Camsrig minimum1 11 lltuis the wordinron the in vitation that Cndtlflmllome and School Asoclation is sanding to the public for its Family mile on Saturday evening The evening of fin and entertainment is starting at seven oclock in the evening But there will be no problem of babysitters nie escalation is pro vldingiust that lnthe ldndernrt en which ll ball turned into nursery for the evening The unique idea behind the ï¬rth lie is to get the whole ï¬nally out so that mothers and father may enjoy party Whitmanorganic There will heno admixing chug cd but bring apocket nies because this in themat raising project of the year and there will be lots of way to spend your money In addition to ridu ï¬sh pond the school willghlouss games of skill fnr the evening and them will be lflemilllmetre ï¬lms shown in the auditorium for theachildren For adults there will be bazaar tables maturing homemade baking whitc elephant articles parcel post etc and refreshment booths selling P0P hot dogs and come Dont forget Saturday evening at Codrington School The money nludiln this fashion goes to several worthwhile Home and School projects The association buys supplementary hooks for the school pupils for example and spends much of its money on it big graduation party for Grade Eight crs at the end or the year Last Friday former Barrie newspaper woman celebrated birthday Mrs Byrtha Stavcrt at Auroravwho will he remembered by many local residents tram the days when she was reporter on the Advance herewas seventy nlne on Friday Mrs Stavert has passed on her ncws enthusiasm to another mem ber of her family Dorothy Barker news and womens page editor of the Five More Nights Squarerand Dancing This fall Every Tuesday ev ng brings new registrants to 1k and square dancing classes held weekly in the Barrie Distrl Collegiate Institute gymnasium At present there is total enrollment at members Althug have bcmï¬ni are always weloomewhétlter they1 are experienced danc rsor begin hers Th9 latter need at be maid because every dance is explained and demon everyone isgiven an1 opportunity to try it out slowlyI without music Each person in this way knows exactly what he or she is going todo before the dance starts Beginners soon become self assureg dancers In addition to the thin lng new dances there is great air of friendliness in the gymnasi ium Many new acquaintances made because partners are Chang ed frequently and dlfleren form ations of dances are used at is there are dance tl singlc circ groups or three $iuce everyone wears name tag form lionsare not necess The classes begin at M7prnlhe ï¬rst part of the eveliirigsihave bee devoted to mixeisandxfolkdances janeaay many English sbattiah Norwegian and Danishdances have been taught Last esdaythe group enjoyed Russian olk dance Maitelitza in which the music practically told Whatmovemen wereto he made Square dancing beg about pm Theo everyone swingsfthroug old favorites such as lherell he Hot Time in tiie ldTownllo night or Texas Star is Well as few of the newer ones Some or the clag have been enjbyinghese so much thaw they decide they would like to learn to call fori square dances As resultaf thisi request there iiihow ag axiallin formal class of square dance call mg at 115 pim These classes inï¬jrganized the Simcoe County Recreation Servy ice and areamlistediwith the night school program legiate Another was of editorial start reveals Illl Silver as the senior citizen who was the snarkplug behind the towns rut ent successful hobby show He rev rm to heras in or Auroras kindf llextand gmndestlpersqulm If the hobby show were hen only endeavor for theTown Amaraandplrtleularly its child renit would be worth acknow lodging But its only another in the long succeslon of activitlu kindly and constructive which have much like roses along her path through iife Aurora has been the beneï¬ciary of many of them Its meanta int oi hard work many sacriï¬ces men work that would itaxv the energy patiencevand tern per of people many years Mb Siaverts junior lnagc as Bambiy of Hoigaté Street wha is fortunately the lather no little girlwon the draw on walking and welldressed doll made at Monday evenings meetinz of Alpha Phi chapter of the Beta Sigma Phi Sorority at the homes Mrs Arthur Todd Barely Street The doll will be cherishedjy any small girl It has wardrobe gt tan or twelve complete outflts Procvedi from the doll will go toward tthsororltys Christmas baskets forthe needy audio oiei weekly week or distributing ma azines in patients intiie Royal Vic toria Hospital Coigan EUchre Party and Dance Big Success Everett Correspondence The women of St Jame Church at Colgan heldamost successml euchre party and dance on Eriday clearing over $1600 Thc auditorium wasfllled to cap vacityfcr the event which feature several draws Winners ofladies euchno prized were Mrs Patricia OLeary who innitIra Bahamian table andMrs Simpson winner at set or howls Mensprizeswent to Edward lynch gloves Eddy Wallaee car robe and Mr Sam tan rubberboots The dolldraw was wonhy Mrs Daniel query and Mrs Denis Skelly won sandwich grill hamperoi groceries went to Mrs GIEgSinall and Mrs James Eon was the Christmas Wo and linens and CharlesMcKennai on aqnarter oi beef Winner of an automatirtoaster was Patricia Matalfreyot Toronto draw cndinnerdishu waswan cicuence Wood oiSchomber ndevelyn Dyer of Alliston won The marriage of Miss Natalie Perchaluk daughter of Mrs Per chqluk at Woodstock and the late Joseph Perchaluk to Russ William lurnbull son of Mr aners Bruce Tumhull of Barï¬e