rrie High Bring or Phone your Ailblot IMOSeton $30 oclock Saturday or Wednesday word cull minim in um 35 ma charged Inlnlrutun 50c ta EBCI Valodictojlian Address look Dequ iGiVen By Jean Camthors Mia Jenn Carruthen wm very nations of the world EGram Company gAcquiresWr Oi Bus System rite BarrieAlllnlxle Bu Limited has disposed of its not sch buses equipment etc to the Greer Tansthth Company Ltd whee propled IIILPWANIED IDDLI AGED WOMAN wanted or housemrk Tw0 adults Aggy tBABY PRAM like new Apply ate velllm to Ph 4037 bi 1049 smartest stenomplm withls nassszs tile tile in ma not roadru knowledge of bookkeepiggnnrger loondition Phone 3063 70304 Ill WM mag no Lain an lng M11190 Phone I496 lBtb late to unir lud FOR Reeve urvoousnsurm Last Saturday evening there an accident on Highway it Pnimwick lbtal damagelo carswas about $100 car travelling north and drivetiat by Pltua Larkin neglillside Ave Toronto was struck car truth mfmlloioxm lolling south and driven by Wilfred be C00pl RR Stroud PmVnm EJSTQJM Douglas Roberts investigated VWW iof Mr and Mrs Curr sidestep iuuu scheme to outwit i154 Elisabeth Street was um each other ad build upooonfuxlon ltorhn for her eta It the Buck which they about untangle and District Collegiate Institute all Of course we could all use the their annual commamute answer which Virhinsky has adopt lclsts on Friday evening Winner ed as his unqualied reply in all JOHN DEERE tractor Model on Do nothpm metal imtucea but We as the future gen new PIIRSIAN LAMB coat Must rubber yr old noicmp hydraulic Km gummy cation must think through these tSehool Bursary TOO small for wev amexgnsfk$lwas head glrllast year attne school matters and decide for ourselves Best 0m accepted owner hagland vcry actch in School affairs what is best and above all right Sal mensume CHRISTMAS TREES for sale smaller tractor Morrison Crown particularly in the Glee Catalina him it matter sfgilco Agepxouenalar lament my Hamid wauwm phone Hm Banw 34341 7835bbaskctbilll She is now It mg angels to or lg flee Barrie 184859 78385p iNormal School which do remain constant These WWO SPACE HEATERS new Shurheat CANARIES for sale hens 75l slngers $8 and up Tale one AIUUOR OIL COMPANY opentigllg 48 gt in District OICIH Barrie re aura immediately stenograph er Preferably feme Wm general business qualifications Opportun ities excellent Capable person would soon assume charge of of Final arrangements between ilAMED RIVER the two companies were made The Severn River in England is this weekend i220 miles long The Greer Co agreed to the terms and conditions laid down by the town council and which were not satisfactory to the Bar rieAllandale Bus Ltd Salter manager of the latter firm states he is wholly in fav or of granting the franchise to the Greer Company The Greer Transportan is well known to Barrie ptople They are experienced in the business andme are glv ing good service torhy between Barrie and Camp Borden and can be depended upon to take care of the expanding needs locally stated Mr Salter CHILDS caoMBlE oulnc cap coat The valedictory address followazl arc not written statements the and leggings in good condition the presentation of scholarships laws of the land are but the quail Will heat or rooms Cash or lms Phone Striiud 32 ring size 45ycnrs $500 also blue coal and prizes tics of truth loyalty honesty kriml and 10880185 Apply Apl 131 For the at five cars we the ncss and goodness in avg POULTRY AND EGGS wanted 11 743154 nglgst prices paid We Will call 000 48 Hayeld 74 class of 49 have been striving to been the means of mans progress hlins Egg and Poultry Sla RENT CGE romsnan It will lwards the 0nd of very definite throughout the ages It takes tio Arliaton Phone 77 MMplmw you time genmg your 00 MANS WINTER COAT 529 lot goal Tonight that goal has becnilifciinic to achieve these qualities at HOUSE All ELECTRIC pressure pump used la brown ledms 39 reached and it is with feeling at to perfection School life plays Brown Slnyner bleghonelmonths childs pedal dump truckl ESTABLISHED 30 YEARS Pilllllllll REAL ESTATE BROKER Houses Lots Tobacco 8t General Farms Exchanges Insurance MARKLE Mgr 69 CollierSt thumbs ER New Lowell Phone 102124 LIST YOU PROPERTIES WITH US new Mineslnf Ont Each successive