sumo nnt 1mm oriiilul up OOlJNlY or Bruno Sign my MONDAY wnnesoA and FRIDAY scnnglum 42 91s YearNeil NEARLY THREE HOURS after this derailment outside South Bend Indiana yesterday afternoon the Barrie District Collegiate Institute Band members were p1ayng fortheir fellow passengers stranded in the union terminal of the Notre Dame University city Eleven of the 12 The Maple Leafincluding the two speeialcoaches travelling home after appearing atlthe cars on the CNR on which the band party were 70ffilravel AddressesMeetinga 20 0f TwofAssllciiltI DARNED ons combined dinner meeting of the Huronia Historic Sites Development Association at and Tourist Association and the Huronia and Georgian Bay Vespra Community Hall on Wednesday Dec blades their principal guestand speaker Hon Bryan Cathcart Ontario ity Minister of Travel and Public He stressed the importanceï¬f tourist travel both as mational income and as means of people getting to know each other better This he basis of lastingï¬vorld peace Briefly he dxscrlhéd the histori cal background of his own village and tovynship Corunna in Moore Township flll 1823 the Canada Trade Act waspassed by the British Goyem ment with viewvto settling some differences in regardrlc its colon lies that were then Upper and Lower Canada It was than do cidod to take steps towards sel ecting permanent cpaital township site on the St Claire River was surveyed and tenacre tract in the centre was namedSL Georges Square and was reserved lor government uildirigs The streets in the town site were nam cd alter ollicers of Sir John Moores army and the town be bmraW The First Column THINGS byNavlLta shamr vGnlpshesydu call them rubbers came named Corunna in honor of Sh John Moore who was killed in thebnttleol Colinns during thgg Spanish Peninsular wars in Duringthe Fenian raids it was near Corunna that the only naval battle occurred on the St Clair River continued Mr Cathcart ltwas at this time that Captain John Gurd established flotilla of boats to guard the river front Broughtyp with this background the Minister said he had continued to maintain keen interest in the historic background ofthe prove ince and astminister of Travel and Public be was particularly Ainterested in the work of associa tians set up to pleserve historic Sills and encouragean interest in the historical background of the country believe it was your association which some years ago now revived the Vhistoric title Huronia for this whole area have learned 111 theAsso eiationwas19unde the year JD and what struckme was that at that ï¬rst inauguraL meeting there were no less thanJoiJ dele gates preSent rcpresen praci tlcally every municipality etweerl heronwent out of iashionln Eng landjust about the time was be ing weanediron the preparatory school for rugged life in pub lic school suspect you would call bur litv cello private schools My grandparents were great he lievcrs inlhe goloshes trend and as small boyi endured the humA illty being made to wear them when myoontemporarles wentscot rrjee This did something tb my nature and vowed to be rid of this particuiar footwear at the earliest opportunity psychiatrlst would easily un derstandrmy warped outlookwhen first cameto Canada still re sit the obvious esslty quiring rubbers Tbé first wintero course there was some excuse Funds were lim itbd and had an admirable pair of choosiwhich were really ate lnlrondén pica OwenSound and Drilli said the Minister Knowing as do howhard it is to stir up reulenthusiadmlor even the worthiest cause fact that 100 people canRe rnues to estllblish this body tellsrnle that it is likely to endure particularly since ï¬nd that most orthose founders have kept up their eu thuslasm through the years and goodly limbs are here with us othlerï¬st thatcan be exa tly compared with Your Huiours group which has for velopmeut an on quite unique However there are several ional rganiLltions such asthosein uskoka Ease Cdurity LakeoltheWoods th Peninsul andvsomn few ih ameonly relt wnsmthe grass roots the were taken Cloudy and Cool Snew Flurries The past week wasmostly cloudy with occasional light mow and with In it snow storm ou Friday Dec It has fallen now to depth 0112 inches on the level as it was bf and lettlcd down Roads were tricky at times and today promises more at the apple show In flurrles with not much change Temperatures were Dec Dec Dec Dec Dec Dec Deli Dec Dec Dec Accident Free Icyl2adsei pistrict and jtown police report gtvery quiet weekend with only1 few minor collisions because of the snow and icy roads rWithin the town there were only three 18CCldehl5 all very minor People are learning to drive in this weatherl comments lo constable Slush splashed on his windshield caused one motorist to gointo the ditchbut damageto the car was negligible Bar Police Rece ve Postings posting pf ofï¬cers Jr the present Barrie detachment