31 fllli Bur pond Euchre There was good attendance It the progress euchre last Men thy night sponsored by the Hall Baud Prize winners were lone hands Mn Boyd ildies int Thomas 2nd Caroline Carscod den mens ist Jack Hunter 2nd Alex Mickie ital Mrs Bert McCon ey has gone to St Michaels Hospital Toronto or further munan The kindest wishes at her many iriends here are with her at this time Sonbeunlhnsslon Bond The United hilsslon Band held their December meeting last week with 21 members and visitor nn swering the roll call Joan Smell presided and the meeting was Upon ed by singinz several VChristmu carols Mrs Clarence Ferguson told an interestinz story oi turn iiy In Japan and Mrs Waniess con ducted the music period Mrs Mclmn conducted the elec tlon or oiticers as allows presi dent Elizabeth Wunleï¬ Vice president Linda Small secrets Gary Blain treasurer Jon Black World Friends secretary Margaret Wanlrtss At the close of the meeting Mrs Cumingwrved delicious lunch United Evening WA The Evening WA of St James United Chuwh held their monthly meeting at Mrs Vic Browns on WednesdEYr Dec Mrs Eimcr Prntt was In charge of the devotional period and spoke on Whatchlldrcn Teach Us beout Christmas Mrs Hurold Robert son rendithe scripture utter which Mrs Ray Webb led in pmyer DCome All Ye Faithful was then says It was decided that as it was im possible to send the clothing which nowtoultssrwnthflnm tinrrtlon at the present time it would be sent to the Fred Victor Mission nnd another collection would be made later Fifteen dol lars was vrited to be sent to the Victor Home in Toronto There will be no election 01 ot llcers 1956 as it was agreed that the present officers should continue or next year The evening concluded with tasty lunch and cup or tea pre pared by Mrs Vic Small Mrs Harry Horton Mrs George Young and Mrs Elwood Webb assisted by thehost Mrs Brown The next meeting will be at the home at Mrs George Young on the third Wednesday Jan 18 0611 Tea Although the weather ouodnors was rather stormy very legrsant time was enloyed at the ternoon tea on SitturdnY Sponsored bythe Unlted cologne nicelydecor at rotmu with itsrChrisbriur tree and the attractive little tea inblesf made an ideal place kn triendiy chats over the ten cups hevMrWaruers on behalfof mg CCvlT welcomed Ahe guests and several Christmas choruses by the juniorchoir and vocal duet by Dorothy Fox and Donna Marie Mason were much enjoyed The leaders Mrs Wanless and Mrs Jones and the girls are to be con graiulnted on their pleasant after noon United wh amrwms Mrs Waniess entertained the United WA and Wills at the par sonage lag Wednesday arternoon The meeling opened by singing several Christmas carols The scripture mmge was readby Mrs Edgar Thompson and as prayer hymn was read in unison Sev eral good rqpolts from various com mittees were received Christ masgltt committee was appointed and plans made to do some quilt ing early in January The WZMS metatng was opened with prayer by Mrs McLean and roii ll answered with verse on Joy number or hospital and home visis and books read were recorded and Mrs Charles Rdberuon introduced the speaker Mrs Boer from Holland now one or aur new Canadian living in Stroud Mrs Boer very beautiful 13 described Christmas customs in Holland Rev Mr Waniess then receivedthe report of the nomnat ihg cornmmee at both societies Both reporiswere adopted and the Eilowing are the oï¬fieers for 1956 innpresident Mrs Lloyd Booth lst vicepresident Mrs Harold Wallace 2nd vicepro dent Mrs Goodieilow tally red Mulholland treas rer Mrs Slack welfare com ttee Mrs Reynolds Mrs Wright Mrs Flee Mrs Hmbbert Mrs Small Mrs Fax Jean Wice lunch committee Mrs Edgar lempson Mrs Mc Notwb Mrs Smith Mrs Lucas Mrs wmltgh Black Mrs Lennox Black parsonage calamities Mrs Gibhilis Mrs Black Mrs Palm er press Mrs 013ch pianists Mrsrv Wonless Mrs Cindes Ru