took place in Dundas Strcet United Church at Woodstock in setting of glowing tapers white murns palms andi ferns Revd Perkins officiated at the ceremony wcddlng music was played Stafford Love who also accoinpi Vanled thesqloist Mrs Charles Ha ford in the singlngol Love may imdllllWalk Besld ya 1113hlld2iwll0 wasxive nsnar riagaby her uncle Demnr mwriflnghï¬amaï¬mrequu imaginary oifln mfle weeks In doll for the Christmas tree Dec 25 am gt dowuwantta childnn lorEhriltIiluTuil toy which will be broken ar roman 011i months pieéenl Flaming to be outgrown within the gifts at lining valuel year do you want to give th inmong the gifts from which chil dren derive lasting benefits are hlcycle slutesu meclunosetsand books these labels are laytar thenon lasting No matter how good your public library your child dmrves and needs the oyaadmislletlon awnings library good boobc collection of lavorita which he will read ova and over ahd over again which will be Willle him He may even pas them on to his own children in due course relivlng withithem his own first delight in Mother Goose sharing again the ter ror of Tom and Becky lost in the cave growing shorter and taller withAli in the worldat the bot tnm Wit holerdwing again with Roi in the pa attftonces valles and walking with good and heroes in Asgard or airOlympus The first boot in every childs personallibrary ought to be big beautiful ageingny complete col lection Mother Goose rhymes Those do ghttulooncoctlons or non girls the nutbe wandstalkie as Jean Brunhoifs book about Bum the king at the elwhants are 51g hriglllhotrfldioll bigIni mala modern in spirit and tech nique adventumiuandhunoroua at oncewim casual vein or tire pointedhu nutbllbed 21th aredlstributed in can do Arn hasadur Books agaide own cou 17 e3 Mir Grimm and Andgnon Editions thepandepensive ahounm The thing to wean is the translation Ee urn it mdab neither too florid nor too mild ticent complete edlfl wï¬nsongs wing mus put the Hertéflefm is Peli too arge an mive vo nine or most child32 an budgets Paul de yasacs glmdon of tales in attiacfly liliné called lTS Ws TRUE is one that is very woulnrxin the lib rary and the translation excel lent for reading aloud Wanda Caga rams ERG Gm and MORETA1£SW GEM prb liens all the Best knownxand some of the lesser hiywn or thesehapu 13m mum neckline and long tapered sleeves Hen Veil of silk illusion was caught to pearl crown and she was can rying white Bihlawith an orchldl and shattered Carnations Miss Lillian Puchaluk of Wood stock was her sisters maid o1 hon or and Mia Doreen Boughner and Miss BerniceTaikEr both of Wood stock were bridesmaids Their hal lerinalcngth gowns were 01 white nylon tulle over ice blue tatfeta and were madowlth bouffantaklrts and strapless slurred bodies under lackctgstsles They won white feathert hats and canled cascades feathered white and ice blue carnation clinic of Tomntohwnsv Wearing gownoi white nylon tulle over feui styled with chantllly lace jacket featuring an oval scalloped night being and at minimum 11 January was discussed branch decided to Acontrib item Mil Ends gave compre area co an automatic coffee percolaterA gthundred pounds of sugar we to Paul Keogh Winners of door prize were Mrs diwelih Martin McGoldrick Mariel Shell ank pLeary MmBernardi Bergi Ier Koran Thomas W31 MercySelinslty MrsObeary Serviceuliew White and Bert Ranch ï¬elore the priza were awarded wmmtswere served by the phurchwomen and Rev Blley announced winners pressing his graciiuaeto thepeonlc aking the eveningsuch su clrigwvzistolthe of the River Rainblers h9 tNirs Phil Wrighi program of readings took the Place fthe scheduled aker at the monthly meeting of Hollows Womens Institute at tliehome 6in Mrs Phil Wright Mrs FHambly onvenerot citizenship and edu atianwas in charge There were13memhers lna tendance at the meeting which was held last Thinallay evening instea of this weekMis Tell ok answers cheerfully er 111 was in the dialnv the na followedcby the hostess no social on thécahle famed police or tlandYard imndcuflfs hoarse as th Ehnimtiorr at groomsman and the ushers were Jerry mmliun brother of the groom and Barrie reception followed at the Moose herethe mother oftlte bride received our Elizabeth rose crepe and lace Wearingmatching acces series unda corsage otgurdenlas The groo fa mother who also re ceiued in dove blue with no memories to match and was wearing corsage of gardenias dance was held torguests in the Union min after the receptim For travelling the bride chose Paul Brennan bothivof siAfIiIéEIi 10 PLATE CUP BADGER ï¬lm dress or brown tweed with avo cadp green accessorleeand acou sage of bronze mums ï¬lter weddln jrip to poin est Mr and Mrs Turnbullrwill be ma their home inWoodstock Ouboltownguests at thawed Hing were fromLondon Toronto New JcrseyFort Wayne Indiana De Brantfoid Suatford King rieandr lngersdll comfort convenience sour aowr imag 89¢ noises movie coolers dmésiv 3i if taphon and mumsmm rich 1w at Greekpoetry aimmwoubmm sawsa era womjana Sinus wéi vwmm Erma avsllualejtaxnany cdltlo bo wens Ind in And lush flcLEANERs LTD ranaoaiimy Dial 5531 miccoo my and camera Dragoninc PVEVARIS jAPPLES 198 Eiélisfi i4 FMBIDA SEED GMPrrRun 10 49° Fromm nor noose Acucumacas CZ 253 swm POTATOES 13¢25 ï¬aiifï¬gwmunï¬ Elia renne simian an modernized bathrooms and kitchen will allow xouith newestmaterials glweyou sug stionafor custom rei styling And it you szhkwell arrangeforco plete installation and onthly payments which can include both materialian ALWAY$ AT YOUR SERIiCE ALL WAIS