11111 illlll ILL 1131131111 CANADA 11 1111i11 i11ii hi111 111111 Low 11100St 31 word charged minimum 50c Box numbers 25 oxtm Barrie Examiner Classied 1111 High in Bring or Phono your AdDlol 24148010 530 oclock Saturday or Wednesday BORN THURSDAL 111113111th 12 1111 21 word cosh minimum 351 SALE OF LANDS FOR ARREARS of TAXES r1111 StLE llltKS Canada For Ever 3A7 78 IA IN llAItlll HELP WANTED MARRIED MAN TO DIG 131 ltulc clothes 11112 Appiy Hi 1041 St Delete 32 lilltiailg i1 111111 11111sr lIXIIIRllCNtlID SllZNUGIlAPill211 111111 Loo1 ledge preferred Apply Planing Md 11 111 hookkcepmg Lang 12 11 21111 111 ll7l YOUNG LADY 1111 11lliltLllili rxpcrrerrcp 11111141 1111 three 1111 beginning 11111 11111 p111 111111 heieaftrr Apply 51111111 Illl1l L11111111ll1 5111110 1111111 Tele phone 2129 til9211f WANTED Ll1r11111 11111 for 111n eial lllltu bookkeeping 1111111 91111111111111 llLl1illgt experience not 11013635111 Apply 111 own 11111111 11111111g 1111111 Public Utilities onuuission 111p SALES ltillllIISENIAllVII want 111 for Horne and 111511111 011111111 agr of and 11 Must be resi dent of Barrie N11 transportation needed Apply Singer S1Wlllt 1111 chine ll ilrzsrssaga St 11 0mm 911111p POSITIONS WANTED MARRIED MAN 111sires position as farm hand Separate house 111 experience llox 11 11111111 Examiner 9119111 YOUNG l1gt1 111111111 11111 as salesman or clerk icirced Part time P1111111 Mr Roberts 11111 posi Exper 311110 9111 SlENOGRAPlIlIl perience requires fulltime or part time position It ferrnces Apply 31 Phone LUNSUI 111 lillNlEI1 19 1111 1111 Elli Vlbfxtll $111 1111 IL tilt 113111111 MANS TUNEDO Slll gt111 1111 1x1ellr111 11111111111 111111111111 4791 Dip ItilIItIUEIIAIttil 11 111 it excel lent C1llllll1rl 5171 Telephone 27031 7le DOUBLE rillI11 111111111 Wlillt 11111211 11111 mm 1111 lrltphoru 117310 11111 lAlxlIlt ill Sltllli $71 set s1111 1111gt lillllklli $311 T1l1pl111111 2371 JIX EASY 1ASIllNG llll1l3 two years 11111 A1 11111111111111 573 11l phone 3111112 11111 1111 AlAltlMllNl 2111111111 11114 1111 cook stove 111111 $111 for much sale Phone 57110 9111 1111111 111 1111 11 111 511 toaitn NOW 15 1111 11 111 11 111111141 4111111 itl il111 lrrlllll ll 11 1111v1 51 111111 1311111111 j111 111111111 fl111 111 11 111111311 1111 31 1110111111 ron 111 lfiiTlitNlhllill 11111111 1111111 11 IllthliT 11111131 two their 11111 51 not 11111 tiapptoi 11 $1111 11 lilItl SlAtIZ for rent 211 filla 111111 51 Apply 11111111 Appliance Shop 111111112 l111tit1 Al1111ll11 or 11211111 couple rie lIx v1lrl1 1111 11111 lTlIlNISlliIl BEDROOM I111 11 central 11111 gt11J11111 111111 for sale 1111 11111 I1lpli11111 11111111 11 le 11111 1111 1f LOCAL NEWS 111N 111 lIUrlrllixl 1111111 51111 11111 111 fl1111 lilil1ll 111 1111 111011 11torr1 tinpital 11111121 1111 1111 111 no1 2111 All 1111111 St daughter 111INN 111 1111111 I1111111111li121 11111111 Lfl 111ill Mi 111111 311 1111111 Glenn 111431 1111111111 lAhliIS 11 111111111i 1111ziv 1111 11 711 1111 All l111111 mi 111111 llllllll 11 2111a 11111111111 111111 llul 11 111 lr1 Jr 1111 11 =1l Maries 11111111 Salon 111111 St l1gilll $31111 111Ix 111 $25111 1110 $151 11111 1111 57111 tin11111 appoint lloli LTill IljilIlHIl 111111 11111 lti ltlli l1111 1211111 l1111111111111=111i11111111ii 1111 1111 Sunzndali 111111111 11111 11 1111111 1111111 1111111114 11 1111 131111111 1111111111l llll 1115 HVILII 11111 12111111 11 1111 Vl1 1111 1111 1111111 111 ll 111111 I1111 IJll 111gt 111 111 111 lit 11312111 CARDS OF THANKS years ex