year we looked cd not only formulae and symbols CBIFFIN PEKRWAYthAlgzgguacggxg forward to the new friends activi but by ourselves and through nc Charles Griffin given another 351111165523 2mm time phone lies and ideas We would cncounterltuel experiments we learned to acclamation for deputy move of 309 744p here Each year was packed With Search for the truth as did Madame Batrlc reported to the ratepayers busy hours of work and play In Curie at the public meeting last Illtltly hl meEn coat 5m 14 out retrospect the memory of the liapt Could any of us ever travel mt Business C01 ege 66 Torqz yohgion rcasonable Applyxim py associations and days filledlfar or meet so many different types Referring to his three years us Phone 4824 Bayfleld St 784 with school activities tepeatedlyiof People as We are DNVileged chairman oi the board of works appear before us and am surolmeet through books Could we he said new equipment had been that many of us regret that we noicver hear so many individual ideas bought and new sewer equipment longer wear the black crimson and and experience half so many ad had increased the service to the are ate ivory which we worc prouldly for ventures as we do by reading public so long Through the study of history and Mr Compare Barrie Consumption for lastweek with Whata difference there is upon literature we reach an understand IEL POWER chain saw complete Consumption for the same week last year ll oberlson IPhone new Too small for present own with vice and fuel we demonsm graduation While here we en mg of the people of the wmt 1949 1948 ldenvored to accomplish the rcquir world May this understanding 18rl5 Stroud H4per Phone 3705 7841 282 6RegiIm sacrice Phgna40ggted academic Smidmg to make itnnd sympathy lead to complete our MONDAY 80400 03600 KW Hours TUESDAY 72800 56800 KW Hours ACCOMMODATION WANTED ORDERS TAKEN for bolmogether possible for us to enter chosenopcratiom WEDNESDAY 82800 60000 KW Hours lfield omeorc advanced training From books we learn of mens II You It In at EATING TURNIPS 5316 Apply This attained we find ourselves noblest deeds But it is not enough THURSDAY 79200 58800 KW Hours FRIDAY 701800 61600 KW Hours at St Phone Cabin on Pearson Thornton Highway 27 ANTED TO RENT loomed faced witha Wider horizon so vast to know what is fine and noble d5p ay it Owen St near rov north of Thornton 784p 1y more complicated and so much we must pm our Ideals m0 pm we ARE DIRECTED Bvllvnno TO REDUCE CONSUMPTION BY IMMEDIATELY house unfurnished adults lclc St GANDER AND geese for sale more difficult to cope with that we two In sports and extracurricu 3500 to 4000 KW Ilrs Dally 117985p are forced to look toward new lar activities we have liad an op FURNISHED HOUSE or apartment 30223Quebec on heme la32p and more definite goal portunity of doing this To not How different it is to follow thealong with ones schoolmates is hospital referred Apply mans brown overcoat size fair Eggrgfeetioiglfi glgoairlltllltfg erent types of skilled labor Now Shakespeare once said Then is $10000 for the repair and replace ngg 4200 many extras Apply owner 4493 there are so many branches in tidein the affairs of men which ment of 1dewalk9 pne each eld that we as graduates and taken at the flood leads on 10 10I Mr Griffin said building per ml 5mm 16 ladys bl pride and satisfaction temperedmost important part in their forma slmng coat sue 33 phone 435 with touch of sadness that we lion and application Bucmnan 2759 bid farewell to the BCI In our science classes we learn 74J2 3850 suit child 36 yrs Telephone 819 ring 13 744p PROPERTY FOR RENT ADDING MACHINES and type writers for 3e or rent at Barrie OFFICE SPACE for rent 26 Eliza beth St Apply Home Appliance Shop Barrie 151501 BEDROOM suit business people BEAUTIFUL English springer pup Breakll id Welling meal re istered stock good pros les 00 PhOIle 4529 53 ts easonable Mrs Lover Wasaga Beach 52W 783lt8flb LARGE ROOMS for jehtnewly decorated modern nveiilences BLACK CLOTH COAT persin SPY AND BALDWIN apples No No Kathadin potatoes Win ham cook stove year old Ray ebb 15r24 Siroud 701b Griffin said something would have to be done about the sewage disposal plant The boy had been placarded this past year because the water was not