Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 8 Dec 1949, p. 19

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thrown We main business section lie Utilities new booster pump on have to up Hayeld 8t and also out to ml um Street for cqualirng water put tor Eat and of the town This an ssure new well at Bayvlcwl meted real need Park the ill The ratepayers voted on an on WM larger Arena and it is new com van pieiea Council helped through deputations to Ottawal to secure SAN FRANCISCO trust our new Radio Station CKBB and The first electric station for your Mayor had the honor of help lightin purposes in the United ing to name this station the EB States was built in San Francisco standing for Beautiful Barrie lug in im gesllon was adopted by Mr Snel m1 Only few year no we were much concerned that Barrie was not getting her share of industries but due to the splendid effort of the Chamber of Commerce coupled If nothing unforeseen occurs wiih the full cooperation of our such as serious snowstorm with its costly snow removal before It endof the year we should up with small balance The Regional Office of the fly dro Electric Power Commission new tenants at the remodelled Town Hall now your handsome building for years to come and selfsupporting The Simcoe Courtl ty Health Unit and the Childrens galakimngofg new plans Aid Society in their new quarters liri old Fire Hall building TI To mention briefly few of our new Farmers Market in the Board gm CHANCES OI OIL accomplishments during my term of Works building new laneways Y0 hill 599 our handsome Canada has an area of 560000 of office there is after period of back of the business section newland Wm new new Wk square miles of sedimentary rock 24 years new pavement extend streets Opened miles and miles of True ladies and gentlemen those much of which is potentially oll ers have denounced us for not bea ing from Burton Avenue outskirts sewers and water pipes laid Pub things cost money but would it bearine mv CC VMW uciunnutmummmommm uuctuuohukoidhxmuulruHumiicircucunimum do no desire burden you Council Same is now proud In this time with too many elec tion statistics As have already told you every citizen knows usl how much work has been accom My Council and myself have been plished and our nancial state criticized by few ratepayers for merit as of November 15 1949 being be aggressive and yet oth shuws surplus of $1552010 v1 wA WI Ithubeen aYoraltY ate Grant M3 or Re arts or my to to we we die line so as to not overburden Anyone Edwm Wilson eporte arrie opayers In aspiring to the office of should be completed quickly as To the Electors of Barrie Mayor it fitting that should possible as this is the only fouiio first of all make report to you dalion upon which municipality at chairman of the property for can build sound financial foun Shall deal Wllll DUI datlon Items of the past years activmesl bake ma me mam should 11llltS1lYi lilllldiof the igaylcjofficeBhours athe minitciplal pa yowne ui rigs mg spen mg einie content have been appraised in and specifiedamount of time in the light ofvpresenbday replacethis office he will make it more meat cash and reinsured against convenient for the people of Bar fifelosa at figures in keeping with rte to contact him This propose their value to do WW vw SECONDLY Extensive renova tions were undertaken to the Fire 1111 building You are all aware of what has been accomplished The old council chambers completely done sauce for the board of works and There is definite need for coun cil to follow the rules set down for council lwo council meetings each month should be sufficient wereto care for all the town business over to providcif the committees function effi ciently complete revision of childrens aid society Ihclthe committees with fewer coun forrner court room was similarlyl treated to supply modern offices for the Siincoe county health unit The entire cost of these renova tions amounted to $932644 THIRDLY Land was acquired all members on each committee would accomplish this end be lieve that all committees should have the power to add to their numbers from citizehs outside council Council would indirectly for the erection of 50 Iowqenu have decided advantage in