Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 22 Dec 1949, p. 8

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Ehitiirial age iif Cir Tllzurir Examiner 86th Yea BARRlE ONTARlO CANADA TittikSDxY DECEAthR IM Section Poges to From Examiner Files lll Ileurs Ago lhitllllitl lbll ll Ii 0m ReadeId The Iloorln Game Over Governed By Architect No One School Areo Plan log 0m Christmas 1949 llll fil week of the year the editorial col lit third of ii world that is last fading into iiii ill the ltwspapers are occupied with blocks of midnight and twnitilll lUllllllles Ill jIIopilioih about worldly things Most of this them tyrants rule by force and lies garrltillg has lileasure of logic and does not perhaps were 15 mun 10 be read between Etlm Ill Wile the lines of the Christmas editorials than in 31 l015 C105 591 m0 the actual wording After dealing with Iltllll Inn llltllttllltm that the editors illk is not mm pursuits or 51 weeks of the year gm II lllVlli noomll ldllorm Wm 51 editor finds that his pen is inadequate to ii 2i out iiir it years now Christmas llis nd flitltlJ iv lllc llltrillants II II III coin with flit thoughts OI ii lIIlSlxllldS 0ll iiiil II Ii mm 91915I5lllg PM tonal Butotlierswholiztvc lllllll bell We IIIII II III II II earth good will to men while armies killed been ab to capture the Spirit of me 0cm Vim Emilemznlismounlugaid all um um With lemme You The sion llerewith we reproduce the first verse iiloi nyziL ii ix Hm over low ttlltolial rILiiIoilI to say MtIJl LOllIldIbl lbu of Christmas Carol that elltolnpiissts much II II II III pamb Wingtosbw dolled for thinking the Christmas story an more mm mm of um um mt my III II II II II INITIILIHII II HI II kids oiitwurn table an amiable lraud like Santa God III WU IIICHVI gentlemen minor Claus with which to comfort children All It IIOuIIIIg you WWW other otillOlltll begins Christmas 1949 ap II CI IIIUIII QIIIIOIIII proaiilcs the end of the second millennium mm Cr Was born on Christmas Day lntli unis Them basal ll my will my 5ckoo tableau3 mu Hixuh in 111 ltd rll zlivit ltitl 5i 95 since the birth of the Babe of Bethlehem II Costume mm shook the world to its foundations Where do lo save us all from mitiin 110M1 lll lli l1 IIiIillI1 viY limit liillllidi II III II rho wv were Punt 35113 Ha mmumm II iAnecl wmgs wt stand In the mattu of tit gcoglap iy mu iI toxic ii me II will ll Mt iilil or illl ii itiii ii lil tui liltlfi Il iii the history oi freedom We stand in the sun tidings of tumlmt and joy llmll lll ll Im Il iipiii iiiii iii llld ltlllt iiilili luii iiiil it gtlilillli lll iHl lllgtll lriili Yliiil to plow to the lullgt ilil wk Sntol is lllt WW ll LINIM tillciiil ll llllcill the tisilc SH ill tiii pllt llliidfillil $7llI lll ll illi tlzi llltlli bl ill Nut illllicl SLIU niimlml iiiiiiiiie min llll llli than IIlll 124 Wliile packmqlllcbOXI Two or three years ago there were sug to the home town lculiloil would provtdc funnel Iliad tunl rIrrlitIitIv fill oIIa tlll nliu tn lllu tiipalliiiclll til lLl lid Lllllc ltllll lililuli liu I4 Forllmjlcblmg WWIIms II Burnt Should have an an Opportunity for 10 Old sons and dunI iilllihi lii iiill liiiilvi In If llml 13 lmfnl MM Tvaikhlmw tidvs Reunion However tlflfllcmlllllg of the giltersto meet again and lttilll tilt old days lt ii el ii tic in we iIi cm II II II III III lit lliii1I ism puritans lm lllt mulll iiiiiiii lii iiriiliiiii lion Tome uuiliin XI 39min llllJlltlill deficits lelt Illl other muniCipalItlts And it would also be lllllt lol the younger that had sponsored Similar events the idea citizens and newcomers to learn more about was quietly forgotten There were some sug Balries history lll tllic ILIIM leirived lipl llicii lllt llllltltil lillitI Milllilliltiolis lll lltltl ilisllltilu ilati billlltltltllll ili iiilic mound lllll tiillit lil lll topliioliow llllll MimiI informing me that the ll no Illicit iilltl liltl lil hie liiilw lll loll lIliill vtlr 1111111 Barnes Centcnnml YIcarI Since the unionI the Town 01 Burnt has unique as not llll collillitt flu valitllll lllltl would Ill to the