safe for swimming He hoped to have another location for new sewage plant iii the near future The deputy reeve referred to his service as director of the chamber of commerce and he stressed the benefit this had been to the town In the past year 10872 feet of sanitary sewers had been built in Barrie at cost of $35000 An other 5000 feet had been petitioned for The chairman of the board of works spoke of his efforts to get sidewalks built in the past three years He said Bradford St side walk had been rebuilt at cost of are Referenc required Ap $81 lamb trim 18 to 20 sure goo as Bargain size cabins any 740185p USED SKATES bought sold and exchanged Childrens small sizes and ladys white skates urgently needed Golds Clnpperton St phone 54041 MEN ted rooms EMPIRE COAL and woodyange seffcgrtftnineg Kilrllnished or un cream enamel With reaervmr and references warming oven also mediumsized wanted for the winter nlonths Dec Best references Apply Shoe Repair 74333 PRIVATE AAPARTMENT wanted planned and directed way pointed only the beginning We must carry by quictcouple unfurnished cen out by the teacher than to stum trally located Phone 3032 ll84blble along by oneself trying to find world BED SITTING room for lwov the answers to the innumerava Our own country and the world Phone 456 cumberland Street problems confronting us today at large will be the benefactors if Quebec heater Both in good con lproblems the answers to which wo the graduates of our schools show Barrie Exam 2210 78384 must find ourselves and in our own themselves loyal courageous kind 1144b 3031M eROOMED HOUSE insulated WW and lovers of mm and freedom 0R FURNISHED ROOMS LOOK SALE 305 maple Skis Storm Windows screens burner There was time when ones The school has given us these price heated garage new school two Th IICd by young couple I10 Ch with harness 0168 Ski DOOlS 3129 choice Was hmned to no or threeless gls and to we say an $1535 He urged the culzenso ye bOlh Working Vcmm womans Ski slacks size 12 blocks away mmedlate possessmn professions and three or four diff you support the bylaw l0 DYOVlde Barrie Examin this trait with us into the outside furnished xcellent Apply to Box iner ladys winter coat size 78 1684th BUSH roll sAILE from as section GENTAir Force officer wlft baby require atroomed furn ed or unfurnished apartrnent and frig if posmbln Telephone 118384 but all CHRISTMAS GIFT suggestion for your home Glamitize and modernize your windows With FlexaluleenetiaE Ilgalindst Villont so uokeorrus yocean RoglltdCy Phone 840 7841353 ui pe wi ga an and p0 Water may be de er COIL 14 40 acres 30 bus T919 livereti Earn your nearest creek phone 49W Cookstown Graceey 300 good tr guanine told Elson aw HOUSES FOR SALE for any kind of ros ectiv bu ranging frompstulflo toetltswotleSsplendld lo terms immediate posSessxodf Listinigs wanted cationsu good late 24 Dunlo Real Books St Barrie Phone 5387 of Om Station Om SQ models $1750 up 716838485861 coal and wood Good Cheer circu Mrl Dennis Moran White Rose Service HM Station Bayficld St Barrie Tele SMAELMOOMED cabin lot mat en soil small fruit phone 2907 gt 779870 USED RADIOS mantel and floor used Quebec heaters small and large sizes used Ilater excellent condition Beach cook stove oil converted special $35 Allandale Hardware Tradein Store Phone 2944 78411 WHEN YOU consider buying vacuum cleaner call the Filter Queen man See for yourself the sensationally new and different HOUSE FOR SALE 100m and machine No dirty bag to empty large sunriiom all convenliences a1 extra ar garage ossessmn gTh arltlicuiars phone gles Alliston 17 is ouse Alliston one block ved stree AF 4b once For full 15 on Tracy relieves hay fever and dust aller The ultra modern is avail ablewit buytliebbsolete Roy honnMOZ Losr ANDFOUND LOSTFrom James McFaddens pasture Lot 72 05 F108 Here fordIIeifer no horns red spot on accruing years Finder notify 7584851 Bert Ionson Elmvale 53cm 174485 srnaivno 10 plilssarwit McLean yearling red heifer slip in right ear Phone 2r22 Ivy LOSTBrown wallet in Robinson Hardware Tuesday containing sum of money Finder please return to Robinson Hardware 178410 awAM WANTEDBy an elderly widower respectable eiates good home more than high wages All conveniences Apply Box 43 