vorraanrriom may 15 LoverHAr DEFIED5000YEARSV WlillAM JENNIFER HOLDEN Jouisugl LOVE Is MANYi mm ENTERTAINMENT EVEHINGS ADULTS MATINEES ADULTS 154 Tax INCLUDED 50c rhx INCLUDED cmiprum ALL TIMES 25 TAX mandolin TTHE MAN FROM ARAMIE EiiE KENNEDI youll never min mil mm Cathy cw onormm Ales Mme HICOL MacMAHON binsnagged Itciilcbwn rrlus Fox News AND cannon ZGnhALn MC norm sonic SPLAYERSTH EATRE Anita Insva torSale lvers Hryou have drl safely you are ltled to know about mishaps at Auto name SERIOUS SITUATION From Where we sit it looks like the government still refuses to ac cept and race the tact that the western farmer is in serious lin ancial difficulties If it wasreal ly alive to the seriousness of the situation surcly closer chack would have been kept on the box car situationsVulcan Alto Ad vocate MANY woinN wonxnits 01 every 1000 persons employed in Canadian industry 225 were womenlnwï¬i gumthe parliallybuillaew pushedaool brought nah at quationaandbumnentatromuv enltrulleea at sani tiinc Thattheehuodiawnotconstrue din pany Lil on mum un tbecase the new school all anew contractor as appointed hasresulted in complu problem or the incoming Board was quick ly established Wei Dlnhy who in his priv ate capacity hs Goldwater account not or the bonding company baa been in close touch with develop ments rccommended that the board obtain legal advice Be pro posed that William Moore oi OriIIia he engaged However motionsponsoredby Trustees Galbraith and Wor reii Was passed appointing Oriliia barrister Paul Copeland as iegal ndvner oi the special problems caused by the construction ini passe The motion appointing Mr Cope land to advise on the school sit uation read That the Board ob tain legal counsel to determine the praent state at allairs with respect to all contracts entered in to previously and their value examine bond guaranteeing con struction oi the new school ex amine all correspondence since the appointment the architect and adviso the board with regard to all matters relating to the new school construction Full Board Present complete Board was present for the ï¬rst time since early last year Inaitendance were Charles Danby who served all last year Mrs Bernice Williamsonl in oiilce or several months in 1955 filling vacancy due to resignations and elected at the second election in December Ammelumerwno also served part of year in 1955 and was acclaimedin December tor 1956 Donald Galbraith ln oflice lorthe first time by acclamation and newcomers Fred Brown and Henry Worroll elected at the recent election to ill three vac ancies The retiring chairman Allan McKay assisted at the inaugural Mrs Bernice Williamson was appointed 1950 Smart chairman pointed 1956 board chairman Previous to her acceptance at the chairmanship one 01 the new trustees Henry Worrcll Sn had been elected chairman wlth cast ing vote after split ballot hut rdused to accept the position Charles Danlhy had also de clliied to assuniethc chairmans post due to prostate Other work Chairman Appointed Alter Mr Danby had withdrawn nominations were entered for Mrs Williamson and Mr WorrelL When ballots were counted each had three votes causing tie reier ence to the Act for procedure on casting vote disclosed that the trustee with the highest sessment would have the de elding vote Mr Danby design ated on this basis said he favored Mr Worrell aschamnan Trustee Worrell made it clear that on the grounds of no previous experience on the Board he would not serve as chairman this year Mrs Williamson said she had only been on thehoard few months in lBSSbut would take the position The iiiiisincii Chili wish to announce that Menuhin Murine vandBrowa as committee chairman amhudwmm tee alohan Building main lace Trustees Warren 71 ï¬nance Danby Galbraith Mr McKay explained tho member oitbe Board wouldbe expected to deal with problems as they arose William Harvle was relta ed secretarytreasurer at salin ol $5 per month James Emaile was reeogaged ashcaretaker and truancy cflicer at his present rai ary $20 monthly taxcaretaker and so per year as tenant ofï¬cer Dhatiaiaction Euroed Dissatisfaction over some aspects the new schools twnstructiantv date was expressed by Trustees Worrcll Galbraith and Tucker In connetian with reported chairs in the walls Trustee Danby laid local rcpresentatiize otthe bonding company on duty at the school Walter Lovering had expressed the opinion that the cracks were not serious Temporary heat is now being used Mr lianhy stated Questions regarding the situa tion and the boards responsibil ltles were not DWSBdln view or the lact lawyer is being em ployed toadvlse the Board Lien oi Booting Finn Chairman Mrs Williamson read information regarding 1ienby the Long Branch rooting lirm ot Robertson and Sullivan who had not been paid $118551 lor rooting on the ncwyschool Inlorrnotlon supplied Trustee Danby and the board socretnr slrpplieddnlorniation