rainzvnmm mm or annals arm countr or silicon MONDAY Winn and FRIDAY single copy cumulus ESDAY New NllmlierSysteni For Barrleihones new telephone numbering plan Early NelltSummer which will include the use of an exchange name will be introduced in Barrie early next summer MacDonaldp Bell Telephone manugcr here an nounced today that under the new system all Barrie tale phone numbers wilirconsistol two letters and live figures The cxzhanxle will be PArloway be allowed by either and our other ilgures Telephone numbers ranging be tween 2000 and 5099 will be pre ceded by the exchange name PArkway The remaining num bers belwcon 600i and 69M will be prcccdcd by the cndiangc name PArkwily The Iinlil iour digits in existing nmnbcrg will re main unchanged For example the prcscnt num ber 2001 would becomc PArkway mom and 5001 would hccomc PArkway 66001 in all on he twp initial letters the live figures will be diulcd All Barrie telephone timbers will bcchnngcd to the new systom simultaneously Thc changcs will coincide with the opening oi an extension to the exchange Much will iiiclud enough new facilities to provide iclcphoncs or all persons waiting or service at the time runs to install Equipment Mr MacDonald said that would take scvoral months to in stall all the equipment ncccssary both tor the introduction or the new nrunhcrint system and to connect the additional tclcphoncs The manager explained that the new numbering system coincides gradually being introduced throughout Canadnand the United States which calls of olillllifl bcrs to consist of two letters and live figures The plan lsan integral part of an important ncw advance in long distance service which will with uniiorm numberlng ptan eventually enable telephone users to dial their own long distance calls lust ns they now dial local calls Usc ni this now plan will also allow ror the unlimited expansion of local telephone service hon Explained to Business Firm ML MacDonald in letter to businch iinns is explaining the new numbering plnn in detail and suggesting that they kocp it in mind when ordering new station cl or when arranging or signs or lettering on vehicles Telephone users will be advised of the exact date oi the change several months before it is made the manager said introduction the new num boring system here coincides with the opening of dial exchange in Midland similar numbering plan will be introduced in Orillia next summer Cimvenlion ai VCodringion Friday Thu 7ist annual convention oi Simcoe No Teachers Institute will be held in Codrington School at Barrie on Friday Miss Nora DC Hart member otsthc teach stall at liillcrc sldohloillit sessions which begin at nine oclock in the morning noon banquet is being held in Elmer Pénndni Lowered at Two Bcirrie Schoois Two Barrio schools had their Ei mcr safety ponnants lowcrcd this week one or the second time in month Both schools lose the osicty plaquo which goes lto schools hdld ing oneyear accidentIron record During the past month there have been three accidents in Barrie in which children were involved and were at suit In each case the ac cident was due to child coming out from between or behind park ed car Fortunately nune or the accidents had serious conscqucnces The schools involved were Codring tan and Hillcrwi the latter for the second time Cpl Lee OPP who is in charge of the school safety cam paign feels that parents must give more thought to child safety it is only with the full cooper of the parents that the campaign can have any lasting success Barrio Kiwanis Club has purchas ed model Elincr elephant which will remain iLBar as part oi the safety campaign Last Tour Cpl Lee will be making his last tour or schools in December with hissafety lecture to the students On that occasion he ll be accom paniccl by the new cor who will be taking over 1mm him Cpl Lee was the prime mover in bringing the Elmer safely campaign to Barrie schools He enlisted the did of the Kiwanis Club and the civic authorities in this project and since the inception of the scheme he and other ofï¬cers of the Barrie detachment of the OPP have been visiting all the schools in the dis trict regularly Until this last month there had been no accidens involving school children in the town since tho campaign started it is expected that up Lee will or transferred to Bradford tho end or the year Trinity FarishHall at which the speaker will be Miss Louise Culley director of recreation Jar Simone County Hel topic will he fRec nation at Home and Abroad Culley recently returned lrom an oxtensivetrip througlfScandliia and Great Britain The morning sessions in Codring ton Auditorium will be taken up with group discussions on rural and urban themes Discussions will be lcd by teachers with themes vary ing from school management com munity relations discipline cour es of study and teachers timetables to equipment social studies aunt motlc curriculum taxis sublcct cycles and reading At the noon banquet music will be provided by Woodwind quar tet ieaturing trombone solo by Mis Jill Smith theBarrie Col legiate Band whose conductor Fisher will direct the group Among the distinguished guests present will be George Johnston MLA who will present greetings to the gatherin Afternoon sessions will also be held at Codringion School and will leature more group discussionsuAn invitation has been extendad to the teacher visit the studios ol GKVRTV The executive