Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 22 Dec 1949, p. 30

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ms muons sammmc armies 111111111111 Cancuns Hanson 111271515zlm gt 1UUC 11111 Mr and MrsNWrce At Home to ELMVALE WJ FIiendS Golden Wedding Day1 AllStUCTat carswggcivsiggaarfyii513gt aisALBAGE For Parents Only CHRISTMAS DECORATIONS By Nancy Cleaver 11111111 111111113 111 HIM ll Mrs 11 1111 ll1lv 11111 111111 round 11111 111 11 111111 51 11111111 1111 1111 1111 151 111111 1rill1l 1111 AL 11191 111111 111 11111111 11111 11L111X11 11 111111 li ll1 111111111111111 111111 11111111111111 111111 lAppletoit T1111 1111 111 11111 1111 l11 1111 11 11 11111 11 111 lto 111111 To 111111 11111 111 Y11111l 11 1111151 11ul 111 11111 11 Ml 111w 111 111 1111 11 1111 111111 11111111lt 11111 11 1111 1l 111111111u11 1211111 I111 1111111 Nth1141 ls 1111 111111111 111101 11 liiiwW 1111111111111li1111 11 T1111 ll11 Pisa1 11 Sew111 111gun xlrw 1112131 111111111 11111 11111 111 Toronto 111 1111211111 111 1j t1111 11 311111 111 1111111111 1111111111 111211 1111 111 111111 1111111111 111111131 Schools 111 1111 11111vllli 111111111 Hairla laux 11111111 111 11 111 111111 11111 111111111 11 1111 1111111 lets 11gt see 1111 1114111 1111 111121 1111s ll11 Presbyterian 17113 tlw lMS 111 11 l11x11y111i111 211111 11 111 111111 12111141 1l111111 111 11111l 111111 1ltlr1ll gt911 111 purer1 11 151 aid111 11111131 In 1I11111l1 111111111111 11131111111 111 111151 to 111 arid Mr 11111111111 111 311112111111 1111111 1111111 11111111 111i1 hi 1gtt11 Mr 11 1111 11111111111 Mrs $11111 liiuzlow 1111 few 11121s lll1Yl 1111 11111121 111111 1111111111 111 111111111s 11111111 121 311101 Am Sampson 11111 113111111 111111 1111111n A1111 111111 11111 111111 11111111111 11111 l11111 out 11111 11111 11111 11111111111 1111111 711 Xlliiwltl Sit l1 21 1111111 1111 11111 111111 111111111111s 111 1211 1119111 1111 1111111 11 111111 to 111 1111 llu singing of hiislmas 11111 1211 111111111 li1 11111g111 111 111111 111 1111 3111111111111 Scrooges 1111s1111a was read 111 Mrs 11 l1l1ll 111 11111 by Mrs Lindsay pap1 11s 1411111 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11111 illtllllhnl consisted of soul Axvav llcl ll r=xomo 11 0=l=0l==0= ==zo= 1rr11p untE 411 11 xEECiiiCGiiiii5 11 GIFTS 0F DISTINCTION Hand Woven Articles Ladies and Gentlcmcns scarves Place mats All Wool Tartan Knitting Bags Guest and lland Towels Mater ials urd workmanship of the finest quality to use four 11111 131 11111 11 11111121111 11111m111 Ali11111 111111111 1111 111111111 1mm Ml mlh in typing shorthand and bookkeeping You 111 be 111s itltllll hour was 5111111 11111 1x 11111 1115 111 111111 ready for position 111 business by 1111 1nd 111 May or 11111 sins crepe 1111111 and maki litth 11111111d the strip of tissue paper care or bonnet coat and pants 111 skirt 111111 blouse T111 111t that 111 can eventually be eaten only 111111 111 the 111111111 111 1111 Raisin 1111111 for small girls 111111 111115 111111111 1111111111111 for 1111 tree ll 111111111 girls 111 the family E111 have 11111 gt11lll experrencc 111 igttlll why 11111 buy tiny loll also 111111 for 11111111 would be suitable model 111 hrysantirenium ornament Take an arm11 lh1 lllL can be made square about six int111s fold itully stretched it makes very 111111 711 11p11 11111 11111 111111 11111 lvy Womens Institute School Certificate N11111 of these 11111111111 12 5rtl DY ulVlllL ll lllllwll 1111s decoration sucgertlon I1v1nll MONA RIGHT 111111 1111111111111 his 1111 111111 111 111111 mm It 1111 11111 l111 1111 to 11111111 M1111 in 111 mm 11t 1111 on hmw WNW thdll 11111 111111 11 11 1111111111 n1 um um 1111111111l June if you ive serious time and stud to these subjects 11 11111 11111 should be dressed 111 llll11 11111 Mb Jmm wag mph white dress Some s11111 11111111111111111L 111 W11111111s Institute for 111 lilllctlit to make and the lllillllh 1111111111511111 111 v111 111s MIN present Minutes were read mdllI UPL illlllllt 0111III0NI1 In 1712 and given attention