unnnammmzuanan WAINW lheWAandwllSwlllaneetat Ilrl Lauder on Wednudny JUL ltzpm mm ehioson will take the study hook lunchlraGLauderandllr1V Hayes Recent Mr and Mrs Stuart and lamily Toronto visited with Mr mdMlsJLeetheeodolihe week Mrs Everett is visiting with relatives in Sudbury Mr and and Huston Monk tcn spam law days during the past week at Mldheclds itllaoeliuteona Shower miscellaneous shower was given in the community hall Frl day evening or Mr and Mrs Crittendcn who were married re ccntly EGBERI Farewell Presentation On Wednesday evening larc wcil in the arm 01 euchre party was held in Woods School tor Mr and llirs Mooney During the evening preseniatlon was made beautiiui floor lamp and smoking stand gifts at the sur rounding community and lovely cup and saucer gilt from the Eg nliia hull and to Vida blast in the sudden passing at loving broth er and uncle Boiler Eaton who pasted away on nresday Jan The lapelattack place on fllllllv day horn the Jennett Funeral Home to Angus Cemetery Mr and Mn Cecil Hawkins Wbittneld attended the tuneral of his cousin Butler Eaton on Thurs day Mr and Mrs Victor Melinda and lainin spent Sunday in Perl erlaw ma McMaxtera lather Mr Evanland friend who have been visiting with Mddastera ac companied then to their home in Pelierlaw Ronald Dexter and Francis Bunl Toronto spent the weekendwith Mr Ind Mrs George Dexter Annual Nonlnllillfliu The annual nominations for the police village at Angus or 1950 were held on Friday night Jan in the new school with good attendance of ratepayers present The following were nominated Arthur Wilkinson Archie Duck worih Victor McMasttr Harvey Robinson Stanley McMullcn and Raymond htlmer Arthur Wilk inson chairman of the board for 1955 who is now township consta Braneh of di buncheainthlavorh mmmuthebrandi tattle toner co orkera who open their to dilute Vupn lit hearts rlehas Ii of atom Oro and Being losin porlllnt lob tint faction but it of headaflles be avoided with better no tag or the problems pod as reg unit at the teamlworlrbetween social worker and the one is so parents All children need love and affection They need security in family lite todtha right othe parents to the luster dilldren In Simcoe County we have no shelter and so the foster parent is all the more essential and is truly the backbone the Society It has been encourraing and re assuring to the branch personnel to have the interut and concrete assistance from the community This is important to the families whom they serve not only at Ibentbenehringewasopeaed mummanlwn ottoronto mentISundy with her parents Ills Yvonne Wilson olScalbom spent theyeehend at her borne hera church Silvers At the church service on Sun day Janice Bandy Ruth Bali and Winston Wright and Danny3au not very sweetly My Shepherd rllrlrermurlxlll Rex Watson IArne Jory Bah Fundy George Rule and Stan Walt attended the ParkerArthur Iightl in Toronto on Monday night WA News The Womans Association held their January meeting at Mrs Walls it won decided to quilt at Mrs Filrhes on Janlil splendid yearly report wls given by the secretary Mrs Handy Programs for the coming months The lard Glildreoe Aid EXAMPLES or LOANS waanochurcbatflollyon Sundayatteraoon Sunday Vlaltarn Mr and Mrs Doug Meek and Marilyn Orillia were Sunda visitors with Mr and Mrs An derson Club Mn Pumped but do poor road condlilona the 48 Merry Seamstrcss Club meet ing Wis 9019an and will be held on Jan 16 instead Welcome to Community We wish to extend welcome to Sam and Betty Hood whohavc purchased Bill Campbell service will be made out The February meeting will be held at Mrs Randys Sr Delicious reiresh menu were served hy Mrs Brown and Mrs