Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 16 Nov 1955, p. 8

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2Pages to J4 TeenTown Woulel Donnie Funds To Commoniiy Centre Proieci Asroawwmoowsomaahe one aux gress and acquire in kw short years of his pronounced 1955 the on the way out like as much asfanything inthe world of Xkept watchful Young Canada Book Week At no time in our lives do we read books with such utter intensity and absorption as in childhood The open mind and vivid inlagination of the child greedy for know iedge and experience and unfettered by pre judice or preconceived notions moves more easily and freely in the imaginative world or books than that of even the least sophist leated of adults How important it must be then that our children who absorb more readily and deeply the experiences books have to offer late mule summer was reported to number 11 adults and six young ones Echoing the words of tgeafiudubon Elici ety Canadian wildlife am said the sur vival of the youngsters during the south ward migration could save the species from extinction Fate and the hunter have been kind this year Continued protection may yet save the beautiful white birds OPINIONS OF OTHERS read bookswhlch are honest prooducts of Tvla eylew Olnt the human mind and imagination not shoddy imitations dealing in stereotyped ideas and totuily devoid of thought or vital ity There is another reason why children should be given access to good books of all the art forms in which the wisdom of the past is enshrined books remain the most accessible and for most of us the most comprehensible civilized human being is made not born newborn baby is as primitive as his most savage ancestor He must be taught even the simplest and most common place decencies of civilized living lle must also acquire if he is to he true represent ative of his generation and if he is to carry his race forward to greater achievement the wisdomvoi the past Is he to achieve this in one short lifetime by his own unaidedefforts Most certainly not Let him read thefirecord of mans pro childhood the wisdom of the humarlrace It is all there in books awaiting his pleasure Canada Year Book The 1955 Canada Year Book has just been issued bythe Dominion Bureau of Statistics under the authority of Rt Hon Howe This edition like its dredéce pm is packed full of factual information and copy is almost indispensabiein all business and pro fessional offices for purposes of reference It must be tremendous 10b to compile this ET its rap categoiie quite sure that this new edition will Serv veryvvaiuable purpose Whoopers Slill fBird lovers were disturbed when the Nan tionai AudubonSociety oi the United States yearof decision for Were thegiant birds he passenger pigeons that once darkened the skies in over the continent it eh ughts The question was partially answered re cently When wordgcameflrom Texas that 28 whooping cranes had been counted at their Aransas wintering groundg The number which includedmightququ birds was an increase of eight over theiflookithat last spring made the long flight to nest in the the whooping crane Northwest Territories And the Aransas report noted that it was possible more would arrive at the refuge Not only the ornithologist has been stirrcd by the plight of the whooping crane The birds game fight ior survivalhas caught gt tile imagination of the man on the street and for years reports of the spring and fail migrations have been watched and studied nature lhe world total or the cranesfellto 15hr 1941 but rose to 24 ingt1953 Their numbers started dropping again and last sprin on 21 were known to exist 1y Until tile early part of the coat the big birds with wingspread of sevgrlyieet had been fine targets for hunters in Canada andthe United states Then came the campaign for their preservation and the search for their northern nesting grounds so $3356 The long hunt ended successfully in 1h54 Driven ever northward by the advance of civilizationsome of the cranes were found to be nesting in Wood Buffalo National Park on the AlbertaNorthwestTerritories bord er The Canadia ployment shopkeepers also find it useful proflcient in them entary schools school is reached Thergfore our education in bi crane Packet Barries television station has been on the air no for approximaiely one month in that space of time viewers have had ample opportunity to form opin ions about thesiiuation and almost Ill have done some of ihcm expreming those lions in no certain terms As Ralph Sneigrove said ina recent address in Or illla he has had Ii rough lime of it since CKNRTV went on the air and some irate people of the district have carried their dissaiisiaclion to unreasonable ridiculous