Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 13 Jan 1956, p. 6

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aide Hotcheryhes what you me ter and can Idvise too on choke for 1956 lta none too soon to think seriously of 1956 profits Can adinn Approved Hatchery in busi ness for more than 30 yuan Were silent here ask for price list Dave Euler RE Barrie 146 FAIlMS FOR SAL BEAUTlFUL FARM south of Barrie on Highway 27 Wonderful place as Dairy farm Hobby farm or Gentleman farm INVESNRS lookint thlsl large tract of land west of Barrie 32000 per acre Apply ITMON HAGEN BROKER RR Newmarket Phone Bradford MI 8541 infill tnl Phone em Hiscilia 300m furnished IptrtmeBt ls6 heated Phone 8175 wmrzmzm double cabin rushed Phone 515 Room rtmeut bath Angus Phoneplulrtl 155 mum ran on in oil heated Phonemiilso wig13 HEATED room Itrbus Hot water Phone 2945 no FURNISHED roo Available Feb Phgi EEbltOOMS furnished Suitable for yoimg couple Phone 5049 1556 rivate bath one 4252 1545 FURNISHED light homekeeping room Adults only Phone fur 156 with SMALL Apartment room No sailoren NISHED light housekee in room Girl preferred Phone il lSSfl SimLARGE attractive modern apartment heated Phone 2190 15440 ZUNIURNISHED rooms Emit and large $30 monthly Phone 5546 gt lss ROOM Lapartrnent heated oriv Nnetahlz ate entrance Apply 155 St 155tfl 57 ACRES of real godgardcn 50 frame house anlc barn spring water piped to both cows brdod sow and some lmple merits price dilly $9500 43 acres with 2000 feet frontage on main highway two family brick house real investment at $8000 Ellwoo Black Farm Broker RR Shanty Bay om Phone Barrie 863r285 AUCTION sALs FURNITURE AND EFFECTS Furniture and effects belonging to Mr COWE will be sold by public auctiou on Saturday Febru ary 11 1958 322 pm at 43 Essa Road Barrie0ntorlo Furniturehnd effects belch to Mr ow WEDLOCK will sold by public auction on Saturday February 11 1956 at phi at 43 E558 Rood Barrie0ntario Furniture and cffectsbelon ing to Mr RALSTON Will sold by public auction on Saturday February ll 1956 at2 at 43 Bin Road Barrie Ontzri THE BARRI COU NTRY CLUB LIMITED ANNUAL MEETING 1955 Noticeis reby given thatthe Annual Genéial Meeting of the shareholders of The Barrie Coun try Club Limited will be held ltat the Community HouseBalrie on the 25th day of January 195630 the hour of 830 oclock in the evening for the Reception of Re ports Confirmation of any By laws or Resolutions passed the Board of Directors the Election of Board of Directors theAp pointment ofan Auditor and for the transaction of all such other businessas can be dealt with in general meetings ROBINSON Secretarymanner Billfie January 12th 1958 NOTICE To caeonors AND OTHERS NOTICE 15 HEREBY GIVEN pursuant The Trustee Act that all Creditors and others having claims against the estate of AG NESMARIA HARE lateiof the Town of Bertie in theCounty of Slalom Widow Deceased who died on the eleventh day of Sept tember AD 1954 are requested to send particulars of their claims to the undersigned on or before the third day of rFebruary AD 195313er whichdate the Execu tor will istribute the assets oftlIe Estate living regard only to the claimso which it then shall have notice and will not be responsible tul anyothers gt STERLING moons CORPORATION iSleri Tower Building Iorontoi Ontario by itareollcitors STEINb Mm Blllle Qntulm gt Jill5F ALEqusLANos REARS or TAXES here lieu that sold coe ashtluem prepared and fihudlge nominee 111 Mg 2720 LARGE 56 the County ROOM Gentiemnn from centre of town Phone 5851 1545 STORE small but well located to One block TV ROOM for gentleman Few min utes from downtown Phone 43161 anytime 1556 EURNISHED Roomspd