mm Imitation Jim mun Contestants By 168 Gathered in the cumnullity hall at Strand on Thursday evening Nov in were contained and par ean 01 those children who had come out ontop at their own school tor the public speaking contests These eight pupils were heard by the audience and three judges as well as ofï¬cials the township school fair who took advantage of Ike opportunity to make awards 01 prizes won by the tap contestants and to schools who hit the highest scoring Richard Bowman son of the prin cipal ol Barrie District Collegiate who live in lnnlsfll came out with top honors with his talk Why Like the Form He will go on in th county contest this month he rollowing story he been pre psrcd by Mrs Doris Marlin princi pal at Stroud school and covers the aflulr very thoroughly Pictures of the conicstnnm both top winners the public speaking whilst and also the two with highest averages at the school lair will follow in later lssué From 55 No ii The Innislii Township elimination conhsl in the Show County Trus tees and Ratepayers Association public speaking competition was held in Stroud community hall on Thursdayevening Nov 10 The winner nlrthe contest was Richnrd Bowman of No ll lSA No who will represent lnnislil schools in the Simcoe County iinals to be held in Hillcrest Scth Barrie on Nov 18 Runnersup In the competition were Joe Rowe 0155 No 17 ISA No and tarry Emrick of Ni 13A TSA No These boys re ceived cash awards from T5 Area No Board at Trustees other Competitols Other competitors were Muriel Sutton 55 No1 TSA No Gail Wilde 55 No 10 TSA No Eliza hethflcatty SS N0 TSA No David Barron SS No 12TSA N0 and Diane Wiggins SS Nu BA TSA No These children will receive rec cognition tram lnnistil Township council or their effortsl Chairman and Judges The chairman or the evening was Roy Goodtelluw and theiudges were Mrs Gordon and Miss Morion Webb and Mrs Roy Goodtoilow nurrng the evening group or children trmn ss Nb hA Tsn No under the leadership or their teacher Mrs Doris Boathb enter tained the audience wiillpart songs and choruses withers interment St Marys Miss Mary McDonald Residentof New York native or Barrie in the pol son Mary McDonald passed away inToronto on Oct 21 1955 Daughter 91 the late Mr and Mrs Donald McDonald she was born at Crslgvale Innislil on Aug lws but rnuved with her parents to Barrie at tr very early age She lived there until 1831 whenshe accompanied Mr and Mrs Georgian to Newaolk City was employed by Mr in the optical profession Ior number of years After Mr Georgens death she and liars Georgen operated hair culture business until thelhiters death in 1933 She continued this brus lness herseil until her retirement seven years later She enjoyed remarkably good Rind lanolinillegal Céhipéllilon WJ Glhblna reeve otlnnlstil moire briefly congratulating the children and urging them to con tlnuelo the practice 01 pilitlc IPEHHPIA Present hips and Averill ewhile the in were deciding on the winners hnrlcs Sprain and Don Benny ol the Rural School Fall Fair Board made the presentational cups and owardso the winners at the lnnislll Townshm EFF held in Septemben These awards and win ncrs were DENIS SHEAR CUP To school with highest llqu of points won by stroud School 55 No to rhir eup has been won by Strand school or three successive years and is now the property at the school It was received tor the school by Car nlyn Carscaddenl our WET CUP To judging team won by Rail Comp bell and Paul Campbell 01 53 No 10 Strand WILLIAM NEW CUP vTO chom plon livestock showman won by Paul Campbell as No 10 Simud SPROULE CUP To school with highest number 01 points per pupil won by SSNc l5 Knock re solved or the school by Earl Shari non SMITH SUNOCO STATION to girl with second highest number of goings won by Carolyn Coutts SS WATSON CONSTEUCHON OF smoun to school with second highest number