Friday evening Nov 18 was the night when the Vespra Area School Trustees attended the Fcrndalc Home and School Association meet ing Through this column and by other means the residents of the district had been informed for sev eral wccks of the time date and place of the meeting and what happened Exactly twenty per sons put in on appearance to meet the Trustees who turned out in full force along with theirisecrc taPy Mr Smith In the absence of the President and NicePresidenth the Associa tion the chair was taken by Mrs Dowson secretary The minutes of thb previous meeting having been read the following motions were passed That nancial assist ancc for the purchasihg ot equip ment be lven the newlyformed Ferndale ys Club That books and picture in accordance with the requirements of the teacher Mrs Lougbecd be purchased That coat hooks should be placed for the childr clothes in such position that coats etc would b6 dry and warm when the children left school That funds shoul be made available for Christmas party for the children These motions were passed after the treasurer Mrs Coulson htid presented the nancial statement and after the Ladies Sewing Club had informed the meetingwof the very successful results of the haze car held two weeks ago The trus tccs had paid 75 towards piano and the ladies had defrayed the balance of $75 from bazaar re ceipts substantial sum was still left The business portion of the meeting was followed by sing song until such time that allth trustees arrived At the outset it appeared that the Trustees were under the im pression that the main topic was COME fa CASH LOANS 5000300500 OI Ml Loans made on your own signature No cndorsers or bankable security needed HFC specializes in courteous prompt service See tablerepayment plans are tailor made to fit your particular need Phone or come in today ems mom mourn ousmm rim mum nounmyoumn 26 unison 9m locond floor Phonic sum om oimun usual Emulsion St Em 1nd Floor Hum 2394 Mom lo or by appalde bani node In resident of our town mumnisnuiomtc um to be Transportation of children and suggested improvements there of In this matter they promised to do all in their power to have Ferndale scholars who attend Pine Grove School delivered right to the school door and during the winter months to allow the child ren who have to wait for the bus near Ferndale School to shelter in the school porch until the bus ap pears These Area Trustees under chair man Harris appear to be very fine wellmeaning group of gen tlemen and have no easy task in dening the future of education in Vespra School Area in years to come and the thought arose Who would want to be School Trustee in Vespr Nevertheless the main question that required to be answered was What do you intend to do about the future of the schools in Ves pra when they all become over loaded as Ferndale is now It was pointed out that at meeting two years ago the trustees had promisedto take action to see what they could do about the improve ment of Femdale School if the par ents would agree to the children being transported to Pine Grove School as temporary measure This statement was immediately denied by the secretary who claim ed that no promise was nude For two hours discussion took place between trustees puents and others present with reference to future enlarged Ferndale School Luscious my Sputum bismuth mm no morons PM 2187 Ask for Fred Cooper Specialist II the trustees is theipeOple of and additions teacher or the conv struction of the much discussed Area School No heudwny was made The Trustees asked what the Ferndnle people thought about talc ing back under the management of their own local group of trust ees the responsibility of the nehooi It was pointed out by Mr Coul son that such small number was not representative of the Ferndnle taxpayers and that this muttcri should be referred to the nexttax payers meeting It was cvrdent that such action was favored by Disclosure was made of the fact that the disbanded Fern dale Trustees handed over to the Area Trustees $1600 and from that amount plus grants plus taxes collected for educational purposes since that time 3200 had been spent on improving the school yard elec tric lighting had been installed the school had been recently painted and of course the teachers well corned salary had been paid These Ms should be well digested by the taxpayers The consensus of opinion was local board of trustees coul ot do any worse statement by one trustee that it was only mural that he siwuld be mom interested in the school his own chip attended did not uchneumncither did that of another trmtee who appeared to be under the impression that For dale would become part of Bar rie It was eluted out that this could not to place without the sanction of the taxpayers and in any case it was in the distant fut ore At this point theTrustces threw the monkey wrench into the works The secretary infomed the meeting that the trustees did not hold deed for the Ferndale School property that they had been unsuccesful in trying to ob tain one and that the owner of the land had given the land 0n condition that it was used for school purposes only and that it should