Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 1 Dec 1949, p. 9

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num in hunt Only MMBWOIIK IIINIS By Nancy Cleaver cuts teacher said recently have en ilzcr Goodness knows or amt vexy quickly reected in chcrs should sce to it that it is the the childs work Childrrn in the Hli matter of homewwk and other lriiimlS W01 1188 by UN Au antagonistic attitude taut Gugh to do without taking on Wrwnework on the part of mother public school evening course Teai own work and tlzvfi tho maxim crimp cannon SWOIIAS ASSOCIATION met at Mrs Maws home for their November meeting with l8 ladies present During the busi ness period nominating commits tee was named biz Mrs Grant and It Is not the pupils who make Blank girls mother always wurksimsr MEW Plans were mad the themework problem but prfLuul her arithmeuc problems for baking clt Johnstuns home on Friday Dec The missionary enwlopcs were handed in for an afternoon tea and sale of Mrs lrmcnts conducted very tlllcrcslmg rnissronary program things 00 certainly take their children for just little help within 56119111 lem was read by home to rm with them my homework Another father who wag listen ing said quietly Some parents are honestly doubtful of the value of homewurk but since some of if is necessary for the older scholars it might a5 well be doncwillingly and Well cnings homNUFK and WW 19 At hi pm mm mosqnd amount assigned within reason hm vim iablc llmil Many children take musfc lcssons or have other valu SHOULDNT HELP lablc lltlllt$ They SllOllld do urn catch is sewn Junior to few htlllll choirsand thcy do do it himself He comes riccd lilllt time to playfhcy school with envious poms nu rhulfld bu lfl tlic frcsh air after be praisc Philip gets from the teacher mg KIWI many hours for his neat correct answers to all mm lhc homework questions41nd Jun llow often the pros and cons of for says Philips dad docs his home homewor haw btill discussed work for him and that little There Something to bc said for detectives another mother said with lllllt laugh But do think tcachcr should make guess at how long it would take an average pupil to do one WE ADVISE co up the doing of homcwork unfortun THEYRE DEPENDABLE lately is most contentious Subject Perhaps some teachers are poor rare more fwerc separated church is preached in many languagcei cvcry Sunday and the church is fin statc of growth in spite 3f the thc convictions of both tcachcrs my years drougm etc She also and parents In this convorsnlronirmd excelp13 mm tllll is still there It is battle ground in far too many BRIGHTERLASTING BETTER KEEP SPARES ON HAND homes What arc some practical rscful suggestions to parents on iorricwork hints lONI SCORN IT If your child has homework class dont make it harder for him by pouring scorn on homeworkchanccs arc your help Will only which his teacher has given to his UCnlll 110W IIOm Whl they were ers Muir and prayer offered by Mrs Clements paper on Christian Stewardship was read by Beilby in which when an nppcal for hpr was made some iwho hcard it fcltthey had no part lrn it when it was from foreign Hand and tried to dismiss it from lthcir minds Mrs Srlgley gave synupsis of the first chapter of lGrowtng With the Years at book written by missionary and in spired by conference held ovcrr scas of many delegates six from Canada Things which unite us unich than when wr referring to union The gospel missionary who has spent many years in China Christian work is flourishing even if some churches are closed The tea hostesses were Mrs Wood and Mrs Maw School subjccts are taught so diff whcn parents were young that awouuiuw is RED CROSS WORM AT STAYNEB The WA of the United Church ms Stayner Sun Business and pleawre rm hip pily combined when the WV of the Stzyner branch of the Red Cross Society met in the ambert Hotel Monday evening Nov 14 be held Mm The occasion was complimenhry varied services rendered so willlng dinner given by members of the Executive to Ilia Kathleen Menu who has been awarded Badueof Scrvlcc by the Canadian Red Cm Society The party consisted of lmcmbers of the executive with their wlves and husbands The coldest Rev Graham acted am of ceremonies and Costly Fm Health Service By LEWIS MILLIGAN The free National Health Service in Britain said to be the most popular of the reforms introduced by the Labor Government That is not to be wondered at for any thing that is five is bound to be popular and as health is of first importance the Government has been credited with great achieve ment for public welfare But health services in Britain did not originate with the Labor Govern Mr Graham then called on the secretary Rev If Currie to readl lthe