at points per pupil won by No ArcoNA GARAGE $5 to boy with second highest number points won by Colin Sutherland No lo Stroud lNNlSPIL FARMERS CREDIT UNION$5 to school with second highest number points won by 55 No 16 Knock received for the school byEari Shannon EATON CO LTD book to high girl won by Joyce Pratt $5 No 13 in book no high boy won by Paul Campbell 55 No It SPHEIAL BY JAMES LEONARD AiND BEAITY mNSTRUCHON For name sign Winners were Col in Sutherland No to Geraldine Weatherhead No BA Joyce Pratt No 13 Stanley Todd N02 Barry Lowe No l7 George Sanders No Jack Nesbitt No 13 Myrna lion On Anonlusmnscinnhs dessert Abuttérrrich txture sandwichescranbétrysouceynnd co oanut Top each with on tile rcreIm Canadian Aid To Other Nalicins Topic Wl Paï¬Ã©i The November meeting at lvy Womens Institute was held ati the home at Mm Slapley Applegate with on attendance or l5 Mrs Earl Reid presided The members voted to send $10 to the mental health association and it we decided to holdn euchre party in the Orange Hall on Mon day Nov 14 Mrs llorry Banting chase as her toplcfor current events fAiomlc Power Already extensive atomic power insiallotions have begun in England France and the United Candi and almond flames Canada as well as load to the world bank Hydro lilnnis any beenbullt in India Pakistan and Ceylonwhere such power is need ed urgently Speaking briefly an the world bunk Mrs Martinstated thatit is operated lilacr our irwn lending money toneedy naiions Loans must belor sound projects such as the railways in colurnblo where 6900000 will be spent Alter singing God Save the Queen is pleasant hour was spent at the lunch tnblc Tea hostesses were Mrs Gordon Cochrane Mrs Lorne Gllpin Mrs James Demith and Mrs Bruce McVantL ltciiltchuicl 5111 IIK Mlhlfll coolin illd halpnon mluulylrllgm no Itchmud by mr runco wwhmcmmmullcï¬uwufl lulnlrl IN Hill bullll must llfl money beck Donl luflri Al manualith WI Site for Iownéhip Swims Om Township Donnell met at the town hall on meldy with Rem Scott presiding an all mah berlpreeoL Quite commieBone bod been received for consideration neceived we copy at registe ed pun No11 being subdivision of plrl em hall 01 lotlfll coneelé Tandem tor mow mil by any Son nod Gordon Moore were occwletn Deed at lots ti and pllli 1145 concession run Eugene Simon wasaccepted as site for township otï¬ces number at hydro contracts were accepted and the treasurer list receipts Albert Calvert and Lowsnn Robinson or gimme Counly committee were pment regarding repairs to the old Andean Church Grant Mayor was present with draft plan for subdivision at his Propem conccslarl Om Dew transfer for part of west halt lot 21 concession l4 and part west hall lot as concession were ED WRIGHT Clo RussiansNew mentor and ordered bedded tn the Well with toque tor ap 1he report at Rold Superintend ent non not workdooe dgrin 0c Iobtr nomad nd pawl or payment The vurious be tor the council were ordered pull and adjournment nude untilflhurx flannel to RCMPVITAL F0303 The nxhjnt enlistment trom these Jim in Canldll strong and rilent mice brings home the act that there is still plenty or the MP to do Its not all duty on the Capitals historic otamp ng grounds or escorting royalty statesnen on tourLactude Que Watchman Heavy mlimceon world market or Canadian exports coupled eut throat compciltion from foreign products at home renders Canada vulnerable to the sllghtest increase anroducholié ANNOUNCING Back From llolldoy Returns To Barrie Alter two months holidays Ed wright back at the chair ready tor business Charlie Dyeke has been nwoy lor the he worked in this shop or six years arm silor AND HAIRDRESSING SALON militants 53 DUNLOP ST past two years Previously PHONE 5695 States with several othe plants in the early slogm she stated Event ually Britain will use atomic pow er since dwindling Mrs Mervyn