make them creating the personal chaponux The this mania goes out to the relatives and Head MthehteAH Ben Priitluuv cm was held in Tomlin on Nov Hr Frit wll born and rained on the 10th coa eeuuon west or Stroud nun ber or relative and triend illurn this district attended the lervice in Toronto gt swabPanda first lnnistil Boy Scout and cube joined Aliandale Scouts and Clix at parade to divine worship at St Georgel Anglican Church Allandaie Rev Rowe oi St Pauls delivered line sermon for the boys No Church Sunday There will he no service in the Strum Presbyterian Church next Sunday Nov 20 owing to Allan dale Fan Roadhmynterlan Church anniversary at which Rev Dr Sinclair Ottawa is expect ed to be the special speaker Dr Sinclair is well known having been minister tor over 21 yearsiu Ai landaie and Stroud New Sidewalk The Dile are gratefifl tor the now sidewalk to the pay telqshonc booth in the village Mlliinery Courlo Fashion now dictates hat to match or complement each camiimc Our thrifty Stroud ladies attended course in lhlllincry lfl the com munity hall on Nov and to roiicierlt in the art at The ladies were amazed oralde lighted Io rind they could make hat 1mm becoming shape and length of dorm Skein or two of yarn or low leathers Every class member made from one to four hats Which the exclusive models in iingom velvet tweed silk and leathers that will be making their debut in our community Miss Nora Creyke Schonberg of the extension service of the depart ment of agriculture was the in structrgss and won the admiration of her elm by her proficiency skill and iriendiy pgrgonaiity Unusual Number Not for some time havesomony cars been parked at the village corners as for the three days the court of revision this week Ivy Visit Members at Stroud Faderation of Agriculture visited Ivy on Tuesday night Nov Hunt Club Returns The members the Strand Hunt Club have returned home with eight deer and woi to their cred it and seeing two mouse and moose cult Weekend Visitors Mr and Mrs Ferguson mm Boyd Jinan mu with hia uncle myu Mn Belay Mull Ind my North Bay with Mn Jouph Bowman Mr Ind Mrs McDornid Brian and Barbara Creancre cou ed on tawlrtenda in the village on Saturday morning From Orilila Mr and Mn Orilita were Su day visitor with Mr and Mrs John Shepherd Weekend Guest Mrs Gordon Mason and Giemh were weekend guests with Mrs Everett Kneeehaw Bradlnrd yaitin Near savérn Mr and Mrs William McLean are visiting this week at the home or the iattera sister Mn Brown near Severn Remembhnce Day Remembrance Day was ilttineiy observed at the United Churdi ev ening service on Nov lit when Rev Mr Waniess reached an inspiring sermon on The Sovereignty of God Mrs Wanim sang the lovely 5010 some Day HerwlllMnke lt Plain Few Days with Aunt Kenneth Dale Donna and Amelia Webb spent few days last week visiting with the latters uncle and aunt Mr and Mrs Jay France in Windsor Progressive Euchre Eleven tables 01 progressive eurhre wereenjoyed last Monday night at the rim party of thesau son sponsolud oy the hall board winners were ladies lst Mrs un nax Black 2nd Mrs Caliendar low Mrs Uncles gerrts Isl Jack Hunter 2nd Glbhins low Harold Wallace Plans were made or the next one on NOV 21 Autumn lhankoflerin The autumn thanioontering rncet ingiui the United WMS was held on Wedanay evening in the church schooiroom with the lam ilics 01 the member as guests At 830 avery Something and bountir ui smoorgasbom supper was thoroughly enioyï¬i by oil This was iollownd by the regular WMS meeting itthrs McLeorrnre siding the program included splendid report of the sectional meeting held at Allistori byMrs Wanlasand Mrs Biack vocal Solo Thank You God by Mrs Elmer Pratt two pleasing mouth orgun duels by Rev Mr Waniess and Karl Constable and very ernesl and timely address by Mr Patterson 01 NEW MERNATIONAL LINKReplacing utransport service is now operated by the orDetrolt tunnebBusts connect with trains Win graph with theDetroit skyline in background new Win Remmhrance Day The Everett and Mansï¬eld cam munitlis gnthareo at iheCenolaah in the park at Mansfield on Friday morning to observe Remunhrance Day and take part in the service Those who had assembled were Joined by the school children the Legion the Womans Auxiliary oi the Legion and the Boy Scouts of Lisle Two minutes silence was observed in honor oi the iaiien tol inwcd by the Last Pm and Re veiiie Hmer Reid spoke on Re membrance Day remembering those who laid alien thine who had been wounded and those who were still bearing the reflects of war thert Vnil representing the Townsnlp oi Mulmur read the names inscribed an the Cenotaph otter which Rev Former led jn pmyer Wreaths were then placed by the Waniess on What is Mixion nry The December meeting will be