IINITlltNlSlllII heated 11111111 for 11111 centrally 1111111111 Apply 17 lL11111l1 51 Phone 41211 1111 ti pin 11 11111 tlNlllltlAlllll s11 1111 11111 new 51 also maekmaw 11111 511 lhone 29112 lip 1111118 WlllllZ figure skatesAiAitlMlINI 1111111 5111 12 111 excellent condition 211211111 H1111 1411 111111 Owen St Phone 41120 9111 Jan 111111 11111 llllllltl UllilGllT PIANO mahogany 1111 1111111 11 111gt1gt11111 11111111 lix 11 5111 17 111151 to 311 11111 111 lllllr11p 1111 11 1111111 lilltlllll 111 1111al Viitlilta llimiillirl 111111 1111 D11 21 111131 111 111111 Mrs 151111111 ltrt11111 lIlmvalv daughter 111r11 ltllS Illl Hospital 1111111 1111 11 l1 111111 to 311111111 111 l111111l 1111 Iilr the Royal Victoria ll 111111 111 11111111 1111 ll 11211 1111 11111 11 11111111 11 1111 11111111 111111 11 Alum mm MW 1111 11112 111211 11 1111 111 11111 111 limp 111111 11 1111111 yum 11111 111 tl1 1111111 1111111111111111 111 11 tr11 111 111111 111 11111 11111 1111111 111111111 111 ll111111111 11 111 11111 11111 lll1ll lla 2111111 His 1111111 1111 11 l111111111 1l 1111111 111 1111 1111gt11111 11121112 Ul 1111 11 Ho 1111111 Dismisses Charge Against Bus Driver 11 111 1111111I 11111111 3111 11111 111 111 1111111 11 111 1121111 11111111 11111 111 11 11 11111 3111111 111 lC11112 IN THE COUNTY OF SlMCOE tonal 11 ill 1111 11111 ll 11 111111111 111 11 $11111 111 llll NOTICE TO cnrDiiOris AND OTHERS fttlllll 1113131 1111111lt 11 llt lirr 11 1111111 t1r 11 11 111 1lll 111111 111 111 171111 11111 1i 111 111 11 111111191111 Li Lliull clouds T1 111 111 11111111 MM 1111 like 11 1111 Hunting ll11 11111 mllgihhlw 11 111I11111 111111 111 1111111l 1111 11111 1111111 11111 111 ynmaihy 111111112 111111 11111 1111111111111 1rp111zll 1l11 llHill til1li1 113 111 111 1111 all Johnna 111 11 liittizr l1 le 1l 111 14 ll1ll111 1111111 lif 131511 mL 1111 11111111 111 3111 11 1111 11 111111111 511 11gt lxilinvlttiirllr 114117 BrirtmrAvltw NULL 31113111313 son ll lia llarrn lloer 51111 are 1111111 11y lovely holly 1111111111111111 1111 your coat 111111 1111 puehase 91151111 7774310le JimmieExarnurei2 gilla4511r4MMlATUINlllull P11111111 wlnmlt ROLiMshmA 14 111111 1777 par Kenueily liln11l1thll Tlllllllpltrrirrrsiurr 7111151 111 Hillill11 for TOUM Mle Wk if 111115111 couple lll11111 Jan 111111101 look111 111111 11118 coal 111 lF7 1111111 11111111 separatorAbstainrrs 1111 111 1111 111 1111 etc 1111 111 purltithe VUlli 75111111 cap IlrnesL Barnhardtw5 111111511 McDonald 51 10111111 llnwkesmnc 111 114 0m 711111lttlolCII 11411111111211 11111111111111 2717 3111 Mil f5hezrted hath 11111111 stove 111 MlSSlb WINI Vlllltl ttlill llltelplace unfurnished 1111111 11111111 WAN 11e1s111s and poles 11111 odd eloth 1111 11 Hm Himop POULTRY AND EGGS wanted 1111 fire basket lh 51111 15 111 llighest uriccs paid We will call McLa ighlins Egg and Poultry Sta tion Alliston Phone 77 3689411 111 s111 1111 $111 1112 1111 1111 111 llt1111 111 l1111111ll liirth lll11l 111111 1111 111111 111111 111 lI1t 1111111 111111 111 11a 11 111111 11111 $111 11111 Lostr 1111111 111111111i of 11111111 char lt1111ll 111111111 111 aiohnVQSh li11111 111111 5111 and costs when 111111111111 11111111 charge 711111111 111111111 11111111 1l111 111 11111 illillllflllitgt 11 111111111 111 1111111 L1rllr1l 11111111 111111 111 lt1 In Hilld humus 11nrs1r1s m11 Bethlehem Road 11111 Your 11111111 l11k111 111111 11111111 11111111111111 gt111 1111111111111 ltlttllltlJr 11 HAHN MM KIWMUHM 21 By lIII LISII KI Ill111l It 111159 on 11111 