3mm minim alumna ONTARIO CANADA monsoAYDECEIBFR 23 1943 ViOIBE VVmy Fillilltlll SkiCiub Dance VEPEPPEIEPL Trip On Lake Simcoe Reported op n3 Club 79 Chief Of Yellowhead Indians IV Vii il Vi xiiiHm unnppuriunii llsrf it id li tla in much better rice lun lllr 14 tribe had seen below llll Mr dressed in Litrd rock md looking is it he would mukr lierer if not II II IL vI II riiugriuninious lrder did not II lbw Mum lbw to mo for bmum Ll ti nlutl ll zuiViiq 11 moi MM me in iccuunt hut iilght the IIl IIIII II VIl H1 hm it mu Ir situation in which they ind of ImcI Intn VIII found hauler Dr the mud thirst MU in 1H Willnun lllfllll IV II purty Ill it lull no inry for tumor lli lll tii me So Hills he ioiiunt iitli jI an Sta lili itl HIV VrltioiVoiiiH looking nt his less lltJlllllUl II trl hi1 trn ti JK Till 3i ti Vim ttziniin lioucver elow to the shore IV our xiii iriiwn at tla iiiil flll ruttier pltlurttl dome math ilix lleniii liii till xrfltllh slioii llltllltlt win tilrilllitl lln patrol tlitliv titlilihli Elliott but 571M for that LAST MINUTE GIFT you will find CI it leVI lt INN Iiirtriilril il iiilll in first llll Willi the anl admit SiLl lllliii tltil in ltl iiii ml lllv lllIll liuiildiis ul llLtll xii Jatlm curizw nit llli lllltl tilitl llii liiil lziil lltill able to coiiiiilti li fkl lll lilill lll llllilit llltlls illlilt lll the iiioplv lltit cimt to in win on tl1 lilt sliiiiililvi lliyllis Mood tllltl lil iiigtliiiiiiii at Mount liiiiii l3 piivVntml irilh lie tiiiltliiii Slit laliol lzitlui lii ii llv1iiii llnI llliI ll iiil anon to irlnil lllli litiil5itll iwiiiiJi MI 511Iliitllllllll ilitiliihlll IVEIIIIIII ommiu my Vi Iiii it iii liilHJitllvii ygttilhillillhllll KL Lil Huunmn Slim Inlil Noni iv lllil ill tl iiii llt lll hlilt Wllmllllkr lllll iiiityil til tliazariiiwliw iirilwl to lliill lv lA 19 tnoiiz Lil inn ihqiimii to lil wit lliv lid mm llgt lillklzt llll tiii iiilt ltltu Ilvmi illili changed llm pliwIJi tli It ltlJlillt lllll lllt tiiiviiilt It quizE llllill liilllltt habit 31 rid long1 ttillnatvil llni art 113 unioniwt tlii taiiiiwt looking pvoiilv il llle ttl won lnwj hau unai Ellllgt of liin gtlllll ziI in polztanl lltllltllllgt ut llllll tl lllilli of ti tt lll itiligtOU Ii mi illx Air iiriiiirlt tlic iiaiii illltl tIlLLllllttl til splendid assortment from iiiit lt 1illll5 fat Imrk Imd WVIMUUKM hark itlad ml Ilii as it you lllt an op gtim irl 1h lllii in Illl ll II iilli them SDIllFtlZt and some hullnnl Ll itHls ll WNW Yl Ml Hi 11 Iilli this no retired to tho ll il Xtllll llll1l Tl Ll WHn hltllY liilrftnias llltl 1m tort ll ll JiHNtl ll soimoni in riiiii til lilltll 001 purlwt liIrlilie way of talking or ilwil 11 tlNl lll lilll lililll kt tallml lllil lrinity liltli lllll whom haw lfmml Ill will llllf iliil gt0 ilftli tlilltltl lli Sillll will too all lhl litl lllllt ot this liniizn oi lnizirtl illltl iiiiipimd ll II hunddh II IIII Wm Mum WWII MIIIV HIIIIM IIHI lln iilor llt now cooking llltll3lrilll lillk llli till9 lui ii llii llllii fl li intone input tltlly out rllll Ili tlhil tll lltlt lltt win ii in looli littlt euhin iiid llltll lrLll him if WIN MIII IIIIIIIII III MIMI not hp town pinto Hi in pair of liliiiikits iiinilertLl ill WNW lhitl PilllV Slttllllll on tlltlI toniiiht litllllilllly old favoriti minis and by lllt fiflIlIImjl hm lINII lIlIllIIII IIfIIlIIlIl iiiiit til tlii iriiilttioii lttllllttl tlii help ot this and lllt discussion it I11IIL111IIIA mp III In to llttl tioiii llllll Vialt List iiiiili our lilie Siiiitot trip was more III IIIIIIIIIIIIIIHII IIIIHHHI mum it ilixloclutil ind llttlillttl iii llltillltiliiisltd than usual from 111 pluckI muilixi Iitiii of not ilLJtlll lllllillllll niIll lAllLIllSl ll lillilu Sltllll lllltlHll ot body in llli Isl lowApt Illlltll ilt was ivcisil llttllt that the llti liiiil Wm my jlmmr Hr Hirien ciiiin in the IIInIi ml IlmIImIm mle In Iin rm IVtltlng to take onlch tor some AIIZV lltlll lllIVintd tho iatzc of liiin Altho it was too tloeidvd it served lllli tiiiii ut the Ilil itlli rVCCCCCCCCKCCCCC If it in and iiifilli tl iHlZKtH es lllillt to carry ini hack to Ullltl lawyers