in connection with the new school since thetlnanclal failure 61 the armor contractor The contractor was bonded cl 385000 the total amount at the school contract by the London and uncmhlre Accident Pentium1 and Company had with held approval at the lastiiraw submitted by the contractor amounting to$alt600 until the subcontractors were id The architects due to ve about $5000 in all have been paid $2 955 todate Mr Danhy is preparing an up todaie audit or the financial posi tion at thcrnew school tor the bondingcampany lhe latter are endeavorlng to secure contractor to complete the construction TheBoard will advise the hold ers of the lien also hhamplï¬ln ReadyMix who are medmï¬ that the bonding company are to complete construction and the alt nationls to be reviewed by lawyer Budget Forecast Tc help arrive at an accurate budget iorecasth Mr McKay said it would be advisable to learnas soon as possible it there would be any changes in thegpresent teach inu stall after the end oi the June term gt1 any neuflteachers were required their nualiilications might require higher budgettihg than would be the case otherwise As some intormatitm on existing religious education services was lacking the matter of an honor arium to clergyman for giving in Company Contractor DenBoer ceased work about Dec and receiv Section 2Poges to 14 lid Report Cenlre Simeoe Childrens AidSgtieiyIShows Immense Amodni of Work Done ihe workaround vol ra in the Centre Emooc oi the Childrens Aid Society keep on with dich ever increasing eadi year and the average citixar is not awdre the responsibilities and the amount or this ranch needed social service accomplished nudlly and quietly recent re port of the activities fornlï¬‚ï¬ tells the story aid is summarized here Post chairman is Mrs Cameron Her succeswr lor in is Dr Delaney vice chairman Tony Denarle secretary Mrs Forster clothing conventrs Mrs Fred Campbelllapd Mrs Kal W01 LEO WY Barrie cgimental SergeantMotor or Lhe rd Canadian Field Ambulance Unit ECAMC spent merry Christmas in Korea writing on the 58th Parallel with the British Commonwealth Forces National Detence Photo structlon in has was heldon the next meoth Bequlaltion clerk For Funds motion was passed authorizing thé secretary to requisition the village clerk for necessary funds topay teacheis salaries and carry on the operation of the 61001 un til the 1966 budgetfunds bet available According to Mr McKeyteach drs salaries nrelpayable thejiast Friday at each month and mustvbe paid by the last day in each month Alter discussing the moat desir tbic day on which to hold the reanlar meetings motion was passed setting the second Wednes day in each month Taken From Special Fund Explaining number or expendi tures at the end of last year Mr McKay said an outlay at $274 tor relerence book was taken from special fund made possible by tho Frost governments grant at $4 peg pupil ng balance or money iromthls grant laln special bank account At the close at the meetingthe Board thhnked Mr McKay or as sisting with the inaugural Iv Keith nobinson Goldwater was present to advise the trnstees that he representedla flnhclp ï¬bie of supplying furniture needed or the new school and couldoh tplna reduction in regularrcost or ny items bought The matter of rnlture was deterred to later meeting Snnply Teodien In connection with ttheed or supply teacheis secretary Harvle said only one response had been received to an advertisement Mrs Lloyd Taylor Ma ed ad altered to assist The board with information supplied by Mr McKay discussed the rate at pay or supply teach eï¬ which has been $150 per day en this ratei wasoriglnally established lt was fairly well in line with teachers salaries The teachers have since been granted incrases and there was zenral feeling the $750 ratevVas toolow Tlie trustees put through mo tion to Erase the rate to $10 per iii owns onnllIZHTlill The South Simone County 4H Grain Clubs fwlil hdldIVthelr or ganizationmcetlngs an the following dates andplaces sham Simone Mr Grain alum January is in pjnf atthe Conkslown iii animalii Januaryll Lin Agricultural 0H1 Alllsian Hughes Hall Cooksthwn anuary iagamo pm sons of cotland Hali Duntroon Members may ejhoys and girls 12 to 20 year age For lurther hformation attendone oi the rneeiings or write the Agriculturah ce Allision Registered Rodney Oats will be available so apply early dntdribllepartmen iii Alliston no Notice nist Thecouncil oithe Corporation of the Town oLBnrrie intends to ath iiViPROV mm hone constructa local improvementrthe under entlonedworkinfthe tollowing named street between 7th polnts hereinaiiter mentioned rind intend to special asses th cosl upon the land abutting directly on the work namely gt STREET OPENING otthe said workand any at Vincentsltg by the wnermay Within 21 da hlsobjegtlcm to the and work being ghln vqiimteer drlve convener Mu Forster or special