and even cruel extremes in attempting to assess the television situation in this district it is difficultio arrive at any conclusion which would please all the people or even major ity of them because conditions change greatly and Lasies vary so much As Mr Snelgrove has pointed out the advent of CKVhTV has done much to bring good reception to areas where it was not possible be fore This applies particularlyio the district north of here which could counton only spotty reception bciorc Addilionaliy the Barrie station has brought good reception to the Orlilla area without the nccssliy of expensive antenna Some have reported good re sults from rabbitear antenna while others amcreci ing small outside antenna and getting good results at much lower cosi than was possible before This of course is all to the good but it does not take into account those who have had TV for some time and those who are now getting it and would like to be able to tune in to some other station than channel These people some of them television pioneers in thls area who have spent considerable sum of money on anienm in the past deserve some consid eraiion although uierc is no doubtihey are in min ority We believe that Mr Sneigrove is fullyawane of his responsibilities to these people and has stated several times that his station will do what it can to overcome the interference problem on the Buffalo channels mere is also the possibility that adjust ments can be made to the individual West or some additional filter or other Equipment added which will help in separate the Barrie from the Eliflaio signal gog AnLto sort iuoumnom controlso viewcrs may as well make the best of it and do what they can to improve their individual reception of Buffalo While it islannoying not to be able get Buffalo programs to which one has be come accustomed it must be admitted that CKVR does carry good variety of shows One suggestion we would make to Mr Sncigrove and that isto redlocale length of lime his test orn is on the air At present the patterncomes on an hour or more before the programming starts and this is enough to cause trouble on Buffalo We arenlt acquainted with the details of TV station operation but it does seem 10 us that the period of time the pattern is on before start of operation could be re duced to something closer to 15 minutes This would be one concession welcomed by those who like io waichpuiiaio before Barrie slalls ieiccasting Quebec Bilingualism Oshawa TimesGazelle Ontario residents who have visited Quebec have made particular note of the progress which is being made in that province They tell that more and more of its people are becoming trulybllingual Credil for this is industrial expansion which is attracting large num bers of Englishspeaking workers clerks engineers and executives These newcomersnot only use Eng lish themselves but those to whom ltheygive em clerks and professional men There is moreihan that riawcverfi lo Quebecs inguallsrn it has long been fact that bi Quebec than elsewhere tbtoug oui Canada large proportionof the people have learned both English and French and have become TheQuebec educational system is chiefly responsible for this In the Quebec elem Englishspeaking childrm begin to rn TheycarU that instruc boili languages rightihrough the elementary and secondary schools In other provinces rnuch re attention is given to teaching the two officiamangurger in Ontario in struction inFrench does notbegin until secondary schools in Quebec province it is factoi course that peopled Ontario as whole are not nearly so greatly impressed with the4vaiuevo£ being proficient in the two languages as are the people of Quebec with them bilinguaiism hasallnost become an economic necessity Nevertheless no Canadianéauciulm to be really welleducated without being able to use flu ently theivvo official languages of his country And to do that requires much earlier teaching of French to the Engiishspeaking children of AC1055ANewspoper Published Monday Wednesday Fridciy winners The THE BARRlE EXAMi ison Building Post can SquareyBarrie Oniario Canada NEH LIMITED afLrcmmcx VicePrelident QBWEI Id Ayerage Net Paid Circulation rhm ManureEnding Sopcao lass 7303 As filed withing aunt cucuimi on and cumin weekly given by many people to the rapid gt na lilie Tile lorrieairiihinuii Society =GARDEN By Jean GABLE THE EARRIE HORTICULTUR AI and Town Improvénienifoéieiy sponsored its second annul quet Nov and it was once ag great success SEVENTYvoNE MEMBERS an guests sat down to most eni biewturkeyvdinner servedfli ladies of Club39 inlhé clfib rooms of Burton Ave Vilniied Church CliAlilMAN ran the evening was president Fendiey and with him as head table guests were Taylor main