thourand 11 11 11 11111 annual 1111st111as tuikcv 111111111 K1111 11111111111 School 11111151111l11h HM ll mm AL gt par 1li11111111 1111l ll11111111 tol 1111 11111l 111111gt 1111 11 1111111 111 gt111 1111111111 and lliuct D11111l1 sum Bethlehem In all ll1 31111 0111 1111111111111 1111 1111 iolt11 1111111111a 111 11111 11111 11111111111 lllgtl 111lt111nt 111111 111111 11111 111111 1111111111 lt 1h 1111111111cl 11f liristma 11111 1111111 yynmhm Ilium their 1111111 11111111y 121111 Some 11 1111 1t 011111111 1111 mg 11H mun James 1111111s1111 read the famous 111 1111111111 111 IROlltAl lISII 1111 v1r11tiesl lRUOMlIl apartments part hundreds to chaos from aquaruly 11111111L 51minu 111111111 111 1111115 111 illl llarrie 51128 QlDrnnvrnuncpy Frw miles out 111 itown Phone 1511111111111 i111 111 lllIATltlli Deluxe Ililllh 511211 171 11111 tlrneh slrghtly used lifhers Garage 48 11113141311le r111111 11 lll=lllli MUST Slill titlll laying pullets Sussex aird New llampshire 111 11111111 room for renovatroiis Tele phone 0111 41111 1411111111 171111 11111 11111 11 SlACl Flame 1111 110111 lllue Ap Essa D911 11 ET 11 AL 00 WANIlID 1111111111 man as 11 aler HEATER uggd Slightly 3151 ex 111 llarrie Ilxperience 1111f 11111s tension mp Em Offer 11113 Ij sary line opportunity to step have called 1111111111111 11 in Mantis Em be refused Miss Gordon 47 Ilayluldmmwn Han Sll mp 111111 11111 p111f11abl1 business where lllmlfl rim FVV 81 1111 5111111111111 111111111111iI field St 7M91pmquym VML pm1441 11Mums him hm mldloJr lgt here 51111111 laus 111 From Cocoon Found Coin 1111 11111 no 1112111 JllH 111 for rears 111g profits Iroduets11111 to 1111l11vV1111ill Vin1111 we 11 1111111111 1111 11111 lll 1111111 FINDLAY 1111111111111 heater No 12 ADM ONE MUN furnished on credit 1111 liaOll1nlorr lt reprinted 1111 1111 In New Lowe 211 Art condition used one year alter 11111111y 1111 11111 1111 SMIC Md mndmon 1m127 IIGS 71111ks old Applv 1111 114111115 Illv MIKlrmlilliil hilltillliditorml 111111 111 todays 1511111111111 warnr 111111 111111111 111 1111 11ll 111 all 111111 Iiftiu St 791pl WM 1ppell 1111111 11111 lelephonr by ADDINC 11142141 111 I1 III ANI VEGETABLES 5A7 rou SAW 11 111 ms KXAIINIR N1ver 111fore has world 11 111 MACIIINIJS and type 111 that warmth so much 1111 Church Apply Box BarrieiVrilefor sale 01 on at Barer 11YORKSIIIRE PIGS 11 weeks old lelUIL have 11111111111ii gt11 ulnar Examiner litl8tfb133111952823011030 bl Ioroznttmbft o11111111 for regrstration ll Bahl ARROIS N0 Marsh grown 13821718711 ll 31 71111 Wle 1111 21 Barrie 9911 $2 per bus delivered Barrie Box would 111111 to thank lllltl 13 MIT 15 1fl Ml SEED AND TEED TRAIN lRANSIORMFR for Home ookstown 211789931 1111 my friends and neighbors f111dld 11 Ml Wj SAY You 511w 111 EXAMINER Mocmc Wm 90 wnm 60 lAMWORIli BOAR 1111 sale kmdmss show mung 1111 so 115110411011 11 WWI11 WH levcle remote control Price$11 1315 01 ADDLV II Wilcox 1k APPLLS for sale Spys Ciecmngsmy stay at 1111 Toronto General de mm 1mm lu S11ns Bceton lhon 5111199111 11161111051 Rods Tillman 511C1111wmi The oblong whth Snows For present use $1 bushel $1 Barrie 1111111 freedom for 1111 111111111111al 111111 22311 7409111 Arnold Zieclvr Boys 11 AlSO 11058011 Chicken1 DCHVCILV T11 1111 V01111115Ulltl rigid authority for 111 state 111 LIVE POULTRY wanted anyv quantity also scrap metals hides furs feathers etc Also number of pullcts for sale some already laying ltl Pushkoff 113 Collier St Ph 2983 Staynir 9812 Il77931I 111111111ts011i111 