lOUli Uillh illhl llh ltlll ecc la iilll m1th in tliiillllll attcr whith tlnr lxliltn Cor COlher BGYlleld fits to tind Illlllll of comfort in iltlthllm lit the Will illtltiulihliltv pmph ol ltllillillt lll ho liioiliihtt nu hard dumpling and illIlt iilt to Slttl iilt ill lilii lliiiili ll no lll Martian loiiiliiiigtt iniiit wiiuI llllllil tor Mitilv lllllll action Hlllliigtlii5 liltStlll tllll JiigtVIlti Phone lllt llllll ul niiicli distoni lhd ill huh iilf lll lilllllllli to littl lltliI llitNV ilt WWlthtl to tall tslwp on lllt hwnehtis vlltli Ml undlrllol wiler 10 the illltlllltllt of the local unit1 mu 5H II IIIInn IIImIHli liousckeiliingI from Mury Ierniiri hullIVS Sinh tllltlllll lily except when StilllllllIV siiiiies Ult not into Jtturlul 113lit11111BIEllainlliilmitl liwmiliI II II OOke BuVDc hind llnllll to nation both 13 org m3 mm with Whom wrwn is cunilles There are none in slort hnil lilIIIlllIUmillngng IIIIIHIIlTIhlIllIHl 1n PlCIlnS OI Stnpes Slngle 01 FrenCh Cliffs burnt out Hipposo lWii take at ldfmk ll If wamw in Wt 11 also We stint tomorrow at iAligninglg3l00k 3y siiIinliIIl Vi IVI PrlCed It $425 It is too bad to cross this scrawl wl him 0W allleV Will ix ICUlllHll and lllt School Trustees hut cannot huh it without lc Ml lilllv Wmlhl him llhtfl lliVt lmt laying 011mm 1min ml vamp Imiiule on lllt writer but thcy Ill Ct Vdrlely Of COIOIS lllt oddition which about to ill ml mm 11 mmmih that which llilV have road in thi ltlllkt to tilt valuable document mmmn My hm diIIIIIIIIId Cum an Old We were prewiilid from setting utti lii lltliinl out till much luterihnn we had pro 2113 lnlIcilllllznEmilth lllm an elctfiZEC lffl 31 B110 Ilfllpel December tion we lee sure that during llit IhNly md lllllwl W1 1h Glad to report that Miss Mn Ullllllf year this district can bu Kwans Safety Campagn OF Ontarlo mg ml like 111 gill is now out ui hospital and isizixsiirud of llll best olluitS of llii vitaViv drenched so that we were obliged recuperating at the home of Mrs guntlenien Ollttlllttl lii thciii to search and got our breakfast Ralph llickling especially soy Happy New Pyjamas Pure W001 515 blullkyt whilst hi1 clothe 1111 all the best wishes for CllllSlllitlS drvinh and the New Year and again urng liristmas Greetings by and McGregor Tl ACirizensCwsude to make OntarioSaler farAll JYm an czeiea Cnla WldfllllImge Of Sleeveless ors In ateridls WWW Pullovers and Cardigans $4 if 695s that in the new year anyone withl The writer of this column lins Wu would IlltFtltili in iIli mm 3vi just Mile hit happier Meanwhile the schooner is ISWVSIIIEBGTMI 13gfllmgf IOICUWNI llililflmlitliilHShmI truism which it llittlttl Stop iii iv THE PAS nearly up to the island where 103 In II gully fI IIIII III II II MINI II JORIIIII MAM me Ide aqwmblod and Pllrslt Help mt to niulie Shani our itVi ion ll will Bay news the best ever in 1950 Fornrlale is read by so many friends gt tlllSlli the district Mons Hub The regular meeting of the Mons School Concerts Club was held last Wednesday Ferndale and Pine Grove Schools night at Campbell Raikes cottage held their Christmas concerts on New officers were elected for the Tuesday and Wednesday respect coming year and are as followsively Both events were success President Frank Benson Vic3 and details will be published in tlic iI President Art More Secretary nex issue of The Examiner Harry Winter Treasurer Campl hell Raikes Social convencr Jacki Boys Club Jottings Wisinaii Recreational Director Nccliwcnr complete line priced at $1 00 $1 50 $2 00 STEPHENS heat DIAMONDS PINE TREE 15 Ehzabeth St Barrie MN COLORS Phone $125 pr up All Gifts Attractively Boxed January 12 1950 REPAIRED AND anoinnznnmnnmnonnnnnmzznnnmmnmoranoinrhnmnnmoratoriummotorwayi222i2omsrisiv lH Chrictmiis anil Womans APXilia RECOVERED The busmess and devotional tee meeting of the WA was held at the FaCtory Guaran WT 0W ll Ills hmlngi home of Mrs Taylor with 18 Free Pickup 85 Delivery creations liy llillllll lliiliiiisteiii heherliusiggsg tkthf tthlt Hnimm Theieeziiihi upHmIerRmG coI 33 IN MOTOR ACCIDENTS orary President Mrs Wil Colognes gully Packaged in lson Fragment