Gordon Jory Builders Contractilrs ror Farmers and No Hemlock 8prace and Ploc Lumber Bush or Dreaaed Delivered on the job by trash Write for prison trunnion lliMllEli co Port Lorine Ontario Stimuli musrs COIP0RATION announces gt dwappolnmlem of gt flétféléb€ member itsBame AdvismyBoanl as special representative of the Corpora tion in the Barrie and Orlllldldlflficfl His headquarters will be the amine of the Corpomtlon Dunlop Street East Barrie Cth bcrt wn Me mm as Hume 910m Christmas but throughout the year Mr Mooney said that both lit and Mrs Mooney had lived in this community all their lives it is with deep regret that their friends and neighbors see Mrand Mrs Mooney move from the commun ity Front Hamilton Mrs Thomas Foster of Hamilton ll spending few days with Mrs Thompson and hank Mrsfnlvin Miles spent low days in Alliston last week WA lilealiltg Egbert will meet in the Sunday School room at the church on Wednesday Jan 18 at 280 pm Sunday Visitor Mr and Mrs Thomas Currie and Mr and Mrs Manson Currie Mid land spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs Mtflulaig Back lo Belleviiie Master Murray Broiley has rc turned to Belicviilc after spending Christmas holidays with his Iplr cntser and Mrs Kenneth Broi icy BURNS First Meeting YP Group Burns Young Peoples group held their ï¬rst meeting of the New Year in the school on Friday ev cning and with Catharina Crosbie presiding reading meditation Opening the Book The meeting continued with the singing at the hymn no God our Help in Ages Past and prayer for the New Year Appropriate readings were contribuléd by Dorothy Hand and Donna Buyers and the group Join cd in singing the chorus Sweeter itsthe Years go By and The Bible Tells Me 50 Mrs Siolltz spoke to the group reterringto the magazine article Cheer Up Life was Meant to he Enjoyed by Rev Young chaplain at OAC Guelph Slit pointed out to the young people that if they live pure clean livesithey will have no regrets and life should have thrill for youth and let us not have lost the faculty for the en joyrnent otlife as we grow older During the business session motion carrie that the group dolt nate $5 to Sunday Schools Lund to support Korean child and plans were discussed or toboggan party on Jan 27 Group games were conducted prior to adjournment and calm was served Mr and Mrs spent the weekend with Mr and Mrs Jansen at Woodbridge Mrs Harold Henderson of To ronto spent the weekend at the home 01 Mrand Mrs Hand erson George Hisson is spending law weeks with Crawford Ellis at Greniel who is ill Evert Ruttcrs owing qualiï¬ed and were given an acclamotirm Archie Duckworth Victor McMaster and Harvey Eo inson Sunday Visitors Mrs Goldie Perkins Miss Jean and Johnny and lriend Ronald Grosswell Toronto spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs Sandlord Page Murray Rose Toronto spent the weekend with his parents Mr and Mrs Leslie Rose Mrs William Rose and son at Barrie spent Sunday with Mrs Jessie OConnor Mr and Mrs Austin Bush Grav enhurst spent Thursday with the latters brother and sisterinlnw Mr and Mrs Vern Taylor Mr and Mrs Oscar Dollie Peli erlaw spent Saturday evening with the iatters parents Mr and Mrs Robert Lynn Horticultural Society Mellon Angus Horticultural Societywiii hold its annual meeting in the new school on Thursday Jan 19 at it pm FOR EXPERT REPAIR WORK Plillliifll morons YOIZB DODQE DESOTO DEALER lii Bradlord St PHONE 5971 ZELLERS nannie viiluv cannula mom Slillllli Prawns Ladies soil comfortable well cut smartly tailo with longï¬sleevos and belt Pants have elastic at top Choose pretty pink blue or maize in medium and large sizes save at Zeiiers Spegiai Price 197 ZELLEES