WlMS orrlcers are preside rrt Nicepres Cumming 2nd vicei mm Kimmie turyi Mu FgtPucock treuurer Mu ii Hughes courieru soeirte memberx Mrs Can stable mm murder rm Herb Bothy Ohristlsn citizenship Mrs Goodlelinw literature Mrs Memo community Iriendmin Mrs Reynolds ï¬rsjmiliam Hubbert supply Mm Palmer Mrs qiobi missionary monthly Mrs 3Smi Dress reporter Mrs REiock Mission Band leaders Mrs Cumming assistant Mrs ii Pratt Baby Band superintendent Mrs Mulhollnnd assistant Mrs Harold Robertson WMS New The Christmas meeting at the Prosoyterinn WMS wlu held at Mr and Mrs John Cowans on Wednurhy evening Dec The meeting opened with call to worship and sirlging or Christmas hymn and prayer by the president Roll call was answered by Christmas hymn and the humor Minutes were read and approv ed Curresaondence included le ters from libmry secretory supply secretary and adult secretary of Presbyteriui thank you letters from Mrs Smyth Mrs Ed Gibbons and Mrs Hnnd An urer Whlcomc and wellare glad titling and lower fund secretaries were received and approved on motion by secretaries and Mrs lama Qanpbell The president thanked oil or operation during this year 01 the 50th anniversary in helping make the year success REV Muir conducted the election of officers or the coming year which include president Mrs Campbell ist vrc president Mrs James Cumpr 2nd vicepresident Mrs Ed Gib bans secretary Mrs Han treasurer Mrs Nelson Wblsnn welcome and wclinrc and Glnd Tidings secretory Mnyes home helpers Mrs Gibbons Mrs John Cowan flower rund Mrs Fraser Cflinpbell library Mrs Aye childrens secretary Mrs Bruce Cowan Rev Muir pianist Mrs John Cowan The Christmasservice or wor ship Guod Tidings at Great Joy to All People was conducted by the president with Christmas hymns seritpure readings and comentzlry An interesting Christ mos message at joy peace salva tion was given by Rev Mr Muir stating when we come into His presence We should have joy We speak at peace Peace on earth gbodwlil to men Salvation coming at Christ being saved from sin resbured to health Hymn and pmyer by Mr Muir closed the meeting The hostess was assisted by Mrs Frank Cowan in serving lunch ï¬rmquCohmtui llhe Presbyterian Christmas con nurrl reports of the secretary treas the STPAULS new nutanus Geoil2 Stunden amine vent theveekend witt rlittivel in tinth Ionrota Mrs Knowles Sroml3obby Kniiwlei visited injerpntn tor tew day this week Birth Qtjoll Conantulstionlto Mn Ind Mrs Mervin Bocth on be lrrivnl baby son at Royi lctorlVflospl In Barrie Ibrother Anne Weadint Shower mint heavy snow storm the neighbors ngt utth home of Mr and Mrs Allan honor to honor than on their letent mlrriuxe The evening was spentplsyint cuchre Mumy mica Present ed the couplewitlro benutltul up holstered disir Mlaflr£wle$td his and Mrs Lennaxs appreciafltm or the silt Lunch brought the pleusam ev eningto close Not 80 Well Mrs Thomas Onlder hasnt been feeling toowell We all wish or her return to good health Correction It was Mrs George Hubbert who attended convocation hall to see daughter Vetms receive her BA rrnm Teochen chum Miss Cross and Mlg Di stall at Toronto Teachers College were of St Pauls school lust week Paulette Newa The Pauletts December meet ing took the termoi aChrlslmnS and birthday partyAt 630 17 members and two guests sat wn to deliciouspotiuck supper In the centre the table was Ilnrge white birthday cake flanked by pink tapers The cake was made and Mrs Mervin Booth on the or rivai at son on Saturday Dec 10 Welcome to Village We welcome to the village Mr and Mrs Fred Curtenor thngo Bench to the house owncd by Dwight Nelson Mr rind Mrs ra hey to Fred Mulhollrrnds art merit Mr and Mrs Juma soar to George Mulhoilands apartment Mr and Mrs Dhomrrs Curran to the house at the late Jennett Weekend van Mrsnd Mrs William YSuther land Toronto aner and Mrs Sutherland and grandson