Cortkmyend cu taten horn the burger udd Motors in aortic amn rloned near the 91h lint on llllh wly ll was located and the owner advised beflore they wereqwarc that itwu mining tnwo young men were seen to leave the cur parked on the shoul der oi the road and walk 90th to wards the service station at the cotner When no one came back to the car the local pollciwere nullr led and check was made when the nwnerswere ascertained Constable Pr Hollywood at the townshippolice who bad bEen at the lunch room of the service ste tlon just atler the two had Ien followed acro$ the 9than Highway 490 the learnedlthet one nd ï¬nkethheihus thatl the man union had Beenisecn passing shortly before Evidently he had the luck to get ride soon atterhe reached the throuzhway Thh car had not been damaged nhd was driven back to Burrit soon attemalds by the ownels The passing of the township police cruiser may have deterrui the oc cupunls 1mm rcontinuirlg runner with the Vehicle Cottage Cleaned Out Police are investigating the citar lnz out on the émlre contentuth cottage sane uthe recently The owner eloimszlhnt about $1300 worth of urnlslllngs aremisslng Constable Ferguson is working on the case Another report Ihot two youths were seen by ll neighbor leaving the cottage was investigat ed but nothing wus lound to be missing An ordinary key would open the lock Fire Guts Intorior While they slept in closed end shuttered cottage on Maple Drive in Aleonu Bench on overheated space heater started in tire around the wall where plpc went through instead chimney John Gll maur owner the collage and his brotherlnlow had come up tor the weekenKL About three in themnrn inghent woke one oi themen and unlocking Into the living room ound that the interior was mass or flashes Forcing ll bedroemwln dow which had the wood shutters uyer it tor the winter the men es coped and got to phone to call the lnnlsfll ï¬re department Quick re Sponse on the part of the volun Jeerllgnd ï¬re truck saved the ex terio the bulldlrrgrevmthougK the space heater exploded adding to the tire Thecottage is so badly gutted that it is likely it willhuve to be rebuilt Channel Three We listened and watched thé on Roslusougï¬nARowAR officiallnvitat twoTo The er tn lastsituruay night ï¬lvehh Wan at themon why that nation was using hound three It was ult molten 91 the way these than els are allocatid he noted toldhl audience that naduplkntinn channel was lid lowed within zoo miles oeacll pther qtmlncl three wag used in 5me 32an in Battles wu notrequelted or in nny man ner thehul pl his station that wns being used and therefore cau lug hiunklng out of the stations pujneartzy channel Some time perhllps there will be rendlust ment of the Channels and change mode he concluded He did not mention that in the mrrntlme the listenersin this nlea unable to get other hnn is chnnnel Vdonï¬ree we nreAlortu ate to haye IIXALW station who woulth getja oicture nlldre appreciative the station butthin would have pplled as well on on other chllnneJ even channel nine which is repeated most the tune anyway MoreondfMoie Pupls gt Premier Leslie lrost told am and lance this week that we could ex pect lln additlonnl influx overnver age oi nooln seven hundred mus and pupils in Ontario startinghext yeah This when it is worked out at 35 pupiLz to room would mean an additional ln lhe pmvincel Whenthis is brought home InJlle township if we are to get our share oi this expansion and Wmlvae have been doing soin he post we willneul to he prepared to and many more schools to on olnydy crowded public school system gt The suggestion mode in Metro politan mronto that they may adopt lhe Junior high school system sim llnr to British Columbiu which Ink ed the two In grades tmrn the pub lic schools end the two lower gmd es rum the secondary schools and places them in wheel in their own groups thereby relievingthe public schools oi these bigger children and nt the some time making it posslble to handle morejunior grads EMS system inight he more nolr der tor ru 81 municipality likg ours than try to establish esyst lem whim will put scholars throuzh to matriculation or ready tor unit versity weeaulcl then heeware how many or thepupils mm junior thh would be contln with nmdermic Mutation or going into commercial course or simply dumping any turthereducutian It costs In to send large percen tagutn lgrm haulingth ply so th maysksteslongun they nreï¬ldrogough to quit schaoL These have Ii le or no interest in who Ebeing taught themlnndare omen detriment to others who hire endeavurlng to get unleduea on By adoptlng junior high school courtroom um WFBYPAN lt Settthe dial and yr gerc trachonr trolled Heat foe perfects cookin re sults Nu guesswork no co stanl walchingdlug into nyoutlex we sealedelemen mwnnfl suoarsr ONS my milin ï¬ltEvorett visited Mo Ind Mn Cnpéllnd nn sum Mrs Frank PWM ll bittilde party Iorherxon5ohby on Saturdhy unarmed Hobollfarweokdd Carlyle ZMIcDonlld or mbonto is home for theiwukeud landï¬ll molllEr is returning to Toronto with hlmlor the wlnler months mummy Miss ty Davidson uhvlo onto isjspenditlg the weaned with Mr and Mrs Dnvld Muphyn Wilt Woods ill spending anti weekendat his humoin Guelph Weleontttllmaz We on glad to welcome Harry Trew back home and hit tion at St Michaels Hospitll ln ll MrsJJumes Taylor had their daualller Joan Dome baptized on Sundly by Ru Charlateal in St Andrsvs Preslxytngvlan Wukzndt Awpy MrnndMn Robert Martlntlmd wuss Dtlru Thumpout spent Ilst weekendr 1th Mr Bndldrx Dick slam homer 1m New View There or two new sets in the villm at Ml Eva Rumble and Newton Trams Returning to Tï¬nutï¬ Mrs David Murphy on Bfui are returning to Toronto with Mr Murphy on Monday on week Week in milk Mrs Gordon Rowntl Shawnee week with relatlvek in arm syslun the municipality would be accomplishing mountnoses They wouldllanve more seats or public suhuolipuoils and also reduce the cosmonwmnlngput puplls who are only llllï¬nmin tilhe We wnulfltneed our dintlob Math Meantime mentzsothuz wacnulu sawmillt9 pupils who sltowetlu desire for higher education either on ounty pupil basis or as we are do at present share basis in the xldvllnced school Whatever arranle ments are mudewe must remember ztlrntwe are olanninz the lives ql children or years to come should not letjngstshe our flrs 99 iderï¬tion We should plan that noth ng out the beer is good enough thutthere shouldhe pox between our pupils and any others in the tofuvlliner The childre Awho lhernsalvesbelore nny decisi has may he aflected should express been planned ZEittendsllo You than lgnnld Pen Fryer and ell0th mun THElItvsEIrL 7A puhcnnsagorï¬so Eplettfs Fedmrathell StilleDeJux DUMONT Cross IECl 325 lubeperf rmonce gts mramkv 13 VwAQNnevuv ChaSstsf tivyh tyTtonsforlner vi we NAM NEW oil jipowerful