Barrie Examiner l84p LOCAL NEWS Commencing Dec 3our store at Grimewill be open until pm Saturdays until after Christmas Singer Sewing Centre 112 Missis lt8lp reliable middleaged Woman as housekeeper who appre professioankers are confused by tune That tide is beneath us now their variety and bewildered by and we must ride upon it until it their advantages and widespread overows for us into all that we opportunities lplanned strived and worked for Even right and Wrong have takl during the past five years en on so many shades ofcolor thatl Thank you Mayer Opposes Wilson For Mayors Chair Continued from page one Included among those who won acclamaiions was Mrs Mercer Hamilton the only womafi member of council The other representa tive for Ward will be Roy Christie In Ward the representatives will again beHenry Norton and Arthur Harrison Ward will again be represented by Reginald Ayres and Arthur Pugh SCHOOL BOARD Gladstone Currie JIIGable 1he two Barrie w0men were take land Charles Newton won acclama tlons for seats on the public school board Stewart KC won an ac clamationrfor another term on the mils had totalled $1918530 and had included 218 new houses in the past year This meant that the sewer service would have to be expand ed Qt TwoBy Maki Recovery From uto Accident Mrs Cecil Barrett and her moth erinlaw Mrs Barrett both of Barrie are making favorable re covery following serious motor accident last Thursday Mrs Barrett Jr is the wife of the operator of the Active Taxi Mrs Barrett Sr is the mother of Cecil Barrett The two women were driving home from Toronto last Thursday afternoon during storm The car went out of con trol mile scuth of Richmond Hill and crashed into tree on by ambulance to Toronto Mrs Barrett Sr is still conned to St MichaelsHospital at Toronto Mrs Barrett Jr was brought to Barrie last Friday night and she is now SIMCQE DISTRICT If you want fast growth and economical gains more pounds of pork per bag of feed see us about loll PHONE 2429 84b public utilities commission fficers already LONG TRIBUTARY YRawle business now addition to the Xgcme trade wen em ggdekgleaasl piggy on Mfp mentioned in Thursday sreport on PERCY CONRAD LLOYD who illthe Huanaga mm of Fem shed lmcellem op ottunlt Full the election in the BaYVleW Chap died 13 was was bum in rises in the Andes and flows north me write at one R8Wi his1 STRAYED from Lat 20 can ta the orderbf the Eastern mmeum 0811mm on Sat wards for some 700 miles beforelt and oinpany at Windsor Mills Q39 M93091 Velma 31171 burgh lighting EtgflngthgggidMsL333 day qumbgge Mnhngygwm litn5 the Amazon Quebec in 1866 mum WilburDObsmjl qu su Lowest marshal hillrectoryge or lth Iiibbl DaVlSlMgnsgvflsfggpgga years Ile diedat thefamily rest adlan 90011917 to denote 127 Toronto street Surviv Jews Willbe the 51 er lngarehlswlfelie former Beatrice ni his dinner meeting of the Ki mania Club oraarieatcommuqlty mt CW Lloyd HouseHitssultjectdwiuittMlatitlf ursdav Dee 1MrsRusseli in Bridal 01500 Wu em ers TillintWHtlagfl lg Citin 11585 oilg c1153 Club are to be guests Winter WeatherArrlves miles west ornuon he on tame R4 sale of farm stockand lmpl inggggcifggfw on the Brad Colder with Heavy snow merits including tractor equt an he bigKw has HIGH Low intent Terms Allfsums gt $5for 31 08 NOV 17 20 va r1 unddr ctlsh over thit beellllaneed W3 10 Nov 18 27 dollhfjnonths credit will be Brampton He will be in charge NOV 19 24 arties furnishigg alto kitcriminal investigations anddea 20 Sam at 12 Illmt taehnint work inIPeel County He NQLLZI 11 034 whereintwain spend 11 years ova ofvtlte nav 22 anBortd fibemmltrm and like Nov 21 28 at the Royal Victoria Hospital EARLY PAPER INDUSTRY The first chemical pulp mill for paperQ2was built by AngusLogan 50mm WANTED STRAYED from Con Lots 17 gt llia and 18 F103 yearlin red heifer saga DEALERWANTED for the New improved HORNET mm to to fell trees out logsanti makeode Nd too tough to be felled in few minutes cuts haul true it mifrozen wood Bladelengths up to for twoman triarutbp 103f0l0nevman saw have Trestle ml NEWTWQWAII now SAw 00 ligrpspmaii high roduc ellth gt WAR ISSEtScltau Propertyat to War Assets comment rcltaseofithe Crownserri ii titlpemliirm mag partof the oaltwr Mrs Edward it Prints finite