1min lower horsepower farm unable or speed equalto them oltnday methane power The power or the engine andthepower tnmmltted to the back when weretwu totally difl Situations or sale drlvina flu mded the insurance olail driven and not the ears would then be no need or the siily unsatisï¬ed judgment fund He wesiedthe thorough letting or all cars and the proper testing or drivers by more competent are then at present On this latter point the speaker was of the opinion that the Job at issuing driving license was given on basis or political patronage inlher than on the ability to do the lab He was oi the opinion that many an inspector would all nu test if he had to take it the For Police He praised the work done by the OPP and the Toronto Polite but they have silly laws to lures and was the opinion that the job of testing drivers should come under thepoilce He was severei itlcal ataiement made are redentflV program to the effect that nianu thoturers did not payenou8hnl tentinn toaaietyleaturuin oars Manuiaclurers wem continuously improving the salety cars mrgghulhe ygars better lights ms an stro er have been developed mm While the manufacturers doing thishall the government site was to raise the speed limit of 35 mphol the Mr Cooke or days to 60 Isald LOOKOUT POINT VICI0RIA OFiA huge obser vation mnp will be built on top yount Ioinie here to provide helicqater view 01 Victoria He arrived REFRESHED bus ports that anunï¬er We been peel1m their advice on the menu at ian keeper plantth an only advise extreme caution below menial intogny gontrlet Anythin that is legitimatewlli lung up to investigation ihey advise lea relianee on the vorbalreorsentaflouxothe sales nlhn the strand as and un dentanding 01V ail contract and rot copier oi eon In the caaear quoted leattlre oi the all has been the ability to supply tween food etnioderate prices to ï¬ll fthe freezers Ton of ten ihese uhanu utter few months are discontinued or one eason or another by theiirm and lrmer owner has to mule his own arrangements iojlll the heel Eh in time tilms openth in the manner disclosed kiii themselvesv but in the meaning amlot pi eople get expo ony Edmund the pzopie cl Barrie have is ihemselves Tobacco Farmer And Wife Warned Continued irom page one posed to be home by did not appear According to her own admislnn the childs moiher hag several limes ielt her husbandwho is not the fatherl She declares that it is because she had left him that the Childltans Aid Society iunk the boy into custody The childs lather dead says Mrs Szucsu She states that she and hEr hus and were married over years ago Behore going to New Lowell in November 1953 they had lived ior seven years on the Holland Marsh Discovered In North fller story is that she had ieit her husband and had come io Barrie to work when tin society ï¬puk tho ehiidinto its custody in SeptemberJDSt He was returned home to New Loweli or omn ylas that same year taken back lnto care andthen returned tohis lather at the endMJune this year In October helwas dischvered ln Northern 0ntario Relatives with whom the mother had lelt him refused to keep the child and con waded Childrens Aid authorities it was necessary to take him back FbiééED ro VACATE Christmas fear on Connuteri Direclar oflublieSqun Lane chainnani Fredan The atriklnx committee recon mended the allowing studio acorn rinLscaknnlai The mom ï¬eldrink wur skinnedijun Adm imam Rullvidpton Kennedy ma Jack Nixon lorleidwilh an MorrowjV Merrily Pnblio Worn stump Waste lemon Chairman lleeve Kind Aldermen Golds DWi llnu Cooke la Couzhlin Edson Wine Truffle Committee Chairman Aid Mlchie Aldermen Paddisom Pratt William Firoand Light Chairma Aid Paddison Aldermen Pratt lLB JlF Williams Welfue Recreation Jud Community Service Chairman Ald Mclur Aldermen llamny raw Deputy Reeve Mills Report from lown mil ma Williams City Stains Committee Chairman Reeve Ii Kinzie Dtpuly Reeve Mills Aid men HPaddison 11 Ml Turk Michie Greer The by enun rcport was adopted into earexand the society has not granted permission to Mr and Mrs Ssuca to visit or contact him are not being told ol his whereabouts The motheraelalgn that sealal worker promised that Johnny wouldhe home for Christmas is without foundatiwn slate Child NHSHAld authorities herel As temporary ward his term of cus lady is indeï¬nite Mrs Szucs states that she again ieit her husband in September and placed tilechiid with hel als ier in Cobalt She left to return to New well and claims that the Children Aid Societymme and him that same day Mr and Mrs Szucs younger child boy age have Stock MllSi ile Cleared we lvlustr vacara ouh man manners air Mosley at early in liebruary We will be leatminélan exciting line 01 smart new shoes or hildren Misses CHannENS Mlehie Crawlord second and Walter Graig vice Theglotta replaced Fraser Sutherland from list nm rink The piesentKennedy in ie Amsdrnyvln two aheedg the mill Kennedy reduced the lend to one loin homes but withAdanls Nettletono Coillncwoo entry which in themli event iinai lashyelrlo Al Steer UK Midland aeiloir Sim Al ilsonlJliik out their am two names 16 to mm otflunisvilie 15 in of Grenltes fihen theamiaon crevi lad Final today or iii year iireirophy we Venus either Polterso were thistlnle ousted by kip Dal ion Hudson of Midland wh had Doug Hudson leading Wit Al Oleury accent atone and Dave Hudson yieeing Personnel oh Blah Personnel l7 Barrie rinks were Frank Hersey has Landry Fraser Sutherland slronl skim Pat Bertram l3lll Hamilton Archie Thimult Harry Miehic skip BlilDyment flay Livingston George Dnnzerflcid Vern Adams grip Ken illicKenzleg Bill Johnsinn Al Milsan akip ck Nixon Ells worth Crawlord Walter Craig Georee Kennedy skip The Elmvale rinks consisted Jim nimble Jack whitton Georzo Graham Freaman Bunl stead skip HarveyCotton Jim Beardsail Dick Cplumbus Fred Ritchie skip Second mm Final iiarry Armstrongs Barrie rin meets Charlie Robertson oi lor onta Granitefclub in the second event flnai or the Goodarhnm Wort Trophy Armstrong lost his am game inthe main preliminary to Karl Bertrand of Midland 93 eitla end but then trimmed Ed Fox Midland v5 and Charlie Vent Midland lo Harry MiohleeBarrie rink lost their ï¬rst game 116 to Dr fle riarry Arm QVEni defeated VentlOi AndJohn of Midland 12 Mnnlhay delealed Eyertnnd but arter three straight wins ran into their wrl ciubmatesthe crackKennedy ink lrom Barrie ZELLERé nqu mu Meier Sutherland sturdy quality unbi coilon sheeting tha bleanhtmrhite after few washings Wonderlu or sheet and many other hopse holdysedBuy supply ow at Zeiiers JanuarySale Price 37¢ key Kitchener than deieated Rus Mlsses LAD EsQlJALITY roorwanat