of thc Teachers institute whose membership com prises teachers in the Simone Cen tre inspectorsteol Scott is composed of Miss Mi Webb immediatepast president Miss De tilari Law secretarytreasur er Mrs Martin lnnisiil Mrs Lucille Jones Vespraf Mrs Sample West Gtvillimbury and MaoLcan Barrie frhereportoi the nominating com miitee containingtbe slate of ircors for the iorthcoming year Knitters containingthe slate of of session on Friday bylvriss Webb swing osgprpoi root inner an excellent stage show by localtalcni and dancing rounde out apleasing ladles night by ihéKiwanls Club of Barrie at the Pavalon inn 01 lllia Monday With President Maurice Macs Laren Barrie at thehead table for dlnnerwcre Past Lieutenant Governor snobort McIntosh and President Clayton Palnaby afthe Orillia club Albou 100werein endance Sorn otthc Kiwan rls had guests new memberTo the Ea led Nettleton per agerflLthe Mansfield uda Comprdliy Was by Secretary Cr Parsons Mr Net nail otvlgitcheiier salty were Mrs ack En WHY 11min roooirsi For the endless pleasure otter ioronc thing This ek across the country Young Qbï¬hda Book Week is being is ebratecl ioi the seventh time to sti uiate boys and girls interest in and literature This Réctor Serves Three Churches The dating Marv 3314 rec yo Warm vole st in Church Wov criey and the Church This cood Shepherd Wycvnlo who latter church was led Ilse advertently from report or air Fnllclcs appointment Vamrenrin in The Examiner on Nov 11 34 Col ision iih Parked Vehicle Damages totalling satin were done last night when car travelling wcst along rorndalcrooadhit an other vehicle parked on the should or about three miles west or High way too Fred sowdenol RCAF Camp Bordenwas driving west when no came into collision with canown cd by Williqm Camblln of Barri parked on the shoulder The im pact pushed the parkcd car back on to the pavement Mr Bowdcns wile and two child rcn passengers in hiscar sulter ed from lacerations and shock TOWN PLANNERS lnevcry planned community tweenthe position ofthe impat ient few who would chuck thertown plan out the window and the rigid professional planners who are in danger or thinking man was made for the town plan not the planion theman there should the meeting place oi cornpromiscLKitimat BC yNorthern Sentinel Fo masterr ofcareinonies iced Harris who headed ihecommitteé hich arranged the en even called on gJessle soprano soloist tho Regent Malé Quart and Capt Aicx Malheson of Camp Borden wlih Belt Churchill lighted the audienc siniginlg and interpretation Lovo is ManySplendoredIh brn the current movie and fi Dow Have Eyes For You Cole vPoitcrs Night and Day and Suddenly There lsAVaUey npwntirnber moving rapidlytip ladder 01 led by 33 Touch the ou The Down Barriels step nearcr city status At the reg ular meeting of Town Council Monday night the city status com mittee presented two rcconunend ations to further this plan Both suggestions met with agreement The committee suggested they should meet with cammitkeot Slincoe County Council to negé otlate tentative agreement or when Barrie assumes city status and that the treasurer should con iectthe various boards that woui be inflected by this move witha vlcw to obtaining liguresas to cw it would aucct their operation Aiderrrian Morrow asked when it was thoughtthatrtho town would assume this status Reeve Willard Kinzie whouhas bee1 acting as chairman the Spoolal committee sal hate to give ny daiesbecause we already have reports totalling nearly 100 Pages and it will take as many pages as tbst fagaln before we have solved this complex problem think we may say that our oh jective is 1956 but it may be the middle of the yearor laterf The rcevc went on to say lessoAY NOVEMBER 16 19s Week anusnuisan IIIA nonalum stimulated in Ciiic Politics With Monty Barnes as their spokesman deputation from Barrie Junior Chamber of Commcrce waited on Terminatin cllMonday night to congratulate them on their years oiilce This town is experiencing growing paths the greatest pos4 bible in the province since this is Ontarios most rapidly grow lng municipamy said Mr Barnes This period or growth and spending that will he nece merit and good council stimulated lnterut The spokumau called attention to the importance or stimulated interest in public altalrs and the act that the Junior Chamber of Commcrcc was always dccpiy inter ested in civic administration Mem bers of the Jaycecs were encourag ed as individuals to color civic politics hutJhey were never spon sored or campaigned or by the Jun ior Chamber The Jaycecs gave notice oi their intention to stimulate interest in 4h annual nomination meeting and oloctlonby adycrtlslng in preS and radio and by other means It is the Iccllng oi the Junior Chamber 01 Commerce that the cit izens oi Barrie do not fully realize the importance or full participa tapers Call For interest ssary requires sound manage lion in the iundameial rights or democracy the rightto choose their candidates at the nomination meeting and the right to vote or them on electijan day May we emphasize that it is at civic levels that Communism lirst takes root and tram there grow all it ugliness We ask each member at council to stand again tor election no mat ter who your opposition may be havc healthy civic governm we need civic electionn Possible Candidates with nomination day slated for Thursday Nov 24 in Barrie tiltre is some speculation as to