speaker Mr and Mrs i1 Taylor of Shanty Bay Cockbirrn and lvlr and Mts TIA McCa all THE PROGRAM opened with singing of Canada éccompanl ment by Angus Ross who iavored with most enjoyable music Fol lowing dinner Eldon Tuck whistl ed two delightfulnumbers THE GOUGH SISTERS look over for half hour of varied enter tainment These very versatile mu sicians seemedgzqmlll at home with piano accordion Violin or vocal music and this writer was left wondering what lheywerevgo log to do next with their numerohs changes of instruments lheywveré both introducedand thanked by Mr Fendley SPE ER FOR the evening was no lor of Guelph well known horticultural lecturer from the OAC He wasintroduced by Mr Cockburn Avian with very keen of humor most Scottish BURN we leaves anorexia HBVE1HEAR wmrcnrrco Tarn you cm many your mammalAmerican or Is Battles teen town outgrowing its present accommoda tion Accordingw young spokesmen who approached committee of town council last week every problem faced by the youth program amps from this fact Teen Town index are worried enough about the growing effect that this will have on the Mum of their municiaaliiy that they luv voiced williugum to con tribute financially to community centre broicct Although their organization will not be two yeIrI old until rd Ily its funds have ruched will of $500 We dont know what to do with it sister earMayor Pat Hamilton if we knew there was going to be recreation centre we could out money into think we could sIveJi tbqilih was that in another this years Tcen Town could apei Rsy¢ gar0 ative lyrics of Iome slides ofthese in his opinion the lads re more suitable for v1 Windr=r sur mewdr years and expressed the wish that members would continue tosupport thework of the organ ization and maintain its high pub iic regard rumour announced the bus tour to the Winter Fair Nov 13 ll rendiey oiEramp ionvls chairman of the Royal Win gs after the new year to be held in Hiiicrcst Pubiic School auditorium few alides ofpetuhias inciuding Cilmmanche Crusader and the new indlan hybrids FINALLY HE SHOWED slides of the tulip beds at the GAO As many people are now preparing to force buibsvhe mentioned that the single early tulips were best for iMpurlt lose and KingAH ed one of the daffodils New varieties and expcnalvervpriocs he wa ed were no guaranteeof quality some of the older and cheaper varieties were some of thébest RmARDING gtGLADiOIJ Mr Taylor told howamazed he was to come from theKew Gardens and learn of the great industry there lSin gladioli all this continent HE mentioned how he had been asked MONTREAL cmram is dan ger that man is forgetting God and the mystery of eternity in the many iemporarymaierlal pleasures made moreinumerous by modern science PauiEmilc CardinalLeger said at centenary Services of Cote do Neiges cemetery to address meeting of commercial gladioii growers in Detroit and questioning one of the men there about his gladsasked how many had he replied oniyhave put in 47 Telling Dr Palmer of Vine nd the following day about the not many this year incident Dr Palmer just returned lrpm Floridalemarked Thats no thing just came from field of 80 acres of gladioli MR TAYLOR was Avery ably thanked by AuMcCarroli In his remark Mr McCarroll noted the flowers MANY ms COLORED slides hadbeéntaken by himself either at the GAO visited gardens HE STARTED by showing my slides Mr Taylor is grower and also hybridizer of lilies and thinks hey areonéoi the most beauti nuor éll flowersIle showed nurn eraus liiysiides including Madon Misa Presions hybrids eds of lilies in growth on achievements of the Its all right lady1ve local Horiiculturai Society in the gt Dr Palmers garden at Vineland and others He then went on to show ros While mostall popul antry polls verleace the top rat ing roseer Taylorlwould give is to Crimson Glory for Crimson Glory hasufmgrance which Peace ith all its beauty hasnt got HESH WED WEE slides of Ella Harkness Freashamand mbny vari lies notwel linown in Can ads hown gmwmg in thegardens of Jackson and Perkins large Am erleafn commercialrrose growers HETHEN WENT on show some Iris slides mentioning such iop noichers as Great Lakes Blue Shimmer Prairie Sunset enduoth era Mr rbyinr cautioned the mem bers not iobeconle overly fond of any kind of floiiver to the exh elusimlo aliothers fc itlakBS manyklnds of flowers tomake garden Wm HUWmelidEimElslides slideLwa of gladio particularly solnet he has crossed himself AmongJILs eryvgoodoneof1 Coutisfiam ng rows of well hominiritroduction Ar Coat There waraiso Mn got more chewinggumyi Notice was also given of likely donate 81500 to commun by project enough to put in new floor or somethin The teenum had cancel suggestion for the welfare recrea tion Ind