miles from Camp Borden Phone Ailiston 8315 1545 LARGE rooms furnished as kit chen and bedroom Adults Phone 4056 25436 self contained heated ROOM $70 per month apartment ix 323 231 rfinmiifi en li 15l49tf comfortable bedrrittim room Central Call at 14 Sup St West 1545 FURNISHED Bedroom Central lo cation Gentleman preferred Phone3275 155 2LARGE furnished rooms rend ette included Adults 22 Henry Phone 3329 l5 LARGE furnished room down Kitchen privileges if de hnne 3595 1545 ROOMED selfcontained open ment Available immediately Phone 6442 after pm 1545 LARGE nicely furnished ll ht housekeeping room stl weekly or one $10 for tw Phone 29 1556 SMALL heated apartment furn ished frig and Stove hot water 201 Bradford St aide doorl BEDROOMS ght housekee rig near bus stop in Aiiandal No children Abstainers Phone 6332 1558 MCELZY fumishedbedroqm sep erate bathroom Suit working CU tile or girls Apply 79 Dundunald 1551 ROOM self co ained apartment laundry room ii heafed choice location idealfor or Phone 1548 1548 ROOMS and bath heatedfiprivate entrance and veran mpatim Phone 2059 evenings lHS Drivate home close to Privileges if desired Worth FURNISHED Xoom house in the village ovaqfroy Water inside $30 monthlylApplyra Perrier Lefroy phone now 155 lJNFURNlSiTED heated up ment rooms inclusive of ba room Avaiiable Feb Call flamenco Stu 155 LUNCH Room with gas pumps and livingqunriers Highway 27 below Cookstown Apply to the owner often iH5 ROOM AP rtment furnished or only ed heated private gain Very central no bus stopnr can rent separately Hot Water heated 15 Burton Ave 1545 furnished or phone rooms his ro ins Ver Mo oonside one child lake Sh Eos Phon HIRE 155 dah lmmediate 545 twllh wave and it Mus mop own linen andcook uttnsth siiitable for couple no ildren Phone lull lnytlme ELDERLY ti Barrie INI In able home with coupletint at reasonableexpense Box Bar rie Errminer 15610 AVAILABle new room lower duplex Zbedrooms forced air all heeled fiflgcefiialilil heart an wsn er ll II Phone View Flo51 Room Apartmmt privateluth entrance healed onechild Un furnished sroom ohni apartment adults Down toivn Phone 2728 gt 1548 NICELY tarnished nrtment hot water Imggtte refremlon mil able for2 usiness or married couple Also furnlx ed apartme suitablefor couple with one child One unfurnished apartment un heated suitable for couple with gpfleachild Apply Owen St phone WANTED HIGHEST PRICES PAID for SCRAP Mirrors aArraRiria 8331 rhmm we also sell pipes beamrnnxler channels Ind reinforcing rods INDUSIRIAL IRON SAND METAL Dunlap so remain Phone 8331 or 3487 Barrie Metal Salvage anyone knowing of his abouts please phone Creemcre 9202 LIVE POULTRY Jur trucks will onus Ethan oriced paid Specie priceAmid lee linJBd Snyder mum my MAX PUSHKOFF AND comm are and crime 204 liffin at aLisa Look LADIES TIRED OF WEARING THAT DRESS mum 11 mm DOLLARS AT TH TWARDROBE NOW Oran angrily SECOND FLOOR over CLIFF BROWN LIMITED 54 DUNLQP STREET WEST Entrance arrest Side or Stone Open Daily lDaJn to Wednesday 10 am to non SERVICE TO SELL CLOTHING FOR YOU Bring in everything in Ladlés and Childrens Wear that is not being worn and we will sell itloryou All clothing must be cleanrand nI good repair Phone 5206 FOR 90mm 35 MAME Spree or ad State pri Examiner OIL IBuIDeX BroaderSloveg good condition Box 83 Barrie WWDZto purchase pin wood cut or standing Pleasevwrlte to Box Milli Tillson burg ontar 3338 335 boas our ST cx GREAT Dane puppies wnwlth black mask Registered Reason able Phone 2190 35411 lmmm Examiner em confidential RMATION Apply Box as Barrie ulp at his home u=Qntresteglrrle onlriaay Jan ll 66 George ilen Taylor beloved husban of Sui Jane Bruce deer father of