Bdbby visited withRASutheriand and other relatives duringAh week end Visllln at Broekvllle Mrs de ebster iett Tuesday or visitwith her son FA and Mrs Webster ntBrockville Attended Fullers Mr and Mrs Jack destei at tended the lunersl of the late Mrs Harwood at Umbridga Mr and Mrs GoorgeMrAihoiland and carol visited during the week end with Mr and Mrs Glen Adams Minesing surelulrrrty Tuesday eveningDec t1 lound certunq tree will lie hgld in the church on Thursday Dec 22 Wedding Shower Stroud community met in the hell on Friday evening Dec to couple Mr and Mrs Douplas Neely who were presented with walnut stmend table and piat form rocioing lazy boy chair Bothlecbpienis cordially express ed their up Relation of the gifts and invited all to visit them at their home in Pailrswick hours entertain be ing won by Mrs Mei Martin and James Wilson aerreshmems were served by the personnel in charge after which Torn Pattenden Bndlris live piece orchestra supplied the im petus ior two hours of dancing Mixed Bonsplel At muted bonspiei hjeid in Churchill rink on Saturday prize winners run our district were Mrs Irioyd Warm mlnaï¬mray Mrs Mel Martin Irving and Dwight Nelson 94th Birthday Congratulations to 12 rt Suther lhhd whbcelebrates his 94th birth day on Thursday Dec Visiting in Creemore Mrs Wilson called onher lather Wednesday Dec and both visited lwithrrelatlves and lriends in Creemore We were sorry tohear of the misfortuneot the Barrie District Collegiate Band but pleased to hear no onelwas hurt Blrthvoi Son Congratulations to Mr and Mrs canard Reeves on the arrival son onFriday Dec Also to Mr ACHING BACK why roller with hermetic or natural Elma Many ï¬nd quick relic tnlung Chases KldneyLiver Prl This pmvm remedy treats two conditions at once contains special remeth Ingredients or both kidney nndilver disorders winch often cause backache Dr Chase name you an henna on KIDNEYLIVER PILLS president Mrs Herbthk sun do honorto thé recently married the conunodlouseonununity hall in Stroud ï¬lled by people who were guestsoi 83 Paint Company un der the Sponsorship of Denis Sherrrd Ltd Painswick Mrvsheard welcomed tihe aud ience and introduced the weaker at the evening Gamer ontario sales manager tor Bli Paints spoke on Brushoutsfor Perm Lastic and Pennin OnelCoaL Noel Jones gave comprehensive illus traied talk in Color CLBlrd alerted his audience on surferma lastic finished board with some chemical experiments proving the worthiness oi the pwduet being tested Twentyï¬ve door prizes otpaint and varnish valued at $85 were given to lucky tickethoiders Miss Gwen bowry drew the numbers Every woman received useful gift at DoMitts gt Four calmed ï¬lms on point con servation and wildlife delighted the audience Light refreshments and triend yearisvanl together amoeba Whiter Hurlblrt returned Pridu int born ntwo month visit to tbelrold bond in Western Clodo Jluoo up With humor Mn Junes Tonsil Itaenrthree days lutweek in Toronto at the home of her dluflhter Mn Jock Merriam Sunday With Pirenk Mr and Smiledndjomlly by the honoru minim 43 ml Green ervsuppe Mn Geo than conducgg the devhuorr an Innerm rig Cmii re sung Bfidrthilbeclllr mien if Quin of Dr lio spoke onChr muses she had spent tip at msdrootï¬ergmlh we both in and most lnierestiirx Alter ayeup nttea alldedatted letling it had been wgnderlul IPX while work Iown design porturylnr the clue Paulr WA wnsileld shuns Gar don Rixs The devotion and busintso was pnsid Mrs James Lawrence Election oiotflcnrsvtook pious as oliowsz presidentMrL James Lawrence vicepresident Mrs up Gibbons treasurer Gordo nix secretary Mrs Fr assistant seeretnry Mill Hahn Dorcris Mrs Raymond Neely asistamDlleas MrsLRuri rel Lowrey sick flee Mrs Earl Purvlsgr Miss Beomrsh centu dny Mrs ank Green Living Message Mn BobSproul audi Croig Hunter numlnallon commih toe Mrs Cralg Hunter Darcy Lennox delightful