TEE BARBIE mmnmrwmmnu NOV 16 1955 HELP WANTED SALES REPRESENTATIVE Permanent Position Large Moving stonge Cilinparly requires Sales Representative Immediately for aarrle and Diet rlct Applicant must have car Fstaablishcd Business Higherllhan Average Income Neplyglvlng telephone number to Box Barrie Examiner 1131133 Dl ONAL SALES MANAGER lhlsod is directed to the man who wishes to hire and train his own Stuff We have the most exciting consum er offer ever shown to the Can adian Public well ï¬nanced and Ilanned gram will be arrange ror you Salesmnns commission are the highest paid in the field It you are the man we nice you will re ceive an overr tie commission on all Sales Advertising paid torFuil cooperation in your plans Men will be added to your staff as you progress Write to Box Barrie Examiner In detail giving age ex perlcnce etc 1130132 AN UNUSUAL OPPORTUNITY To become trained salesman in the Advertising Specialty Industry Earnings in highest brackets with Canadas most progressive and lastest growing organization Some knowledge of advertising or selling experience prctorred but initiative Integrity and am bition to succeed are more ims porlant Age should not be older than thirty Salary and ban Must have ca Reply with full information regard ing experience marital status ref erences etc to the Sales Manager COMMONWEALTH ADVERTISING CO Limited CLARKSON ONTARIO he harm 1133 HANDYMAN and porter Steady work Simcoe Hotel Barrie 1131 HOUSEKEEPER Sleep in adults Phone 4355 or call llt57 Essa WAITRESSES wanted Preferably experienced Full beneï¬ts ADPIY Pryaons Grill ll23tt WAITRESS WANTED Apply in erson to McConns Cofiee Bar Eiosed Wednesdays 1130131 WOMAN to look alter children and years while mother works Apply 15 Bradford st 1131132 GOOD DAIRY manAll conven iences Good wages Apply Lambert Willson Phone ZBr22 Coofstloawniaz WANTEDRegistered Nurses for general duty Apply Superintend ent St Andrews Hospital Mid land Ontarin 1128ti HAIRDRESSER Must be good all round operator Good salary to the right person Apply 45 Dunlop St orphon 2000 1131132 CAREER MINDED woman to be trained for beauty counselling with view to management Car an ad vantage Interview required Write Box Barrie Examiner 1130131 EXPERIENCED bookkeeper Cap able or taking charge of localot lice 0n application please state age qualiï¬cations experience and salary expected Apply Box 5Ex aminer l128t£ OPPORTUNITY KNOCKS We need representativeto service Established clientele in Barrie Or illia Penetanguishene stayner Tot tenham and surround teed line of household necessities cosmetics Full or part time basis Ask for more details PANIILEXV Dept Station CMontreal 1131 Mom WANTED Due to expansion ouroffice requires salesmen or saleswomen and man ager We are looking for gambitious when and women to represent our food service in Barrieand sur rounding territory We offer com mission salary and bonus But on 1y to thosegtwho are interested in higher than average ea nings Pbore Mr Kirton 506d il 12 PENSIONERS ings Guaran HELP WANTED CLERK TYPISI for enerll office Ferment position it or with nut experience shorthand nbt sighed Examiner llZilllSl Posmons WANTED wiu GIVE day chm to chum in own home Apply 281 Dunlo WesL WA NFED HIGHEST PRICES PAID for SCRAP METALS BATTERM cumin Ph 0481 We also sell pipes beams angles channelsmnd reinforcing rods INDUSTRIAL lRON AND METAL Dunlop St Ferndlle Phone 6331 cram Him ro Barrie