such houses by Central Mortgage and Housing Corporation The land for this project was purchased from three different parties It all borders on Gunn St negotiations had to be carried on with the various parties concernt ed so that Gunn St could be wid ened from lane of 33 to II street with road allowance of 60 This entailed arranging for the moving of one house which will be done when the weather permits next spring gt The property committee is parti cularly pleased to report on the success of this project We feel that the 50 houses that are to be completed shortly will definitely help alleviate the housing shortage that exists in Barrie cveral other items of business might be mentioned these will suffice how ever to indicate that your pro perty committee has been actlve and that we have acted in the best interests of the Town of Barrie So much for the past years ac tivilies What of the Future cannot help being concerned over Barries future As you know themlll rate iii 1949IOr public school slipporters was 614 Bar Iles debenture debt now stands at $68354424 and when the fol lowing debentures are issued $67500000 for public schoalsV$70 00000 for sewers $500000 for the band $1000000 for sidewalks and $100000 for industrial sitesTit will amount to $145354424 while we all wish Barrie to progress yet its progress must be tempered with sound business judgment if Barrles strong financial position is to be maintained Close co operation between the finance comlt mittee of council the town treas urer and the assessor will ro ducthe guidance needed to tire ofmrown this end In 1940 council began the re asseSSment of all properties in Barrie This was undertaken with vidw to placing the assessment in fair and equitablelmanner on all properties within the munici pality Work on this project is progressing it is my ballet that with its completion the total as sessment of the Town of Barrie will be subs antially increased Thore has been some objection to Harrie completing its reassess ment before all other municipal ities within the county were so asseiised have it on the auth ority of the county assessor how ever that the completion of this Workln arrie will in no wise ef fectth levy by the county until all Other municipalities have com pleted thir assessment according to thesame pldn It is my cohtention therefore that this reassessment program Besides this house that they had to offer procedure as it would benc fit from each outside committee limit in direct maximum to their interest in the municipality It is my opinion that next years council should make immediate plans to take over the collection of garbage 115 civic enterprise at the expiration of this present contract in order to make this possible proper accommodation for the housing and servicing of equipment needed is imperative Such facilities would fit in with lthc present needs of the board of works and provide them with place to house and service their equipment as well The capital ex penditure required to provide these facilities will be worth while investment for every tax payer in Barrie Before we undertook the mat ter of building houses under the plan provided for by Central Mortgage and Housing Corpora tion survey was conducted to as certain the need for the type of In all we received 115 applicationsr up to April 1949 since then therel have been additional applicants As wear buildingbut 50 Houses itl would appear that number of those desirods of securing this type of accommodation will have to go unsatisfied Since we have reserved the land upon which more houses can be built believe that next years council seriously consider the erection of more such houses under this or similar plan feel that am qualified to fill the office of mayor If you choose toelect me on Dec 12 shall attempt to perform the duties of that office to the best of my ability have served as representative or BHIIIEDTI the Board of Education for two yearsl as alderman for ward during the years 1945 and 1946 as de puty reeve during 1947 when was traffic committee chairman and as alderman for ward again this year with the post of chdir man of the property committee In conclusion ask you as citizen in democratic country to go to the