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checked Imam1e or an nllï¬hï¬ gadaughur 10 Mr and Strand son 7142 Iand 211 Napier Mayhevylr BERRY1mth memnry or Ernest Berry massed away Jams 1947 Years have gassed but your mum aryj at iingere Aiways rem ed by wlie andv lamiiy mPLESTONIn and and loving Memory of our dear Zoom and h3g1 Rich who dled Jan 10 Dearer still Your memory lives haaru with tender love and dee regret We who loved you wil never Gun Sadly miased Alice and WILSO ovlng mam Tdenr fut er and Joseph Gear passed avay 12 195 Wedo nuiynged specialduy Pobrlng you our For the days you Are very hardto ï¬nd wihln Our via grandson Gar FATAL rgn ST JOHNS rm CPLwhén aneleotric iron she wasmin as bed warmer lgnled the$he Mrs Bernice Morgan swearcl wldow was burnedio death at Keliigrews z° JUSTICE HONOR meanrrrcxo have nowwill be made up mg 199 unions formerly belonging ioih AFL andvihe 82 former vClD un ions is his merger good or bad The ansvIer depends onhuw well divldual member pan in maklnghls unlon re ed as an gtlrisiituilon 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we linNonlhweslern Oniarlo canka forward to 1966 with conï¬de gwlth enthusiastn andwith the sure knowiedge that mien program In ilon oi whuiAhe ionFar ANDv NOTICE is luribe ihai after th said daiethe estate will be distributed wth regard only to film aimso which 1h undersign ed ill have ice on the ï¬derelg11ed wiliynoi be liable many persons of whoi he phallnukthen have no DATED at January AD1955 Harry Hopi Adï¬inlsiraior 11 N0 3Cllford Ont DONALD WNZIE Solicitor tauJoe Hid mm currouli At once Machini$t Goremakers IMoulders Strucfurol SfeélFiiiers iru€tural Steel Ldybui Merl MechanichDraughtslmen Gerlerous EmployéeBenéfite Apply Personnel Department1 06 verLongz Ltd alï¬ng Fo adores 100 eonII snowpan codrs sheepskinTin handgun in rainbow lonuorySole MINES ALL WOOL WINTEB CHATS Sakln interlininx Cbunols front mums oynnsngns ermo manna Retain narnnl loot Repe xterm cold Youths an Ion bin your own lmckerpunplck in Term against your wwh quinine is now sajauga mi even your first cost ulCoop lowesLip¢k sumac Al lowance and discount 1mm ullflahdlfl in prices lhnseuu lonl OH on 2d urn are no mo at Uoop prices abou uame aniul 1611 yourseli or 0rd Orderan low noel Phone 29 delta 0601 011mm Enauuznn NOW human in arried av imes and 12 January ga Brand ALMn manoeuvre it in stigma yourloesl min in your toop SeedJlInt io power cleaned by dtreaied iheAhlrdmalonfar this re mlnder is that right now is me urnioJake your grain gio Coqp because new there l6 time in handle it No Seed dew are bound larhappen it you delay ink cleanlnz un in Spring and baldes Vlla lnod management to prepare gtiinow It ypuyian mined all your grain and buy waded ciean ed and trenied seed from Co op ordering now guarantees you ihe best SeedLeii ill spring iamoilen ii the an anionic not qulie Io good qulally thatls all thats avail an in initializing more weddings to iallow is establish manynew linesot allowea planned and scien list we ran turnishchiclrs the blood lines ihis most