Metal Salvage jRObinso DEALERS SCRAP IRON METALS FURS BJDES EAGS BATTERIES LIVE POULTRY ur trucks willcall Hilbert rtced paid Special price paid It livercd hone Barila Eta at 4013 mix PUSHKOFF AND COMPANY Yard and Office 204Ilffin at aiw CHILDS OVERSHOES Size or for boy Phone 0365 3125 WANTED Garage to rent in vicin ity of Grove and Newton Phone 3260 3131132 URGENT Toronto Star orders Contact Murray Crawshnw Phone 5241 3131132 For STOUTI Action call GOR DON STOUiI LIMITED Real Est ate Brokers Dunlop St phone 2413 anytime 3131 ROOM BOARD ROOM AND BOARD Phone 2850 12131 in modern 12128130 working men Eountry $50 mirth Phone 033r31 Barrie 12131132 ROOM OR room and board Cen trai Apply Eobindale Inn 51 Blake St Phone 3741 1211111 LIVESTOCK WANTED ROOM AND board home Phone 6298 Gcnuous frinu beneï¬ts FIN133 RUBBERSTAMPS wrmm WEAYMOUIHs BOOKSTORE no DWI4017 ST W1 70311 PAY RENT New and hiohilelhome trailers for sale Lower down piymentl Five years to pay Fully lnsured Stans Cair Sales ANGUS Phone HMS gwhlgy THIS chlerAs USE Hardware LAYAWAY PLAN TOYS TRAINS DOES vomcnss POWER TOOLS EIaECTRJCAL APPLIANCE KITCHENWARE MAKE CHRISTMAS SHOPPING EASY BUY EARLY ON OUR LAYAWAY PLAN Robinson Hardqulte 31 DUNDOP STREET 20 SMALL QUEBEC heater Phone 4880 CHRISTMAS TREES Phone 3140 DOUBLE BED with springs 10 Phone 01in 7lallsz WARDROBE trunk In good con ditio Phone 2701 7131 TOvaoln and bsed number Dennis Moran pho 4n for 728 COOK STOVE or sale Tolienda RoodJohn Knecshuw an gt1 Bar rie 7129131 gtMED1UM SIZE Quebec heater also an annex both in good condition Phone 5750 7131132 WANTED Cows that freshen soon and later Any breed Call Walter Amos Stroud 24m 41 132 GOOD CHEER wood and coal cook stove In good condition 4501 Phone 5710 71 1132 LOST AND FOUND DOST Female young yellow out With crooked mouth Childs pet Phone 4745 17131 GlRLS MARC suitcase last Monday evening Contains clothing Will tinder please contact Town Police or phone 3927 Mrs Wla7terer 131 GENEROUS REWARD for gold maple leaf brooch set with pearl lost in Barrie on Saturday Nov 12 Mrs George Goheerl Stroud Telev phone Stroud 18rl01 17131132 Business Opportunities SERVICE STATION Full price $2130000 Down paylt merit $900000 Fully equigped gar age and service station uilt two yearsago rhnploys one mechanic Building in Eerfect condition Forc ed air all eating Large display windows Also included in this price is four room cottage or bun galow Just on the outskirts of Barrie Reason for sellingowner has to moyeto dryer climate For further particulars call Russell Car HOME FREEZERS Direct from Iactnry With or Without food Sill ply Phone 5339 71101 51 DUMPIRUCK for hire with driver Also gravel for sale Apply 00 Maple Ave 1251 OAK DINING room sui Buffet table and six chairs In good con dition Phone 6275 7181132 PRINCESS BETH cook stove Beat ty washing machine stainless steel Phone 5592 or 6822 7130132 SPACE HEATER 545 Oil cook stove $55 Apply Frank Ladoucer 26 Bradford Street 7131132 QUEBEC COAL and wwd stove Medium size with many extm $1 Apply so Newton St 31 VIKING CREAM separator elect ric small Size Model 75 Almost new Phone 360112 Craighurst Gar age 7131 WELL TEE30 and 36 immed iate deliveryn Lorne Baker Con crete Products Newmarket Phone 112 7131tf 1948 CHEVROLET reconditioned motor Gone about 1000 miles Apply Lloy Antonphone ale 9r12 7123tf son2451 ol evenings 0161 URIDOUT REAL ESTATE LIMITED 19 CLAPPERIONSIREEI 20131 FINA SERVICE