Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 22 Dec 1949, p. 10

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Ehilnrial our Iif ir ttlairir Examiner BARRIE ONTARIO CANADATHURSDAY DECErvtBER itllViv iii 37 86th Yeor 7N0 1949 From Examiner Files of WL Reade4 The Rodrin Game 2Over Governed By Architect No One School Area Plan vI lzi ii IIIt1l Im the liiztin lit Ililt ltti When it llfl lcurs sign THURSDAY not lie 13 on Christmas 1949 Ittt fil ttcks ll the year the editorial col umns oi the newspapers are occupied with opinions about worldly things Most of this lit third of world that Is last fading into blocks of midnight and twilight countries In them tyrants rule by force and lies iiil hit ttvllLrlS out Iitoiiiiiiy iiinttticlrtin kittlit iscnt liitrlii lit that oil llooi lLll txtitilxl itliiltlir jiii 1Itl 11 tltitailr tttllillitll rr lllc Illtlti cIiipt ittllltwi quantitie llltll hc might ltt was lull IppiiinIy 73 tock this llnilltltil III Aptil lillt mission gtkctch to itlltliilt clILh Iluizt Ilt hundch tiiilt distant l3 ooi over tai and mini colicspoIichuv Iii iccoviI lIeII hatttucn told number of fhc original tiillLIlllIItI hit the pcil soliticl had lucn changed llitl was Itltln tit ittv Emiliau pct xiiltit tilit Ill LiliaIi Ilic name and address of ln mrm Ami 1H man gtlillitl+tlilitf In IIilllll ltlllt heard of any IctII not havinli decided to itlllllll tcachei lta llll Vli lil Iil liappni Stir had tii inalil tII liil liac Iii and Itll will hint oft St ilI giving lllI i1h Htl tilu lunll c1 lzti lit lt Ii till luniit llitll anti lit iri teach Nt illtltilic II of stlltl tIIlt iillltl tlli lllt In llltlr thus lltl Sillll lit1l1 and Hum ill tiilnri WH ldiciIoIi ttilliillllltlll would allL ltl ll ltlgt to lllt ich at lhc ttitilit as much of tile licip could schools for tho holiday sclid ti bill ftitpicliiiiinuy ttl 1b disiiiissiii In due course Iqtltti reply insulting and slanderous loiic Iltll laioinid lhc licn Informing me that lIltllItl lining and Izicc fat not the ttlllttllillit for whoml had ttllltl llt it worked and tliclcforc full 11 ll the dooi come lercsted to receiving bill norniiig cvciyont ttqllllft the school commend youitlllA in making it rule that all Later was approached by Iiicinbcr of the ttllllllllll conimittcc duly antohiIxcd inform 1111 that they simply did Iiot havc any money and would not bc able toi afford the scivles of an architect what was the least would take and release them from their un dcrtaking They would have to scheme something cheap and construct it by volunteer labor was not impressed Iiicn III ltlkltt icatIon from came LUlllllilllh the secretarytrcas llltl duly authorized With an offcr of than onequarter of my bill which declined Mcan time had read an announcement that it was the attention to in crease the size of tho building and of course the accompanying cstimatc was much in excess of mine Ihcii lll September ltliltt came letter from solicitor admity ting that the club had to say the least beeu very careless in this matter and would send my ac count which had not yet been rendered He even suggested that any allowance might make would be regarded as gift to the club already have substantial iii vcstmctit in the old arenanot the one that was burned but the one that has recently been mu tilatcd When it was completed in 1935 figured that next to lIr Wright was the heaviest individual shareholder The catch tin TM without squinting in it last long as an inspector Now let us free the teachers of till ill tho ltl lllitl in an Ill 1113 family of to tcach illitllil didnt for from likoly Iaround conic ccll knock ttnark was what are Have you no one to makeji Ies to tilt Iitidy appeaiance look overiptaycrs llitlst Lcr for regular attendanceitown In winch iltzillil Into lthc money but yott Ile even found trustees hired the fault better year the tiles live and teach with wliite broadcloth with white shoes llld stockings around he said like that dress It happened to be four brown and huge felt like telling him to go jump lie couldnt go by on lake mirror my Next burdens free to govern My conclusion is little start red populate the country put large family of those who wish to come over and settle here on every 100 acres help them to get good to school own send well have school them our oil Ijtl tI cai old daugh tlttllttl find to piovc