ofï¬he OPP has been ouicially announc ed Sergeant Morley Wright was posted to Guelph atthelheginning oi this month Corporal Jack Lee will takeup duties at Eradiordvat the begin ning of the year and Corporal Les Lackie snd ConstableJohn Hi be both stationed at Constables aeaman chClura Chaddock pappin er pm Hedilb will bé attached to district beadlt quarters at Barrie Siayner Fills Councl Seals Niagara Whit veryv manna Botthr icesspans Ciemeuce hayebeen ae lrlg the present councl en eltia as elected of three members ill Midis thenamed to hospital Fara Tllal 0n Further Charges Midlanarree préss Herald Central ï¬gure in the shootin iamin last summer Albert Casey 4i was sentenced 20 ran penitentiary ERTCT Wï¬ dayDec on charge of armed robbery to which he pleaded guilty ln passing sentence Magistrate Marti termed Casey public dangc Evidence was that Casey said That will hold you alter firing second Shot intmwila ilam Lamb lying wounded on the floor of his East last Feb 24 Two men of whom Casey was one ablauied $167 in the closing time holdup of the groceteria Har cidMoore is also charged in con nectionrwithnthc same holdup but Casey told court Wednesday that his companion had not been Moore but another man whom Your record compels meld conclude that you are public danger and the possibility of yourv reformation during the active years remaining to you must be remote Magistrate Martin cum merited Casey also laces charges in Supreme Court at Barrie next rmurilh involving the shooting of Mr and Mrs Archie Hyatt and their young son Hewas commitj ted on three charges oi attempted murder in preliminary hearing in Midland 11 August Casey had been boarder at the Rus sell SL home the time lt Christmas Tree Hunttailsl Face Theft Charges lqllce have clamped down on theft of Christmujrees in the Barrie area Yesterday at teruoom four youhg Humiltou him were arrested In lunlsfll Township 011 the oulskirtg in town when they were found stealing has in brnad day They have been charged with thcfl land are in the cnuntyigaol at Barrie they re liable toy fine or sen tence hen they appear belore thc magixtnte cellargas will he laid in every instance states Cor pnral ArthurKellugg of dis trict headquarters of the tarlo Provincial Police Form ershave lotto be prote ted Wanna not in to toean this sortioltbln gt mat year the of trees in the district became widespread beg2r Christmas and lalge number of trees were atolen Monday other passen rs onthe train xork groceterla oNoAY DECEMBER 12 l955 stranded ac Band GivesConcert For Fellow Passengers You have compared the hunt of people from 42 States Hawaii Lynch ot ï¬sh can told the Barrie District CoUcziM and number utter their concert in the Hotel Sherman Saturday morning You hlvo hand that in Just thrllllnx Flom the button our heartwc any you have presented program that wllL never be forgotten Mr Lynn representing the Notlonul Midwthlland CUnio bullied ovcru plaque to WA Mar director and added to Ibrmmrpmhexmlmg MidWest NationalBand Clinic in Chicagoilwere derailed After plow ing and swaying for several hundredyardsaiong freight siding the train came to stop tilted to the sidesas can be seen in the abovephoV tograph taken by the band president Do Me inno Barrie group wasinlured although tw No one in the his varied career as always been his hometown sportsman of note in hisyouth and newspaperman by trade he travelled far and actuall made his home in such distant spots as Victoria BC and New York as well asabroad fol some 80 years Butduring all thatztime be oli uwed closely activities and person alities related to Barr The scapejbr his work was only recognized when the town celebra tcd its centennial in 1953 and the historian made his extensive data on the town available The Exam iner hadpartlcular cause to be grateful to Mr Grantrfor hisas sistanced compiling its ionpage centennial issue Mr Grants main interest in lire hand You arc wonderful nm hasndon or good yrlitj Report bl the bands perlor mince will have to wall until Wednesday edition because of subsequent event Nearly threc hours after the lrpln dot nilmcut yesterday the band arrived at the colon terminal in South Bend Indiana and hungry followlnr the expcrk gate with Icvcrll hundred other shaded manila thetemluul along wllh many other peoplelmlnrllu¢ Notrc Dame students Mr Fisher dc ï¬ll the boys Indglrla M1 fcw numbers they pin willmu lght numbers haul closed wit God Savannath The man who has nklng back over the years of ltwili also be due to Mr Grant that the past history of Barrie will live in the years to come His priceless record of the fowns early days and development contained in photographs and in his own writing and clippings from week ly vissum 01 the old Northern Ad vanw and The Gazette as well as The Examiner have been care fully and systematically placed in albums There are 85 