Station forrlease in Barrie area Write to Plewman 199 Bay Street Toronto 29well HOUSE GARAGE Snack Bar on heated Allvtacilities Angus Apply to QSporlln or James Webb phone 3301 aarr 221131135 IIIIITES F011 ABLE BillMRS Deadline for Copy530pm week day preceding Issac ADLETS MAY BE mnEPHONE CASH IIAIE To ape Be word minimum 60 Eollonilg consecutive Insertions ADDING Machines and Typewrit ers Sales rentals repairs Simone Business Machines 86 Toronto Si hone 4824 COMBINATION electric and goal fringe with 16 links of stove pipes and wall guard in excellent Enn jdition Telephone 0154 7131132 RANGEIIE tabletop elanents With oven $1000 also assorted beds tables etc make offer 2424 shanty pay Mr Gibson7l3l132 NQRGE SPACE heater Good on ditlon Also rthree oil drums Cip Zaci 50 gal 40 gan 25 go ViamStephens Phelpsltor ToYs MADE Orders takenjm medialer and are on display in window on the 5th slderaad Imus DFfll Phone 6808 Albert Widdes ill137 QUNG BEEF government inspect Lem by the quarters Fronts 80¢ hind quarters 40c Delivered any glare ApplyBox Battle Elton 7121135 lRANcnsrsm MlN 7131 Ludo gt DOWN PAYMENT $6000 FULLYl ll ddec mores FOR SALE LACEY REAL ESTATE 2n Hayfield SQ 5398 Ilodday pin Snttlrdly Ins5m m0 APPRECIATE overeat Bum manna iRug Erick mire large throughout measuring Livln Room with large plate picture it ndow with inside operated aluminum awnings ferns 11 size Dinln Roorn Kitchen with hing cc wo bedrooms piece tiled in Recreation Room Laun dry Room Workshop Room Stor age Room equipped with full at uminum combination windows and doom TV aerialwith rotor li conditioned on heatingng brick garage Located on lot 75x150 well landscaped close to schoola busline and walking distanbe from downtown ThileOmï¬iSJlSqully decorated throughout In all paint Full price $15000 payment required ESTATE SALE Three bedroonr home with large living ronmrdiningeroamgoptionnl ttar ge and fully landscaped and 1c ed lot Low down payment can be arrlmxed and the full asking price is only $980000 The estate 1wiil not refuse areaxonnhle offer This home is only about 41 years old Call529tl anytime We Have Many Many Many More Homes Listed It All Parts Bar rie Which Gives You An Excellent selection To Choose From We In vttexYou To Contact Us AndWe will Be Pleased To Show You ther Details On Them AND IIE MEMBER TRY LACEYS NO OBLIGATION PHONE 5298 HOMDS oilAlissa oconnmcuir summ PBOPERTIE 16131 MODERN BRICK gt BUNGALOW Living room bedrooms and large kitchen Oll heat Residential area LeavingBarrie reason for sellingT App Box Barrie Examiner 1013013 Cl BBRowN REALTOR 75150000 down room homesolld masonry construction stuccoed on the outside Three large rooms on the ï¬rst floor bedrooms an the second floor Fireplacenew furn oce with all burner new sink and kitchen cupboards Balance of pur chase Price on one mortgage with montny payments less than rent Callhow for an appointment CLiFF BROWN Realtor Phone 2373 ANYTIME GORDON STOUTTE LIMITED Real Esfate brokers Dunlop Street East Phone 2413 Anytime FULL PRICE 34000 DOWN PAYMENT $1500 Balance on one easy mortgage At Iefroy good live room frame house eas ily heated on five acres small barn and hen house and three roam Su mer cabin included Tluee lots could be sold from thls=prbpcrty FULL PRICE $6300 DOWN PAYMENT $1500 Very large solid briekhouse Stroud acre lotSmall bar FULLPRIICE $3600 DOWN mva $21001n the town of Barrie full acre out 32 Highst and