1111111111 Strourl Telephone Co 1111 ACCOMMODATION WANTED llOUSll OR apartment wanted bedrooms unfurnished in Barrie Adults Phone 51114 118941 If Not Paid By Illl1llilllt 31 111411 1il Ilaie Service Discontinued 11it 11111111 1111 111 N111 tan1111 no ttllilmi 1111 luesda 11111111 1111311 111 to 1111111 tiny preyrng 1111111 11gt 1111i11l 1111 1111111111 111 had sup 1114111 to 111 butterfly 111111111 A11 ardent 11111111111 Mr Clark hail bottled up 1111 1111111111 111111111 1111 srnall 1111 1111 111gt property to wait for 1111 butterfly to emerge Th only 1111111111c1 111 11111111 11 tween the preymc 11111111 cocoon and 11111 111 an ordinary butterfly OR FURNISHED rooms Jan 15 Preferably near St Marys 21 11111121 11 llIIl 1111111111 ll lSliessor 5111 TONS MIXED IIAY for sale in mow or could be baled 11 Crawford Shanty Bay Phone 4182 CAR 91b HEATERS Smuhwmdz PURLBRH AIRSIIIRL 1ows 0H 13m ROad or play for parties 5760 ELECTRIC TRAIN repairsrepairs forth St 033011 Phone 4761 ro liltilp DARK ROUEN drakes and ducks for sale pearl Guinea Iowl pairs and single birds Emden gander Errol Johnston liawkcstone On tario 149111 WE CAN SUPPLY all your rc quircmcnts in feed grains also Shurgain feeds Robinson Elevator and Feed Mill Stroud Phone 52 10851fbT WOOD FOR SALE SWAMP BUSH cedar and spruce Roy Hickling YOUR CORDWOOD buzzed Manson RR or phone Stroud 22113 6854p 10 CORDS mostly maple $10 per cord dry We can saw and dc liver it Phone Mincsing 132 691p WOOD FOR SALE sawed any length and delivered Dennis Moran White Rose Service Station Phone 2907 6913pT MISCELLANEOUS WEIR piano tuner 845116 59192pT HASTIE CARPENTER repairs remodelling kitchen cupboards Phone 2176 59091p heavy 80612 6le for sale Phone HOUSE REPAIRS and alterations Berrisford 3945 Barrie Carpenter Phone 5919p Pembroke Phone 591 CAR LEAVING for Dec 24 room for three 2607 after pm SNOW REMOVED from drive ways parking lots servicc stations etc Phone Thos Exell 14 ring 14 Ivy 5188921 PAINTING and decorating Signs and truck lettering Phone 8163 Lundsted Sunnidalc 5917pT SNOW PLOWING withjeep Rea sonable rates Efficient and speedy work Phone3612 for contract rates 5911 DIAL 47855101 the GreenHornet guaranteed delivery service owned and operated by Fred Elliotson of Allandalc 58593pT FOR RENT by day GE floor pol ishers and vacuum cleaners Ap ply Epletts Furniture and Elec tric Phone 3721 58915pT YOUNGWOMAN would like to contact someone driving to New Liskeard not later than Friday evening Dec 23 Ph 2998 5491b FUR REMODELLING repairing and refining at moderate rates AMrlburn your local furrier 299 Elizabeth st Telephone 811 ring 22 50294pT IF IT IS MUSIC old tyme and modern The Scotch Players are open for engagements Entertain Telephone 5911 to all makes also tunnels and lays outs made to order Apply Sea aminer 59171 RUGS UPHOLSTERY cleaned 11 our home Shampoo process early for use some day Work by experts Free estimates Siche Rug and Upholstery Cleaners 58991pT Phone Barrie Ex and BF Goodrich Both practical liy new What Offers 127 Burton gAvc Phone 3494 79111 PAIR WHITE figure skates size 5512 McClary combination heavy duty electric stove Apply 11 Ayerst 75 Toronto St 79lp IWO GOOD USED ovcrcoats size 3840 pair snowshoes and moc casins coal and wood circulator 146 Peel St Phone 4092 7911 CANARIES 40 singers $8 up 30 hens Cages and stands African violets 10 colors 75c each Mrs Wm Agar 841 Bceton 78393pT PAIR OF 4FT SKIS and poles pair of girls tube skates size babys walker All in good