fence knock subjectI has been introduced again lore 10 set In the person OI Fred WI GIIIIIILI This 0P worked and ilmclorc llol il at the titltli mini ill illll sir good llllias lltltkl prosplels iii IIIIIISII who have Suggested that further Infer mcr reSIdcnt Who has now IIIILIIIIIICGI has the Lam IIIIIIIIIIICHIH ht tltlllllll the school ciillllnclltl Ivnulll ill inzikillt ll llllc that ill Mrwsbwales lllllllll SllOIlld b0 obtained L0 verify the stg nanlcs and addresses 01 hundrcds of Ormer lllellllicl of the olllliil ltlllllllllltl rlll ligt Nil llllltllllllllu lllli WY llilllll UN INVL llMlllll llll mm bre lllll illllCC OI lIlC year 1950 Banmites who are now scattered throughout IMVIIlhi Ilm IIIIIIIiTIIIIIIIIlI11$iiiflndmw $81 mm by NIH And iotpcri busy It really oughtfiot to matter whether the the four corners of the earth even as far lizil llt gtlllip it not lilt all gt money and would not be lililo lol 19135 illlll llllll 59 II Bcllttla door Gllfllltl lllt sczllt oi ill lltllllttl lllltiiib of mm bud of nvccssui lhe iluii senator Itlwilll who CAMWNWMJ not Certainly there were some events that valuable in planning such celebration took place here 100 years ago that could be All Old Boys Reunion would cost money used as the basis for at Centennial Celebra and it would also involve great deal of tioil The matter of most importance is to de effort and work But anything that is worth Cll0 whether Barrie is to have such an oc while must be paid for in some way or other Everyone enjoys celebration and everyone gt ii lull lllull pull AndsISIers Play Old Boys Reunion In 1950 llltl llllll lllll lllll of li heard of iliu iitlll tllillllll ti llltlp much of the help could Mlltllll fol lily llolltluv gestlons that the celebration should be held F0 such COMme as 1m 01d Buysv RC ltltSlttl lll ltttllllt ti lllll inoililln ttltllll tzlkc look Might fill the iltp taken llI lllt year 1950 is Centennial Year for Barrie or away as New Zealand His help would be in wlizlt was the least would lillh to leach liill llilll ll new in has been in poor health for some mm mpr ppm hum mo un Ixlliltltll from Toronto first tlilullillc is gradually llllplthlllL lcmlkinu Th IIUM 113W impound come into the school though still collfiiid ll his room MI have to scheme gttlllltllllll cheap llllllll W0 lillllllx lllS first lc Wllilc his bodily sllllllllll llilK H5 jusllmposbleforalllbaqrm Imark was what are You teaching itlcntl failed lils intellectual fac WMWS where he +rimmiquImeI casion mx and construct it by volunteer mmI gt115 mmrcswd lltll liar you no one to make liltlcs remain as bright as ever Tlllll it Will came it colnllilill icatioli from the Sttltlillylltilgt lilcr duly anthoricd With all the money but wit said the llllllllllilllllll the fuel that he trustees llllctl me Ilc even found fault Willi my dress It was while liinadeliitli with white shoes will be ill years of age minorlow IMPORTANCE Barrie should have an Old Boys Reunion in the coming year There has been no such celebration in this town for many years And should be willing to contribute his share to the effort Perhaps we could have lead from some civic organization to get plans under offer of lss tliin oliitlllltcl of and stockings but me he camel my hm mum dWhmd Mm around he said like that lltbSlOF time lllll read lll alilloulicciliellt it uh Imonmm In better It happened to be four year lllll llllgllllillltlc voile 51 tltlliiiillcs Situitlllldl crease the size of Ill lllllll md If mm IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII ifclt like telling him to go jlllllp llflLlll oi any political iill le ollldlit DVJfll less llllillllll than lllllllll estimate was much lll excess of In each year the event is postponed there are way for aCeiitenlilal Celebration in Barrie in fewer of the really old timers to come back 1950 Art Exhibit Attracts Interest The art exhibit ill the high school auditor paintings by professional artists of the dis ium last week attracted hundreds of spect trict and also paintings of local interest be ators from throughout the district and