clean room home you would like to in m1 PRIC 512090 bathrooms siairswith bedp rooms present ented for $70 per month owner to tamily living downstairs wonderful income op portunity ASKING PRICE some DOWN WPAYMENT 000 Very centrall lo tedon well reed lot two storey tucco house lots of charm bedrooms PRICE 59700 DOWN PAMNT OPEN Brand newcentrally locatedfive min utes walk from downtownranch style apartment plan bungalow LOTSI INTOWN ON THE BORDER 0F TOWN OUT OF TOWN ALL PRICES momma $1030 ADOWN PAYMENT $1595 Brand bed 31m completely em DUPLEXED kitchens PRICE 512500 own PAYMENT $2500 Two storey brick home centrally Extra large size living irdhg in kitchen Four hedltiqms vupflairs and Van Couldu erfu place to bring BEFORE YOU BUY dining room livin ing olci atendiogiy landscaped very neat Three be duplexed HAVE AT ALIMIM ONEA finneed IMimam Bun mu ooodx choice orlriu modem llama cenhiuy located older horned Duplexes and Income Propertie Small butan Farms mill Burk Lotsoutlldo ofTown It paysto chochwltbvtuwhen planning to buy or selll room BARRIE ANYTIME pits on ammo CHARLES ROGERS REALTOR slaitLlNG musca BLDG ammo lblm $i595 NOOM bech aquADOWs $5409 plus Taxes rlENRY malaise REALToas 15 Owen St These Homes And Give You Fur 18131136 For Complete REAL ESTATE SERVICE Consult HENRY ELRICK at Miami Realtors Buying or Selling Mortgage Loans National Housing General Insurance Owen St aurrle phone 5503 Evenings 3551 52003294 160 735 RIDOUT REAL ESTATE LIMITED 10 merERTON amour LARGE FAMILY HOME $3000 down Nearly new room brick bun alow bedrooms piece bath ardwoodilobrs through out Hot air all heating This house is thorou hiy modern in every res Ful price 51250000 Call Blake Freu mi SHANTY BAY ROAD One of the better homes Almost new and very modern Kitchen room two large bedrooms and be down Very at tractive one bedroom selll containq ed apartment up with epnrhte ent ranoe Hut air oilhea Lpt 601390 to privatebeach Good View of the bay Priced right at 14500 about half cash CallR Fa den 451 CLOSE TO SCHOOLS Only $200000 down Heres Ithe low priced home you have been lookin for Inneed of some res pairs at pricedaccordingly Ideal for handyman who can doxepalr work inspare time Five morn bun galow Three bedrooms Somehard wood floors Good location MAKE AN OFFER Call Blake Freure 2451 Eleven NH bedrooms modern piece tile bath rooms and are fully decorated throughout Front dawn soddcda Within two blocks of the schoo Down payments are from $1595 $2000 Payments $54 $59 per month For further informatlon Callï¬ussell Carson 51 or cyen Modern Four Room Bungalow Three room basement apartment tprivate entrance renalate hydro meters Forced air on heatingt Laundry tubs Garage blocks from the Barrie Arena Call Rue sell Carson2451 or Evenings 5101 This PropertyMusbBe Sold Make Any Reasonabie Often NHA resale Full price $1090000 We will turn down novteasonable offer This homeris only four years old andis in perfect conditi bathroom lving room and kitchen Large lot close to schoolspcall Russell Carson 2451 or evenings 0101 Sfodern Four Room Frame Buhgalow Down paymentszaoom Ful rice $930000 Close to Queen rk Call Russell Carson 2451 or even ings 6181 Beoutllul stone storey and Only tlv ed throughout room dining roumkitchen bed room and bath Secondfloor ilargebedmomsFuiiivbaseme air heating Full price$1 Down payment 33001100 VIElem YOUR LISTINGS WITH CANADA Co Phone 5503 Brick Bungalows These bungalows all have three lar bedroonis modern hn rkolisnw roll lSLESSOR REALETAIE Sophia St income Property store tlon ght roonu two Separate entrance to merit Pull Stine 10 Contact Ford ham 5m Represent lng Slesaor Allandale area Income property storey brick ail heliin to stores and school Pull $10500 $000down Contact Good win Phone 4334 Representing J2 SLESSOR Real mtate AClapperton SL Phone 5934 15131132 bathroom apart Departmental IIighwliys PrOperiy Sale No 304 Lepd feesqle 224 cs abutting Highway 11 approximately 162 feet south of Jerome Sh Churchill Ontario Tenders ose1200 noon EST Thursda December 1955 Teams gt CASH Information and tender forms ab talnablelrom Tenders Secretary Rnomml East Block Parliament Buildings Toronto ACLSON Deputy Minister at Highways Iii1204315 OR THE BEST selection on GOR DON SIOUII LIMITED al 133t ate Brokers Dunle Street East PhonoZAiB anytime 1613111 25 ACRES Good sod land All fenc ed inuClose to Hwy 11 Conceuion Oro Twp Reasonable for quick sale Phone 417BEarrle 1613143 ATTRACTIVE four roombunga low real good llvln room oil heat ed three cars oi good location In the El Thousand Dollar class Contnct enry Elrick dc Mlchie Realtors 15 Owen Stl Barrie 10131132 KEMPENFELDFI Bag well tread lot 100 feet lake Iron depth 01 about275feet wit in all mile of town limits Suitable for year around residence Coutts RealEstate Broker Owen Street Phone 2405 16131132 IN BARBIE Dar stone ranch ty bungalowaea for Dccupanc admins tile be and tile sin Large kitchen Modern living room and dining soeelal lot and garage Lawn Ian riveway Dick 73 Dundonald Si 1012812D131132 THREE BEDROOM bungalow bat ing on Oalrley Park with well de signed kltchen deep basement close to school and bus aluminum storms and screens Full price $10 1000 Apply Marshall Repre semative Coutts Real Estate Broker Owen street Phone 2405 16131132 man BEDROOM rug brick oil lleatedbuu alow year old in God rington Sc col area IIail lovely lawns storms screensn all in 1011 utility and Immaculate condition wher harleft Barrie and offers exccptioaally lo price and terms for quick salesxefft at our office Phone 6307 Char as Roge Realtor Sterling Trusts Bldg 1613143 OAKLEY PARK ares Modem bedroom solid construction brdck bungalow Ceramlctiie bath and kitchen shaped living room and dmth arepfldeep jbasemeirL air furnace laundry tubs school park and church Low down payment balanceless than rent Im mediate possession Also selection of other ï¬ne homes Contact IK Maishall Representative Courts Realtor 2485 Evenings 2582 Owenv street 16131132 cougar GOOD DUCKS dressed ApplyiLE ungclshouSeil phone Cookstown 73r13 14131 150 sussnx RED pullets 150 rock red pullets Dickinson Phone Creemore 212m 14131132 PROPEKTY WANTED CANT FIND what you are looking for Chances are we comb31a GORDON STOUII LIMITED Real Estate Brokers Dunlap St East Phone Barrie 2413 anaigtinllgiu WANTED ï¬ve room bungalow with large wing room close 01 must be in real good condition ate cash In and oxsesï¬orl date enry Elrick BL Mchle15 Owen St Phone 5533 33181 to FIGS Biill ZJIEAL CNLVES Also jHolstci heifer charreoro all 913lrlszt HOLSTEIN CALF for veallng rgeSinclair Oro Station Phon 1723 oro 01 lnYORKSHlRE igs kweekrnl Lloyd Johnson ayne Telc hone 281W1 Stayner weeks 01 3t burstup businesasflipeople TWOEEGISTERED ymhire hell ers by Maple Unit Sires due im mediately Calmood vaccinated Al so two Brood Saws due Novembep Stayner 712 WESTERN