community services cool mitice of town council whEn they approached it with their problem What about the aid post office they asked Tcen Town is not criticizing the public school board in its request forchanged accommodation for its bimonihiy dances On the con trary it feels ibat the school trustees have been most generous and cooperliiiva in the matter of allowing them in use Hillelest School Auditorium But they feel that the auditor lum not urn comb bylaou for the man wumoui of wall over 200 deacon Without In cxh room to be used as iounle orvI smokinl ma they find their dance rigor crowded nlcrg of not eatth chairs to provide IcIt lag accommodation and there are no kitchen facilities for the lew iog of refreshments gt They would like mom in alt Ind hibor play brides In at biosphere that ismore adult They point to Orillias teen town which meets Friday evenian It local dimerhailw is not Ls meratzcctfirzt high school that the leaders In worried about but the older group They are losing interest they claim Teen Town pays nominal fee for its present accommodatioh From its annual membership fee of dollar and the 25cent door charge to members and iiircent charge to noumcirfber guests buys $40 or more worth of records year from five to seven dollars worth of foodevery night five dollars worth of prizes and has been able to put $5M away in itll treasury The delegation approaching the town with its problem consistcdof Mayorlanct Cleare Reeve Pat Boyer andibe past mayor For Parents Only lirlilciili Vloirr Gil1 lf Motherl Aunt sally lciitparplo African Violet II present for you Ind while one for me They look I0 pretty But are they real violets African Violet do make lovely present but they do not belongcio the violet family With lbeil heartshaped leaves they look like violets But they are members of he Gesneria family to which ihejgny red gloxinil belong In recent decades they have become theAavoritol house plans or show one of people all over the World But it is only 80 years since they first flowered in Europe father in Silesia received the gift of either seeds or more likely plants of dis yioieiie Usambra from his son who was planter of rubber and vanilla trees in sam bra Tanganyika Esscfilrica The young man has discovered these in two very different places shady primeval forest where they grew on granite rocks and also in limestone rock crevices in wooded spots Incar Tonga when theywere shown to the Director of the Royal Botanical Gardens in Herrenhausen he nam ed them He chose the name of tile Sal word cannula which means with violetlike flowers Specialisulin the culture of Af rican vioieLs often disagree hotly about the best way tq heat it However most ofihem point out thatfias it is atropical plant it does not prosper in draqu or sudden changes of temperature Beware of the leaves being too near the window pane in winter iime If the temperature drops below 60 degrees will often re sult in falling off of ihe bloom temperature around seventy de recsat night seems to agree with it The north windows and also the east ouesmre often used for African violets gt Paul family and Latin By Nancy Cleaver They need afair amount ol moisture blit Ihouidnotrhavo perpetme wet feet If Eloy art watered from matey care ahouldbe taken not to wet ibe leaves and then let drops of molflm stay on tile foilgov in the sunshine rennin should be added to the water or Iii the rail Experis warn against rerpottlng too often and against using large ana camped the plant is more likely in bloom Sollcan bebaked 80 Zflegreés hour to insure freedom from its Campllor flakes below them Vwill scare awa Tiilc little miles mixture sand leaf mold and rich dark loam from the woods makes an excellent patting earib New plants can easily be started by renting leaf in water Slip wax paper over jar of Inin water or snow that has beenmain ed Make scveral small holes and insert the healthy leavescut from the crown of the Dian in the holes Transplant in sandy soii Jr when the leaves are well rooted 5o muehsailsiaollon can he obtained from walchlnx plant develop that iii of an African violet is partia Afiniarlyharrygonc People Iii age In African violet thusiasts But school Igo child oral older horseman receive special pleasure from racing for an African vlolct keeping it healthy agiwptah ing tile buds form Best luckto you or to any mem ber of your family who makes growing African violeis fascin ating hobby Johurlieais nape said that thing of beauty is or forever African violet plants which are flowering are indeed beautiful They in not last forever but they doilv fc many months givingpleasute to all who see them Copyright also rooisnronm

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