Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 2 Dec 1955, p. 20

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Sunday in Toronto Mr Ild Mrs Symmrtspent Sunday In ruentc Back from Hunting Dr floribn and But have rotunul none uler spelung tort lane hunting the Graven hurst distinct inere were raven in the puriy and eat got deer hloved in Barrie Mr Ind Mrs Charles Mooney liltd izmiiy have moved to Barns Mr amt mm Graumand stuny WLiD were living in Mrs John Eus lonb house have uisomnved to Barrie Christmu Malia Thg Chrlshmas meeting cl the Womens institute will be held at Mrs Browns on Thursday ev ening Dee at 315 Roll call an exchange oi Christmas gitu There will be prtgrem in keeping with tiltChristmas suison Dies Alter short illness highly respected citizen in the person oi Mrs Maw pastel rrwey in the Royal Viclhm dDSpi till on shturnny Nav l9 where she had been patient or little over week The late Mrs Maw tormerly Miss AnniEVMcClcan was one or 10 children the late James llc Clean and Margaret Cunninghnm She was born in the Township of Essa and Miende Mount Pleasant School Over 50 years ago she mnrried the late Maw and they established their home near LgbcrL They moved to Thurman 49 years ago when she had resid ed ever since She was the last one 01 her family Her husband predeceased her in MaylBSl She SulVlVLu by her son lwn or lhcrryzron arli two grandchildren Gary and Frances Ann Maw The mineral which took place from the Lloyd and Slcckley Fun eral Parlors on Tuesday alternaon GILFORD Deepest Sympathy Deepest sympathy oi the Com munity is extended to Mrs Muns tiold Harrison in the tragic death ol hcr husLnnd on Wednesday of last week Farm Forum On Nov 28 the Farm Forum held their meeting all the home cl Mr and Mrs Sherman Todd The subject under discussion was Should the Farmer Keep Ax eounts It was decided that yes was the logical answer as arming is business Next meeting at Mr and Mrs Kenneth Sturgeons home on Dec Topic Retirement PlamlTiirmers shturrlay Guests Miss Shirley Fraser of Toronto was Saturday guest of Miss Ethel Todd tended nnnquei Those ram Gilmrd attending the banquet in honcr of tie vsit of the United Church of Canada Moderator in Cooleslown United church were Mr and Mrs sher man Tcud er and Mrs Robert Kellfiur and Mrs Glrvan Sawyer MlssReba and Elmer RothwelL Everything is filled with snow and roads are nearlyblocked toVlhorntnn Cemetery was con ducted by her pastor Rev Barnard There were many belu luul laml umutes including tense run lnnJy Unzted Church Ray usr Conscruolion Ind one 1mm group Lays imm Ll nIaJWdyn depurqnelu tuLeamrs were lama Spurs Ciuries Mccney Art McQuzty unwan Tueinpcsn am Carr irlends were present irom Ta mine with Sick Brother Mrs James Lennox is with tile broulcr in Barrie who isycry Llhere was very heavy hill smw on Tuisday evening Sincere Sympntby Our sympathy is extended to the tarnily ol tnu lntcMamlield Harri ion introlltng on Hlylwny ll no wus known by many people in the ruwnsntp Ld lnrusxil illid anuoinlng Iléwninllai and will be greatly miss From Winnipeg Mrs William lime or Winnipeg spent low days with Mr Lina Jim Grinare nerve Weekend visitors Miss Lillian slhan oi TLronlo and Mr and Mrs Wicks and Donald ulMnrkmn were weekend Visitors at is Sloans Bible Society Meeting The annual meeting at the Bible smutu Mas limo in sl rulers Cnurun on Monday evening Ladies ruin the missionary SCCIctlcS were in charge or the devotional period Mrs Morris acted as chatrlndy Mrs sawyer read portion or scripture and Mrs Kell led in prayer llev Uulrgc Parsons relt piesullrlalive al the Bible Society gave very snrrlng address ion lowed by tne him 45 Tpga St nev MWC closed Wan prayer Results of nominations for i956 Prestdent William Akers secre tarytreasurer Sloan MITCHELL SQUARE Kl Meetlnlg The Womens Institute mct Thursday December at Mrs flu Moneys lhe Nll call was answered by stamped Christmas card and also in gill brought for enuti oi the thiiurens Aid sirlazy Scrvlcp Holy communion service will be conducted on Dec at lizin am at Central Presbyterian Church by Rev Slavik wedding Congratulations Congratulatmns are extended to Mr and Mrs Sutton nee Edna Forrester who were recently niar tied Chrlsimas Concert 1th teacher and pupils 01 SS No Will hold their annual Christina concert Jn Monday Dec ill at pm SPORTS INFBUENCE East and West and in the mid dle good clean sport will do job at tying together the varied in