SIO Emilio Allinio ve chm 1135 $113110 and saturdrgy Also load orders takenfor dltect ent on ere in Mlllqo call 22 6mm brick in first aim condll 54 A2299 ESrolck FOR SALE Midhuisip Ontario Mohave titanium FURNISHED batman Phnhém 15131132 GARAGE ONlDrury Lane Phone can 1511911 EARTH furnishedroomx Phone 15131 ROOM FOR RENTHA 22 Street ppw 1501319 ROOM FURNISHED art ment Phone 5101 1513 131 PARILY fumist rooms on bath floor Phone 15130131 ROOM HOUSE new deco Phone betray 15131932 ROOM unfumlalted Ivanan Heated PhoneflaiW 155130131 ROOM HOUSE 60 aid Stor phone ampIlslioiiil LARGE unfurnished rooms and bath Apply at Shirley Ave 15131 COMPLETELY furnished house tor winter months Phone amt lslal HOUSE NEAR Wasaza Bcanhi rea sonable rent Phone 50r13 Elmvale 15131 gammait priv fiin Street 15131132 FURlellED bedroom Suitable for one ortwo Very central Phone 2558 15130 5100 HEATED unfurnished motl ern duple Available Dec Phone 2190 151201 lEOOM FOR rent suitable for bus iness girl Separate bath Phone arm lslzltl ROOM selfcontained apartment lepiece bath heated Modern Phone 54 159129131 UNFURNISHED rooms No child ren Apply 109 Collier street aiter noons 1531132 ROOM furnished apartment Sep arate entrance Vacant Nov 15 Phone 3140 15130131 FURNISHED light housekeeping rooms Kitchenette Adults only Phone 4430 15131132 ROOMS unlumlshed adults only business couple preferred Appy 30 Woisiey St 15129131 FURNISHED bedroom Adults Very central Apply 59 Worsley St or phone 3030 lslallaz TWO LARGE heated furnished run near CGE Phone 3329 or 22 Hen after 530 151130181 ROOM furnished apartment Ab stainers No children Phone 3964 day3078 evenings 15131132 ROOM apartment in Lelroy Oak lloors itunningwoter stood momh lysthoneblW Iiefmy 1533131132 ROOMSunIuinished $30 includes lights William Dean Soldiers Set tlement Barrie Phone 833M 15131 ANYONE wanting to buy or rent an attractive sixroom brick house in an ideal location phone 3083 15129131 BIROOMA bungalow in Stroud On highway lully modern Immediate possession Dwight Nelson Stroud 15131132 ROOM apartment Private eni rance heated and hydro supplied Available Dec Phone 0103 lROOMfurnlshcd ute bath Apply 62 ROOM selfcontained ground floor apartment piece bath Heated Close to school Phone 5400 15131133 ROOM bungalow Winteriied In Belle Ewart 011 lake running water ad flour Ernie Nattcer phoneIelroy 15131133 ROOM brick bungalow 11 heat ing Modem conveniences Kemp enfeldtDr AvaliableDec Phone 15131132 EURNISHED Apartment rooms all heated new electric trig Suit bbslnas couple Apply 80 Essa Road 16131 ROOM healed basement aparla ment Private entrance 545 month 1y Electricity pnld Appi 281Dun lop 15130132 NICE CLEANfurnished heated roomsnwith private nth Adults Abstahlers Phone 879 or apply 81 Innisili St 15131132 SRODMHbrlck house6 mila south of Barrie on highwayjmmediate possession Reply to Box 11 Barrie Examiner 15131132 IIOIISE Garage SnacklRar Oil heating All fee ply Sparling Phone 3301 Barrie COMEDRTABLE furnished room Twin beds Central Suit adults Reasonable With yr Withoutjneals Phone 521K evenings 15131133 Reilly RR honeJlDSrS 15131 MODERN room unfurnished 31p attment Self contained piece bath Heated Walking distance to towncentr thei204a 15130132 300Ma ertrne furnished heate 1y co igbumiechflul St II 11 gt 15129131 FURNISHED room apértment Upstaim Heated No children Nnt 91 132 pm red Phone 6305 151 lltooMEDjopo intent Adults and roamed