Lilia55513411Di151i24k sizicawrmxxaauzxzv For Parents Only AM May the of this hot season bnn 24 gt lbcrrv dlitistmas By Nancy Cleaver and mo the Apr it RS 15 111111 11111 111 111111 E11111 huxv 1111111 11111 1111 1L ME Comlng be 11i 1111111 111 1111 ll li1l 11 wtlmwi 111t1i1t111 1111 hit 1111 DWlm lli lhuzidni3111111111 M1 if mm 11111 141111111 11111 l1 11111 lriitiil 15 111t111 111111 LlaiiJiiizi ii 1111111111t11 1111111 1111111141 ill ilill 1111 tutti tui 11111 1111111 11111111 111 1111 111111111 11111 1111 11 121 11111 11 viilt11 100 01 10 tliiistniin lttt 11111111111111 111 uhwiw 11 like the job of delivering boxes 01 931m 9131113h31m3313l hmnoamvymma 1911111 111m 1111111111 mu 111 111 11111 tliwl 1111 WW Nm hm MMMHM 1111 1111 usv tit 12101111 11111 111111 MM mm season work1t you can at 1111t1111 th 111111111n 11111111 mil KN ll 9731 gum 11 111 custom of thNL wr lt 115111 ltlllllillllil llgt 11111111 gt In mu 1114 11111 11 111 111p UH xv 1111 tl111stiii1 two 141 thi 1112 too 11liiist1111 tune damn MUM hmhmd rom any an Whit mum dmnmm WWW England and Hmml 11111111 scttlvis 11111112111 ll 111 311 31 It fl 11 11 gm Hm Hui AltHtd int1 111111 11111110111 11 lllhllllil 1lgt111 is iii 51111111 iiilltl llli 111111 11111111111 1111 NW Um Ln 11t71i1illtllr iii dinI 111111 11 worn at to tin111s 1s impul 9k 111 111 of l111111111 11111 111111 mixture 11 11111111 varieties 111111 V1 11111 111111111111ti1111gt 11111Hl am PM mum illtll 1111111111 for instance llilliVluiHiiist spulw 111 111111111 vii11111 Hm ii iiiiuinmiid 15 dmwun 8111111 1111s gt1112111 111 1111 111m 15 Vm lmdwl um gt 011111 the tontl ot the gods 111111111 1111111 to United States 121 Th mud um mm ll When itild thi tiisiilrir 111 lmlll loiiisi lR lllllllltl iii Hnmmd 111111 from 111110111 Worlc Lilt 111 Nitiit sci11 111113111 Mcxim from 1112 13211 11111 11 Lut 0m um fmmlmr at to 11 lllllt 1111111 111 1111111 111115 the lllkktl nut the 1111 lt1 What is the siiiit1r111rc ut MBHMM mmim mum 111111111lit ariduthtptlilin111111 cut and 91er the Yulk lUt which grows on oak trees was 154 in lf1 lltiw 1111111 reindeer 1111 msiklvwd SUCH by the ancient 11111011911 Fillfllwal lnmell youamou and driven by St Nichuliis iu Tho DruK15 in punian mom with mt fllltllta 41111 is 111111 11011111 51 Niizht l1ft111 Christinus 111111 who nixcrud 1111 Their 111111513 out 11 ncml 1115 11131 010110qu brgbOIE YEAR wrnto their 1121111115 11 11gtt111 from trons with tultlcli memm Chhmm md 111 Who wrote this 111111111 111111 kmws and gm mm awn 1110 blmtlllllL letllt BlllCll will aid 1111111111111 11w chums mum Although many 111115 originated 1n Ullltl parts 01 the world 111111115 11 llie old liench 111111111 men knmm is now grow illiiliiingwlm$32 mmqpliwt 1111 Annriciiii soil and experts an SCOTT MELSON 1111511111th s1 rchi for more kind SCOTT GLEN GILCHRIST singer moved 111 cle 11 1kel Rm us um um Hum 111 nuts to t1111p111 to 1hs coutt Ihe Ercnch Children will 111111 LC am1 Nap Euthm CIVHJISInuw Gurnlumf his name if len in imam m1 is vnuwn Nicoluais ind iii 11111 he similar 11111110 in Nich One 11111111 1111111777according ti Tim vawggiuns mil liiii r1211 niountiiiii lttitlltll poor 15 Klingiv miners wife was Ltlllltlill 11 In thL t1t3 oi 110111111 