terests oi huge country as well as anything we can think or Gananoque Reporter VLIEVITV LEVITS TRADING first more flour and display opening of another large No new show windows UTOPlA noel Amior Mnureon Elnhick Margaret Erin and June Brunsklll received clip1 lornas pnrl Mnry Jackson annihQ little award lit BDCI Commence ment Friday 49th Weddlng Anniversary Congratulations to Mr and Mrs Fred McCflnn on their 49th wed ding anniversary The tamlty held dine on Saturday in honor the occasion at Mr and Mrs Jack McClmns Those present were Mr and Mrs Arnnll Mul Virginia Heather nnd Bonny and Mrs Ray Mills Jane rind Kathryn ot Goldwater Mr and Mrs JankMe Carin and Dawson pupup toas ter was presented to the honored couple Home For Weekend Audrey Elphlck apciatn for Bell Telephone and Maureen El phick nurselntrainlng ut Barrie were at their home here over the weekend Doug McMaster Toronto was at his home and attended the EM Commencement George Higginson Guelph was at his home and took in the Corn mcncemmt at Barrie Miss June Brunskill attending teachers college onto was home and received herdiplnmn at the BBC Commencement Excr elses At flnmllton Hospital Miss Erma McKinley nursein tralnlng at the and Hospital Collingwood was lit her home here Mr and MrsVivian MRCILR companlcd herlto Hamilton where she is allillntirig at one the hospitals for six weeks Visitors Andcucsts Mr and Mrs Ewart Jennett and iarnily o1 Pulnswick were with the iormers brother Borden Jennett and lamlly Rev Mr Monks was suppcri guest with Mr and Mrs Hector Turnbull and Mr and Mrs Harvey Tutnbull Sunday Mr and Mrs Cliliord Virtue and family of Barrie were Sunday vis itors with MrsSadie Cpulsan and Russell Mr and Mrs Fred Gibson and family were Sunday visitorst with Miaand Mrs Lou 1uax and am windowarea addition to the reunites opened in 1952 was eniargedln 1954 to the week until spent Suhday with Mr and Jnek Mecann Mntgnrct and Mary Ellis enter tained some young people at rup per Sunday on sick uit Dawson MeCimn is under the doctors dare We all wish hlmia speedy recovery Borden Jonnett is on the sick list at hishome4All hope he will soon be hlulsell again Amy Hunting row huntes enjoyed it flew clays hunting at the Inolhilli Mulmur when there was open sea son ltb Bank Home Mrs Artlhur Coxworth has re turned homo nliter spending week WthMrs Bob Davis in Toronto Weekend in Toronto Mr and Mrs Jack Banting Jac queline and Elenor spent the weekend with Mr and Mrs Clar ence Curruthers in Toronto premises at 33 Collier street to theAlett or picture and additionaljloor WI Meeting The Ivy Womens Institute will meet at Mrs Jennetts on Dec 141 pmRoll call to answered by exchange at git Mrs George Davis washasr lessto who ladies at Christ Church Womans Auxiliary on Thursday Nov 25 Thirteen members Jour neysd to Barrie to be with Mrs nnvls once more in her naw ho iliepresldait Mrs Bf Jennfi preSlding opened with hymn fol lowed by primers Mu Cecrgdfi Davis rend me scripture reading Misslomiry study was given by Mrs Henry Davis from the book on The Womens College alld told all atout the 50th nnnivermry and about the Students from all parts Canada Japanrlndiaand the United Slates whlch was vi interesting Minutes were read by Mrs lil wood Jennett and detailed rje part the activities ol the work ior the year short business dis the onlch clission was held Lionel supper in the tutor is to be arranged The treasurer gave the annual 90 showinga good balance to sum til glow year read by Mrs HEantlng The pruldeht asked Mrs Eslen Davis to preside during an election of nllieera or the coming year President Mrs Jonnott lst vicewprosidcnt Mrs Bevan Monks secretary Mrs Elwood Jennett treasurer Mrs Harry Bunting Dorcas Convener Mrs Claude Banting Living Message Mrs Henry Davis file program with Mrs Monks in charge gave very tricky little contest on the names at amour people Ruth Davis nnd Mrs Shaver were the winners The hostess served dainty lunch and all enjoycdlt verymuch may rrlrcwvtnners 0n Wednuday Nov 23 Douglas Spurs lvy public school along with 14 other prize winners irorn Simeon County were entertained by county council in Bdrrie ln the early tall pupils the county wroie essays on What we should know about weeds and their con trol The winers were picked up at their respective schools and tak teu ta Bdrrle wheretheyabscrved the council in Simian At the noon hour they were treated in tur key dinner utRoblndalclnn Douglas as