tentva NWN drum orsllucoc sinceum MON AY wsotlrsmlv ond FRIDAY single copy 91st YeahNo 135 ii Follritll Big Hometown Waits Santa Tomorrow lsthe big day BurHes fourth big hometown parade will Welcome Santa Claus totown as the Yuletide sea son ls otflclally opened The mainstrccls will be lined wlth children and adults as tort ege ol storybook characters 14 big floats not countingthe double float which Santa and his rein deer ll be carried and dozens or walking ï¬gures proceed into tow Thevannual procession starts off 1mm the fairgrounds and winds up at the Arena where the dis tinguished vls from the North Polevvill fittingly be enthron on the ice surlncu to personally greet each and everyone or hlsyohng admirers Surrounding him will be members of his fairy talc court dreary and her preï¬xmaids Mother who will send all the Christmas minded youngsters home with bag of candy as memento the occasion Theparade sponsored annually to th Barrie Chamber of Com melCE with the support of local merehdnts and businessmen al Treat By Benoitincl Guests Sunday Evening musical treat is promised in the first at the Sunday evening con parts In the series by the Barrie Citizens Band to be held on Sun day night at 830 ln the Roxy Thea re It will be under the direction of handmaster Joe McNelllie and As sistant Alfred Shepherd and will leature Peter Edgc iluteJololSt with the Canadian Guards Band and other artists Bend numbers will bevaried and include the march Voice of the Guns Alford Movements from LArlesicntie Suit gt on arrange ment of Londonderry direct ed by Hired Shepherd old land folk airs from The Raikes oi Mal low and others An additional attraction or the first timevlll be numbers from an nilgirl accordion band also electric steel guitar numriers by any Thompson Spanishmuitarby Don Poole Jim Faster and by Wilbert Hake principal of the Peel Con servatory of Music Barrie whle Ken Sollcry wlll glyehérmonico selections There ll be also group from Toronto with Rhoda Madgett elec tric guita Ray Faulkner and Bob Cain Spanish guitars also Elys Perkins with the steel guitar and vocal features As usualthe collec tlonl taken will be for band sup por no re Calls Barrie rire brigade had two short calls yesterday In the morning to the corner of Wursley and Mulcaster streets where fire had started under vcrandah and in the afternoon it was to Bl Shanty Bay Road where alloil stove became overheated Nel thcr have serious trouble proved steadily each year since the town began preparing its own floats and 1955 will he no excep tion All the loatshave received lrsli coatvof paint and several added leotures Theatrical costumes have been rented to give the spectacle really professional look and only snow on the ground will be needed to improve the settings Iashioned en tirely by local hands The Queen of Hearts will back again this year to join the parade and there will be other old tavor ltes llke Mary Mary Quite Con Goose Peter Peter Pumpkin Eat er and Hansel and cretel der eila and her prlnce Charming the Old Womanwho Livedjln Shoe and her Children Goidilocks and the hree Bears the Snow Quisen Hi lddle Diddle and the Cat and the riddle and the Cow Who Jump ed Over the Moon the Three Little Pigs and Hunrpty Dumpty Kins Cole and his Fiddlers Three and RubaDubDdb Not to mention their compan ions on foot Eskimos neraids nohln Hood and hisMerryVMen or Sherwood Forest drum majorettes Simple Simon and the Pieman and MarLand her Little Lamb Sunta will come to town on wave of music provided by the Orlllia Klltle Clown Band the Barrie Cltizens Band the Barrie Pipe Band the Barrie Sea Cadet Band andthe Royal Canadian Dra goons Band 1rnm Camp Borden making their first appearance here The Parade Starts on oclock from the fair grounds needing north along Essnï¬oad and aradlord Street to Dunlap street east to Mulcester Street and back along Collier Street along ZRoSS Street to Parkslde Drive and the Arena It should nrrivcat Post Olrlce Square shortly before ll oclock This is Barries sixth annual Sam ta vClaus parade hr the firgt tw years an imported parade visited town and then the Chamber bl Commerce constructed its own floats Hosnitali New BasisS For 1956 Simcoe County uncilapprov ea of two recomme datlons placed before tliem in the report by the rpeclat committee on hospital maintenance grants on Wednes day Novzl The committee rec ommended that the county make no maintenance grants in 19$ but that hospitals be requested to sub mit statementshowingmost of FOREMAN DRowNs AT WORK ull extras supplied to indigents in 1955t was then recommended that the 1956 Councilvat thelrJan nary session should considermak ing agrant to