Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 28 Nov 1949, p. 3

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OldsPHome 1r RobblaeDf Barriew nut Has Charge 0f Identification by minim for mu Victim Of Nororiic Disaster live for lhmstlvcs cod no content to Illewthofr imnmxvmmey rm cargof posterity The elderly mother the loyalty loud to be hood of tligomehold but they have now been plumbed aside and Dr Robert Dellaey non of seem to have is afraid of their Mm Mr and in It Delaney oflstroycd while theres Atriumh authority III the horn now in the olden Burk head group at the Bant Lims times the children in many cases exhre it and painful control is in Institute in Toronto who are Sept 11me entirely lilictting Even parents uld not always respect themlmmg and comparing inform ilvt 1w as they there were no pollccmen trolling the streets as mm to idmmv the Victims of mo grandam reminder p8 lloromo harbor Noronlc disasterl 1m Wbfm Eh Plldii in rm Domed mat mere Initial intrusive Ltirontrs mquly More that muting else how to deny were 28 unidentlebbodl still 30mg on in an attempt to= in beef the result of the decline of home may om we ship re 19 male and identify all thc Victims so that my NC by It It Of the mne mug The uienusu were loath certificalgs can be issued IN uent Rollie this they do lly of cram one new identicaion Without identification of each Vlc cfdfrcnto the me about um was in day tlm rclaflvcis cannot settle on estate lhcy cannot claim insurance times The latest method used in ldeull and the marital status of hus Chlwrenwere never more delightful lbw they now are its fiatlon is an elimination lest dc build or ml is in doubt up to 113 parents to see to it that their Best Friend has the most velopedp bydDrDDelzirlieyi W412 The search will ms me rim xzrkgxoisssifg mzhumgi mo he vincc of Ontario and the ltv uf AttorneyGenerals Deparlmmt mm 03 5000 The method resemble cross Tile gcncrzll method of lltfri word puzzle Names and the mg onuws First pclsouul iffccts of the made more difficult because 11 with limits x625 like victims were from other com 31031 the 4155M and man werc clad to aim sclothcs Most people in bod were lobel In it time 31 not wearing watches or jowellery have been gt with cool body One case in Dr Delaney files valuoble in Milking shows how an Xray of peculiar mom ble mind Ebonc in mnns pelvis checd tilts weeks since firc do the Canada Steamship lake cruiser Nomnic on It cost 118 people their It is nine 17 their put illonored place in the home loo In the oldfashioned home the mother was the nurse the adviser everythlngond was the centre around which everything revolved and her word was low Women now have their rights but they have been won at the eXpense of authority over her children She had more rights in the old days than she has now amdzhngnd ULLSS checked leth an most valuable licle Wlill jcwcllcry But there ore those who claim the mother has as much right in leferellce ellmlmlw mad dcmls 1h do do mt 9p licxt Thou lJIlllIICS uc ilnim ml Xlziys of bntlcs irc trikin her life as has her child and that past generations were wrong in bang slaves to thcir children who exacted hcavy toll that motherhood is WINDS 50110abllOInlallllCS W01 11 no longer sacred privilege but rather burden too grievous to be clothing and lvwellery are check ly borne and should be abolished or or least reduced to point whcrc 61 byrDr Delaney group The group5 vmrk has lllill ON KENNEDY Minister of Aglctilturcp to handsome trophy tqlek Rick Trout Creek Ontarios chmplzteimtato ower Besides trophy Rick also won $250 cult void Honor Simpson Retires As County Clerk Continued from page one In his remarksfhc wurdcn sold Mr Simpson is me third county clerk here since 1860 He said the clerk had becll urged to magic his mind about retiring but had decided the move was for the best thn Tom Simpson ruse to re ply he said with typical humor You wont wonder that when buy my next but it will have to be larger than the last one He said he would never make if detective because he had had no idea what the evening meeting was for and had thought it was to speed the session He said he had always received full cooperation of his colleagues It was 52 years ago that he was first elected to the council of Tiny township he said and it was to he first came to uncil He said his ways been pleasant the very best of QIL ardens present was lett now retirediln ho becamelvvat en few months af er ecame clerk father to usqllf Wardensfgssoday rig1 ed year In the on gwllll lmed Mr Evans present were MP for East Rovve MP for Dufferin Simc Hon bury county lcourt clerk ex rdens John Carlton Beeton cargo Davis E533 Percy Neff Nottawasaga and Clarence Wood Bradford also Dr McPhee es Simcoe Hon MPPffor East Sirocco of PortMc Nicoll After the presentations and talks ycfreshmentswcre served by the adiesipf thecourt house staff jinnvlvromko pompous ThHUdSOHS Bay Company English chartered company incurV ibioratd by Charles II in 1670 was foundedby Prince Ruperband othV err down as fgentlemen adven iguan quarrel =w1tha sf