winner or the mth prize was presented within cheque crew Suuday with Porting Mr and Mrs Chris Lindsay spent Sunday with Mrs Lindsays parents Mrarid Mrz Bert Ill Qunv Mission Band The Ivy Presbyterian Mission Hand held their regular meeting in the church basement onhuesdoy ulternoon Nov 15 with an attend lince of it Roll call was answered by each giving their talent money and telling how it Was earned This came to $371 Linda Lyons and Lorne Chipohcee were appoint ed to be in charge at next months prograizn The dcvoiional service itOSb in nAsllslzLEchlcMorons BARBIE Prion 53m ievlslon The cangrega Bawmnmeeincrmns SERVICE ALL Wonk ounnnmncn Mr and Mrs Albert Dawson for ullthe family fpr every occus fYgtW runtosu nelvx ullrubburluud oven iiroc th mien ivy tmurlpluld Wu llnlnqaullilnieltlnrelc in fluc Ciwlu oi blodr with grey hi and brown with brown trim in low undhlahfielJllllngl DEIUlANTEaImIlnr in design avail able in plain or brown errilcna All ruhbur pullover boot with warm liens lining popular winter haul with rm boyi 001 llmlm and dfildron Adlmtublo buddeshnp toropay ovi andofl Nam tap on bad Mflmp Nemkid role and boy him only in protective toe guard ORV BILL DASH Prop as provide room tor larger displays or tamous mime appliances and tore trout is finished in PennaStone with in full width brightly illuminated overhead canopy ROADW uv to IIO the that nrxner receive 1nd villi WI out nothing to widen the Can diln 1100 can blow up HQ the tynthctic nullltu flu United Stlta Ind Rum no plan ning to project into the min sphere Brocks Alta Bulletin my nu mum WANT AD CASH rok YOUR CAR Slim 10 nllllalllirlllill morons LIMITS USED CAR LOT 253 limuoru 51 Du 9n latest wordllrorn Onturla Pro vlneial Police it that the campaign to promote greater safety on the provincol highway and cut down the alarming tall or killed and lt would seem nirnast that Mr Av eragn Motorist hi5 suddenly rea lized there isnt so much hurry to get there Scnl1oro Mall mnlmed ls imaging ruulLs NOBUmES VANCOUVER CPPollce have warned that there will be crack downnn liquor drinking hockey matches was conduztcd by the leader Mrs GordonCochrane The scripture was read by Mrs Gibson Papers and pnomsl were read by Merle Hoggarth Lorna Chipcitose and Lind1 Lyons Mrs Cochrane tthen told the next chapter the study bnbk Fig TreuVlllnge JOE trim For Prompt Courteous service PHBNEV5943LS944 rrcc nelivcry within so Hills 24 AluNlttE lU rm nu Uhuhfl vim uunum PLAN Up in $200090 for home Improve BEllVEll LUMBER 56 ELLEN s1 trauma onion Benoit nor ncnwri styled lrish Linen lined ESTl wonderful values in MBBIIIE BAGGAGE For lhe happim thank you give the promise of happy hulldly to come Handsome mutant The Oomtn nder set in top bag age selected from our big gnln cowhide Very handsomely not Thrilling gilu for those specie mine on your list TWOASUITEE $5500 porirANiox AEROKIT sassn am BERKELEY BAG s25ou CHRISTMAS VSPECIVALSI Most polar of lightweight nir pline aging McBrine Corntt open slo set includes LADIES AEBOPACK s1500 4IIANGEB AcnorACK 53250 IIAT AND SHOE CASE $5950 18 OVERNIGHT CASE $1950 within CASE sazsn Trim CASE lF CRAIG SONS Trhe Store Thrri Ir mm gum Delueénrwlriaeo ncroclirer superbly mired Inselichly lined Sliownure BARRIE NYLFUR Duluxl NYLON ovonm with wont tlaoe llnlnl and smart mutenjrlm Front luelnn giver mug my in InlIiin fail in well lurid furpremier collarené nh mnIk lnp how bladrwlth black tr brown with brown him law and high heel finingl RAINSIEPS Novpopular Goodrich rniiei lightweight picnic riylod yooiwecr to keep mt inupand dry Mooldod from wit guru pleillc high incur Sim for dlildr SIM wlllllllll PRfliEBTIfl leplr m5nlurl printed plaid dulunuppar wltlr eon uulodtroniilidotux nor HIGHLAND dun winter comfort with it warm hem lining and builtin hltliuolo action at block wiih creyjrlm unrl ugh wllh Frown trim in and hluh in tlitlngr xlblrhnlhm blanovevbw i2 highsfraldtdlal hingfprln filCun wcnlcu chromium uclr tlnlili Noi Ani uproarszrobtiwflllif ISUMTED FOOTWEAR Polrm rendan 1m amulan lrnulrnecl Bani doflu hunger cold An Ixcluuv eon uclionprovldn In tumultls tho that In ubu ankle up eelri out and warmth In oathmotto lqu rl tontwenr principle dwnlopod by enedrleh inf adapted by the new ln innlyiqu fin outdoor tunain Mummum lemmaluau unknownht mu lnrun nu in ammalian Ill lliEAI IMF WI DUTDWI WOiKElS SNRISMINJND lItE Wlloll MI auxmm wwmnwmmm unwaw

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