LINHFED Gil Dunlap at Th 243 sillililiililï¬ gives WINTER With the support at local Service clubs clulrcll groups schools and other nulnicipalolflnes the child ren and their parean have been helped toward brighter and fuller lives The Centre simcoe Branch stall at 15 Collier Street Barrio rare secretaries Mrs Holland Miss Guergis soclal workers Miss Borne Mrs Troll and Congdon NOT SO MUCH Now in 1953 Canadians spent $780 per capita on motion picture enter tainment no 500 mm 5m $42 $17 Ina at follow LOAN infltlip billion or loan in one viii Loa euslorn ailmd to need and income Ilsa Bill Consolidlllnn Servlcoll with our cost to reduce paymantl eon solidate bills Phone in Ie or some in loans tlroo In W160 ll lllll in all Hi FINANCE C0 eonnnlam omenswhich ls nearest you 15 Bayllold Street 2nd Floor Phenol 32 Mlsilssau Strut East 2nd Floor OPEN EVENINGS IV APPOINTMENTLYHONE POI EVEtllNO ham milnll Nash Motors of Calluda Presents IIE WillllllS New Rainhiers TORONTO Ont Nash Moron oi clnlul today mm ill illllolllluinn ol Ihl rm on DouhivSIll AllWelded Null lnillmnililes Feaiure nr oi in line ti illluv sliulslyied anli rumour Completely llm mull road to ml lllu flimtfltl ul nlomnlliil it ill ll llm llnllnin mail allMm sedan cordon aulion anl IMlJorihtlinttimalrolu Nu roubdnor Hardtop mu N1 runllilu lululu ill more head linulrlu hip in Mm than eiri brioï¬el Another Willmini inlurl ol Rambler ll me lashiou sliely Arrh Illalive tteel box lltliuil ihli lies lid illn the ml kit to unit the faint over ldelmnm proieeilon Iver oflrr in my automobile Styled umi Sedan lnlnl Whlt uLd int null King SizeInside Rambler Size Outside Although the 1955 Nash Rambler mum in lppellllqn with new KingSin inlrnor it malnialnrit rumble llld manoruterahleouuld deal la sup ulh is new nut interior the Nash millrr leaium greater ailround vi with huge wraparound windshield and rear aindo rll nl Kimble unusu inllflor enhanced by cutout pierkey lnlrrior trim Ind upholstery rs eoioillI and no that will tlell lll hull hi my noun Nelv Rambler Power Larger Brakes Tl lm Null siléiysll ll hlrr is powered bysCalht ll ml VIEWIHI mall lli ml liflIlE mull ye ii allude nuln Piston drill nibunilovl igmilon ind lull pm lubrication lyllenl Aillnulil new inn Drum new E0 ll lnlinuilu Ramblers arll no em mvoioperationAndiIlkr ing ill this all pom ern 547 ilrglll llinv ilnt dieroudl ll 033 Nash DoubleSallii AllWelded Construction uni llnnllldiuillon lulu bolnllg ehan irtlne tad II hotly together as in all miles Nash give Dli ear ill one will alrrl unit Doublr Slle AliWelded matruetion recognised lathe ulnal lllfll an lullrear Wilyllllni they all ill in mpg miter ll do ml min in null ch in mo eoflt Dill Tndiy his run it hundreds oi ions oi soullllf Bertill Null llll lll looked lc llte lulure Null ulnar you ll in ear ronllitlctlon in at lttid ether will my ilw nuu and oluNuh uyou lll inn is in enormm ly lulu null oi steel welded to lulu will no less llllll mo Th adll Nash Deco Coil only DoubiccSaie All ldrd loll airuclion iv you the comlnn oi the Nash Beta Coil li Other lelllimiillhlllll if ll rï¬irNlHmbiHH all ll Alliiuhlllrllgp Edi lt detlllltlmtl in road min on three in mmlori at will illa Rambler lp undlnilnd Illil Ir tnlahlt an pin at dimenll atom at his matierpleu ol luiomnl coring lu ronstrucilm an in ND Coii your runny the luxunnur million muli expect only in tile my high as mired ran luggage Nash Scat Fromm Elia Sly rdfllamb er has mu unchanged Although ill nv Rambler rile rmiuill lrorn its uni outside nnd inside aluminum Inl ii The sblialnble niantiiiil 4Door Sedan on $1 and buill in ii lamiE Lian Ilcliill citlight the ulnal Nash ltamhlvr lDoor Sedlli