1111111 post ottice bearing the 1111113 Cmth he hmhmd Unhl C111 lziiitlftlllima15115411 ll rllie nu inns fir mn th Mcunts 111l 11111 lthcni 111 ll Humid reindle my Slum 711 lt Vmlg Mm 11 Uiii Slugh enough for tho days 11L tics l5dl 111113111311l tillllutllr 1110 Om mnmm 11 511 Mk llLttll an 1311 eig is eii 111g for sucliicmiesL 111119 111111 511 imd milk 311 50d 1001 and their skin tor clothing So Jumped out 11 11 111101 111 In 1H mg reindeer are iiilwd 11111 LU 10 35 nizinv uses to the Luplzindcr dricltt cones 01 1111 11 the gt he riekcd 11111111111 1111 11111 down 1d The CllClll 1191311111 excitedh ii Europeaii homes ospcc Suddenly their was such 113W shower of CtlllLs t111t the 11110111111n ll The Yule log wtis frightened She tried 111 from 1y Ellg run away but could not mow 11n til the littlo iiiip had tilled her 111 hot And having started 1111 the 11 it grow heavier 11nd lie gt 11110 ie wished the 011 hadnt t1 family tOgtIh appcarcrl he might have hrlpcd lh UllISlmS Um her 13 There were eight When she finally reached her and their names were but she called the ch on to 111310 Dancer Prancer carry the basket inside Emptying Cupid Donder and Blitzcn the basket they lound that every 16 The author of The Nigm C0119 was mad Of 501111 511V Before Christmas was an Ameri Cominemorating these legciidai can Clement Clarke Mom9 who SllVCl Citlle1ded 131110 001195 was born in 1779 and died in 1863 sold in modern stores to decorate our homesto burn and cracklc daily in our Christmas res Cannon F1re Halls me Safety Rule Chnstmas 1n Rome cannon 10 11 the hi 0111 For HOthY Season Castle of San Angelo at sunset on Christmas Eve proclaims the 136 It 10 tfe mfm $110111 oil ginning of the Holy Season in Eakfe etssneSs1 101 vii11 1e it 1R0me By ninehbmck everyom mas is inchurch to witness the colorful event The Christmas tree is the and solemn processions oi eccl danger spot There are 21 tew snn astic dignitaries liich precede th ple precautions that W111 assure elaborate midnight Mass sane and merry Christina Since AeUOIlL ha tasted 101 Never burn real candles on your tree twentytour lioursf ve banquets are in order after the religious Dont 5k mg Ed and and lcmnities It is gala aiterniid broken plugs 01 t1 Avoid placing powgful lavno min OmL 1083m111 an remain open amt 185 an Eggs me3631 oiliamfmbtt friends gather around sumptuous 1a Docnwao lgijgfapsa 01130 02 tables in gaily decorated homes tree 1i hfed and in anticipation of the festivit ies many people attendvchurch Be very eiaieful when smoking gt around Christmas adka wra idleswu fmmal amre Between Christmas and Epiph ping materials Secdrethe tree wire to the any the calabnan Shepherde wall $0 that tiny tdyts wilfvnot be Pieranirevisit the homes where ozthey were most cordially welcomed able to bump or pull it over during Advent when they came down from the hills to ply thir Bus RETURNS Italian bgpipes before thejshrines Ptarmigan of recent years rare of the Virgin The Pierani play bird here ave beenin ticed iro for their Advent hosts during the quentlyjlately Ed Cole ashada postChristmas holidays and re ock of six on his farm for several ceive gifts of wine dried gs and days small sums of money from their LHUDSOH BAY tsaski POST hosts