held at the parsonage Election of Oflicera A4 recent meeting the 061T group elected the following owners for the coming year president AmeliaWIï¬m vice iill Webb secretary DonnaMarie Mason mutant Dorothyriisox treasurer Hannah Model pianists DonnaJMarle Mason Dorothy Fox Lorraine Constable Shirley Jones Joyce Smith Palsy Muihoiiand Mary Coleman lumsli committee Betty Lou4Wentherili Social con veners Kriy Jones Betty Pagan resident nor 1W Legion and the Woman Auxiliary oktheJAglanzlth watt hymn Mansï¬eld Wbmensinautut by Mrs shackiiidy orttieemnmun ity lhe school marched around pianind their ponies white cross All went toth ad Church which was well Rev 12 Spear pdeéwmas present and asssled in the service The scripturewiis read by Harry Sawyers Rev CA Fornatarotook for his text Romans 1515Ll1am thyhrother be grievodwith thy mm nowyailwagthau not char itnbiy Destroy notihim with thy meat for whom Christ died For the Kingdom niuGodis not meat and drink but righteousnessgand peace nniiioy in the Holy Ghost Ham AntI Mrs Bert Murphy is home rmK Toronto toiio ng hernperation and is progressing luvnrahiy wus Service The ladies oi the WMS had charge at the service at the United Church on Sunday afternoon Mrs Allan Corrigan was the speaker menu and Mrs John Jennings at Port Credit visited Mansï¬elddriends on Sunday Awny to Nova Scotia Mr and Mrs Norman Oisen lelt last week for Sioux lookout Man to spend low days before going on to Nova Seatin ii mailman Our business customers this change in mindwilen they orer stationery printed matter or signs hear lag their telephone numbers starting early next summer all telepho ne numbers intBarrie will include Parkwayi and iive figures Al the semeltlmelrxntfre dial equipment will lie ready toprovldc future service ior ieï¬n new telephone customefs Their numbers will ailihegin with will want to keep armys Telephonernuliihers starting with 233 or Will add gt flfzirlrway ligtForlexalriple 1240ilvbecomes IBArkvray 8r2401 Numbers beginlrig with 6will addlArkway6 For instance soon becomes PAIkWayhï¬ï¬‚OO IVIheintladilctlcn of telephone names with two letters andjfive figures in Barrie is another step towarddirecbdlalirlg humb ls all over triecontlnéni soonliy nggpistanceoperamrshnd evfentuollyby nurselt Mrs Roscoe Cauthcrs Wiiiinu airs on Sunday Hilda Anglican Church Toronto on way car ferric in use slnoeiflï¬l gnadlanhiational Rallw 1hrough ihe diior as shown aboje photo books 169 SIZES T0 iour choiceot highcubs and spike hatlax Black gellermriitFriced munr Tunisrim son nunsir roorwua OVERBOOTS RUBBER to keep too dry in rain snow or sleet Warmly lined td keopdeet eoay in cold est iw ther EBlack brown ZrilerThriflltPriceii 299 CHILDRENS aim otnlli Pr 329 Misses sin WARMEHE Rubber Snow Boots made with steel shank and iZero fleece woolpile lin ng for walking conifer all winter long sizes 4103 Colour brown dblem or truth and an enormous nbllitxlta employ wide of imagination 1nniih£l will Province yPhotia or loan in one virit Loan customtailored 1an and income UnBlIiConphdeilonServloa with out cut to radon payno cork Inningtrimaran muonsimyum Al was Mr and Mrs Elï¬owdan attended the mimitb wedding in St agar Ina in unit On In in nan $11 $51 $77 up hy iton Nov and spent the week with no irrumld t9 Mn Charles Stoner End Good Luck Earl Carr has returned from hunt ing and the gang had good luck Away Hunting James Smith in gone to Mani toulin Island to hunt Sunday Visitor Mr and Mrs Lister Raid and tarally Thornton visited with Hr 113 FINA CE C0 onvlaloai omenwhich It nearest you 15 amide strict 32 Mission sum East 2nd Floor orrN svrumos Iv urolrttm mongrel no hours tilldunmidhItlmm runrt Monpious Lower Cut Styles ianirs ovrsvnuabu Dvenhoel with aliens atnn In bind and bron ain to it outsource uiirron Rubber only aim CHILDRENS RUBBER moTWEillP suns T0 12 Fleecclined rubber overshoes with mouton trim and sturdy lace tie Brown only gt initial liticKLE warmly lined rubber over fingesiztnr active boys and girls black only Sizes mm BOOT Sizes to la Sturdy soles land strung zipper warmly fleece lined Brownonly EASY0N cLOG ovslzrglgoiifl RUBBERS revW moltenswarmson annex Small medium and large DomeJrstrap style as shown available in brown red white sizes Thick soles lonerThrift poiycastpirstisnl weather resistant and sturdy Zelier rhriitJPriced LTYROLfOVERSli FASTENER LADIES SIZES to Fr $535535 469 amounts sxzcs to 12 rr OVERBOOTS NEAT in noanm with plaid lining um rnakes attractive cum when told meeceuned and ed over as shown above Zellerq cuffed or extra protec Thriithriced ï¬on Pishtweisht 3an iiussms SIZES 13 toz brown warm Ladies sires nv ailabie inbiack and PW brnwn othersizes brown only Tllliiiilis iiiililiia éWooiiieeceiiningi Eilsy laced Style