WY 71 Lu Mount manic mom OnoStorey Ho The OBrien Letters Coilinood cool small 121 North Simeon leggtlybalgferaelil Fromegbsdaygo Annual ROYQIW Dogs Important To Household If maggugggnfggcw gamma my ch Cl tlhe aiWinletofRt to the toiiowing letter the ninth in series the writer describe lt 23d 5136 vegymdmme up Christian Buy in 132 That was before the dnys when the Yuletide be shuwmg Donald Home omL on on lame season of exchanging gifts and sending cards In the any more zplaced second among the 35 comlowing is the but one hundred you no December 25 was observed nimt loler 5mm in me Aberdemlmgus scc ipriu received by is holy day limit iber from North Dculltbet 19 1328 31 Um dim l5 our llft allirc calves were shownl Name liiitroduction Between the hours will misses or near link lsllclp murmur xhoist than could wish but all duecuons factthzibonly the best calves Ironing 5133 mention it principally to show that December 27 323 each club in the province Ire 31 Tom sandemn iwe are not as far behind you in Hide Anumnl 569 lowed to compete in this class adds Tom 3053 litrary facilities as is imagined Pane The Paue ved particular significance to the high Don Thompson Itichords gay Newfoundland mm While We With 889 lstanding of these two boys than Clark ldo promises to be great gcniuoibliiiis The mp me Royal is We McNiven 10 almOSl enUWIY umnugm St Amhm ab mg outstanding event tor the Club MS found his maers hand mum 1h misuiess veryi members winning the tight to gol VERSATILE OIL THE BUBLEY has combination livmgdlnlngkercmc below which he veryicml English woman came to the The calves are taken in on Sat hem oilew wk Some Willlgls ag $311108 ans canfully carried up to bid bed COOJERWO gndmg Llidily shown on Monday and sold material for atigihed garage mpm and his cap Mum we aEmilie what she thought of it LEWlS BUM uy 39 uc wgdnesmy Bemrelrangmg from so wall splice there are two iligiigbt he mo his mm 901 Chm 90 mevgimg 10 he ngeaCh boy orhhehc rubber dguiireshetlng Windows bu one wall of catch 05mmll Charlie 111 mOImHH 11 seemw Strange she Town of Collinxwood Chief Ellg plcsened While bedroom in million Standard wmduw PM nth turned out on me lagid witw Sget Hi0 former member me weal bearing ha Chm Hem EaCh rooms also has twm wmdmbgs commry be so new vmd nit lko tille thlou his of rc mama Mmmed Ponce muses rm meals and Sleepan The bedroom hall has linen and ii Emerallintcilcct as not to bCMOIlh his mm acmmmoqmm are take Care or stora closet keo turning Thls mm by the Fair and the level prize list The urleysbidc Vtsllbultii 59 Ma Thctls had it grown up daughter WW feeling EngliSh CATTLE SELL WELL givcs caclltomptlllor $2000 prize for between the garage on house proper called Mama who unlike hem ler RED DEER Alta Cpl Ot tlmoney regardless of where he leads dirctly into the basemenl 3031 Close elhas very delicate appttltc and DECtiiibCr 28 188 cattle listed at tht CLIllIl Albutl overall lmcnsions are 44 feet by 26 feet bits the dining room On such have walked to Richards with were soldfox total of 521700 liltl There is full baseiilclit Exclusive of the occasions Thtlis generally comes out it bonnet and we have top 12 zlnlmuk avclagtd $800 calm garage the plan contains 982 square feet and very eagerly expecting llCI share been sitting at the open win l9l49 cubic feet THE BURLFY but if we say this is for Malda do and hung in shed on ANT 5tofutllibcglhrlgniiigg lillillillllllg Burczlu fgdferu Tilgmrngfdgg01I dlyndhnvfi dmd in TheUnited States is the largoll and Dve Yoursc Cloud Minnw USA or the party givesher permission not 1211 to be ubloquducer mm mm nflfii Iludl output of 2000000000 bullm The dogs form so Important llslicd Mary Sophia describes the it about 50 BARR um in 32l1 plum 11 0V CC amp llIlls Florsgrigylibgcpcro gifts 1le was wad play and um players in their due Tlheyt alre our hw dmsicnmwns on he pom re urn home from the RV Hos presented the characters admir angllaxct 00 500 our It an In Limit Barrie on Wednesday after ably causing many llCEltly laughs housc locks scats for the baby OEEWORKEJ XmnyTz nuwmnszb an appendix operation Although for the audience The proceeds and protection for the poultry LICENSEE December confined to bed for couple of were in aid of the Groom lell December 44 182d New Model wastho name glvelll 69 Comer Glad to report that Mm weeks she is getting thong nicely Club Reading Very him all day at to lhcprlll organized by the BllI Dobson was able to return home Quite number gathered in thel Mr and Mrs Stunle Dick and Heberts JournaL the rst volume tish parliament in February 1645 Tuesday Her many friends Scale Repairs ALL MAKES Andersons Scale Service orcd up on Thursday to see 11 Ilatters mother Mrs It Doh son who is sick Mrs Dick and Donna arc remaining for while Should Prepare Shrubbery Now For Cold Weather Winter care of logos as well Eli strawberries and other small fruits mm the RV Hospital Barrie 01H Gretlfcl United Church Tuesday daughter Donna Tmomot m0 of which we finishcd am pleas It was OImEd lb plan of Crom wish evening to soil the play Daily cd with the book and charmed with tho man and lIllCICSlLd iii the wife in whose sympathy he seems so entirely to confide It is zl much more dcsultory book than cxpcctJd but the ob servations cursory 115 they arc so evidently those of an intelligent and sclisiblc person thilt they ill spiic confidence in his correct ness which gives them import illcc