pro jects Mrs ErCameron and members are Mrs Hook Mrs MacPhcrson and Father in clothing report at Mrs Fred Bolett tore 1955 the had re commended some adjustments since 1954 with committee or simmer and supervkorhr sew Ing and another or knitting Dur ing the past year MrsEplett was responsible our all the knitting and Mn Alan Byers all the sewinz but unlortunately Mr and Mrs Byers have moved to Montreal and she will be greatly missed by the branch During 1955 lnaddition to many articles of clothing dona ted by generous citizens they tumed in knitted layattes using some 176 balls 01 wool as well as nightles and diapers and she thank ed vallwho had made it possible to meet the demandswhich keeps growing Mrs Forster reported that vol unteer drivers had assisted in tak ing children to medicalzarid dental examination including six TB clinics and tendental and medl eal clinics Mrs MacPherson thanked The Barrie Examinerand CKBB for dieir wonderlul cooperation in the past year Mthout these two services we would be greatly hampered in our work she stat MDealt wiih The slatistical report for protec lioner Jami 1955 to Nov 25 1955 shows cases Vere open on Jan Through the year Wrwere opened with Barrie 25 Essa 10 lnnisill 13 Vespra Flosz and 0rd These entailed for the l03 cam day whichwlll be payabledurlng 195811 two supply teachers Mrs Ross cumming andMrs Tav lor and any othersyvho may be added Allan McKay advised the trus tees that the budget for the com ing year should he prepared and placed with the village clerk by the endot February in DlAL 4427 or gt OWEFIDEGs hahdled with no children involv ed no viaita plid mon in terviewl and illusion calls Under the Marital Causes Act ohaneeoi divorce actinn 20 cases were opened during the year and Bncan Jan 1955 Time in volvod £5 children and called for vlsltl 25 office interviews and 11 telephone calls Ten were from Barrie lnnlaiil Vcspra and Flno one Over 456 legal Karim were completed on those Family Allowma mutilation ln Farnily Allowance investi gations were nine in the year and live on Jan invoiva 25 child ren with 15 visits paid oiilce interviews and 12 telephone calls Barrie had Pics and Vespra Essa Innisnl one each On school attendance collegiate 33 visits were paid oiilee inter views were 51 and telephone tails 28 Unmarried Mia Caron Under unmarried parents class there were 55 cases as at Jan 1955 were opened in the year making 09 This entailed 51 Visits paid 156 plLioe interviews and 224 telephone calls lhiriy were 1mm Barrie Es had Om Med ontc Flor and West Gwlliimhury had one each Brie Contacts Under brict contacts were 16 cases on Jan 1965 121 were opened in the year making 15 On such costs hclp lsgiven on short term basis Some come from knowledge of potential neglect and otheis are brought to attention by local municipal otflces Requests tor heinhave come even from other social agencies in the prov ince across Canada and tom the International Red Cross These require Visits olflee interviews letters and telephone calls OVer 50 were from Barrie Children in Care Childrenn care as Jan 1955 were 75 in hoarding homes were so an adoption probation 17 in othertypu or homu ii in institutions and other sooletlcs words Admitted or transferred 55 were 87 inboardng hamu35 adoption probation 41 in titer types at homes 11 or thew we came from Barrie tromlssa Innisill Sunnidale and one each from Vespralos and Wpfl Horton OFTANNUAfME we annals union clinical Gwilltnibury Mother umw gtWlth in henna visits at cross inter mien an elem ï¬lls and For dilidren on adoption probm lion 71va rhotfloe inter viede MoundMisti ten gt More Inventions Family Court Al remitoi protectionarid unmarried parentrwork there were over 130 cases brought hem the Juvenile and Family Court in volvtng over 200 children This alone entailed tiller 550 panels Cmiacu with children inree and wage homes meant visits 44 interviews 39 phone cang and in letters Did you know that 73 legal dorms had to be prepared or this legal work on adoptions Missill Kiru divided her Lima between live branches in this work Flttyslivo foster and adoptive homa applications were received during the year including 1954 ap plphnkv Visits made were 91 in terviews 43phone calls 58 latter 330 748 were from Barrie ll lnnisiil ram Vespra from Essa and each ram oral and F105 Until August 1955 no visits were paid by the los1er home ï¬nder to the Barrie branch area Since then fortunately Min Jenn Forbes flirn tarpon iuuruen lei 0HAJlt in Stilllimits Barrie ION IH 830 BARRIFI ARENA gAliSoahï¬lQQ the ahiiual meeting or the shareholders or the nanis aion eteryr Company will he held at the chMMuNIrY House Mm Tuesday January 24 800 REGISTRATIQNAND DISCUSSION commuiiiii iiousis SPONSORED BY Tile Monday Januarylï¬ at mi BlinnthJUNlOlt cameo or common TAxIzsf FOR 1956 Ratepaye may purchase fair Prepayment Race pt the folloyin during months of