lIltltil taught III his topinoriow tiIIdin Iiioining ill in and say good ltllll Wilt ltlllt eltilimiid of necessity lift Toronto fion home the th IstIIs iizul LII Vi ciI Illiili Attica lillllttl Illi lit llllin illIill2gt iii likirl litiJlll of with tilliili that It hlyti Illc tzi 111 Iltirtliv if iiitrthaiils Iiiitlt Light to law ytili tarp open Il mint lt iitkttlitlllltl lltil timing tiff tiIItlll II lh lic itio vli lit wlm tlt littlllili IIy ltlllllll Illt li one plat ziit int tl Ittl $5 lloe di tatlil Eiv iiiadc Hi Wadi lttltrw agiitti iliil pull in IIIEi llmll kelp is patczn iiij lllitli Iiv inzitlz ti Iitt itiiii II2I tunic tilm lii tillt ti ttlih tittitllllr teach board itliou foilnido take text leul Iiiontiih avciagc ag lo tlit tli tltillot tllldtnl czi In connection with low tliIIt Ina laii latIdlicic today It is In textstun to litili that at iiinlltili fans this week Sutton giving the iisclcs Sit in cmh pitcs Iliadfoid SItt alllnw tiicAiiioia Slat Ntuinailtct 5110 to tiivilk tiIllIiI to let lid Lillie John Iliown im Will Smith llrapcr lliltl linucson and It Millicc illti fioui loronto Mcdical HI lII ttIlUll Itti gtictl litiilic school tllltl hc came Noliiiiiations will he IitltI tol tlici Llcv hoisc Itt lovvn llall fclicc knock Orillias hockey prospects ilc tIikc Iookibrighta for the step takcii by the liavc resided in the they play since lNov The Hon Stiiator iowaii who new iiithas been in poor hcaltli for some Irst timcttiine is gradually lllltlllll71 tiie school though still confined to his rooint Ills first eWiiilc ins bodily strength has you teachinggreatly failed his intellectual fac rcmain as bright as ever notwithstanding the fact that he will be ill years of age tomorrow had raised said the It was as lMPORTANCE OF PRINCIPLES 58 time he camct tSt athariiics Sltllltlitltlt Defeat of any political party isl far less important than abandon1 niciit of its principles There is great need of vigorous Conserva tive iarty throughout Canada still greater need of strong opposi ition at Ottawa Willi rcnt controls Eabout removed with revelations about the Combines Act all hooked up with coverup proelection strategy of the government it is evident now that after his remark able victory the honeymoon for Prime Minister St Laurent is overl voile the window He didnt let them children and the to the Re stick house and little red Qiztcn There are Sunday School fablem Neighborhood sings And sisters plav AW rious hurdles Arrive from the store And Mother is busy Behind locked door Mvoowfammvm ile packing live bait Far Uncle Jolme folks Dad gale himself all Tangled upm tile hoped Nu Ms sv Cad lei Iii all limit this PGILOM had ceased to exist school house filled and give three seetion and not let them sit idly men of the section to govern the by not even giving chance to Winner palm Wise 2094 arkm2 is the Clsrisiittss Can complain Ilisuls qoodness its Aliaesl Christmas of this and future generations Through either ignorance or indif fcrcucc those laws are not being observed To overcome Ignorance sports writlng has measure of logic and does not seem out of placo But towards the close of the year there is tan indication that the editors ink is not flowing smoothly One editorial writer starts tout For 10 years new Christmas has had iszid irony about It Choirs sting Pcace on earth good will to mcn while armies killed 1lLll other with scientific ferocity The ledttorial goes on to say Men could be par =doncd for thinking the Christmas story an outworii fable an amiable fraud like Santa Claus with which to comfort children An iothcr editorial begins Christmas 1940 up preaches the end of the second millennium since tliebirtli of the Babe of Bethlehem shook the world to its foundations Where do we stand In the matter of the geography and the history of freedom we stand in the sun Perhaps there is more to be read between the lines of the Christmas editorials than 111 the actual wording After dealing with mun dane pursuits for 51 weeks of the year an editor finds that his pen is inadequate to cope with the thoughts of Christmas edl torlal But others who have gone before havo been able to capture the spirit of the occa sion Ilerewlth we reproduce the first verse of Christmas Carol that encoinpasscsliiueh more thaumost of us can hope for God rest you merry gentlemen Let nothing you dismay Remember