correspondence regarding ml award to Miss Melina and invited Dr Ives to make the mutation Reviewing briefly the many and and so efficiently by Miss McRac the Red Cross through the years Dr Ives made special mention of her work in connection with the Blood Dunors Clinic during the war and to the Xray clinics held more recently Her Work In help lingtoorgunze bosomdd icnrryiu on ma episodes after Ole toast to the King cnlledgof the locll brand wag worthy of on each of the gentlemen for an their highest praise And If by llerdinner Speech song or My an unanimous vote of the Stayner The request met with no refusals branch at the last annual meeting and resulted in delightful series that her name was sent forward to of stories contributed by Rev headquarters as deserving of the If Currie Dr Ives Br Jewett award of merit Jonas Powers Goldwyn Wheeler Amid hearty applause Dr Ives and the president then presented the decoration Independence Of India Poses New Problems For Clergy 8c Missions riblc he said and gave an estim ated figure of 5000000 dead In pcndence for that country but they Calcutta stabbings on the streets posed serious new problems for the clergy and missionary services Rev Emmi Sanbayya MA BD professor of Bishops College Calcutta said this when he spoke at Trinity Anglican Church Wed nesday evening Mr Sanbayya first came to this continent in June when he took were common but crosses chalked on clothing of Christians gave some immunity The Sign of the cross is still to be seen on hundreds of Calcutta houses he said Under the protection of the um brella of British rule the Indian church grew but now it is exposed to and suffering froma chaotic environment meat they hue extended enorm ously in the last hundred years and have been free to those who could not afford to pay for them lived half my life in England and can testify that there was more free mcdical service and hospi talization there than therc has ever been in Canada Really all that the Labor Gov ernment has done is to make these services free to everybody whether they can afford them or not That would be wonderful thing if it were possible for government to maintain it But unfortunately It is not possible as the Labor Government has dlscoveredap parently to its surprise and cer tainly to its financial embarrass ment Evidently something was wrong with its calculation of the cost of the undertaking or per haps it wouldbe kinder to attri bute the failure of the scheme to miscalculatlon of human nature The fact is the scheme has been too popular even for Mr Aneurin lBevan who originated it He did not anticipate that so many people would be running to the doctor with every little ailment and that the demand for free hospitaliza 8mm 31er MONTREAL The festive season around the corner meamextm baking for all those wonderful occasrons when friend drop in to wish Good Cheer And of course chocolate cakes cookies and candles are sum to be popular For fullflavoured real chow late flavour heartily recommend BAKERS UNSWEI llSNlCD ClltleOIAIE Only the cliorcest cacao beams are used in Bakers Chocolate and they are skilfully roasted to the peak of avour than milled to glorious 3mg smooth perfection Nothing is Added shouting 15 random thats why Bakers Chocolate has been favounm many homes for almost 190 years Its Not Too Late to bend for your free copy 04 PM Hunters Christmas cook book Surh good idea to have wealth of Christmas recipes on hand for your furn ill8 and fricnds dclightl And lnulmc Htmty ultimo Cooking with Five Hosea flour is brim ul of recipes like Plum Pudding With Fruit ance Irnce Moat TartsFruit Cukcl NOVS the time to write or it simply drop note to Pauline Har tty PO Box 6500 Montreal PQfor your free BUYS wwuys mun mlovmaw Are You Tired From Head To Toe after it buy day of Christmas Shopping Its no wonder the thought of cook ing big dinner for our family just oesnt appeal to youl Thats rmliy II OVENBAKED BEANS are more than taste lrcat those busy busy December days Theyre boonnbleaaing to us footweary altoppersl We simply havent time to plepm fussy suppcrsbut its very envy to prepare delicious ones when Heinz OvenBaked Beans are the main dish There are four kinds now so youre bound to strike it favourite Helm Baked Its No Luck Its Not WII culry the knack of succmful baking lies in the knowledge of the right way to use the right in gredients and good tested recipes thn say the right in gredicnts mean the best ingredi cnts like SWANS DOWN CAKE FLOUR For here is cake flour that has given women bcflcr cakcs for years cakes that are lighter more tcndcr and moist more cvcmgmmcd Swans LlllKlSlflg the teacher or by being confuse your lOlmgSlGF as W011 AS SlUdY Post as