Hel ville of Benton Mrs in Kneeilnw time of and Kathleen 9th year Ratio It Jennett eralHom Barrie Funeral willie gmday filamld at rlnen nun gut Oenelery T9ttenham ififlh raveside service Iurpices Bond end Lodge No 1053 srro orssa HAY nmothy Mid Alfalfa mixed for sale Phoneafldrll ll5 kooM aaomib ROOM and Board Gentlemen pre 135 ierrefi Phone 1169 ROOM and Boaldfor gentlemen Bradford St Phone 5267 12745 ROOM or Room and Board Ver central Gentleman preform Phone 6665 245 ROOM on room and board Cen Hurry lissington has been elect cdchalrman oi Orlllia District Collegiate institute Board for Ii fifth term Larry Temple is the new chalrmalI of the Public School gan heads tral Apply Robindaie Inn agitate strhone am gm PERSONAL WANTED Daily transportation Io and from CookstownBarrie Phone 122Cookstown 3045 cilVE professional nurse of 28 wishes to contact businas or professional man with mntlim ony as object Boat Earrie Ex aminer 305 ll BUSlNESS woman 42 wishes meet business man or farmer who is widower with young children Object matrimony Box Barrie 3058 1F CONSIDERING marriii con sult Mania Welfare Spec alisth malL Estab ished 1906 Over 30 ready Ecru ulous nons Box Dickens Pas Offi Winnlnel 3097 WILL Johnny Silica lOyears of age formerly of New eli now in hands of childrens Ald or vherr to be home by collect sed did not appear3 Christmas STEPHENSO KATHLEEN HEX EN FRANCES Anyone having any knnwedge or will of the abovenamed wh died rot Barrie on or about Aprlie 1951 please Communicate wiuru OCpnrior la Rogers Barristers 30 King Street West Toronto 892151 MATRIMONIAL 0p ortunltlcs Chas Simmons Marra Welfare Agency established 908 over 000 clients married arranges sel introductions by mail Secrecy gunranleed PO Box 71 Dickens PO Winnipeg 30512 WOULD like to get ride to stroud going at 20130 4305 pm Phonefll NAM is returning 30 uni9 31 weighed in Supply tipping the scales at an ofBlrrle lowly on My DIVINE 40 Jill€031 in police Twenty mien es were no me was tint lveofBorrte mkuoneofthe but film on tireBorderlian BarriNorton more Charmaine KittieInme Porlil Dorriecherry HamiltonBurton Siturm6endronl HamiltonBinnie Sulliva Smlth renom riokson 521 Brian Smith lB44gt Iiasi BarriePortion Beckett llamiltouSeturm Robinson Burton uh anea Peonmmmvlsooml arloirsonuno Thompson Ii 01 lime oncr noun Buflrd and FronkMllll the Separate School Cards of Thanks ARMSTRONGThe Mrs Jose hinc Armstr express eir heartfelt thanks and appreciation for tile acts at kinda ness messages pa on beautiful floral ulelilins received from their friends on nelfhborl during thesod loss of uier loved mother They Szturm thm Hend Bechell 113 Davixon lFor Retarded familn oi orig to date 100in of the late Vientfto Toroutn maintained wu connected with the nme in the eastern aeclt be Lodge AMN hi5 widowytheJlirmer me Bruin daughters MmC Bishop Bel ty and Mrs Scottflnbel and Wallohn service was held Jon at the would Ehrlich panfortn Avelt line enrich It oun Pleasant Cemetery Ear suiiiven inc armory illolnpron 5mhhfln Bar and District Retarded Gnu dm net proceeds of the Rublnoif con cert organ ifllt The be especially thank Rev Brenn and Dr Laurie FRASERThe rules or floral erings received family of the late clients rich and poor married al Mrs Jeanrraser wishes to extend secrec Sim thelr sincere thanks and apprecia tion for the nets of kindness mess= mpathy and beautiful rom thair friends relatives and neigh bors during their recent bereave mnt eSpeciallyAhanking the Rev James Ferguson for his consoling words IN MEMORIAM ARNEMin loving memory of All deer wife and mother Pearl Edith Amem passed away Jain 13 1954 Peaceful be thy rut dear mother It is sweet to