ii T0 lilillwflfllli Emails lrioholooisi To litreHillier unionsan own uni WTORONIOROnt Special When in the world will people realize that there ls no need for baldness said Lewis Directoroi Lewis Hair Experts of Canada today In an exclusive interview he exploded the terrible terriiyinz myth oi baldnm He also related many case histories of successiultreatment ior almost total baldngm IBaidness is unnecessary but costly says Lewis No man need be bold or look prematurely aged because he is lonng his hair And yet so often this stigma atiects his business and personal lite But no more he declares The Lewis method oi hairand scalp treatment can prevent baldness can turn colorless fuzz into healthy growing hair and make you look youthiul again Expert to hold demonstration clinic in Barrie this Weak This revolutionary method at home treatment will be demonstrated ato clinic to be heldihere onNoV at the wellingtonHotel The ciiniqwhich is open to the public with no cost or obligation will be conducted by Lewis Irlchologist only on this date Private interviews can be arranged betweenlz noon and pm No appointment necessary Baldness Explained Thereis alwaysa reason for baldness continuedthis nationallyknown authority tIt scalp lsviniected with dandruff excessive oiliness or extreme dryness hair simply cnnnot grow The scalp that is exercised will produce healthyhair yet baldness in both men and women is on the increase The answer is hair and scalp hygiene and chis should be taught to children says the expert If this were the case baldness would be rarity today Heredity not the cause of baldness healthy scalp will grow hair it it is not already com pletely bald assures Lewis The belief thatbaldness is hereditary is widespread such is not the case This is misinterpretation the theory of genetics Science has proven ialse the belief thatya person must be bold because baldness exists in his family However it is true that in some families tendency exists towards an unhealthy scalp The purpose of Lewis Hairand Scalp experts is to teach the methods 01 strengthening the weak scalp and nourishing it to healthy vigorous condition 9Is there any hope or the completel bald Many or his clients begin treatment th private exami ination hair and scalp analysis and diagnosis of the dis order But Lewis is quick to point out however that fthe code demands we advise hopeless casethat he should not hoidany hope of regrowing hair If there is any 1122 at all we can restore healthy scalp condition and the hair will grow normally again as nature intended Satisfaction its guaranteed Most businesses are built on solid foundations of cus tomer satisfaction and service Canada are no exception to this rule We must have isiied clients says Lewis We must grow hair It client is not absolutely delighted with the results at the end of 30days any money he has invested in our treatment will be returned graciously What could be more honest and generous ltyour hair is not healthy If you have scalp disorder or it you are worried about your hair call at the Wellington from 12 noon to pm The public is invited The examinations are privatéand open to both men and women An appointment is notre quired You are assured that there will be no embarrass ment or obligation on your part coiï¬Ã©=aoysrors Tm vanw Mr and Art Boys ol To maionrevioitin Rallies Elltin Up North David Jones has gone on Jim hunt no north tor Leonel oi chm ham Barrie Jun Garvin al3ltrieru recentyilliornt GKaiht Andrortm m1BuiiDoddIolPoitedit Hailed over llstzweekenriwllh MLJones The Monthly WA The WAlIdies met in the ch rich School rooinon Wednudsy Nov with members present The de votional was taken by Mrs Dora Carson and lheprotnm by Mn ll Miles Paper was given in Mrs flelen Priest and contest was also conducted by Mn Miler it was decided to draw ticket for your big aisle ior ihe com ing year The meeilne closed with prayer by Rev iVeaiu Euchre Party The weekly ruchre washeld on niesdny night with seven table playing The winners were Lar dies isi Cordie Barton and vials Newton men 151 Laurence SGML 2ndLaddie Wilson VCROWN Hill Bible Society Pubill Elli The public rally and annual meeting or the Upper Canada Bible Society in Crown Hill Ant iican Church on Friday Nov at pm ilhere will be an em lent sound motion picture enlitled 45 Tiogu Sh which rum is minutes Everyone vcordially ini vited continuum SERVICE NORTH BAY CF Engineers gtsay the community television Bill tenna being built here will be able to pull in programs from stations 250miles distant We the Sunnldnlem 111 Murphy hlllg Sega 7M tarnous and tar away all their Sunnidale mi irididx would welcome Annual Deer mm Severn men amundthls distrirt Iro an 1th annual deer hunt Beat oi inch renown MilfllthFWedfllilt Congratulation ioMlll Phyllis Wwwin amidmes liesoy Who are to be married in candlelight service in Trinity Church Silur dayyveninxfflov is snacoian Well was talking and remaer how our shotgun blast did the trick No sooner and than travelled lie said it was camng anyway But wonders when that roadoi his will be lit in travel on son told him would put in word or the road superintehdeni Please dont ior let our warden needs his done community Sympathy Sympalhy oi are community goes to iamily If45h late We Thomas Wallwin and her eonin lowTJate John Campbell Al ihoulh Mrs Wallwin lived in Bai rie and Mr Campbell moved to Toronto year ngothey both were Midenia of 7th line tor long numberol years That sun Storm Well as ltis nowrilnin¢ quite heavily as write this it makes me third£ol how 13 year are we were getting our ï¬rst heavy snow normal 194 took taxi to Royal Victoria Hospital snow came nearly in Vones knees and it look only an ailernoon and night to bring all Just word to ihe wise haul out ihose overshoes Visiting Friends Mr andms Clixiord Poole Jimmie andIJanie oi Longine an spending some time with Mr and Mrs John Wallwin sentflit PM dog to constipation Not me When there family toycook and wash for you aint aflord iheiuxury of onldays Eu ii used to be irugglfl to keep going Kmschen has changed aii miiiuawiujoy holxsévVorkand Iiiil hive PngnouglIia enjoy stepping out in the evening with myhusband Knuchauisnt another on of the drinks that are 11 ï¬zzond bobble its carefully compounded ingredients go to work quiein to iveryou quiet relief Like the mo Spa water it Membles Knischeu aliacks wrote two waysilt i3 boihlaxaiive and dlurgilc Get Krusclzen and getattive again dun onuo stem Accompanied Party Mr and Mrs King ucenmponied 16 memheis of AYPA to the con ference held in Ottawa last week end Douglas Harris and ltClar ence Moneywere the reprosont adves from this district and re ported wonderlul lime Nol 50 Well Mr and Mrs Money are not ieeling up to pilr at time of writing ope youre Jeeiinr better soon Sincere Sympathy sympathy the community also to our Midburstvcorrespondent in the recent death or her mother Mrs Surathussell Jtenlacement Job Soveraimail boxes are still down due in the work oiHailnw emoprankste ThisrhvWover niiandy or ourvrnail Soy ow abouterecting them in place Thank you COLWELI Everyone welcomes the Scimiw tarnin who moved intoCIoIWeii recently John Lis is home from hospital and is doing well alter an opera tion Mr Ralph Canningspent Satur da ting her sier Séénuyfth IWonderslof Santas workshop BringMOmandeadJoole CLES DoLis 51 Revum Dis 11 WE THE WALTZWE USED REMEMBER DEAï¬u THE 35 in STUF THE it no 89 THERE m5 YNE MINHIES rum Oove ADOPIED yous GRANDPAS STRATEGY NEVER ASK HIM 7DMFE THE DistES