possible candidates Last night His Worship Mayor niln woase two please AldermanPersuades reader iirthe Barrlorubllcmbrcry childronsdepnrtment al dy knows the pleasure or being taken into other vivorlds which are difle ent from his own Townoi Bcirrle Couninubilc Speq trig Finals Will Be Held in Barrie Fuck on Friday evening clcmenthryorvrrirm will be irnrrls oolpupiiswho have wonelicit dude The program beginsat 730 inatlon contests in tha town and townships of Simcoe County will compete in the annual county trustees and ratepayers association public speaking ï¬nals at Hillcrest SchooNn Barrie Between 13 and l5pupils us ually compete in thecompetlilun for thnGeorge GJohnston iro phy tthe winner whichcom petes at he Octalto Educational Agociati convention in Toronto atzEasior Barrie schoolswill be represent ed by Jon Fell Grade pupil at codringtori Public School who won the local el inatipn comes and Newton Trophy Ch rman 01 Friday evenings dared ila report could not be issued in laymans language as to the pros andcons ol suclbu step Alderman Robert Cvoids remark ed that before an accurate report was possibletu the public it would be necessaryNic have all the figures Alderman Cooke explain ed that he had in mind informing the public or the progress made so far the oornnrittca iclt that withthc sizeyihat Barrie is now itwould be or beneï¬t to turn over iocity status The larger the town grew the greater the belieiitfrom thc turnover gt AlderinanJ MMills questioned whether it would not be necessary to have plebiscite beforetakinx the status Mayor Green replied that plebiscite was only iibl 338w withs populationundergl Reeve Kinzie remarking hat thejwhoio question would have to be decided ï¬nallyohaï¬nancial Barrie KiWanians IEnleriaillfladlés rShowrDallcei aigOrilllaj basis said that his committee would like to see the question put to vote when the irrespective oi the la matter Aldernian ccolae telt that it was time thatthe public was brieitd on the questionand Wonlt finerteam personality in perlorm ance and lot of showmanslilp Their numbers wre Down 7014 to Start he fpiece de rrcslstnnce with the appearanc of Matheson without its bufwi bagpipes which he Inndly stroked It came as surp efwhenthe captain recently returned llwm Korea played the pipes dh he can play themJau ragtime boogiewoogic and what verYo the crowd swinging an the rhythm beat Herc with al sol recently forme bu isgoiiig places very avidly This 830 Barrie inea M91 WileyFrénk Mldwoud and Ven er Lambert haverdeveloced ti working rd roping row stuoi jout ocir Aspecial teature of the evening will be vocal selections by the girls glee club of Callingwa District Collegiate institute The first prize Winner in the competition will have his or her name engraved on the Johnston Trophy which is kept by the Win nerror year Books and honor certiï¬cates are presented to all the contestants by the association There is no age limit on the contestants who are Picked 1min the grades up to and includins Grade it They age allowed in choose their own subjects Spéak ing for minimum of live guts and amuximum o£seve impromptu speeches then last one to two minutes Eontesiants are given choice of several stab jects MOUSE nccrt one or too tiniest hooted mam nmlsis the mouse deeror Chevro taln oi tropical Asia and Adrien About toot high the male is hornless but has short tucks count In Rescind AldermanW Golds succeeded on Monday night in having rescind ed provinusdqlsion council to misc the cost at palking tags uext Pariringta stillrcost in introducing his hated Adornom had before musthat evening letter from tho policeacssimers and the Barrie chamber or commerce both of within disagreed withthe advisabllity uiraising the tag lee Aldennan Cooke spoke in support oi the motion stating that it would gt the undust to raise the line until council could sheetE the public dc niand or parking Later the some eveni Aids man HarryiMlchie gave the tigur of sins poi meter per month as the revenue 1mm Joe market parking place Reeve Willard Klnziefln reply to Alderman Johnsons question as to where the town was going to find parldngjspace said the chamber o1 commerce had gone to considerable trouble to explore the possibility titling in part the bay for this pumose He believed this wasa possibld solution Ald rmnn Paddiscn smashed the whole question as being consider ed front the le Thetown was not intent on iiii ng thegenu ing sho ers it was the business men who leave their cars parked all pay that theyshould be sitar Ap parently adollar line in those cases was of little use gt recorded vote was ibemotloic was ed by eightJo six Aidumerirlohnsp MlllsPad disco Murrow edvagainst the whore Aidesan Dam lt liams rk eputy Reeve Her soy and heave Klnzle voted for the Permii5uspéndod drillia calGordon Matadoan at Washagoluesday was find ed $200and his drivers license Was suspended for 12 monflls latter being found guilty of criminal negligence Police they chased Macdon alds car or boast an hcur atï¬ï¬ to 95 mph The police or they said was unable to overtakgit Macdonald leilt the main highway andcrosseda bridge at 90 minded spite 20 mph warning sign He was captured when his oar raninto sand pit Police said meyifollp edhls traolm when he at the car and found him hld gin the undesibrush gt FAMOUS WATEEFALL The Sutherland waterfallin New Zealaod one or the mostliaautuu in the world ha total dropdl 1904 feet