Ibrenthe thy rillrfl As in life we loved you dearly So dfiathAwe do the same and WillredIBlelt Kn ee dear wife mother and who passed away and 955 BROOKslri loving memory ofa granny Oh happy hours we once enjoyed liow sweet their memory at But deoth basic loneliness The world can never rill Husbandarid family RULI mm and want you towatcll rne on lPurina Steer Fatena On December the Barrie Farm eVen 300 pounds So drop in pm See often and watch my record PthlN atomizaryimvh was ma Ella at Purina Resea Farm that is the governing factor why Steer Fatena is so results fantast uc my run ARRIEVFARM SUPPlY iNA Waron Lwesrocir gt Slinflll DAIEYEVAItM noun NT Listen Ihekeglonal Weather rareeair low and produce such var CKBB REGISTERED Fox Terrier female one year old for sale Idealehiid rens pet Reasonable Phone 6321 385 FOR SAL male cross bred Pek ingese pupDY weeks old also reg istered Pelainges female months old Phone lmvald 17 13 twain at thettimein pouaatlr Chambergt Court arrie nfarioproceed to ll uctian thesai go in rized routaide convenienc untiedon month loiis Hunter strand one flirt ROOM Go togelorirent now the reglilhr lunhh meeting of the Club at Community Houseby the president Clark to Floyd Burger president of the Barrie and District Reta Association in accepting the Burgersald how much the asro ciatlon appreciated the help give Vihey had come to look on the Rot ary Club as oneof their main sup porters First in plans for in Crops math 00d quality well cleaned reed Now is the time before it is fed torbringyour best grain to your Coop Seed Plant to have it power cleaned by ex perts and treated The third reason for 1M5 iE jnilnder is thaLrlglit now is thotime to take your grain to Coop because now there is time to handle it No Seed Plant can handle more than frhction 01 the required cus tom cleaninghnd treating it ll left until Spring Costly delays are bound to happen if you delay this claiming un til Spring and besides good management to prepare it now 430 Her mrvlved by Farmen pay for allfertilizer mills the Coop Fertilizer Plank It Toronto Strlllqrd and Chathm they ownl Quai ity is tops and fnhnurvol ume of purchasesfkom these plants is now so hudedhn even your first cost at Camp is lowest book at these lowances and discounts flym theatandard list prions Miner lonlnrxunuy de liverla InnsAl dlIchunt for payment Rotary Club pruenlodm by My 111 eaterdaytor 333190 rim patronaxedividenh 0n Coop Brand 4412 thesecan total $050 per ton Tobacco fertiliior orders also are now being booked lit Co op Price flats are now ready at 0037 prices about the some or last full You have to have any aler or fhpooi ear or trucking deal to buy your fertilizer fgr less ntCoop Delivered to your barn or pick up yourself or your own trucker can pick up in Toronto against your Co op order Ordernow for full allowances Phone zizs or Call atCoop ORDER FERTILIZER NOW and Stuart Mineral Association This was the igedby the Rotary Club ll Prosentatioii was made at plan ed Nu grain and buy graded clean ed and treated scédlrom Co op ordering now guarantees yolllhe best Sued Left till spring too often its the last minute not quite so shod qglallly that is all thats avail for seed Cleaning Phone than 2429 rdcd Childrens cheque 1Mr AVAILABLE mlMMiIDIAIELY new nupnoom APARTMEN resound sr vmceNr VETS AREA Priviite entrance Lmouimvr FLOOR drilll DESIRABLE AID l5 mewuow soon AND SAVEWnEaELOWovnitnEADS ENABLi YOU To BUY lIln aesr ronmss truly desirabi nm is will serve customers so hoyglteep on coining nln what We try to do relwe hich the 10s mc SATURDAYIA 1anqu fire pm onlroun iiUYING CONVENIENCE

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