Smith no Barrio Town Clerk Contlnued frompaze one Craig mayor Mr Robertson cormcll There were numerous pl pllcatlons for the job of town clerk it will not interfere with social obligations and community duties namd the members of the1915lguilty lookwhy was it that something meltedlwithin me as it never lwhats home compared with the dance hall golf links or bridge party ill is mistaken sentiment which tics mother to child 24 hours day for yearsi left to right Milody Coronotlo lady Hamilton Morning Stan Evening St an All Patterns In Open Stock USE OUR LAYAWAY PLAN WILLIAMS JEWELLERY COR ELIZABETH MARY STS Puntingg Remarks Of Aldermanic Nominees Are Taken You will read many books however of many olher modern The following are notes on some never served on the town council authors before you will find anything more satisfying than this The istrongcr the bonds that unite mothers and children the better for human society The more we think of and cherish our mothers the Ibettcr for ourselves We owe So much tenderness to them not merely because they gave us life but because they are women and as such alderman on as they spoke at tho clVicorganlzallons til the town and he nominations in the town hall lastpvould do his host for thc citizens Friday night if elected to the council dictates inklife had served on various other have disproportionate burden of drudgery and endurance and grief All the same gtwhy was it that when the other evening saw grey haired fathermy hostthinking himself unobserved stroke the hand of his grownup son ya fathemool and the son lay his hand on his fathers wilho careing gesture for moment but with slightly Arthur Pugh given an acclama candidates whu did not ml ad lion for another term as alderman vantage of thr opportunity in ward six spoke of his work onlspcak wch yme the council He said Barrie valeilliams George Dullgcrficld does when watch the embraces of mothers and sons and my eyes suddenly dimmed at lhattime but Mr Smith was wrthy choice If Arthtlr Smith had done nothl mg else but lve timely advice and counsel Mr Robertson de clared he has done wonderful job The speaker pointed out that Mr Smith in his early days as clerk and treasurer also had to act as clerk of the police court He re lated some of Mr Smiths many activities in commllnity life whichE made him one of the outstanding citizens Especially noted were his serviCes In the Kiwanis Club In the Miss onlc craft and as an elder in the United Church His home life was exemplary and it was to his creditl and Mrs Smiths that all hls fam ily were present and proud of nim They appreciated the sacrifices he had made to give the Town of Bar rie faithfulservlce PMay Mr Smiths retired life bel fullof happiness MrRobert$onl said fond comfort to enjoy some of the blessings his civic duties havedeprived him of for so long There followed the impressive presntatlons of the gold key by His Worship the painting of ascene by Thomas Mitchell ARCA of Lovers Creek by Reevel James Hart and an orchid to Mrs Smith by Mrs Mayor and bouquet of flowers by Ald Mrs Mercer Ham ilton SMITH Mrli Smith voiced sincere appreci ation for the remarks on his behalf He reminisced clearly on someof the notable events of his days in offIcP appreciate receiving the key tolhenew municipal offices he SEIdrI amglad to have bookable to serve you in the new officeff Mr Smith said he had airways been vcry jealous or the good name of Barrie He said every now and them some fellow would come into his office and say This is heck of attown Helvsaidhe ialwsys managed oukoep his temper but could not help saying am sur prised that you stayif its so ha Then if this didnt cool off the vi tg Orland he continued knocking he ltown Mr Smith wouldisay Whtlt have YOU dope to make it bet ter town If the visitor continued to knock Barrie he couldnt help lJut say Why not pull ydur freight and as you go down the streef there wont be anyone scrry to set you notionhad Mr said gt maytir or com filler and new fused to do my thmghculde tried to do my hostandhtherecIliigin hort by sasource of hope at the first ndfpead at the end of the year Incitprgslng his bestuwishes for ie dielf thffstgth13r5hlnlonjhjcodntry around hundred years County of Simcoe and Miss Meago and is played with ball and fhatlalthough he hadbeen resi Th presentnrate is 60 mills aid cant see how the illl lngcouncll can reduce that rate lWe sshouldnt try to make of out Barricfbefbrdts timeW athcrcontinue to have goo town than is poor city its natural who was also head boy last year Vson MBE chairmanlof the collt and the Cockburn Cup and Esme omega Centemlial accompanid by John Ricci onit lt Robert Mn wall swooped the name handy in the fell proud of the radio station that had Herman Osborn and Jack lllilC been brought to town this ycarlLaren He also warmly supported tho arena project Speaking of the housing projcc Mr Pugh said he was opposed to the way it was presented to tllci public He felt It would have been better if the people had an upperl THE STORE tunity to buy the houses rathcrl than just rent FOR VARIETY