condi tion Apply at 103 Mulcastcr St 79lp PIONEER BACON producer 1110 groweri $67 per ton delivered to your farm 16 dairy feed $69 per ton Phone CraigHunter Stroud 1315 7909192p COMBINATION RADIO style GE console mahogany Rc tails at $325 sell for $195 Owner buying larger model Telephone 4136 7911 HOCKEY EQUIPMENT shoulder andJirm guards garters hip and shin pads helmet and gloves pants size 38 support and cup never worn Phone 3657 237 Bayfield St 791p DINING ROOM SET breakfast set Chesterfield chairs annex cedar chest kitchen buffet kitchen table6x9 rug Taylors Furniture Repair 22 Davis St on Shanty Bay Road Phone 3441 79111 DE LAVAL STERLING milker units in good condition also Dc Laval magnetic milkcr complete with pump units new in Feb Apply ChoreBoy Agent 1Church Sons Barrie Phone 2373 791p ANYONE IN NEED OF WATER We are equipped with 1100gal tank and pumper Water may be delivered from your nearest creek Dennis Moran White Rose Service Station Bayfield St Barrie Tele phone 2907 7913pT THE BIGGEST BARGAIN offer ed moving to USA These are all new purchased this year sell at half cost Bed Chesterfield kit chen set cedar chest bed and springs Simmons mattress Alad din convertible lamp small man tel radio garden tggls some car penter tools kitchen utensils few drshes bowls etc odds and ends See any time 215 Blake St Bar rie 79091p MONEY T0 LOAN NATIONAL HOUSING LOANS builders homes properties fin anced at current rates mortgages purchased Henry Elrick Owen 91 Barrie 3473911 PERSONAL FRED MITCHELL will not be responsible for debts of any kind contracted by my wife Mrs Eliza beth Martin Mitchell from Dec 22 49 Fred Mitchell 3091921p AM LONELY GENTLEMAN 47 years old 55 in height weigh 130 Would like to meet srncere latcst lvrs old 1110 to freshen in 1eb 1Apply Bert Kidnic EverettTelc lphone 2121 9909lp HAVE FEW choice open sows left also young boars These pigs are real bacon type Phone 75 ring Elmvalc illllp TWO COWS for sale one shire yrs due in weeks Hot stein yrs due in spring Apply Hcrb Culham Stayner 121212 REG HOLSTEIN COW yrs old daughter of Montvic Bonheur 1Pietje Boy fresh irrAugust and bred again to grandson of both Marksman and Picth Boy This hcifcr is still milking well tests on ROP up to 530 Priced to sell Phone Oro Alastair Crawford 991921 old TB tested and vaccinated Holstein heifers months old TB tested Holstein heifers ready to breed TB tested and vaccinated 1Holstein bull serviceable age TB TB tested and vaccinated Hele ford bull year old bulls year old Polled Hereford bull months Tamworth sow due Feb Gordon Irvin 1Alliston Phone 4922 Bceton 99lp AUTOMOBILES sedan Phone 4396 1930 GMC TRUCK for sale suit able for buck rake Phone 5713 Sam Nevils Cookstown l391b 1947 MERCURY coach condition 13 91p Apply James MacBain ric Dont delay ill91p 1947 PLYMOUTH Al condition new tires and new battery Apply Lorne Wingrove 245Elizabcth St Barrie Phone 2848 139lp 1939 PLYMOUTH sedan Al tires body and motor Trade 01 terms Winterizcd What offers 127 Burton Ave Phone 3494 l391p 1936 PLYMOUTH sedan good mo tor and tires good appearance Must sell $345 cash Apply Cities Service Station Thornton 113le 1941 BUICK torpedo body tires andmotor in excellent condition heater defroster and radio Rea sonable price pm 36 STUDE heater and radio in good condition 36 Olds with beaten in good condition 31 Ply mouth sedan in good condition Harold Jory Garage 75 Bayfield St 1391p 39 PLYMOUTH sedan special de luxe good condition new heater defroster new