revort to the owner if used for any other purpose Immedi ately it was evident that no one in sane mind would enlarge school upon land for which no deed was held The bombshell exploded nndtbe general opinion was that nothing further could be done un til contact was made with the own er of the land with view to ob raining deed After this re port would be made to the execu tive of the association Hence the future educational im provements for Ferndale children are still in abeyance but in tne rdsofwthe poet sh not the struggle nought avail eth The labor and the wounds are Vain The enemy faint not nor thileth And as things have been they re mam TIE ACT EDMONTON With the New Year calendar season 313 promising theAlberta legislature is getting into the act The gov mutants calendars 1950 will carry picture of the Legislature mem bers during session Mayor recently opened the nucleusthat from you and sodoes everyr November 30 The teacher and pupils of SS No1 17 Vespra are busy preparing lthcir concert for Monday Dec 19 tat pm TIIIS ZOOPOUND BEAR wakened Joint Sunday School and Public ship by spaniel was brought down with single shot from School concert will take place on by the l5yenrold boy seen here The bear had started to Wltsllt with lFinwults to The North American ipmm AWN 1948 produced 2087412th Collisions with birds over Prest of oil iwxck and Rentrcw Airports in iScotiami have sometimes causcditacture available in quantity and idamage to uircrafta fact whichlPqulllfK WI 1112 Mlenliw N0 Eigtves added point to experiments Special Opemmrs are MM in bird scaring at Prestwick SIcsts are being made with bird lscaring ropes The Chinese have 332 neused fir crackers for thousands of years to scare away evil spirits from his winters nap in Toy town Monday Dee 19 jnme Township the boys father Mr Taylor when son Douglas took the well aimed ll Emu mp mm has bee taken Ha Mrs Chase and ME prince shot The bear turned and eyed the boy in sort of dairi then suddenly are preparing an interesting con slumped to the ground This picture was taken when the boy stopped Donhm this mm event in Barrie for few moments on his way home to Toronto with Sonia Claus On Tuesday Dec the WA will hold their Christmas meeting at the home of Mrs Leslie Bertram There will be an exchange of Christmas gifts Mrs Thompson Mrs Cooke Mrs Ilusscll will be in charge of the program Rev Mr Clements wiU conduct the elec tion of officers Merst lat lon Midhurst East Forum met at the home of Mr and Mrs Coutts lively discussionth placed and evidently everyone agreed that fln My ancial success is NOT the main standard to go by in judging ti good farmer Election of officers resulted as follows Forum officers Maurice Coutts leader Stanley Walt assistant Walter Coutts sec retary Russell Community Chalrmanf Mr Walt Assistant Mrs Lynn Russell Secretary The next meeting will be held at Mr and Mrs Allen Bonneys on Mon day Dec Topic As Others See Us BOND HEAD Emmi December The Mission Band met on Saturday at the Parsonage Mrs Isaac King broke her ankle recently by fall It is very pain ful and second cost has been necessary The United Church choir meets on Sunday evenings for practice as the church is warm all that day Miss Margaret King favored with splendid solo last Sunday Senior Institute The Bond Head Senior Institute metNovember 29 at the home of Mrs Brethet with 22 ladies present The meeting opened with singing the opening Ode The minutes of last meeting were read and adopt ed then correspondence read and business discussed The draw on the quilt was won by Mrs John Leyne the pillow cases won by Mrs Sutherland of Bond Head and the Afghan won by Mrs Woods Bradford There has been bers towards the kitchen cup boards Mrs Kettle Beeton gave $46896 so far donated by the mem Christmas Pudding Mrs Mac donatd Beeton gave demonstra tionson hOoking t9 rug and showed her lovely rugs one of which was shown at the CNE Mrs Stone gave talk on her trip this sum mer across Canada to British Col umbia Seattle San Francisco Los flingeles and badlt upthrough the United States The meeting closed by repeating the Lords Prayer Lunch was mad Unique Wm Geometric Staircase to Public Parts of Londons world famous cathedralof St Paul hitherto inaccessible to the public can now be seen by visitors The Lord of permanent exhibition in the cathedral illustrating the histtiry of the Various churches which have Successlwly occupied this historic site Exhibits are being shown in rooms and corridors Which themselves can be consider edpart of the display and the ex hibit is approached by one of the beautiful staircases in the worldla classical example of tower lot the cathedral and makes for their country MP lot the airfield act as fuses to cX lies of crackers In Housie 0f Commons Ottawatrt3 out On November 17 in the house of commons at Ottawa Julian ll Ferguson member for Simcoc North had verbal tiff with John Francis Pouliot mcmbcr for Icmi scouata Pouliot In all parts of the house members seem to be proud of being Canadian and seem to want to do something as Canadians That is good news It is cheerful and encourag ing Mr Ferguson May Mr Pouliot would ask my hon friend