Christ our Savrour Was born on Christmas Day To save us all from Satans powcn When we were gone astray tidings of comfort and joy Old Boys Reunion In 1950 IWo or threeyears ago there were sug gestions that Barrie should have an Old Boys lteunion However after learning of the financial deficits left in other municipalities that had sponsored similar events the idea was quietly forgotten There were some sug gestions that the celebration should be held over until Barries Centennial Year Since the subject has been introduced again there are those who have suggested that further infor mation should be obtained to verify the sig nificance of the year 1950 It really ought not to matter whether the yriir 1950 is Centennial Year for Barrie or not Certainly there were some events that took place here 100 years ago that could be used as the basis fer Centennial Celebra tion The matter of most importance is to de cide whether Barrie is to have such an oc casion Barrie should have an Old Boys Reunion in the coming year There has been no such celebration In this town for many years And each year the event is postponed there are fewer of the really old timers to come back Art Exhibit Attracts Interest The art exhibit in the high school auditor Ium last week attracted hundreds of spect ators from throughout the district and even from centres many miles distant The exhibit was sponsored by the Barrie Art Club in co operation with the Barrie District Collegiate Institute The art club which was organized only few months ago with Llew Beaver as president has already had busy season The club drew together several persons interest ed in art and through facilities provided at the high schOol night 012135 was organized The services of Thomas Mitchell were engag ed as an instructor for the class Mr Mitchell to the home town rcuiiloii would provide an opportunity for the older sons and dan ghters to meet again and recall the old days And it would also be time for the younger citizens and newcomers to learn more about Barrles history For such celebration as an Old Boys Ite unlon the Town of Barrie has unique as set in the person of Fred Grant This for mer resident who has now returned has the names and addresses of hundreds of former Barricltes who are now scattered throughout the four corners of the earth even as far away as New Zealand His help would be in valuable in planning such celebration An Old Boys Reunion would cost money and It would also Involve agrcat deal of effort and work But anything that Is worth while must be paid for In some way or other Everyone enjoys celebrdtlon and everyone should be willliigto centribute his share to the effort Perhaps we could htivg lead from some civic organization to get plans under wrri in paintings by professional artists of th dis trch and also paintings of local interest be cause the subject matter was of persons and places In Simcoe County An outstanding featurepf the exhibit was the work Egbert Oudendag This renowned Dutch ar ist who now makes hls home at Aurora showed portraits and other paintings some of which had been executed since he came to Canada last summer As amatter of fact the exhibition Iii Barrie last ek is the first public exhibition in Canadmat which the work of Oudendag had been Show visitor Ll and ner returned WSS$SSW The executive members of the Art Club who sponsored the exhibit and the school was that my investment did not Keep Resorts Open FGCG FGCIS Of 55ills apile Spring who is resident of Barrie is an Associate think as it is now done by school another Toronto architect had been show in any books except my own Said lawyer had decided to re commend to the club that they pay me onequarter of my claim take it or leave it The crowning act came in Octo ber Willi the announcement that Lastly to school develop their muscles man in Barrie say one time that II ai ome ill bi born LC Ohio Labor Day said the Hum legs Hwy never use the tourist business But now they iarea boards let the It wont them enough lAfter Labor Day triiitiiieial losti You cant attract people to Cape iCod or keep them there after oldtimers in children walk hurt them to heard Wildlife Slaughter tMoiitreal Gazette In order to hunt or fish It Cat aria US citizcn has to have nonresident licence ODWIIICII be quite properly pays fee far in As for indifference this is be cause