meeting vlunch closed th Maroonml twithtbeiamruw Ah evening was open ntzclrrds vided by locll arrhr Tim Wilson Geargr while teaching in knkMCDmlsld ander John gt the dlr The December meotilie WSLEinlhgotEslgziIon aVer by csident tors Mrs lama Leonard Mrs we met79 wv WWQNWMVWW urnqmr 1018de andMrs Mn Ber mm In who Meeting Theibmahom branch my 111 errtlnflimieheid their cumm my mmutiogotthehomeotthepruld chemr wiu with in Irene Afler openhrl with the MM Ode and the tin of the heedd kiu uunison were rel reele ry Feel legsmt various business dealt with The trellurer Mn McCor mlckwnve the nnmclfl report Miriam Henderson rpotteon the motto December Putting mirthhm lnto Christina in corn well chosen wards Mrs Bellord who along wl her husban mode three we ytu rs Mrs Keogh Bdurdiylnw Mrs Joupo whim spent Sutur dy last with Moorish Toronto mekim wnrnooier Dan 61meth nto the weekecd with hhmothertï¬ Guibreigth qllt On Wedneuls marital Int about in blood and neighbor3 gather ed in the town bulllo ply horror toï¬ nd Mrs Harryfunn who nuy movedto Stynrr and came back or the oecuion and dinning The muslcfwu pro on at the phnou ï¬nerre and urprise morons skit in charge 01 ordon Mallion and consisting ot JorBollord Harvey Simpson Bill Stephenson writer Rogers and Ciltl Abrams dressed with Jill leathrdsjnd green skirts their 01 girls in bullet which under oi Mus loy Dun Altervery hearty applause by the audience oseph Belford Reeve called gigheringï¬oor dcr and invitedVye and Harry is lheyara lovingly called by all to the planarmain Wilmer Palmer who read the addmss and ers RhenClrtel and Mrs Rhenebrl anypresented themwlthn in tliui silver teaservice and ole trio deep trying pun inbehalf at theirrrlarrrr Mr Rinn replied in his usual gnaw manner saying he would onlybe threegqunrters or nnhour awnybutwe all know Illnrry to be man few words The ladies then servedJunch consisting oi sandwiches cake and coitee other lflCliille or the evening hereto serve you AA to ly chat brought thevery enjoyable evening toa close 54blthCe s1 ines in ï¬laekrorhrown Selected imported lull dohbigleather soies and heel Sizes tar rho new 195 Eooarwhlri SumoFAST Bighorn is now AVhrrhnLr Your corréc fitting Drysgt normal pound wet wash in minutes rm 5315 listed by Mrs mgtrerved lunch mim gt nnxnnunmnunmnmgiuu Make ilabauidetï¬il wirhnerdirrrml Ileilcliog was rill Lonoasrr wmrrrno sub 18 omuu Inneuro viuc Roy Anemdfstrlet deputy matter and income this mi spoke at the Georsisn mark rrrrr1rrumurburr ummmnnWm Brill Mn Rhea Carterentertlm the Mrs Georse Srnutt andan IJgllmtlpCfltl gnu llmweek rm Philii mm the ormzr ter Wtrill dithering Biu Agnew or Toronto Mhuunm REG mow on major source olemploymrnt in Canada is the mo Mamie ulucturlng industry ho more cold nngm Nv more midi and ehills rrom running outside Now the shortest clothesllne in the world tron your washer to the Bendix Dryer Forget flhgll the weather wash anytime TheHeirde Dryer actually dries cloth 25W gym when they are hungo VdI Senior Brides Club on Theitay Mrs Absolutely will not tangle clothes load tram washing machine nlehalr nnwlow tempeistnre Sun or thenewest rynthr llc materials RDVlAR Prr0NE 24st Dries 13 lb load wetreiotbes full Michealr234 CONVERTIBLE uh in Pearl drive 95 PEPAI cArfrsx value at my ONLY $300 DOWN ANY lTEM THIS PAGE Eneclol srt truck ldur electric trun en amour Ira III to so lows on the intuitten lh our toeaive ynll It onlileml Hundreds of or ill idurto choose rom mrymemrr oi murmur men neimre rec cuntin diesel cure ma lo bleep or or uter iirlt Other seï¬ rt at Fitch illurnY INSPECHQN Make sure your holldytrtn isnt spoiled in tire troubl Iimlr insuretgrour um rm mummy tire tinsl uni provide you with he Dominion luv mune xunrurteed tum itlre It price may or your bird et Why not an on orl vilr of tin tarcor my mateyt Mlxm sto ftAomgd hiixeré 965 sorivi rhons