to sit down will not tol erate any interruptions by black spot from Simcoc Mr Ferguson We have to tolcr ate your criticism of previous members of this house Mr Pouliot My hon friend should be 150 years old because he 15 100 years backward Mr Ferguson Black spot Mr Deputy Speaker Order or der Mr Ferguson protest the hon members statement about black spot from Simcoc Mr Pouliot He is Mr Ferguson He has got to ink it back Mr Deputy Speaker Order or der Mr Ferguson We have listened to this long enough Black spot from Simcoe He is one of the blackest spots in the Dominion of Canada hope the hon membcr willbe gentleman enough to with draw the statement he made Mr Pouliot will say red spot Mr Ferguson Very British am glad to say Mr Pouliot That is all right Now Mr Speaker the red spot being erased shall proceed Mr Ferguson You will never easiest Mr Pouliot am not surprised to see the hon member rising in his seat as he does because he is so backward that he reminds me of the time when my ancestors were ghting against bureaucrats and Heading called The Diary ifthe the servile servants of the crown who were so bigoted that they understood nothing am follow ing the traditionmf my family in describing the hon gentleman as he deserves to be without of fence Mr Ferguson Yourfamily was glad to have the support of family and this country in ii es past You fought under the same ag and were proud to do so in those days Mr Deputy Speaker Order Iona is concerned the hon gentle up to scare birds from orchards Arid fiicwmks adopting the enurscry gardens and crops gnow United Kingdom imzmufncturcrs are ilfltil or airfield use limht lttpt strung bethtll Photo by icorgt adogunl poles piodcit pivsct intervals21 serg strung along the Each cracker gives loud iopts yards chain of crackers can Mr louliot is proud of it gm He is proud to lick made up to last eight liotiisl IWith detonations ivory 15 minutes tho blokcs who infst 10 country Matcrials for this method have Mr Ferguson am proud to UV ithc merit of being cheap to manu Brittsh proud to fight for mm and always will iic Mr Deputy Spotthtl OltiCl Mr louliot That being said Mr Ferguson know it irritates you Mr louliot was glad to say what dui to that bigoted gen man who has never understood anything siucc he has been in lhc House of Commons Mr Deputy Speaker Order or der This discussion is all out of order Mr Pouliot Thank you sir This leads me to happy conclusion II have often told my consiitncnts that what rcjoicc about and whai am proud of is that nowl BUPTURED VOU 0WE IT TO YOURSELF T0 INVESTIGATE THE DOBBS TRUSS METHOD FOR TREATMENT OF RUPTURE ITS BULBLESS ITS BEETLESB ITS STRAPLEBI Exclusive Barrie Agent WHITTYS DRUG scone ESSA ROAD ALLANDALE we have Canadian government and Liberal party which arc really Canadian instead of being PURE CANE inspired by impcrialists such as the hon member who has just in tcrruptcd me lie counts for non thing 25c Per Gallon in Buyers Container give credit to the Prime Minister Mr St Latircnti that he has realized that as far as influ man who has just interrupted me BARRIE nous Mitts is noncntity Mr Drcw Mr Speaker it has been difficult to remain silent during some of this discussion but the hon member for Tcmiscouala Mr Pouliot has no right to de scribe anymmcrnber of the house as nonentity or as mattering no thing Evcry hon member of the house has been elected by the people of his constituency and re presents them here think the hon member will do much better if he remembers that and directs his remarks to the subject under discussion Mr Pouliot On aquestion of privilege did not say that the hon member was noncntity said that with regard to his in fluence he was nonentity That is entirely different did not speakdirectly of the lion mem ber spoke of the influence that he has with the government know very well that under prev ious government he would have been an oracle former prime minister would have said We must appease the hon gentleman if he rises there will be thunderi Eplctt Furniture Electric GENERAL ELECTRIC APPLIANCES authorized dealer WESERVICE wasnuus RANGES eIRONERS REFRIGERATORS TOASTERS IRONS VACUUM CLEANERS GRILLS POLISHERS HEATING PADS FANS ELECTRIC BLANKETS AND CARRY LARGE ASSORTMENT or rims 7139 Dunlop St Phone 37121 TRAINED RADIO TECHNICIANAND SERVICWAN storm He has risen and there was no thunderstorm Mr Pouliot will tell the hon member to shut up He reminds rue of frog Mr Ferguson would expect that from you Mr Pouliot He reminds me of frog that tries to be bigger than it really is Mr Ferguson would expect body in the house of Commons We are sick of you Mr Pouliot am not afraid of him will tell him that hispen tormance is exactly asI described itto my constituents when spok to them Mr Ferguson It always will be Mr Pouliot The trouble with theiHouse of Commons erstand nothing who rise when it is not their time do rise whoare backward who are imperialists who are slaves of the empire and who are glad to litEk theboots of the blokes Here is an example of that Ferguson Proudiof it is that gt there its mingrity of bigoted Wrens ingenuyIt isfa unique mom hers who un spiral stair built illthe southwest