existing laws are not fully en forced and because of judicial leni ency in cases made by enforcement officers And the underlying reasons for this enforcement and judicial of the Royal Canadian Academy of Art At this seasop of the year thousands of repro ductions of some of his paintings are sent throughout Canada and the world through the Canadian Artists series of Christmas greeting cards board members of the Barrie Disitrict Collegi ate Institute who provided the facilities are it be commended for their efforts The art exhibit was considerable achievement and brought many favorable comments Let us hope that the exhibit will be madean annual are not so sure excess of that charged the resi denT When he takes fish or game IComnierce put on special drive It out of the country he has to have So there you are gentlemen of Would Keep Jdid about $12000 of special advertis an export permit Therefore it ing The result was almost mill would seem very simple to ascertain work The effect of such condition the Roariii Game After alapse Rural HOuse lion dollars worth of off Seasonlthe number of US visiting anglerslumn bre and honest wardens is appointed and was working drawings one has been careless already on 11 yes some One of Mr Mitchells recent paintings was exhibited as well as illustrations of work done tby several of his pupils in Barrie There were The Season Of Mystery and wonder have not gone out of this world In an age of hard fact and cruel cynicism event and perhaps another year more space will be available for the display of individual pictures Wonder see and feel so much more than adults To child the Christmas season starts simply enougha fall of whitesnow chill nip in the air growing bustle in the streets happier expression on the faces about him Then as the big day comes closer the kit chen spreads rich smells of vpudding mince and cookies The air of furtive secrecy about the house can only mean that presents hide And in church in school almost every where people are singing those sungs he problem are to be found in politics Too often enforcement officers are chosen for their political stripe rather than an aptitude for the ing up all VC the country are tillllll on educational campaigns Last year the local Chamber of of nearly four years you are still without building but you are The best school concert we havc business for the small resorts and hunters as well as the amount easy to visualizcl Eqmny discou saddled With two architects ever attended says mum to Thcrcis lesson here for uwcf game they take out of the coun agihg capable officers is the ti ARCHITECI NO The Examiner from the and4 Canadian tourist industy try Important as their Visits are lot spectaCle of hard and sometimes ICllCCI describing childrens lc commV the Country theldangerous case dismissed with no SCIOOge on Rampage concert held Friday at Cedar llnlioids p0 Cilllid5 ildlllc thing more than nominal fine be Willid 215 it imp El bUCkCl cause of political pressure having when science has split the atom and men In Town Stores GYUVC 5611001 Essa It was stag been lied VA Is foolish to tlV to dodge the ID scoff at anything that canvt be counted cd by 23 of the youngest pupils and two children not Yet 0f SChQOI fact that Canadians themselves are wt Doc 1949 age under the supetV1Slon 0f M155 destroying wildlife resources There The people of Noyh America Weighed and measured the WOIld can Still Elste Aldcrson teacher 811d MTS are laws for the most part quite produce more live bet 1r and pos turn with childlike joy to the immeasurable 1adequate to the preservation of sess six times as many goods as the the incomprehensible and the beautiful To enter this world of wonder men put Jack Ireland pianist lmost species of fish and game for average Worker elsewhere in the aside their cynicism their preoccupation Everything went like clock the reasonable enjoyment and use world with facts their thin veneer of sophistica work says the letter There permanently have become vital was no prompting The children tion and accept what they cannot fully ex plain 1y interested inits welfare and pro went through their songsdanees AtChristmas more than at any other time In most parts of Canada too the business drops to zero after the first fewdays in September True the hunting season attracts new flock of visitors later oipBut in be tween