llans wtri Toronto SI Phone in No 11 High 11 miles from Barrie Next to The Sign of The 1111 111111 11 111111111 11 111111111111 1111 170111 1111 lrr111111 1111 11 111111 11111llll IHVZH 117 NH large one1111 1111 111111 111111111115 Ihe 51111111111111 11111 111w 1111 1t MUM NANl N1 Vin llr father r111 l1 11111111115 1111 11111 1111 1111 l11l1 gtpae1 1111111 1111 MM for the next two months lake any 0111 51117 1W 01 11 11111111111 lunch 11111111 11111111hh 111 111 111111 11111111 L1rree of the above subiects This will not be our full on her chillies and 111111 111111111111t111s 1111111111 on Dec 11 1111 arouml her head 1111 111111111111 11111t111 1111111111111 Mrs 11 Banting milk adopted and correshorirlence 1121111 youngsters 111 your 11111111 1111 1111 11111171111 talk and lantern slides 11111 paper 12321 31221211213131E237211132B Hop 11 191111 11m 111111 take sonn 1111lit 1111111111 piece 11111110 111111111 of the lll 111 lt diploma course but you can Qualify for our Business costume 11c1 11s11l1111 presided 111111 c1111l the fun of 111111111ti11 1111 1111ltt 111 caidlioard and covered with 11 paper 47 21 111 square several tunes kerpmg 1111l Nlade In England New arrivals in gleaming chrome wire encasing Ilec models to choose from $795 Coffee Percolator to Clip size practical gift 111 every Mother Complete with all essential parts French Fry FRYING BASKET Made of strong mesh wire Long Handle Largeen ough to fry good sizedmeal 451 Rittenhouse DOOR CHIMES Soft toned chim es Operates for 01 HlllSH the imitel mas tree 11h then 111111 11111111111111 on Correct Shoe Fitting and Iluy tbmccrrazmmMDxmr SPONGE MOPS CEDAR Re volutionary new kind Alri minum Squcc gic COFFEE MAKER it to cup size Rubberlcss model Cory Rod Glass Filter alio NESTsoBOWiLS Long lasting overr warc Bowls in lovely pastel col ors One color tone for each nced $249 Miller Falls PLANES Large 12 inch size with inch cut tcr Polished face and sides $645 31 OUAL 1101110957 VACUUM CLEANERS Premier cylinder model Complctc with attachments Very compact for case of handling Needs no oiling Durable motor Westclox Electric KITCHEN CLOCK Very modern in style Shades of green red and white Enamel finish $195 Victor Lever EXtension SAW Will lock in any position for ny type of do Sturdin built and good for years of use ITY AT LO awe 11115 1Sunbeam Mix mastcrs The type most popular with all Much sought after by all house keepers Enamel Roasters Big encugh for 15 lb Turkey Tight fitting covers Yours for only Pipc Master WRENCH 10 in pipe wrench with tempered head Will grip hold under ex treme pressure $259 9hmmmj wane11655 4a KIDDIES WAGONS Radio flycl all steel construction type Extra large rubber tires Red cnamcl finish Well braced und crcorriagc Pressure Cookers Save time flavor money with genuine Presto Will retain all vit amins An ever appreciated gilt save Save 10 Inch STANLEY BRACE With rachct style chuck Guaran teed tested steel handle Ball bear ing ends tsas Westclox POCKET BENS llluminous dial Guaranteed Chrome casing $4115 PANS 111 141212121331273212121212 BLOW TORCH liutlcr type Quart capacity Top fill cd extra large plunger Bronzc fount Wooden handle $925 K7114 llandy Cast Iron FRYING Double greased llcavy Wagner Cast Iron Pans Good for years of wcar Perfect for retaining all the fine flavor of steak1etc $135 Swings locks need against Drake M01111 lilzf Soldering IRON Equipped with 100 watt element 711 in tip Good Iron for general pur pose work $2911 Smaits Endurance Brand AXES Polished blue blade Tempered steel Best quali ty handle Perfect MOUTH ORGAN Made in occupied Japan Chrome finish with wood en reeds Melodi ous in tone Llhl LI Swingaway CAN OPENER Syncro Ian 01 error with handy bolt opener out and when you it Flat the wall High grade tool steel Bit stock shank Ideal for reaming pipe enlarging holes in steel and brass Compass SAWS Made by Disston Special hardened Sr tempered steel blade Comfort able grip beech1 wood handle 19121319121212131312121

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