Foreign F6110 Beans wrtb Pork Beans In To ltoo anxious for perfect record from your child in his school marks Accept liomcwork as job to be done regularly without fuse This piece of work if done wcll by the lpupil on his own will help him in habits of concentration and self disciplinc It will also add to his knowledge and grasp of his school work Provide place for your child to studyif possible table and chair in room by himself See that he lis comfortable and that the light ning is good The family living room often has radio on as well as other interesting interruptions Neither does the kitchen table if people are coming in and nut pro vide the quiet atmosphere for aca demic work Help your child to budget his hours out of school wisely Have set time whcn he agrees to begin homework each evening denite other substitute time between four oclock and supper is necessary on the special occasions when this evening schedule is broken into IIIIAIDISIIII flUOIISCINI UPHOISIERING CHESTEst AND OCCASIONAL CHAIRS PAIRED AND RECOVERED Factory Guarantee Free Pickup Delivery STRATFORD UPlIlllSTElllllll 00 92 Brunswick St Stmtford For further information enquire at EPLETTS Furniture Electric Sales and Service aPHONE 3721 13QDunlop St Barrie have study hours begun and end cd by bell This is an easy way to remind youngster thatbome schools also usually provide 51m plc snack at bed tlme of Crackers and cheese or some other light re freshment This is jolly session Mother or dad should take few minutes to be sociable with boy or girl at home at snack time after homework is done just be fore sleep time Have casual attitude to your childs homework Remind him it is his job not yours You have your own evening tasks to see to Be very sparing in your assistance fitsbalanced perfectly soft Cathazlngly strong Many boarding school students work time has come tcnd to make him leaner Hello Homemakers The long and short of our electric power situation is that once more perhaps for the last time homemakers are called upon to demonstrate their ability in wasteless electric cook cry By so doing you will help to insure the supply of power for in dustries and farms Furthermore you help your fam ily by keeping your food and fuel bills under good control Food cooked too long and at excessive temperatures will shrink to the ex tent that you Iose servings and food values Always turn the switch to the lowest point at which it Will keep your kettle boiling When the oven is preheated to are desired temperature brtlieftbe of top and bottom oven elements the food can be more quickly cook ed The food may be removed on schedule if you check the time ac cording to the amount and kind of pans being used in your home Then too make use of the stored heat in the oven by cooking cus tards primes figs or apples The method is simply turn the oven to Off place small quantity of food in shallow pan and leave in the oven for one hour Prepare diced potatoes and cook inra small quantity of waterone inch of water in the sauCepan IS sufficient It saves cooking time to start with warm tap water and boiling period is minimum when straightsided saucepan with tightfitting cover is used Prepare carrots turnips beets parsnips in evensized slivered pieces and cook only until tender By all means use pressure cooker if you have one Leftovers may be steamed us ing colander or sieve over potato kettle cover closely with alumi num foil to keep steam within the container Utensils such as chicken fryer or deep frying pan wlth cover can be used to cook large quan tity supper dish quickly To name some of these there are chop suey stewed beef meat balls with mush rooms and canned peas sweet breads and rice vegetable or cheese omelettes macaroni and cheese tOmatoes and spaghetti fried chick en sausages and countrystyle po tatoes Although vegetables are best in avor and value when fresny cooked there are many foods which may be cooked in sufficient quantity to provide for two meals most desserts including cookies cake muffins biscuits Pastries and fruif many kinds of meat especial ly roasts and meat extras Pour small amount of boiling water oneggs to be hardcooked cover andmtand 15 minutes Without heat Abide byithe best nutrition rules andserve one raw vegetable every day maintain mutant hold in your electricrrefrigerator by keep ing everything covered except foodsjin natural covering such as citrus fruits and eggs Store Only those productsth require cold prescrvation pickles cautionar maladegketc do not to belt refrigeratorDefrot the Migerq temperature The be ator quicklyand ref gnome 2cm the Union Theological Seminary New York He is graduate of Cambridge and Calcutta Universit ies and was Commissary to