there is decidedly slack period and this at atime when Na ture puts on her fanciest dress and the weather is glorious There should be no trouble about transportation in most parts of thcl To the Editor The Barrie Examiner am newcomer to this town but since we plan to settle here country as the roads are open and Examiner Feature Article tree from snow usually to the end hasnt heard for yeaiaboutBethlehem shepherds and wondrous child called in Jesus Then at last his waiting is over Hewak ens atran unheardof hour rushes from bed to find his Christmas stocking runs to waken the rest of the house and greets the biggest day of the year with soulfelt bursts dip gross might add that your paper dialogues and rccitations without and CKBB have both fostered aia mistake great amount of my interest If In one square dance1 alll of October at least A11 that would hope this letter will be COIISIdClQddOIS there were two itte as Cre for this extra only as constructive criticism Anne Wright and Ross Cameron 3035 so lime expendb Recently on the Jaycee Guest who stole the show they being ture for heating equipment and in gt in the year this strange change1n human Iggorcilrmgg aamxiety plasg exprtessedffre fligsrafsraders 4They danced like sulation to make summer how From an edltorial by FitNCSIS tIIZCIIlljtlzcll in The Sun tNew York personality comes about Blame it on some ar in paliln me er co and shabitabe mire ep on the tourist trade In my min1 Then along came little four 5231 veathec We take pleasure in answering at once and tints prominently the thmg the airor something the heart ion the mgrphams should look yearold Peter Switzcr He recited communication beIOW expressing at the same time our great gratific But at Chrlsrmas even the worSt scrooge in first to themselves and their lack rnursery rhyme Then Hughieg 451 39 liloSC fam195ltlfllation thatits faithful author is numbered among the friends of THEOut midst cannot feel It in him to SCOW1 and wot llOSPllalilY0l is it common illelandi who Willb four years old have Wei Children 055cm abel SUNI mutter Humbu We are more like TinI eourtesyt in January sang Little BoPeep there 15 little reason why great Dem Edit01 am years old Some of my me trigndssay them have just completed lengthymladldnl m155a note numbers 9f 9901919 Should not take 15 Santa ClaUS Papasays If you see it in The Sun itsTSo Please Tlm laughter of Christmasshoppmg and Evny number Was Sung loud ptheir holidays in September and tell me amnion is there Santa malts VIRGINIA OvHANLON There Is an element of childlike simplicity Trulychlldren enjoy Christmasto thefull am Merit if Seldoge and Clear every dallgue 35 aci Octber Perstadgd 2133 115 Westjlmelyflfth $991 about it all Toefiloy Christmasto the full And that is as it shouldbe Itwas the Child the rampagm Frankly there are 6d perfectly The Whole Concert woud Cfmlmlle 0353353 AVlRClIlhA your little friendsare wrong They have been affected tn 1th mm Ben ld two stores at least which do wasteamwork and superb So for hat With benet to them byttic skepticism of skeptical age They do not believe except what seems thymus er 30 emW eCPmC he WOI rs not intend entering again and Oul money keep the 11me rural Nahum athnal Fleasury andthe they see Theythink that nothing can be which is not comprehensible by 6156 become Chlld again After an Children ChrlStmas ptesentv shall never recommend them SChOOlllOUSe Open and DFOdUCC canalla tourlsl mdUStFlL WhCh their little minds All minds VIRGINIA whether they be mens ofl New realize my trade is not more School concerts Out hats now Is forced to WHY 12m0nlhs childrens arelittle In this greatiuniveise of ours man is mere in great 1055 to any more How off to Miss Alderson and Mrs Ire overhead on two months actual Secthun amvm higitnct as comfyard with the boundless world about ever consider your transient popu 18nd lot ChFlSlmaS Itoncert InbusmCSs him as measurcdby the intelligepce capable of grasping the Whole of lation service personnel Pos the lime Ied SChOOlhOuse that truth and knowledge ii sibly many of them have received cant be beat Yes VIRGINIA there is SANTA CLAUS He exists as certainly the same first impression Sure From Egbert the leuel IS Signed as love and generosity and dev on exist and you know that they abound and give to your life its highest beautyandfjoy Alas how dreary Canadian Gift