even cause the subject matter was of Lpersons and from centres many miles distant The exhibit places in Simcoe County was sponsored by the Barrie Art Club in co An outstanding feature of the exhibit was operation with the Barrie District Collegiate the work Egbert Oudendag This renowned Institute The art club which Was organized Dutch ar ist whg now makes his home at Ollly few months 2130 With LleW Beaver as Aurora showed portraits and other paintings president has already had abusy season The some of which had been executed since he the one that was burned bill the stmt ssnd them to school and II club drew together several persons IntereSt came to Canada last summer AS matter 0f IIDI ICFICYIllIlI ICC ImUI Iwell have will own little red lfIIII3IgIIIIICIIIIIIEIIIIIIIIIfIIfIIII ed in art and through facilities provided at fact the exhibition in Barrie last week is 35333 METMl lfimimif ell IfIfjfgIIffij522 131dggg Witmice those in not beingIlJl10 high school night class was organized the first public exhibition in Canada at ii Wright was the heaviest Swim and not let the Sn idly observed Ilhe services of Thomas Mitchell were engag which the work of Oudendag had been shown mine 3xii mirror on Illie lllIlIIIllltlll oi its prilIlciplcs There is without squlntlllg ili it He lidll great llLLd of ii ltillll Conserva kllwmbw mm In lasl long as an inspector lth lalty throughout Canada still mu Slllcmr lmll Nowlct us free the teachers ofa greater need of strong opposi mm mm Mb had 59 lull 1053 burdens and let them tion at Ottawa Willi lclit controls Ca compbi lusl been very 01ch 15 lllvc free to Rover 1110 Clllldltrlluboiit removed with revelations Thaukl me55l+5 maileru Id mll 50 lzllid teach alioul tile Combines Act fill hooked mum Winch had 5m 109 My conclusion is stick to llleup Hit CUVtFUp pltCltclllll rendered lie even sucgcstcd that lllllt ll school house Rt slldlthy of tilt gottilimtnl it is MdIr3IIIalllwqh+ HMS Almost Christmas in my HIHmcc lhl Wk Wmld populate the country pill 21 large evident now that after his lemzlllf lad II br iegaided as gift to the club mm of Hum who wish to NM ab victor me huncymmm for email cease oexls illCill Ill lbsllllllml iovcr and settle hero on every 100 Prime Minister St Laurent is ovcil vestlneiit lll the old arenanot12mm help mom to get good To overcome Ignorance sports mclts associations rapidly spring ing up all over the country are IllllIVlllIL lllCtlllCllllollll campaigns ildlvidlll shareholder The catch by not cvell giving 21 chance If ed as an instructor for the classMr Mitchell The executive members of the Art Club IVaS 131 my WSW think as it is now done by school Keep Resorts Open who is resident of Barrie is an Associate who sponsored the exhibit and the school fillwillol film lzrdf Md W1 lAfter Labor Day 0f the Royal Canadian Academy of Art At board members of the Barrie District Collegi commend to the club that they ito EI L1 IfLhiuhcmI II III II II bI this season of the year thousands of repro ate Institute who provided the facilities are lllllllllcldl lostl tllltiiitleal iiicttci 01 UK UCIILL 115 lb duCtionS of some of his paintings are sent be commendedIfor their effortsI The art lFocc Facts of Wildlife Slaughter take It or leave IL mu in Billin saymw time that Cod or keep them there illlCl MW hum Sh Cm forced and because of judicial leni Cmmdian Artists series of Christmas brou ht man favorable comments Let us the tourist business But now lllCV mumi mm or mm OlllCCIR And the underlying reasons another Toronto architect had been them cnough Last year the local Chamber of dent When he takes fish or game Too often enfdmcmem Officers are exhibited as we as illustratios ofwork done will be avaimble for the display of lndiVltluaL one ias een care ess pay me onequarter of my claim develop heir mum hmrd by cunt mad people CHI cause existing laws are not fully ctl 01 bout Canada and the World throu exhibitwas considerable achievement and The crowning act tumc ill Octo igencrations to come will be born Lam DIV sIIId the IJdIIImCM IIIIada ii US citizen has to have GHQ in 1503mm by enforcemcm 1g her with the announcement that without legs as they licvcr use IIIIC MI SIIIIC quite propel pays ii fee for ill rm his enforcement zld judicial greeting cards 11098 that the eXhlblla W111 be made an annua IiliDIllIlllCldlde was already on gt CrS 0f ml chutstd the Hsi problem are it be round in politics One of Mr Mitchells recent plantings Was event and perhaps another year more space woitmg rawmgs yes some ICommcrce put on special drive It out of the corintly he has to have sen no mi 31 st So there you are gentlemen of Would Keep did about $13000 of special advertis an export permit Therefore it r81e1 Im laplzud for rtcl by Several 0f ms pupb Barne There were plctures the Roziiin Game AllLl 11 18p0 Rural School House ling The result was almost aI Irnil would sceniIchry siImlecI to ascertainII Work The effect of such condition of nearly four years you are still illOll dollars wotth of off season the numbcl oi US vrsrting anglers upon bk undhonest wardens is The Season wonder wfIiiIggLiIIIIiytiiIlrliEifbuc329 mic TthbIcstISChUUlIcunccrL WQIIIIEIIIVIQIII131iIsiiicss for the aiIidIIliulithis IasI well as the amount easy to visrlalize Equally discour saddled Iwifh tuo iiclillccts ever attended 5355 mum 1m There IS II lesson vhvcrc for ICI tame ill take out of the coun aging capable ofcers is the IMySLeIIy and wonder have not gone out or see and IeI so much more than adultSII the economy of the country lllLlll this world To child the Christmas 5688011 Starts lCllLC descilblllt cliildlctis IdI II dangcious case dismissed With no Scrooge On Rampage concert held Friday at Ccdarl 105 PM of Wm dv Home Wm Camist Wildlifel thing more llimi ii lltimllllll fine be In an age of hard fact and cruel cynicism simply enougha fall of white snow chill first few days in September ITruc II MI jdbfwjLli3fif5if 13507th hunting season attracts new Wm 10de hm pp scoff at anything that cant be counted happier expresston on the faces about him not 1949 age under the supervision of Missflock 0f Illsllms late URII ELI mIIbOIj destroying wilde resources Them The people of North America weighed and measured the world can stillI Then as the big day comes closer the kit To the Editor IAIIICIZOIIIl0aLIhIK and Mrsiilwm ale laws for the most part quileI produce more live better and pos turn with childlike joy to the immeasurableI chen spreads rich smells of pudding mince 86 lCilll PlanlSi adequate to the preservation of 5055 six tinicsas manv goods as the th Th abOUt mcom rehensrble and the beau ifu and coo les air ur ive secre am Hemmer US town Emmhmg went um um pm on hm MWCSL mess an mo mm fSh Id game for average Work 5me in To enteij this world of wonder men put the house can only mean that presents hide permanently have become vital was no prompting The children There should be no trouble about Illelosmd SVdmm mm through the 5gS dances transportation in most Paris of ml with facts their thin veneer of sophistica And in church in school almost over gt ha and CKBB have both fostered mistake Mm snow usually to the end Lion and accept what they cannot fully ex Where people are smg ng those song ARCllllECT NO The Exammm from nth and km tourist indush try Important as their visits are to Spectacle of ham and sometimes In Town Stores Gwvc 5Lth ESSZII It was Sumliisilicss drops to zero after me would be as il tilop iii bucket cause of political pressure having when science has split the atom and men nip in the air agrowing bustle in the streets fact that Canadians themselves are in Barrie ExaminmI period and this at time when NaI but since we plan to settle here work says the letter There the Weather is EIOHOUS the reasonable enjoyment and use world asrde their cymcrsm their preoccupation 1n secret corners all around him 30355 mlth add that your Paper dlalogucs and FCCllallonS WllhOUl country as the roads are open and Examiner Feature Article plain hasnt heard for yearabout Bethlehem great amount of my interest In oIlie square IlllllCCiIIIZlIllIltul Iof October at leastI All that would hope this letter will be