the Metropolitan of India in South In dia He is now on speaking tour of the US and Canada Shortage of clergy and mission aries is one great effect of inde pendence he said and pointed out that the Indian Ecclesiastical Es tablishment went out of being when the British withdrew Although Indians wanted inde pendence this and partition have created much havoc defense economy and transport posed immigration problems be tween Paklstpn and India swirled racial riots resulting in great blood shed and misery The clergy was caught in the melee and disrupted to point where it must have aid although the Indian clergy is carrying ch as well as it can under the diffi culties Exemplifying Mr Sanbayya said at one point refugees in the political strife reached the figure of 4000000 Massacrcs were ter jeopardized lililtlij Nook SOME ADDITIONS TO THE LIBRARY SHELVES FICTION The Chain by Paul Wellman The Bright Coin by Elizabeth Seifert The Highest Hill by HingBrown Vittoria Cottage by Stevenson The Young Mc Dermott by Edward McSorley High Holiday by Kathleen Nor ris The Innocent Traveller by Ethel Wilson NONFICTION Collected Poems by Raymond Knister The Autobiography of Will Rogers How to Build Your Own House by Douglas Tuomey The North Star is Nearer bvave Iyn Eaton Dickens by Hesketh Pearson Saint Among the Hur ons bva Talbot MYSTERIES AND WESTERNS The Untamed byMax Brand Innocent Bystander by Craig Rice The Notched Hairpin by Heard The Stirrup Boss by Peter Dawson Sagebrush Bandit by Bliss Lomax Case of the Cau tious Coquette by Erle Stanley Gardner off ice is to Iturn the dial to defrost or Off remove milk etc and spread pad of newspaper on top shelf place pan of hotwater in the freezing unit sort and clean out foods lift off ice using wood en spoon or something that will not pierce the unit then take out paper and ice and return foods to correct place leaving space aroun rectangular dishes gt THE QUESTION BOX Mrs rcqngsfs the following recipe FRUIT STUFFING FOR GOOSE l4 cup melted butter tbsp green pepper tbsp minced onion It cup chopped celery 44 tsp ground cloves tsp paprika cup Sultana 92 cup crushed fruit 13le 2ftspsrna1tW cupsbread combs Mix ingredients welt andisprfn fuel with warm water Stuff lightly Info fowl murm this carom accompanme CRANBERRY AND 8111 saw 71 cups uncooked crapberriea water Boil together 10 minuf strain into bowl Mix 14 at with If tbsps gelatin guilds for skimmed cup juice well Mix In gelatin until ed qulvlandii add inufa and 11 cup Put mixture into mama andcliitt untotum He said his country is indebtct to European countries for install ing and fostering Christianity but now the Indian church must launch out against this great problem What is wanted is an Indian church administering to the Indian people under Indian leadership lion drugs dentures eye glasses wigs corsets etc would be so enormous All of those things cost real moneymot to mention profes sional fees salaries hospital main tenance and general administra tionand since government has Withdrawal of the British from India and Partition meant we no money except what it receives from taxation it has had to dig dte Into the lcs oclrcts 0nd and third generations of in 3de to Day 1093 min 801 Christians who do not possess eith Vices But Mn Bevan has novel or enthusiasm of converts or mel theory of taxation At recent lowed faith 0f01dr Christians press conference he explained that The young People tend out the health services were not an church laws and in ome cases are addition to the total expenditure marrying nonChristians of the nation but gigantic trans Progress of the church is imped cd by necessity of coping with scc wonderful miracle The Christiarrpocket to the public purse That church has the opportunity to pro sounds quite reasonable in the duce literature phase needing abstract but as The Economist development in India The Christ London points out not only does ian Church must discover new it ignore the increase in demand averiues of presenting the gospel that arises when services are no since the new government policy longer paid for directly by the in hus reducd influence pf the church dividual It ignores the total et in schools and colleges fect of all such transfers on the The Indian church is beginning national finances new life in all aspects he seidand Mr Bevan is also quoted as say voiced r1 plea for missionary people ing The possibilities of taxation who will stand behind the Indian are infinite by which he must church and preserve its zeal mean that there is no limit to the amount of money government Robert Scruton But India is on the eve of er of expense from theprivate Acup gratedcarrot Icotd gluecenvwhcn dressing is on an lt could