sealed beams bats tery and cables Winterized Sac rificing for quick sale Telephone 3960 1391b 1939 CHEV sedan in fair condi tion tires battery and heater new also Prestone Price $450 cash Reason for selling have purchased new car Apply Arlow King Ont Phone King 1123 1391pb BARGAIN Are you in the market for car conditioned motor complete with new tires carburetor new fuel ump new wiring and battery new girl who is between the ages of 4045 and 54 in height weight 115 to 120 and of Protestant faith Must be neat Apply Box Barrie Examiner 30909211 1933 Frontenac In perfect me chanical working order The best offer to Dec 23 Apply 40 Cen tre St or phone 5478 139091b Phone 9909lp with HOLSTEIN HEIFERS rising yr tested Jersey heifer due in Jan Shorthorn MERVIN HILL will not be re 35 CHEV TRUCK specialdelivery excellent 13 Cotter Ave 01 phone 3857 Bar Call 3924 after 500 1391p1 Here it is Rer iWWV PI 3738 2077931Instrtuto and also the WA of Le giloy United Church please FARMS FOR SALE leepl our sincere and grateful thanks for gifts receivedmliIr Al FARM r011 51111 11111 111111 111 IM DVvs Let01 9111 mile north of Bond Head on high Mrs James Stoddart would like way concur location and 1111111 to take this opportunity to thank barn 10 years old cement founda all her friends for 11011 511ml root equipped with wa cards and good wishes sent during 101 bowls 91oomed brick house her stay 111 the hospital To the new roof hydro throughout two Staff and nurses of the Royal Vic wclls one pressure system flowtorlzi Hospital many thanks and ing creek $12000 substantial re best Wishes for Merry Christmas duction for cash Apply and Happy New Year 91p Thorpe RR Bceton Phone Beer ton 5112 118991pr1 LOST AND FOUND KITCHEN SINK lost box off car1 pmbablv Collm St Tolephmw BLAH17111 loving memory of my 845152 1791h1 tear mother Mrs Beach 313171111 God called home Dec 24 8C LhuJp LOSTMans navy blue lined wool glove Finder please leave atArm Death can never take away strongs hardware store 17911 love we hold most dear For deep in my heart is picture LOST3strand pearls in front of Of mother thats ever near Reeves Jewellery or Community We mISS her yes no tongue can House Dec 20 Phone 4814 110 toll ward 1791 For sad is the parting without farewell Evci remembered by Ethel lloward Marilyn and Doug lLOST3500 in 111cent pieces 111 vicinity of Barrie Creamery Find lei please notify Smiths Farm Dairy 17911 91p COLEwln loving memory of our clear grandchild and sponsiblc for debts of any kind con William Edwin Wilfred 1Eddic1 traded by my wife Helen Hrll who passed away Dec 24 11947 aflel DCC 1949 309094 The memory of his dear wcc ways Will linger with us all our days Sweetest flower too sweet to stay vGod took him home to show us LOSTPair of rimless glasses and ease in Barrie Saturday Dec 10 Mrs Dorothy Turncr Alliston the way Namc inside Finder please leave 13L Barrie Examiner 17911 Glandml Id JIdndld gtarrd Auntie Velma DOGS PET STOCK Cole 91p COLEIn loving memory of our 51011015 dear grandson William Edwin 38911 Wilfred Eddie who passed KER SPANIEL away Dec 24 1947 OC puppies 01 Isalei phone 4396 388991pT ogirelaonrc he is fondly remcm rier and SpllZ Phone 847 rmgl sincerely 3139113151111 love him in death just the same HOUND for sale year old Phone Ldvingly remembered by Lewrs Crowe 3271 after 600 Grandma andGrandpa 91b pm 38 91b McMaster ROLLER CANARY singer Show stock Also new cage TelephoneECOLE1n loving memory of our 2574 1384 dear nephew William Edwin 4COCKER