considcrodIlUlS ticIre were wo osLJe needed to care for this extra only as constructive criticism Anne Wright and Ross Cameron business would bc lime expend Recently on the JIaycee Guest Who stole the show they bcmg ture for heating equipment and int FOIllm anxiety W38 Expressed 70 lllSL grade They danced llkCIsulation to make summer hotelsI From an editorial by FRANCIS CllURCll ill The Sun New York garding the parking meter eet iveterans cottages and camps habitable in the Sept 21 1897 on the tourist trade In my opin II Then along came little four cooler weathen Wcutaite pleasure in answering at once and thus prominently the lfmi the melChunls ShUUld look yearom Peter SWltm He reeltel Commuiiicatlon below expressing at the same time our great gratific first to themselves and their lack nursery rhyme Then Hughici ASldC ftom those famillLIIS VIVlY IllI ation that its faithful author is numbered among the friends of THE hospitamyw is it mmmlreland Wh wubclwr years 01d have Silerfillemme ofschoollgii SUN mutter Humbug We are morellke Tiny day of the year With soulfelt bursts 30f Courtesy January sang Lime EllPOOP more IS F9350 Dear EditorAI am years old Some of my little friends say there Tim laughter len th and dldnl mlSS 11016 numbers 9f 1390219 ShOUld0l lal is Inc Santa Claus Papa sziys If you see it in TheSun its So Please ml zilliliping will bill Every number was sung loud their holidays In September and tell me llioItlllllIlI istliele ii Santa Claus IVIRGINIA OHANLON There is an element of childlike simplicityII Truly children enjoy Christmas to theIfull am wondering if Scrooge is on and clear every dialogue was act October IPeIrsuaded roncaI they 115 IwIcstIINmetyflfm street II about it an Toenjoy Christmas to the fun IAndI that is as It Should beIIIthasthe ChildI the ivampagI Frankly there axIeled perfectly The whole concert would continue to do so as =1 NEW VIRGINIA your little friends are wrong They have been affected it Seems that one must eithe be child or of Bethlehem who became the worlds rst twoStores at least which do was teImwork and Superb SO for habit Wllh benet to them by the skepticism of zi skeptical age They doII not believeexcept what Aft 11 children Christmas resent not intend entering again and our me by keep the little ruIral selvesIthe nationaltreasury and the they 5ch They Lhmkthm nothing ambe whichis not comprehensible by se become aga er shall nver recommend them Schoolhouse open and produce Canadian tourist industry which then me minds All mindsIIVlIRGINiA whether they be menis ori Now realize my trade is not Imore school concerts Out hatsnnw 15501Cf3d to Carry 12Im0nth5 childrens are little In this greptguniverse of oursIman is mere in great loss to any store How Off to Miss AldeisonIalld Mrs IrIe overhead on two months acllldl sect an ant inhisintcllcctas compared with the boundless world about ever cousider your transient pbpu land for Christmas Convert mIbusmcss lliim as measured by the intelligepce capable of graspingthe whole of lation service personnel P05 the little red schoolhouse that truth and knowledge sibly many of thm have received will be MEL Canadian Giff Apples Yes VIRGINIA thereis SANTACLAUS He exists asceiItainlyI the same rst impression Sure From Egbert the letter is Signed as love and generosity and devqtion exist and you know that they 1y it would not require too great I0n behalf of few of the aud Are CH Profit abound and give to your lift its highest beautyandjoy Alas how dreary an effort to greet customer lence would be the world if there werq no SANTACLAIUS It wouldbe as cheerfully must emphasize the Winnipeg Tribune dreary as if there were no Virginias There would be nochildlike faithi fact that did not encounter this WERE CHANGING TQO The British ministry of food is then no poetry no romance to make tolerable this existence We should hostile air of boredom in any ofl Qune recently the editor countEIld placing Canadas gift apples on the have no enjoyment except mlgsenseand sighIt The eternal light with at The Wilson Building Post Ofce Isquarm BarrieI