of an obi sash or an apron overakirt plusdis creet changes or jewelry and one visitor present GM Ni and Mutation wartb lop tortbomth non call was mend biim in am inOntsfio and name thitil mauleluted there Th cleaner iiituned thd MM 10 speak wisely may not always be nambutnottolpeakillrequiru only silence ltwnlmoved descend an cut the branch on Federal tees and that members send remndnta ï¬rs Vlaey gave re port ot the flesh 11 together which had been sent to Limit and other at Christmas time amber ot thank you oota ind been received Thirteen flame gapecountry xubscrlmiaa were it on atlnbunced that the san coo Quilt and Rut Fair wouldbe held in Coiimgwood thinner tram July 2528 nte Instituta is to make quilt andtho pattern wes discussed Each mfliibï¬Wll 01 called to bring two blocks to the next tneetini at the home of Miss Mary Mulroy on Feb 14 It lavas deï¬id Sc even rig at hool this in day night the members to biing leach and prizes for bingo enchre Mrs Steve Rawn read immin ieresting papers op the topic DeVelonmen oi Democrch Citlam an nnartiele trolli 1941 Home andCouniry about the institute 50 cars Creek ago at dtmey Mrs Bert Kenny conducted context on Animals Flowers and Insects The winners were Mrs Cline Rawn and Mrs Aachle Wan less Miss Gladys Vineyl reading was entitled There Was Time This was followed by community sngng din is Dell 1li Days and The meetingclosed with The Queen Mrs Rawn andher com mittee served lunch There will be an exchan Valentines at the next meetgirlgj ZELLERS CORDUROY Suéper Special Sturdy on din Corduroy Overalls comiortable tbr childrens everyday wear Bibrant has cotton dining Ladderback straps button on Button op ening at side Brown blue green wine and red Sizes 249 sancva moon ms Pg ZELiLBRS LIMITED 80 Dunlop ELI Pit £439 slouchshown bowl ElellrTheliaclld Great January Sfale pensions inn riparound quutia mm plalroutlynt and and room Iideooéket sum plagdjitb arm Isle deep Man an quart suited ens airvi en Lil htllituu tuiiriln with tank we ith humanla nech trqr bias with also thin am or nlnalnins lainxi amount and loan in man at front panel manpowernet idc sections and satin elastic back its just the start ed lean bodied look goal tohoidllocial