SPANIEL Wilfred Eddie who passed DUPPIOS 01 away Dec 24 1947 sale weeks old colored reason15CC 1n the heart lies picture dble Phone 2345 33 919 Of loved one laid to rest In memorys frame we shall keep it COLLIE PUPS for sale Apply Charlie Miller Pine Crest Anten Because he was one of the bet Ever remembered by his auntie lb Nilus Elmvale 5713 38 Mabel Marion andMillie also CANARIES Singers 10 sale Uncle Sam and Jack 91b Border Fancy and Rollers Ph 5296 between 67 pm 388991pT RED MALE cocker spaniel pups registered months old Will sell reasonable PhoneStroud 32 ring 21 3890911 BABY BUDGIES gift the whole family will enjoy Mrs Moth Davis St at Kempenfelt Hill 38911 DOBERMAN Pinscher male one year 2nd at CNE Excellent Christ mas present Good watch dog Wonderful with children Phone 813r12 38911 PUPPIES for Christmas The ideal gift cuddly cocker spaniel puppy We have good selection Reasonably priced Will ship any where Orillia Cooker Kennels Harold Calverley 191 Nottawasaga St Dial 5202 388791b CANARIES Phone 80623 young LUCKln loving memory of my dear husband Albert Luck who passed away Dec 23 1947 Deep in the heart lies picture Of dear one laid to rest In mcmorys frame shall keep it Because he was one of the best Ever lovingly1 remembered 9b by his wife Frisby McDONALDIn loving memory of adear husband and father Jas McDonald who passed away Dec 261 48 Peacefully sleeping resting at last The worlds weary troubles and trials are past In silence he suffered in patience he bore Tilli God called him home to suffer 1110 more Lovingly remembered by Wife and family 91p their lovely IN MEMORIAM nephew Scotts water wheel is at least an 11m that 11 1gt slightly harder and stiller Il 11111 111111111 11111111111111 111 11111 preymu insects 111 his garden 1111 is spreading throughout 1111 1111ll7 land what is there to say to those 111111 have struggled for genera 100 Trill mg 1111 51111111111 at the same time 11111 111111 111 darkness of 111111 brilHid gill mum and Opprcssiun 31111111u11111s1111 1111lxamu11r111111 somemm mmdvm The tiny insects intasurcd only uncertain m1 dvspmrmg mum about 111111111 1nel1 111 length when so great challenge But as we llll look back on the old and ageless 5101 We 300 Hill 11 Wild llll finished product is lcet inches ViSC kings llilVCllLd W1 501 11W 111 diameter and inches wide It 1111001131 tIUllbltd 11105110011112 has 16 buckets on it Each holds rlYet remember that their road 11 muons of war led them straight to Bethlehem Beside the wheel Mr Scott plum WhClC leng Child lit5 Thin 2145421111111 barrel and centrifugal is the Way mm W15 Thcy pump driven by the wheel Vliltlh 01 11 bomusc WHICH Wm elevates the water into second weary 111 fearful or discouraged barrel rod above Mm 001 The The 10 01 Clld 111 thoV have buckets are continually relilledi lcomc to some known and looked mm this svennd barrel lior destination The pity is that In an bottom of each bucket if doubtslroulc1 be in our hearts 1H mm cmmmlod by lever ythat 111 our pectin111g blrndness we weighted down with AWL bunt must so often learn humamty from When the buckets Hm haman 11 won 1s El1gnlgiqlfsgdof 50 $3110 to the axle the lever pornts downj 1W the water flows out into the first an need And the more 111 hum barrel and the wheel goes on 111at so often we fail to see our Mr Scott the whom revolved vowrr small but vital part For only 110 trmcs minute and that thc as individual people yearn for 11 it will lwhat is right can nations or mm 111111 the pump