Apples Are Sold at Profit tWinnipeg Tribune The British ministry of food is placinganadafsgiftpples0n the on behalf of few of the and 1y it would not require too great Ience effort to greet customer cheerfully must emphasize the fact that did not encounter this WERE CHANG GTOO Hirsute alibi boredomfin anyor Qutte recentIYtheeditol wuntfi the young inexperienced Christ no less than 35 business changes in mas staff 0n the contraIY it Elmira in the last 10 years Those was from maturevsolid townmer Vng here sometimes fail to real chants ize even town like Elmira under As striking comparison 011 goes tremendous changes every 10 my rst shoppingitripi invBarrje years ELMIRA Ont SIGNET on arrival six months ago re qulred apackage of tacks and their recent expansion dropped intq the first hardware am using this one store as an store an That sevencent item example but ofcourse many was selected with the same care othersin fact would say the andeourtesy thatiacmmpanied the majority of Barrie stores are pleas sale aha washer afwdnys later ant As result shaplthbre constantr If they would all remember Inand recommend themwhem that the smileand helpful man ever pussiny tier of the clerk is equally as me parlance as the quality of their gt all mam Egiamtnrr 5A CiassATvviceWeekIy Published Every Monday and Thursday at TherWilson Building Post Office Squargnarrte0niario Canada by THE BARBIE EXAMINWIIMITEDV MacLaren Pres Walls VicePres EPae SecTreas Member of Class Weeklies of Canada Canadian rWeekIy Newspaper ssociation bmario Quebec Division of CWNA and the Audit Bureau of circulating Subscribe 313 Service 7270 Average Net Paid ABC Circulritidn for six months ending September 30 1949 would be the world if there were no SANTA CLAUSI It would be as dreary as if there were no Virginlas There would be no childlike faith then no poetry no romance to matre tolerable this existence We should WWW have no enjoyment except in sense and sight The eternal light with British market for sale at the same which childhood fillsthe World wouldbe extinguished price as homegrown apples and Not believe in SANTA CLAUSI You might as well not believe in imported apples for which the mini fairies You might get your papa to hire men to watch in all It chin stry paid full price What Is more neys on Christmas Eve to catch SANTA CLAUS but even if they did the British consumer has no way not see SANTA CLAUS coming down what would that prove Nobody ofknowing where the apples came sees SANTA CLAUS but that is no Sign that there isno SANTA CLAUS from or that they were sent over as The most real things in the world are those that neitherchildren nor free gift to the British people men can see Did you ever See fairies dancing on the lawn 0f course1 And this huggermugger is going on not but thats no proof that they are not there Nobody can conceive or at time when section of the imagine all the wonders there are unseen and unseeable in the world British Labor party is publicly You tear apart the babys rattle and see what makes the noise in blaming Canada for contributing to side but there is veil covering unseen world which not the strong Britains present financial straits est man nor even the united stifngth of all the strongest men that Britons about what Canada has ever lived could tear apartgomyfaith fancy poetry love romance This ignorance on the part of many can push aside that curtain and ngf and picture the supernal beauty George Cadogan News Editor JR Chitttok Local Advertising Manager Britons aboutwliut Canada has and glory beyond Is it all real All VIRGINIA in all this World there mummi Plntin Mame C001 Plant Superintendent done in the Way of loans giftsiand is nothing else real and abiding Th the iendlinessmand cobra wgtjqnltlie lwer lfgganfalbamtfprethe tourist podelraty tprllcedf godigilrtsdas No SANTA CLAUS Thank idt he lives an he lives forever Al Wed 85 tcgggsgfgggguggyggfggtfgggggevwmm Ottawa mo un or er yra cm arge aut er aria au thousandyears from now Virglni nay ten tim ten thousand years can is Obvious in View of vA PARKE BOOSTER Government from now he will continue tomake glad the heart of childhood 00 all in ada in In 319 c9 Highest in Canada or Home Town Weekly Newspapers Averagevlresii nun 8000 Copied Iv MacLaren Maging Editor 74 WallsBusiness Manager It

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