volumes in all He began his clipping bobby as young man when he care fully selected items from Barrie and ether newspapers that reached him in British Columbia the Uni ted Vstatu Alaska Mexico Hon olulu and Australia tllday Yesterday his many friends paid tribute to Fred Grant on the occasion or his 83th birthday dedicated greater part of his llle to the compiling of Barrieshlstory marked the occasion quietly at his home on Worsley Street perhaps thi INJURY minimum TRAINlllMPSTRAGliIsi NEAR SOUTH VIBE soora BEND momma Sections Popeye STAFF SPECIAL All members of the Barrie District Collegiate Cdnoeit with 18 parean and friends who accompanied them onthechieogo trip miraculously escaped death or serious injury Bunday at noon when their train jumped the track twomlles West of es Eleven of the 12 cars on th tth Notre Dame University city in the MidWestflnitcdstat crack ONE The Maple Lent Chieugo to Montrealtruin travelling via Grand flrunl WestI ern lines were derailed for some as yet undetermined rea son but alter plowing and swaying or several hundredyards along irelghtsldlng came to adizzy stop stlll upright it tilted to the sides That they did not somersdultdown steep embankmenthasibeerl attributed tothe fact that=the4two special cars carrying the Barrie party broke in the huddle There was moments silence exceptfor hissiilgashat teled steam lines Then quickly actionznsthose in charge began td check There in the middle or the train thetwo Barrie cars were separated by 25 vyardsln which deep hole had been gauged Rails were twistcdin grotesquefash lamsolid ties were ground into matchwork and thevestibules between the Barrie Collegiate Band erus were shattered Becé onds before this half dozen members of the band had puss ed through this vestibule on the way to the diner Quiet and orderly every one of the Q0 Barrie people on the two cars filed off into the perature with hardly trace sunny 12 degree Indiana tem of snow on the ground Most were somewhat dazed or shocked fewhad bruises some apparently unconcerhed about it allihut noone injured T610 United States citizens an elderlyiman and Negro woman were taken to hospital They were in cars further back but it was notbelieved their irijurieswere serious iilhe Barrie group arrived at All Poppietun Vattendlng university landale slatlon Ht 430 Monday morning Just lourhours behind schedule Joan Serieaut and Tom Fred Gran wasnn outstand ingathlete in his youth Among his writings are recollections of the days when hewas member at championship lacrosse baseball and football teams back in the 80s and 90 His poems recall the days of boating and canoeing on Kempcn feltBuy and Lovers Creek and his boyhood days when he was member at tho tamous Mary Street Gang Still in goodhealth Mr Grant olteri contributes items to The Examiner although not to the ex tent that he did in the years when not alfat Toronto iA special New York Central train was madeup atElkhartlndiana to carry the 260 passengch on to Port Huron Mlchignnï¬where Canadian Nations was ready wlthanother train lneludlugdlncr and sleepers for the runtoTdronto and Montreal The Maphe Len By this time the wreckers from jutting un lesgo werehusyrge tin wh ct lcftofthe original onto llatcursjlortransport to the repair shops 91119 which lymph at the Unittdsmtes No on ai MidWait Bandfcllniclast weeki leltthc Hotel Sherman outlay morning 920 nclock and Station It was remappy Darryyespeclallr in viewofthe ovation alter the Saturdaygrllomlngeoncert in the Crystal Ball Room the kindly and sincere praise Ironl Rafael Mendez and the warm appreciation tron the clinic sponsors and the pres entation of plaque to er band director rpmred bytwo big diesels the train ok of on time and stretumed from the Alooglwith thepeople the town and his many friends throughout the country The Exlt aminer wishes to join in extend irig best Wishes to this distinguish ed sun lie is truly Earries Grand Old MarJ babicsane of the coaches nvo coaches and lollowed the diners was hardly cant seat whole train Eeople were chatting cl behind that two unge car reading thebullw Sundafy morn lag Chicago papers and some were knitting People am the frontmcoaches began to pass through thg Barrie carson the Waylon edlners Some with little children several ahadlans seemed very hungry about 1130 am Allhad breakfastedkwell at 30 Itvhappmcd nicrsyyas an unusual pounding aloof the track wbleh imprint all can Tired thunderous bang and on the lrla were lu front on of theipinle pailAlleged tum then swing dirt flying put crackan Harrie coaches parted company Ode second andeverythinguwaa people gt streamed or oathes thé Vcanduc and tralnlnan both of Port Huron appeared from the rear hile tho veteran epgineer and husky young assistant the diesels converged ironiitlle All lour were aaidlhsyéadid sec tics ored adistlncttrl ed The Maplelleaf at Dearbom