artment child Both heated Br vale hath Downtow gt entrance ers Phone 15129131 OMFOEIIABBE unfurnished room self contained apartmenbwith bath Suit cou le $52 A13le 90 Cumb land one 954Avs able De v151lil133 ANTMENT NEw Compleiel dern Privateentrpnc Combt atinn living andvdiplng room room wlth doubler closet €11114 on heated th for ilabie De kï¬nnr four PROPERTY FOR RENT LARGE furnished bedroom Salt or Central Phone 3188 15131 LARGE unfurnished front room downstairs Bay window New decorated Close to C61 Also one furnished bedroom Adults lane Phone 5014 5m MODHN roamed brick house oil heating near Coueglate Avail chic Dec 15 Applicant lane at rank or position Apply $2 Bar rie ineru 15131132 APARTMENT large rooms un Mmlshcd private entrance private bath buxincs couple referred rent $5100 per month chasm atfer pm 4573 15131132 ROOM modern brick bungalow for rent Cit conveniench Gar 12 Strand distr ct Adults only App Michael Yurkow mile south of Stroud on Highway 11 Phone 131134 l5ImIB5 WE HAVE furnished bachelor air urtmeot Julcliche suitable for adult couple Also attractive ground lobed Ava blc Dec Owen St Phone2480 15351 32 W900 FOR SALE SOFIWOOD slabs cut an length and delivered $12 cord Hardf wobd Slabs $18 cord Phone 6127133 SEED FEED BALED HAY Timothy and hifalla Aisn baledstraw Phone Oro 11 Iii7151 PERSONAE wells and huge so DAINES MASSAGE HEALTHBATHS ARTHRITIC TREATMENT MEDICAL MASSAGE REMEDIAL EXERCISES SLENDERIZING Hours 1000 am pm Appointment Tel 8801 dolzww BEAUTY Counsellor gifts priced from 30c up via seen at Frederick Street or one Mrs Mary Prince 8385 801231 BACHELOR FARMER with fhrm fully electriï¬ed and equipped good flndnclal circumstances wishes to Contact lady with Matrimony in view Box 13 Barrie Examiner 3013148 IF CONSIDERING marria con sult Marriage Welfare Specï¬lllst by mail Established 1906 Over 9000 clieéits rich and poor married al goasfaiï¬rltllniuliigisle ee inniDeg 309711 AUTOMOBILES SCRAPPING lso CARS Serve yourself and save dollars Anyglnss 5100 starters generat ors carburetors doors fenders springs steering gears heaters 30 seal beams $100 radiators transs missions $1000 and up 20 cars for sale All parts exchange BURDEN AUTO moms Highwayilo Phone 070 lug glen Buying or Selling apartment micro Christmas We ï¬nance latemodeleara and trucks Very reasonable rates With complete insurerleek STEVENSON ALL TYPES OF INSURANCE PHONE 520i as DUNDoe ST is BARR lallztt 42 CHEV for sale good tires and new trammlsslon good running order $175 Apply 198Cnok Street 111131132 1951 ANGLIA Body and tires in good condition Motor needs some work $0000 Apply or write Gie brecht Apt 50 Mary st En la lslsmaa FARMS FORSALe GORDON slouTiTr LIMITED Real Estate Brokers DunlapVstreetEast Barrie BESTFARMVALUE IN INNISFILTOW 100Acres$ll500Terms available Near Lefroy mile from Lake Sim coe Qwoer really wants to sell due to business interests in Toronto First class took farm Large 10 room stucco house with lilljcon yeï¬lences includin aarn ation Loafing barn isv attachedgto main barnL shaped 30x40 Ever runrung stream lim water wate cist ms 12 acres seeded tofatlwhent 25 to red clover and alfalfa miracles Diowable 10 acres bush pasture This is goodeorkablefarm pric ed right gt gt GORDONSIO Real Estate Brokers Dunlap Street Ens rhorlegila Anytime WANTED Farm Listings lihonei 2413 StouttVReal Estate cLlllitt SioozAOitE FARM mileslsouth MidlandTm High 27 Phone 2413 Aliyttnio