at ill belt lint Rambler howetr the in Ianlil nullsunli iiill gives you Ill And in Humor the 36 Rambler lt lealuns lar ll uiit ample room FoulDoor Hardtop No Mira poxll Mail boovlilul all in tin lower plieq ï¬eld in the lll yo method ol bi Null Rnnlblrr Iha nillol element the weptback at and liound the oiller can the loo section and lower body panels are isilnctly diilcrcnt litrlltH metian In the Na mus Ii mullI inn rumm rillm mum ll vovll sums to asrrsll panama stars throughout Ontario with demon died all linIagrily and londlng Gonarnl Cont isponalhilily an identiï¬ed by tllll numbulle steal this Clitorio GaulI VContrncllou Association mm bedroom lilhyoh hhmrrl Yul lass lldlulr ou ninlllullluw ltlllt Med lull in iols Her Another Rambler st mi pillar is ThrEESalrtyS led Nash llamlllcr llu lltadlixhta ml in the Ti or influxd sit ly anon lull Filltb mill in log Salriy Na in ill ml érogr Country Stallion Wagon aide new appearanceonly mgnmnnulff knlltli ll lo Nash 111 ion in etuliiy reduced in ll most signiï¬cant at the newmiylinxvulde imlilppclrlllie beenduigned tar mliilnuln ul ttyling job isthnrlcler Travel Beda lln ennui all aeksol lill lrmlt mil in utilisation ol anenrlpsed volume oi laid right 4ryle ill lm minimumflulerdimriulonsEvary llye your on it rail vet rid CE ind bull illi on bald distinctive drill element ihai fini tm all all ilulnuynumil Lake the omlynu lam triehdri ltd rxncrlrnatm thrill youve ll er Imagined pobihlv in cill ride tilmull uier youii ride in litter luxury Ind panill Alla lynx with all iu tremendous lettura the 56 Null KYswim lt expensive ll ithe for Phloem thadonrplovldm vino ill ash Recllnlng Seats millionilk vnlllln you via in million mills See It nd long liittanre mnior ladies hen lindl will ihn lliiullllck to more miiui Emmi on lln lin my mum ill in in is Nun il 1m tind on Lï¬ï¬m in you lililli 33 cya dis Eli lull rl Kill illus ml Aliltntlli rat asle llld tha wheel out or Null expelmm ll nunum pout rid Null nu pioneered menu now lulldud in nu mobiles Now in loan Null lddl Inothrr illll to in long line al achievements Th allan Rambler oontryeatules Roi Down rea window rillwllle rear window Yoilt down into ll Willi lid in Ind eliminating porilan oi the tall iourse Null AilWelded construe lion mike lhii bnuiliul lllllun mun lltl walldl lairl lnwl lion Iilld yu with all ullnendous ieltuiilhlxtht ss Null to own the IllllEW nl lo tyStyled mull Vlsmn Rear Fenders Il adonlnï¬luimynmlllllle II Ihmr the hil in iii 91kmle llnylllo Ward as moihle ave noble and ill nxrellzal limni rel llndln lllrnd nun Ilepl hark lm pillar Ind nu door null Tl ugï¬wr linl oi llil nl or it raised dtetlltitnfl lie ollll ln llltlt xht rllll Ii lly continuum moulding um rstlbllahes Ihl flouln lniefluion nl unl plrtrls mr lli lnll nar Funds The Irmer have light nwuplilnewnim in lung Ind rm llil bullideng null into iha illllin nllrlm Tl ealruneli rrar llulnpm my aroun imhier wheel dilel Ind duignldun in mi draw attention Mani llonl Ind pt Nash bin llt Won 2d II in the present an ill nil an lllll lni Th rear dowJaiis grown into Ill door to inn rule it iISliIi Iler éxmion ll the tall ruler ylnullua trumellt lanol on null panel ngllllly tlid ileuml Io pml new All intlttlnl tile lpldoulnm lie lntmar Til inlifllmenl atlï¬rontrols Iliodltv tienton in 91 ï¬ll or litr ml is or Trim inuilll trim ll nnplllliy iylrd tiling vinyl Aerials and enuina leather Color solemn lllmi ized lad luli ilesh nu Ippil luxury llni Theyre here nowllzhe complete 11 it let ill ET Ellis ill sillslcus drin it Ill the averpopular Metropolitan worlds safest travel lean on display pow at all Nash dealers coast tot howls or patios Illth IIIy Itlln