transfer from private pockets Has Cabinet Shop to the public treasury and conse Quite number of individual on terprises have been comingalong quietly but steadily in different parts of the town Among these is The Cabinet Shop located at 241 Bradford St The ownermanager Robert Scruton son of Mr and Mrs Scruton 243 Bradford St was rais ed here and has been interested in woodworking since boyhood Prior to the last world war he was with the late Lorne Latap ville contractor During the war he was for over two years with the Ordnance Corps in Montreal on that work and about three years ago opened up small shop at the rear of his home As business increased he found it necessary to nd larger build ing and so erected new shop far ther back on the property It is 24 ft by 36 ft with storage room above Modern equipment has been added gradually and includes band saw planer sandeflathe drill etc giving every facility for Athe construction of kitchequip ment builtin cupboards and cab inets to order store equipment rebuilding furniture and recondiJ ttoning antiques During the past year some of the work done included cabinets and show cases foerixies Smoke Shop equipment and trim for the Roxy candy bar for Bloomelds Grillia Corner Cupboard and many other specialty jobs Mr Scrufon is sometimes rather nonplussed by the requests receiv ed but usually carriesthe order gt through succeSSfully recent problem was the com siraction on small vcnfoof scale ofaferris wheel for the window of Whittys Drug Store suggested by Mrs Whitty as dolls Sufficient to say that it was built and is operating steadily powe ed displayfor National quently no limit to the amount of services and goods which could be made free to everybody But Mr Bevans colleagues in the Cab inet do not agree with him in thdt They have decided that the Health Service is too costly and have orderedthat pat icnts in future must pay for pre scriptions This it is thought will prevent much of the abuse of the service and relieve the con gestion in aurgeries dentistries and optical parlors In cases of real hardship prescription fees would be remitted but that would call forameans test which it seems to me would be contrary to the main principle and purpose of the scheme Looked at from the Socialist point of view From each accord ing to his abilities to eachac cordingto his needs the free forall health service is unjust be cause if gives to the rich man service for which is is well able to DBYhigh fees Under the new ruling he will not mind paying for any number of prescriptions for he is getting the service at great reduction while the poorer man is worse off than be was form erly when he could get the service for nothing To be just and fair allround the rich man should be made to pass means test as well as the very poor man If the State is goingforesolve itself into charitable institution it cannot get away from themeans test and give to each according to his needs FLANNELCENT Newfown onrthe bank of the sevrnlver is the flannelgmanuv during centre of Montgomery County Wales by smallelerctrlc motor is the format MisstEeeneEvansof Simmer and they have two child boy and girl IIVERYTHINS if Mf Scratch Is marriedgliis wife Down you know is siflcd again And again until it is 27 times as fine as ordinary flour There are fretcd recipes on the package mnlo Sauce Red Kidney Beam and Boston St le Beans in M0 lruncs Sauce lry all fourl youll like them all Light Tender Perfectly Lede these Cheese Teal Biscuits an ample reason why so many women depend on CALU MET BAKING POWDERS doubleaction to give superb quality toall their baking CHEESE TEA BI m5 cups sifted our teaspoons Calumet Bnk ng Powder 12 teaspoon salt tublespoonsbutter or other shortenlng cup grated Contain cheese 34 cup milk about Sift flour once measure ldd baking powder and Bil sift again Cut in shortening and choose Add milk gradually until soft dou formed Tum out Immediately on all htly floured board knead seconds or enough to shape Rol lZ lnc 1hlck cut with floured 134 Inch biscuit cutter Bake on ungrensed baking sheet In hot oven 450 deg 12 to Ill minutes Makes 24 biscuits Removes Unwanted Hair Moles and Warm Enormous HELEN BLACKMORE Late of Hfscott Institute Toronto Will be at Regina Curl Shoppe 58 Elizabeth St from Dec to Dec 10 inclusive and for one week in each month thereafter Open Tuesday and Thursday evenings Consultations Free For Appointment Phone 4311 Complete Safety Crisis No More As registered pharmacists we give you quick de pendable service at no extra expense Our fresh live pharmacals give you exactly what the doctor ordered mums Post Office Jznannm PHONE 2903 our STORE

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