OntarioICanada by the ybung inexperienced Christi 12355 than 35 busmess Changes In British market for sale at the same which childhood fills the world would be extinguished mas staff On the contrary it Elmlla in the last 10 yealIS Those price as homegrown apples and Not believe in SANTA CLAUS You might as well not believe in Wasfrom mliture solid townmer living here Sometimes fall to real imported apples for which the mini fairies You might get your papa to hire men to watch in all the chi chants ize even town like Elmira undel stry paid full price What is more neyson Christmas Eve to catch SANTA CLAUS but even if they did MucLareti Pres Walls ViceePreii IEPae SecTreas As striking comparison on goes tremendous changes every 10 the British consumer has no Way not see SANTA CLAUIS coming down what would that prove Nobody Member of class weekues of Canada Canadian IWeekly Newspaper Association Ontario my first shopping trip in Barrie years ELMIRA t0nt SIGNET pf knowing where the apples came sees SANTA CLAUS butthat is no sign that there is no SANTA CLAUS Quebec Division of cwNA and the Audit Bureau of Circulations Subscriber to GP Service on arrival six months ago re from or that they were Isent over as The most real things in the world are those that neither children nor uired package of tacks and their recent expansion free gift to the British people men can seepDid you ever see fairies dancing on the lawn 0f coursei topped into the first hardware am using this one store as an And this huggermugger is gomg on not but thats no proof that they are not there Nobddy can conceive orI more gaWI That sevencent item example but of course many at time when section of Ithe imagine all the wonders there are unseen and unseeable in the IworldI AverageNet Paid ABC Circulation for gt was selected with the samecare othersin fact would say the British ILabor party is publicly You tear apart the babys rattle and see what makes the noise in th Se te her 30 1949 And Courtesyvthat accompanied the majority of Barrie stores are pleas blaming Canada for contributingIto side but there is aveil covering unseen world which not the strongI 51 m0 Ile eta wssher 31 days later ant BritainsIpresent financial straits est man nor even the united strength of all the strongest men that As result shopth If they would all remember Britons about what Canada has ever lived could tear apart OnlyfIailh fancy poetry love romance and recommend that the smile and helpful man igqordnce on the part of many can push aside that curtain and vIew and pictureithe supernal beauty os bly tier of the clerk is equally as im itons about what Canada has and glory beyond Isit allIrealtAQl VIRGINIA in all this world there ortanee as the quality oftheir done in theway of loans gifts and is nothing else real and abiding moderately priced foodstuffs is No SANTA CLAUS Thank died he lives and hodives forever Al largely the fault of therCanadian thousand years from now Virginia nay ten timb ten thousand years ARRIE BOOSTER Government from now he will continue to make glad the heart of childhood At Christmas more than at any other time shepherds and Wondrous child called Ila the year this strange change in human Jesus personality comes about Blamelt on some Then at last his waiting isover He wak thing in the airor something in the heart enszat an unheardof hoUryrushes from bed But at Christmas even theworst Scrooge in to find his Christmas stocking runs to waken our midstcannot foel it in him to scowl and the rest of the house and greets the biggest forbade Examiner Class illTwice Weekly Published Every Monday and Thursday Highest in Canada for Home Ilan Weekly Newspapers Average Press Bun 8000 Copies Walls Business Manager George Cadogam News Editor JIR Chittiok Local Advartising Manager Tomlinson Printing Manager Cooper Plant supfnlendem Authorized assecond class mail by the East Office Department Oltawa Subscriptions Payabl in advance yearly in Clinada 850 yearly on ddtCatiadyS cents single copy MacLaren Managing Editor

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