Look What You Get nivrnpnrt inn Mrtciiin Chali Two End Tables One Collee Tabla Two Lamps with Skill Qiulity novelly cotton Kalil Red Gray Green In Blue 7Pieco Group 13450 EATONS Budget Plan Terms N0 DOWN PAYMENT 18 Monthly Payments 848 Davenport and chair are roomy fullsized pieces with innerspring EATON WINTER SALE construction throughout Davenport converts to leveltop bed with bedding compartment in base Chuir has reversible spring tilled cushion Matching and and cation tables in modern style hard wood in Walnut or Limed Oak ï¬nish Two large pottery table lamps are complete with Poiyplnsicx shades Duvenhort and Chair Covered in highgrade wool surlacctrienï¬ featuring striking figured design in Red Grern or Grey lHeoe Grouping Foi Clitstgrflelfls REE 1895 1420 SALE EACH For chair Beg 1095 SALE EACH 820 slim EACH Fnr Davennnrianeg 1495 SALE men In Wine Green or Grey ground vlith brilliant tropical vine design Good Quality Cnttan Will Lastaï¬t bank for almost custommade Kit 3Cushlnn Chester eld cover Studio couch and Club Chair covers available at once require week for deiiwpry Save Money Make Your Storm Windows and morn Othcr styles sketched of 36 PIaStic Enough or Average Window or Screen Doorl Enough For Average Winaows or Doors 12 yards of gauge Twn yards at 11 gauge polyethylene Plastic 36 wide complete with six 35 cardboard nai ngstrips and nailsi Sale set gt polyethylene plastic 36 wide cornnletc withr TubeSkaIele EAmiv winterséiarei Mens pins lz Including 11151 Black uppers ruiiy1eatiiier lined and th platide insoles and tongues for Chenyione len and tendon guards Smokers 103$ 21195 Sale Complete with Lighter gt EATON 97 oich prevent smokers Ire nrnlte chrnzniuniniuird mm with Mountain um in sert in km urn llxhter are in nunvrnientir cumn hwdle gt LWestii1gliousc Electric Temperaturs5 up to 400 degréesu1erm ordinarilyI ea 1795 ostatically éonrniled in prevent over heating fastheating 1000 ox element heats one piece as am Jinum alloy surface plate sinooth 0r easycleaning 8x 15 king sur lane 25 or 60 cycles 1710 attached ihl homei or jin loliouln in 16 as 20 gtFilter Illten Inan dust Lhi Apartmentsilo Winter console Panos Fnr Apartment dweller and small hoot ownenl Meaxuring only 57 long 37 high 7A deep the Winter Console have iuii keyboard 01 53 notes light easyhowl touch keyboard cover Expert construgted and gt handsomclj designed 7615 and SATURDAY NOVEMBER 17 Budlet Plan Terms Mly he Ar nnnd Desired no nowu wrist manuiiy rumm or 61 For standrd Ironing lahles Pin and cover Sels cover or henvv cotton sheeting with elastic insert in hem pad of Vi waffleweave cotton tapebound edge EATON Winter Sale set For hzl ruieirncy inmii new Flbivllll Bell ii dirt anterior Eninn Sale paci Van CF SalePrint Adjusubi ironing Tobie ml nflnnt nauthmn la urnu Winur snln unh 18 and 19 High Quality Reproduction VIKING HIFl Radio Phonogruphs vBold only at Eltonli this hnnnsamr ulnanicked Pnonnznnn contill selective 7Iuho muer irnrrn in tume necnm chin inukrn nuiizin erl him wine dren 25 or no cycle modeln Wnlnul or Human vrnrrr Attractive Yellow enameiied metal top is about 53v xwz and per forated lot 1001 ironing Strong vchromiumplated legs have rubber tips to prevent slipping or scratch ing Folds compactly sq ft of actuél livingvspnce to your roornsl Save of ordinary dobtnnd adds it via your room door in view henjtolded nylon siide opetat eel mg linger touchicanztginn less ananhour AntiqueGrey Vinyl Install astic con 1nii rapiédandmnaothharighig will Wipe cienir it Wim