polls on Dec 12 iii record numbers to demonstratef that you prize the privilege of the secret ballot EDWIN WILSON 1500 MEALS DAILY The new Memorial Union at Queens University contains great dining hall where 1500 student meals are served daily It has rooms for study reading music debates games It houses the camr pus newspaper and has tuckshop snackxbgr and lounges for both men and women students You glft Iwill 111m OVer ddliltoly 3711 Itsfstiiidy good Jtlftstlilse 6f 1101113 of comfort 2521 Retailers to Thrifty Canadians pactLa prettiest Small Medium Large 49c DAINTY ored Double gusset White pastel shades INTERLOOK RAYON BRIEFS In siztes to 12 and to 14 Double gusset White tearose ice blue maize 39 STYLES Lacetrimmed or Tail Good Quality Celanese Crepe for smoothvfilling comfort AN APPEALING VALUE FOR THE GIFTWISE Zel lcrsv straightcut Slips Trim med with lace ill top hem Adjustable ribbon shoulder straps While black AGRAND GIFT for your favourite Lady tit Christmas See this anuc WOO Bed lackets ABEAUTIFUL GIFT FOR DAINTY LADY length sleeves Tea rose blue and White tiiualiiaiiy arrange V5AilFora Beautiful Lady The Gift Store for the smart and Thrifty ONLY 15 SHOPPING DAYS TO CHRIS TMASI Zellers is all set to serve Gift Seekers with bright and wanted Gills direct from SantaVille Come and see SATIN COVERED grand gift for the Home CUSHION Use chlers LAYAWAY PLAN for convenient budgelting from now until Christmas BLANKETS SUNRAYBLANKETS Sizes 64 ins by 84 inches Of good Quality While W001 with attractive rainbow colored borders whipped ends Theyre lasting gift At Pair lheml COMFORTERS Size 60 ins by 72 ins Plumplyfllled white cot covered smooth rayon satin in sterilized on with with contrasting colors At Featured at GiffPrices Zeller $995 Wine green gold rose blue eggshell $298 Towels and Towel Sets Matching Towels and Face Cloths New Windsor Designs Lovely Terry Towels and Face Cloths in 11 grand variety of colors Ideal for gift sets WASH CLOTH 11x11 19c GUEST TOWELS 16x28 490 BATH TOWELS 22 342 98 Colorful boxed Towel andFaceCloth of fine quality Terry 30 Cloth Assortcd colors and patterns in generous size $129 Attractivcly boxed Towel Sets including Towel 20x40 Guest ToWel 14 26 and Face Cloth 12 12 of fine quality Terry Cloth Wnlmllll III2 IN stza Red dan Theyll lend cheerfullnoteto your Holi dy tables See Zgllers 8in 12in $198 lilcllllllllllllKKKKKKKNHHIKllllll Ior lay festival Table Pretty CANDLES Colors lied Green in me ea lzvlnch for 15c 15 inch for 25c and 15in Candles Warpresistant an smokeless and odorless GLASS CANDLE HOLDERS for 15c Cellophane Wreaths IiiIN srza RedBuy several at this low priedfor tree and window decorations Al room windovVS At pound of Toffee and Nut Chows ideal gin tfedbdfatih forumma STOCKINGS Chockml of lmWmmm min in We dy site for the frontdeOr and living 25c Handsome NEARFITTING BROAnoLOriI Pumas reariiringV Suckers candysltisses Chocolate Bars or half El 29 GiftRight NYIIINS $1395 $1191 REVERSIBLE Store Hours From Dec 12 to Dec 17 Mon Tues Thurs Fri am 530 pm Wed am to 12 noon Sat am to 855 pm From Dec 19 to Dec 24 Monday Tuesday mm to 530 pm Wed Thurs Fri am to pm Saturday December 24 am to pm Zellers invite you to go Shopping with THE EARLY BIRD every morning at 845 am over CKBB dial 230 Daily Shopping News from Zellers Lim lted WM GIFT DEAR TO LADYS HEART First Quality Full fashioned 42Gauge Nylons in shades lhatll take to her wardrobe beautifully Sizes to 1012 Tender Beige Taupeshcen ZellerGIFT Priced Shell be thrilled to receive Two Pairs of the Same Shade We PRACTICAL GIFT Fine qualityjSpun Rayon Scarfsufeaturitig plain c01 ors or colorful allover patterns Fringed at ends White Rayon Crepe Scarfs also featured in this group Mens Capeskin Gloves $160 HANDSOME nmassv GLOVES insiipon Domefastener Styles smooth fitting Sizes to 11 Tan brown Fleecelined Striped patterns Coat styleWIth adjustable waist otttrous ers Seams are double stitched Imnsuimiiir slyle tylth notched lapelc0113 imain seams Sizes Atq Men Sizes JA PYIAIvrAsi isiitirnmiirrriitni pocket do mama 3mmammwxmamxnammmwmmmmmxammamxzxmzmnihnnxxmmahzamzmnzxxmhaamzaimxmxm3ihuznxnmxmmmhamuuxhnmauuamurmur

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