Martin convener of historiciil research and current her coal supplies are events gave an excellent mar en titled Brothers Keeper deal ing with th various needy world wide charities or which Canadian money is being used Several il lion dollars will be spent on he Colombo Planolone Asiptance is given to Arab refugees Korean Igobibs Na Brian Pratt N0 17 widows and main students in IVEllEEN FED SHURGAIN PIG BOOSTER Yes that is correct The large robust pig in the ion has been téd SEWGAIN Pingoolter trim the me he was Mn days 01 ago through to ten weeks No wonder he pleased with hlmflll espec Millcowardly soon Youll rite service hi on your list were Inn is good place DV forgyouto Inn with hgtdl wmgeozmnrflmgneleyergain 021 we think Nil you not to doblulneu wh Here are youll mot when you borrow is the borrow have to borrow ad of loan compoTy Iem ii NiaglnnredotooWeh nothinka loeonro mdeio 20 minutes Add he been designed to rem our worsen Aimplt one an borrow money NIAGARA wbut th our plans are flexible and on loan month payment period no he used need It emanate Z4 melibill will be impomotro yoatoo On Main started in eiland Ontario over 25 yum ago Were undated with the Indnluial Acceptance Corporation who Merit Plln ha been used dud of lends Canadians to buy cm Igplirzoes analldellocom tourtom oe And here are two Iddidonll points about Niagan loam Jute ore lower on man amounts Do you et more fee you not ban to £011 500 are life ins why do without it If ymuieed money for any good reasonjolt drop in or phone anytime FINANCE COMPANY tro waiuuilmoimmmumuula IHEwiison BUILDING museum roomsth pony with over so branches from no am you when you an get this family protection FOR RESULTS USE EXAMINER WANl ADS Allth ntliJm win lolly when he see his less fortunate lrieod who did not receive this proved feed The Bonsterriedplg has been given the start in life that villi make him proï¬table oceimnt folhis owner ï¬e wlll tremble to go to market in record time on record low teed consumption Try litter on SlimGAIN Pl Booster You will he pleuedrwlth the results rl NEW Pushbutton auto motiv drlv selection that works in mogicluPras button step on the god and Col No levers of any kind with PowerElite transmission yours at no extra cost health until June 1954 when she had the misfortune to fall frecw turing ship She tvas conï¬ned to hospital in New York until NO vernber when she was brought to Toronto by her niece Mrs Cough inceJh me her health graduallyfailed She was predeceased by her three sisters epblne allude Flor mm OConnell Sr Thornton Bridget Mrs Flank Hogan Port Arthur and two bre fliers Kenneth of Barrie and John CLARENCE cUMlVlING of Chicago booms rat znthenew HILLSDALE FLOUR FEED Vlï¬hLSDALEï¬ You 11 ï¬nd so mu to please you whénl you take the wheelofal956 eSQtu Magic Touch antomatip dllY selection for one thing Just Press button tap on thelgas and G0 Thats the eï¬ortless new Mylo drive The new De Sotoiaiso has7 the styling touc roots moi NEWIMolo room comfort Hand stylevinslde moeraw twotone colour combinations lorsrnart harmony with ex terior colour stylingV139 Pallbearers were Brennan than floodem£éextures an me gt Osborne Glucose cl Lock CQOKSroWN Is Ion l3 hart Br Coughlin and OCou gt nellr And theres plentyof Rhiannon intlle De Soto Fire fliceengioe alneWVSwitli255h0lepow lhe funeral took place mm Lloyd Steckley Funeral oma Barrie l1 St Marys Church Whererequiem mass was sung by Msgr Clair who also oflic lated oi the weve in St Marys Cemelery NEW See the touch of to nlqriow in rear tender lines thatrriaertrom sleek sidesto Bu ry this fabulous new 356 soar hi the back Notice seeyonr DodgéDésm cale hoetilelowslopingreardeck emphasizuxthis daring new tender design llAltllfAGllIRED Ill mm at WHILE ES HERE SEE HIM ABOUT THE TRADES TRAINING AND CAREE OplORTUNiTIEi OPEN TO YOU IN CANADAS Aw FORCE