hospitals for 1955 based on this infomation lugthe coursed theirjzn quirles the committee had com to the opinion that the cashposl on of Hospitals in the county With the exception ot Barrie would raved if the bad debts and free service couldhavebeen eliminated Bad debts in the case of Barrie amounted to 119 of revenue and tree services £6836 At the other end 01 Jill scale it was found that bad debts at Mid land Hospital amounted to 14227 of revenue and tree service to 806 On theevidence at detailed renounce what was actuallypaid per bed for indigentzpatients at Barrie hospital the committee felt that the variousrates charged should be sufficient to cover actual ied care There were howevetu sxtras such as drugs use of oper iting room xrays and blood plasma lor wh ch the hospitals liidenot get paid in the case of undigenls For thisreason the special com rrdttee chairman Reeve Mervyn Gardiner of Orlllia recormnended thatany grant should herbased on the cost or eittras supplied to indigents The county Hospitals Associa nAapearedmbe ore Council Januaryscsorzfun maintenance grant but no money was set aside let the pur pose at the tim Autumn Assembly Spry Chapter at Masonic Tompletl tcr Rose Crolx waslhcldinBar mnsrmm roentgen tarot Fennella rown edinren eight feel deep creel Wednesde afternoon lilong Highway 11 ab four mil At the time rie Meso lenlpl Wedne sy dates timex Edwin WilsonHMW sided The degree work menced at 230 pm and continued untllriiJï¬ when banquet was Field rlnlhe lecture hall of drews Presbyterinnthurch Scenes Colleglaieï¬and Plans Concerf To Haise Ip Funds nonlo Cdueglate none will present preview 01 tholr Chicago promm lna specul concert attire school auditorium on Saturday evening Dec It In ihnped to have Dr usuo Bell here from Toronto and alaotcaptu James Gayfel lromClmp Borden toeonduct several selections the band dir ector Alien Fuller stated today special meetingof the band advisory committedheld this week discovered that the band is lacking $250 to cover expens es lor the Chicago trip neo 71010 play at the Ninth An nua mildWest National Band Clinic at Hotel Shermnm ltls hoped that the concert wlll provide the necessary lends Tickets are only 501 end even it you cant attend the do nation will he graternuy re ceived to help lthe young musie inns crutnctr trip to Chicago Presentation To School inspector By Couninyouncil County Council business was in terrupted for short whileto wards theend lot the mor mg session onwednesdayto allow Warden Roy Kielding to make special presentation onbehal of the council to Gibmn senooi inspector recently of Orllll After 25 years service county as school lnspcctorMr Gibson was moved to new elr cult centred on Toronto During his time here he had approx fimatclLflnrsghnniesmd urider his Julle was also one at the original dir ectors of the County Library sociatio rennmed Cou brary co pel also served His pus ion has now been taken by Scott of Barrie Expresslnglne good wishes ot the council Warden Roy Hlekll presented Mr Gibson lwitha lea ther despatch go erhaps touching pccasionsin appeared before you and find mysclf=spce¢hless said lb son in expressing his tha ks Council shulltalre with me the very greatest dcbghtin having met with the approval Ctth Board of Directors 01 met on Tuesday afternoon and dis cussed tnese reports The execu has peafedfhundreds lacs he where the parade willwind up so that thevlsltorfrqm the qrthPale can rsonaliy meet all his young friends plums OlltTo Witness BarirlelNominations Wards and the acclaimed aidermen helng Ward ert Golds and Hambl Morrow and Paddl rWard Harry Mickie and Wine Cookejsnd Equlliams Three nominations were receiv ed for ehch oi Wards and They were Ward Pratt Mclurk and Joseph Long tln Wald2 Petrimoulx Williams andJcrry Cough thlswlll re witnessed the lopenlng the Barrie nomination meeting at the BDCI auditorium last night not more than 50 re mained to hear the speeches or candidates nominateddid not stay to make the customary public speech His Worship Mayor Eldon Greer was renominated by ac clamation to the office of mayor alter Gable hadwithdrawn his nominat for this office vTherofficé cl reevefwas ï¬lled by the acclnmatlon of Reeve Will and Kinzie For the past 01 Deputyï¬eeve the testantsE Flankl Murray Mills whosenomination was the ï¬rst to Cappear on the board There will be no elections in EN ieven people number Ward For the public there were six nominations three seats MacLaren Dr Shannon Gable ante he would never be es Mrs man if he were returned to office are two can Hersey and Roblnt Charles Newton Three candidates mm nomina tedJor one seat on the PUC Ern James Poppleton