at 2000 revolutions lworld achieve it seven centuries before BMMLH amrnutc The pump is capable 111 hem the prophet Micah had fore 11mm Wm 18 feet If necessary re says itold its purpose What doth 11er Lord require of thee but to do Mr SICOU 150de 1813 mlli north of the Dommron IprCllmCU ijustly and to love mercy and to tal Station here He was born at lwalk humbly with thy God That is the Christmas challenge A1158 Cllg Onlu JULY 17 1370 Hc said he did not know what inot to groups 01 governments or perpetual motion was motions but 10 individuals It fis But when George Campbell required of thee Sometimes the present problems seem beyond the Swrft Currentyddrrver saw the wheel operating he exclaimed D0VCI of airy individual man ButV Why man thats perpetual mo this much he can say will do lion Mr Scott has instructed his justly and love mercy and walk humbly So mcn everywhere lawyer to le an application for patent on the wheel may have an example to strengthl The wheels buckets are built of e11 them against each fresh ag clession 11110 the human spirit spruce and tin Mr Scott beam15 that wheels of this kind in large scale operation would be capable So the Beth chem road may end in restored peace and dignity to of generating electricity in rurall areas at an extremely low cost all mankind FOR janzance See satjeantd WANTED Company which has been established for over half century has an opening for representative in Barrie This is splendid salaried position plus bonus com missions and also includes pension group life insur ance sickness and hospitalization benefits it is real opportunity for the right man who is anxious to improve his position in life He will be thoroughly trained for the position and the Salary will be paid during the training period Age required preferably between grov Water Wheel Turns Bul flow DoesntStop SWIFT CURRENT SASK Dec 19 CP1 It may not be perpetual motion but 79yearold Ewen Hugh approach to that idea Three months ago Mr Scott went to work on the water whccl Hrs 28 and 35 Kindly state age present occupation marital status number of years of residence in the community previous selling experience if any and Outside social connections Write Box Barrie Examiner Barrie $1 lLl SLLII many T1ces Licriisrn nucrronm nonsrgnorD 1111111 rs 1111111 srook AND rMirrMrNrs Phone 2577 Barrie WANTED Nursery Salesman We have 2111 openingr for nursery salesmen for Barrie htnyner ol lingwood and lhornhury listricts For Spring 1111 have very fine stock of lr1111lre1s Small Fruits Str1l11rr1es Asparagus Roses Shrubs llsdee Plants Ever greens and Shade Trees Our fruit trees are grown on clear new soils never before pl1111d to nursery stock and all 11115 are budded on Extra Grade Branched Root Seed lings Growers who have visited our nursery tell us we have the finest block of trees they have SeanDwarf and Dwarf Fruit Trees are also available in llltll 11111 111 have 111111 dreds of bin sturdy 4yearold transplanted llearmg Size Fruit many of which produced fritlt last summer Write for Illustrated Catalogue The Norfolk Nursery SIMCOI ONTARIO va is the time to have your tractor put in top shape for next years work Tractors called for and delivered Corby Motors ltd MARKET SQ BARRIE PHONE 5526 The 301111 Spot 1230 On Your Dial every day at 1250 noonjust before The Bulletin Board cKnn WEDNESDAYSM Same time Same Station fiveminute talk by member of Staff or Directors Slmcoc DistrictCooperative Service will be CLOSED Monday Dec 526 and Mnd1nlcn