MKS Ex 1c Rmhardb lst Vice Pres Mrs Martin 42 Brunswick St 2nd Vice Pres Mrs Oliver II Kili iiaiaibi ld The weekly meeting ol the Fern an Csman paws dale Club was held Monday ll Taylor It was also ww lrisdale snier If cidcd to change the name of thclownImg club from the St Thomas McnsW I77 Club to The Shanty Bay Mens Wu Club The new president takes this opportunity to wish all the men of the community the seasons greetings and hopes to see as many II as possible out to the first meet CHESTERFIELDS AND ing olrithe year at The Den onI OCCASIONAL CHAIRS 2133 KKEIEIZIEEELEEQLE eczemckkczeczzmew inexormmmaa unannnninnnnnneternnzinnnze Santa Claus boxes Your choice of Secretary Mrs Magi Treas Stratford Gardenia HeavenSent 150 urer Mrs Raikes Dorcas Sec For further information iretary MrsMilton Sutton 35 en uire at Apple Blossom 125 Also Eziii do SistEd hyVMIS View Literatuie Secretary Mrs More Little ilfifll $4533 9113 200 Apple Blossom6 tSortst Mrs Oliver and Mrs Fumlture Elecmc on II Hostess convener Mrs ed Lipstick FourCost set of ion Sutton The next meeting 0h Sales and rvice Number Of Automoh 1922 up do PH0NEV721 January 10at Mrs Cecil Suttons glowrng lipsticks to match her mint School Christmas Concert 13 Dunlo StI Ban1e type and costume The Community Hall was crowd 1949 ed to ca acit last Frida night In charming luciterase 475 tor the zfnnuzil Christmas Yconceirt AmolenleIRCWr C05 65 liolthe School children Underthe 1949 II Fragrant Apple B19339 all wnh Ir 15333 $1 32333 Average Automobile Insurance Premium is up only 14 in 10 yea Gologne BOdy Poiyiler and themselves Therecitatidns by the following wereall well received IV EUCSt cakes 0f Sml 26 Janet Dingman Susies Mistake RATE CHANGES Other setsZOO 350 490 810 Apnewaies AYisim of Joseph glenffhfas II Orange in Ontario automobile insurance rates will becomeifoctlvo January 1950 In Perfumes shell carry everywhere Brbara Terrgy ACliristmas Gregl 5e fr lemmries mid dasses wu rduced be be hd WHY Eachin an exquisite gold mm ingI Shirley Whighegd uAChrist motorists there wrll be nchhange in insurance coat mas Carol Knugronrarty Christ Private PassengerhulomobilosrFire and Theft rates are reduced on average of ll7 smart pouch Command moors Coming Sheila More liability rates for monymotorists will not change forothers there will be an increase the Tree The plays reected the work yerI IPerformance250Heavensent4175 the teachers had done in training age over all increase being 47 some Collision ro as are reduced most are increased for an the Children starring among them THE CHAPEL average increase of overago lncredso for all coverage and territories is Apple Blossom 150 gem fact play Biellirtg me CommercialIAltlomobiles Fire on T29 roles are reduced on average of 97 Liabimy at I6 luniOIS I2le 33 rules are reduced on average of 62 ollision roteIsIIore increased on overo of 37 WhiteFlame 300 55mm entitled Vlsmlnspec age decrease for all coverages and territories is 48 aver tron in which Master Cyril The perfectVCologne Tr lylresh Hughes was the stair also Ia play PHONE 2530 buoyantApplemosqmiweet which kept the audience in up The Highest to an What Makes Insurance Rates 0P roars of laughter entitled lRest Ig Room by the seniors Rev Eric re ardless of the flnan It is as sim le as this the fewer the accidents the lower the rot ethereal HeavenSensjanitmpicnl Richards as usual made anrexceu Ore II an master of ceremoniesI Again clal Circumstances acadents the higherthe ratesAccidonts don usllioppen they are committed Gardenio 300 your reporter wishes to emphasize Modern Funeral Chapel and prevention is the only cure the need to tar or Community Han in the rviauageIg VWItigegggfillggnl Drive With Care Courtesy Common Sense PAYMENT NEEDED use of ChapelIat no Publlsliod Iby tho lnuuronco Componles Member of The only thing the paper has to sell is adlyertlsingtaWith0ilit litWe 127em cgarfgSt couldnt ope yin us ness qY Th blh fth th 33533 heh533e III aims INDEPENDENTVAUTOMOBILE AND ICASIUALITYILNSBRANOE CONFERENCE spaceo lems wic sou III mm mid 1013 Chapel chimes CKBBV Fullhmmlcirlff In AW HUMBOLDT9SRSK JOURNAL mmth