Bobier Bl ns Afterxa lengthy debate County Council yesterday adopted the recommendations or the special committee set up in June this year toinvestigate the Childrens Aid Societys costs The decision was reached after an amendment to the original motion proposed by Reeve McLean orColllngwcod to the effectthat the report be adopted with the deletion ofthe recommendation respecting the closing of branch offices was lost recorded volcwas taken 01 the motion and eight members of council opposed the motion They were Reeve Albert Calvert Port Mchcoll Deputy Reeve Ralph Dalton Tay Reeve Albert Glirny Tecumseth Deputy Reeve Mel Holden Midland Deputy Reeve Holt nldnle Reeve Wit Kelie Deputy ReeveGeaige Lisk Tecumseth Reeve Joseph Ballard Tottenhnm Committee mcomendatlona lhe reconunendatians ot the committee cover seven points The three principal sugglstlcns are that the Countyappoint wel tare committee at rive members county wellneofllcer and that thebranch owe system at the CAS be eliminated and only one otfice he maintained with resident social workers operating in the districts where there were now branch offices in manner sim ilar Lw the Victorian Order of rses Nlt was this latter recommenda tlcn which was the main point ol argument throughout the debate OAS Views The report had been tabled since the opening olcouncll session to enable members tostudy it and alsnltc enable the gas to view ltand givetheir opinions to Coun cil Prior to open debate in council yesterday president 01 the Soeiety 01 Simcoe County gtad dressethe Council At the outset would like to tive 19 matthe execu CASV gone on record he approv Innis ICoun lnBy Acclornohon rim men Clerk window lclolnned that all mlmlwrs oi mount Township Com We rceiected by While This hiclnded the members0f I0 schoolbouds Story of the rmmnthn meeting pear in Mondays edltlon est Alexander James Hart Dr Jr Edwin Wilson All candidates have untltq pm Rnb today to qualify Ward cindldates speeches with iew exceptions the ten ure at most of thespeeches made by prospective and acclaimed can didates was much the same The nest spirited speech cameirom Hembly newly accialmed ald ermahfor Ward who severely itlclzed the council for spending liberally without attempting to provide parkingplaees lor the motorists He also had some school board thoughts on the working of the for public works department Jerry Coughlin assured the audie Joseph Longtin also gave his as surance that he woulddo what Turn to Page tw please or SIMCOE COUNTY RECEIVES lng prlnanel the VWoodsqorv don report statedJEr Cutler Closing Branches Opposed The cns were notin favor or closing branch ofï¬ces as rec ommended by the speciaiv com mittee in defence of this stand Mr Cutler quoted from thel report submitted by the mcnagenlent consultants to the etlcctthatih were convinced that the branch system in this particular society was resulting in greater amount or protection work in the smaller population areas than fwculd re sult through centralized system Mr Cutler also pointed out that the total saving in flosing these nflices would amount to only $3500 which would be couner acted to eelta xteut by the increased travellin osts Lhermoie he questioned pro priety of asking resident worker to use his or her home as an ottice The technique of social work is to bring the parties concerned into an impersonal atmosphere so that the conditions which are emotionally distressing are as far removed as possible while the sit uation is being discussed said Mr Cutler Dulce Procedure in the matter of uttice pr lTurn to page eight pleasell fhe Last Coiumn Almost everyhody seems to ba talking about the Grey Cup today and might as well get in dyle Besides it presents golden oppor tunlty to talk about my relatives And my native townEimyale Now we wont discuss the walls side of the family at this moment in the past Earl has been mention ed and think it was brought out that Lee should make the Pitts burghPirates outifeld next spring Say how did baseball get lndothls act However wcl will swing right over to my mothers side Ritchie and that family ham is not unheard of around Elm ale comparably something like or Smith here Anyway to go dam to brass back Ill bursting with pride among things when the kickofl is 30 pm Pacille Standardffim 11 Empire Stadium Vancouv an my Uncle Hugh will be doing the kicking ofl justcs he did 46 yeors ago at Hosedale Field inTorontto The gentlemans name happens to be RITCHIE new row Toronto VarsitéeRit chic Ritch pIvee Welt tedrlng may from Turn to page live please Was gradingasteep mbanlrme twhenthe cable at aching athe tractorto the highways dope men truclép snapped Th strap