40 Onions wcrcheing offered at 40 Apples were also plentiful out pound cents per basket VH1th Several people 1mm hm have been kkinJn the Winterï¬ir in Toronto time it wooing int Fri day Fm Trip Mr and Mn Grout Ind Mrs Luck visited new Ind Mn Pukhouse in Fergus recznuy Recent Gunt Mr Ind Mrs cumin Icmon of Aidexshot were gum with Mr and Mrs Gary Wflson lately Weekend Guests Mrs unnoxs weekend guests WEN her brother Carruthers rrieï¬md Mrs Palmer un daughter Maignrei hunt in hospital Mrs Maw is in Royal Viclnrl Hospital narrln Alliston Wackend Norma Campbell spam oils last wuokcnd at Keith Whiicsidcs in Alliston Sale Ind supper Dont forget the bazaar saleoi baking and hot supper at Trinity United Church WQdmsday after noon and evening Nov 23 sponsor nd by the Womans Amiatiun Mrs E3th and little son SATURDAY nov 12 There was deï¬nitely an air of Christmas pervading the markct on Saturday little early perhaps but not loo early to think about thc unusual Christmas gifts you can ind here Honey lor instance Dark honey in the comb was selling or 30 cents and that price the vmdor sold his days supply There will he more llch week Liquid honey ranged in pricc from 22 cents to $245 At another stall you could buy moccasin slippers tor 5375 leather link belts from 49 cents to $2 and variety 01 wall decorations rung cnm in weeklt Carrs SW Man Min Ian and Min Knit China linden at Tasha Triininl Col lege nuunto Irv rtudent teachers It the Mile henna here liar this week along with two oil lirlr iron the lune college Conle of on In nirn Mn Scythe islpcnding comic of day this weck at Boy The Bible Sod mull meet in and public rally wiilhe held on Friday evening Nov in Trin ity United Church beginning at eight oclock The public is Iskcd Io mend this muting thnt you may be boner informed as to how your annual zivinp are used by this so ciciy and the urgent need at this great work which must go on from year to year Part this program will be Minute motion piciurc million 45 T1023 Street Sunday Vlsliorl Mr andrrrs Bert Hopper along Helen and Morris at Sandhiii Visited at Fred Johnstons DnVSun day Bereavement We regret the bereavement of Mrs Charles Mooney whose moth or Mrs Maw ms laid to rest at Coilingwood on Saturday Mr and Mrs Fred Sewcli 0114 don were at Ted Hewsons recent ly or the special occasion ofdhe christening oi their baby son Grog ory George Edward Hewson Altcndcd Wedding Mrs Erncst McCuicheon was in Toronto 101 the weekend of Nov 12 to attend her nephews wed ding hiniiy WA News This months meoting at Mrs Brelhcts was special one with splendid attendance The Egbert group was prcsent and Mrs Jory was the special weakerJMrs McCiean and Mrs Boakc were present from Barrie along with visitors 5mm this Com munity With Mrs Lennox in charge the usual worship service was iol lowed by Bible reading hyMrs Thompson and the lesson thoughts on Jesus said to him 11 you dont watch out Ill give you sonic Mrs an vocal solo wu Ic pampanled by Mrs Wilson gt Mrs Jory pruident at Slmcoe MW ytery WA spoke on Goodm 0mm utter reading part at 3k chuptcr Proverbs This grow ed real chullenze In the women at the church or as the speaker said the inch leave so much oi the work to hedone to the women so ihcir rusponsihilitie are many and varied The Womans Agodatinn was compared to hub in the chumh The speaker also said that as she looked around at the women in the church attendance senices how many there were whodid notbl iongio nny oi the church uraniu silons which was most regrettable act This very line address was listen ed to with rapt attention and Mrs Jory was heartily thankcd fur har efforts in this capacity There was short business session during ch letter was read from Miss in Greene which contained suhslanlini cheque the money to be used or rememhrnnncs for the sick The women were most appreciative of this thoughtful gesture Some iuture preparations or the bazaar were made After the close of the meeting mlnshrnents werc served and happy social time was splint ing in price from 75 cents to $2 am the way by Mrs Wilson gt There vmre some intriguing green frogs or ornammis at 10 cents each Cach Ami Cookies Nor is it too curly to think about ordering the Christmas cake There was some dark rich homemade Christmas cake oiicred at 50 cents pur lb Here again the vendor had already iaken number of orders for future delivery Thee was bf cobrseï¬tll mar wide selection cookies rolls and bread Bread fetched 20 emits inn and the urine rolls ranged from 20 cents to 30 cents Cup cakes were ï¬ltered zit 40cents dozen and butter tarts nt 50 cents dozen Picsripple blueberry and rasp berrywere priced at 50 cents each Christmasbnrds Innism School No still had on display good scleciiun of Christ mas cards lorwhich they were ask ing $1 perbox Plentiiul Chicken Chickens were plentiful this week Well fed ï¬ve months old masters ranging in weight lrorn ii to 25 were offered at 50 cents per 11 yehr aid lowls suitable in cussi ing or boiling were fetching 35 cents per drawn Eggs ranged in price Irom63 cents for the extra large down to 15 cents for the smallest Butth was being oilcred at 55 cents pér Bargains In Vegetables vegetables were still plentiful at this market and there were bar gains available gor the discerning houmwiie0ne such lady bought three beautiful cauliflowers for 40 cents cents per basket and ripe cucum bers could be had atihc saline price Colery was selling at two bunches for 10 cents arid gréen onlonsfeich ed the same price Red cabbage was otlered at 10 and I5 cents cach and small ï¬rm white cabbage was selling at ls cents small basket of beetrnois was priced at 35 cents and carrots and parsnips cost 50 centsa basket Turnip varied from to 15 cents Vland cifrans Ironi 15 to 25 cents Good potatoes were forsaie at 30 Apples vendor altered Spy apples at $2 ï¬ner hushélV and undertook to deliv er them at town address for that price Fancy grade Spy were offer ed at 50 cents per basket as were top grade Macintosh Cookers were avallabiein abund since at 40 cents per basket Istlcrlctjt life balm Ill ¢¢54®$ link of témarmzvpfédié gnodéraltblr today list milIii Inc in No wondci hoods turn when new 1956 Molarch goes byi For here is distinctively néitf kind of stylinglong low and slim with distinguished air that unmistakably sols Monarch apart from the crowd In every model in every Seriesthe siyiishCustom the luxurious Luceme aniline truly magniï¬cent Richciicufyouilldeiect new feeling of elegance and reï¬nement that is echoed in the superb interiors excitineg fashioned in the ï¬nest of fabrics the newest of pattemsi iileres so much thats new about the 56 Monarch so much that is refreshineg diflercnt so much that says distinctively yours Youll sénse ii 1y flift in Monarchsnew perforlnance zl youthfulkiughspuited response to your commands And been ii groa nagh engine for56providessnot only highcr Horsepoweljupio 225Hp but more usable power in normaldrivinglranges ydu gentile beneï¬t of ilsnnw responsiveness in all your driving The deep Yblbck constructiOn of the new Monnrch VS meanslthatgreaiér strength hasbeén buiitinto the crankcase iomcct the requirements of modem highcompression désign makes the Monarch smootherquieter longer lasting more durable engl New engineering advancements by the worlds lending VS builderniake it ihe outstanding pertormerm is ï¬Ã©lciJ all pilliEilllllilTEs ml to idem in hcnglh and1 parE musicals safety ouncu Market Squ ONT Malaria mmonou 5m Sada