Dcccmbcl 25 1828 wclis llOIlSidLS and won its great cst victory in the Battle of aneby LAFFADAY Soles Repairs Service RR No1 STROUD PHONE 36R22 The Family Gift Treat your family to dew refriger 0trY93lrfwife will be overioYed and the rest oi iliel lomily willshore the benets Old Man Wlnler rapidly RDPFOHChl enjoy in the fullest degree the ing blessings we have all been this Essential things to protect day commemorating against during winter months arcl snowed last night and we wind and moisture Ontario De lmtl hoped to have been able to partmcnt of Agriculture exports attend the church at eight say If the plants get wet they miles distance where the sac will freeze up at the first cold snap ramcnt was administered but Serious damage will naturally IC it was not deep enough for iore chicf concern of gardeners with May you here and hcrcaitcr sult Wind generally kills tht slclghillg and the roads too lplants by breaking branches as rough to make the necessary well as driving frost into them expedition in the waggon So says bulletin prepared by John could at home Clark lecturer the Horticul Baby however paid Aunt Fan Atural Branch of the Departmentny visit in her little sleigh and is to keep rose bushes dry and walked by her side Anthony gShildtid from the SUIL Heavy prO was gone to see patient but he ltection especially if it is wet is returned in time to escort us had and may cause injury Most back damage is causedby alternate After dinner went out again freezing and thawing which oc tho had not becn gay all day for curs in late winter and early was more than usually dissatis spring But continued zero templficd with myself Yet the beauty loratures are injurious to all exceptzof the snow the woods and the hardy roses except when they alelsunsct gave me so much pleasure prOperly protected lthat began to think whether the Earth is the best pyoiector 0f alllgr0wlng 01d which sometimes experts say In late fall hill up complained of did not perchance the soil around your bushes as high eXlSt In my assomates more than as possible If the low places belmyself $0 Iretutned t0 the Win tween bushes can belled withldow l0 Inqwre 1f anybOdy 9158 rrianure so much the better Pro12 Yollgllg enough to Pref SHOW ilection will thus be provided as 3m well as needed fertility in the soil Mary bid Soulth come With lBut take care that the manure me and 50 Gt think he W93 ldoes not lie against the bushes very 10am and lhereforeevery Positively delicious delir Ill bet its even better with the feathers off The essential thing in winter we Iain to do as well as we lilies windmill illellltlxe ll urge rpZeiifoM Lstomge splice sturoy high quality all Steelcabinet osyr oldfcontrollocated teyalevel Ra oleliooi iExposed tops of roses can be cov jered with evergreen bows leaves or straw Small plants should be hovered twitli oldcarpet or burlap In sev ere climates the bushes can be com tpletely boxed over Sianclardsl should be taken up and heeled inl covering them completely Then they shouldbe replanied in the spririg In the case of climbing Vines iwhich cannot be removed be ause icover thcmVwith burlap or old car pet Straw is also good if it IS placed thick enough to keep out the weather Now is the time to prepare plants lfor winter hibernation For straw berries raspberries and other small fruiiscover the plants with straw ior leaves The main idea is to help the snow to stay on theplants Snow provides the best possible protction Dont whatever you do try tisingvsawdust or any other material that willpack downsolid ly This may smother plants and killthem completely oils 10 noon they are trained to wall or once thing looked the more beautiful for having him by my side The frost has been as cold dur ling good part of the day as it is in England as there have been frequent snow clouds and some wind with the thermometer from to 20 December 26 1828 Fanny and set out in our Gloucester boots and walked two miles up the street to the top of Richmond Hill which is another littlecentre of popula tion tho not so large as Thorns Hill But there is Presbyterian Church school store and tavern It was the dinner hour for the school children and the master was about but we went in and talked to the children who remain ed andhavipg seen all we could we returned Whether we go upor down th street we see house on each side everyzguarter of mile And sometimes there are two or three in thhtsptice even where there arc none of those condensations of the population which we tall young villages tactory Iis bing built in they From our windowsiwe see JUDGE BASDEVANT Judge Basdevani famed French jurist is now President of the UN International Court of Jus tice The Court will rule on lhuman rights questions growing out of the treaties with Hungary Bulgaria and Romania under proposal adopted by the Fourth Session of UN General Assembly on your Sayings TWO percent interest privileges paid cheques quested depOSits by mail prompt service thosw advantages oitered bf our partment Convenient location It my time during business ho STERLING TRUSTS CORPORATION Hood Oko Toronto Barrio Oice 13 Dulilop ym In Business Vote FOR The Franchi RESIN gt lgouthem United States to process 10 houses auwjthi sound of om Blur VAbovo are the proposed ralliesiobe covered by outipliiifss lI metronome gililltedio GreerTransporotion 10 acrnulgour raise inates wearegiving trunsfors 1y vuiose ice on BarrieAlladalelte all