AND VALUE Arthur Pugh Others nomlnatcd as zlldcrnlzmic BARR We cannot Ignore the fact that times have changed not people Parents with no responsibllftfbs can be excused for joining the throng In the less sedate amusements but for those who place luxury and pleasure ahead of responsibility there surely Is no excuse ====a=o===oo===o=o==ao=o==o=o====ao And while young peOple may not recognize the fact they are far ther from their parents now than th 1r fathers and mothers were from theirs and sympathy between the pre ntgeneration and the one pre ceding it is for less than it ever was lid with eaich generation the gap grows wider and widerand the olde ones have had to readjust dozens of their ideas during the past few rs Mr Pugh mentioned the school vote briefly He said every mem ber of council had been in favor of one school but not all had sup ported two schools Reginald Ayrcs given an ac clamation for another term as old erman in word six was not pres1 cut when it came his turn to speak He had remained at the meeting long enough to qualify as candidate Ald Arthur Harrison nominated as candidate in ward five spoke his work as chairman ofthe reation committee He spoke cps taken to get traffic lights In rie and hewas in favor of more ffic lights next year Dr Fr McDowell nominated as an ald manic candidate was not present speak Mrs Me erHamllton Mrs Hamilton lderman in ward four expressed preciation for the scclamation g1 on her She said she was please 10 be the woman representative on oil Shekind she was in the hous pr0ject and topee all th young people home of ihe own Ald Henry No ton was not pro Probably anyone makingna p193 for the dlimeghome will be taunted with being behind the timesfbut some us are willing to admit we are oldfashioned in many ways We still ave no motor car butvve have our appendix and adenoids Other instl lions doubtless have helped to replace the home but they cannot sup out it They have all helped to draw away the family from the oldfa ioned home and to make the individual not the family theunit of life society It has bred selfishness which to very large extent has issolvcd home ties RETAILERS TO THRIFTY CANADIANS COLDWEATHER FOOTWEA And while that pace probably may keep us at the presen Grand for the Entire rate of progreSsor retrogresslonlthere is stills feeling there will be at post partial return to some of those homely old Institutions which made the twine gathering place each day for intimate assoclxtions for the whole fondly which at the present time Is pmtlczlly unknowm In many modern home loom Graduates Receive Diplomas Continued from ptigemne 1ete of 194849 and the boy dis playing the greatest sportsmanship was presented to Gerald Patterson mercial year was awarded to Mora garet Handy John McLean won the Dr Brereton prize for upper schobl biology The Gregg Trophyfor shorthand won in the provincial contest held in Toronto was presented to the BCI commercial team Val on De Wall was resentedl with the Rodgers Tfophy for Agncultural home 0193 1311293 were awarded by the collegiate Efdimcffgss 38$ b0 Darren Browniev Jealn specon Samsel Gordon Dawson Alexient in the chamb when he was Irophleswere also awarded forCaldwell and Jean Terr linVllEd t0 speak the girls intermediate basketball The PrinCiPalS award for th Ald Roy Chm gwen all aniplonshfp Jacobi and Graham Pest citizen of the school as ad 01113 and far the best girls judged by the staff went this year platoonwal lh annualcadetfnspeu t0GW9n JOhnStonr tio Morrison Trophy The lot Jean Carruthers and Gerald Vern Hamny 131 0th was donated to the Patterson were awarded the Hat Vern Hambly canddat Morri 1d ward three spoke of his work scrim in 94 hlte cup and engraved Spoon thecouncil as chairman of the fir and light committee Hespoke of the neerk for an aorial ladder and said herwas in favor of full time brigade of six men Speakingof parking meters Mr Harriny mentioned that surveys hadbeen made in certain com munities whom the meters had Lg $299 to $498 At 5299 RADAR BOOTS at left Brown rubbcrStyle as shown Sizes to CHILDRENS IVIISSES SIZES to 12 13 to Pair $229 At $498 BLACK VELVET OVEBSHOES lbelowl with snug fur cuffs Slide fastener Cuban heels Lined Sizes to term in when iven acclamation for anothor ward four was not pres the rspeecheswwerewbelllg At 5393 usnow moms above Brown snugly lined Furtrimmed Sizes to Protect Your reel with LADIES unalign Sleekfitting Black Styled wi it high cuban or flat heels Sizs to legiate board engraved spoon as head boy arid UWinners of DonunionProvincialhead girl niverslu Balsam 1135 Yea We Prior to the presentation of R055 RP wMCC313 Ewe scholarships and prizeswtheuschoo Wu Anne Melville glee club sang tho Lullaby Normal Shl bursaries well wan the Bavarian Highlands by Elgair by 5053 Wallace and Jean and Negro spiritual Little David Carrllhers Miss Mary Elle Y5 Play on Your Harp been installed He said parking and Pet WSeml were awarded The bands concluding numbr meters got mostof the attention DmPV1al Wines for the evening was the Scheg from the police and investigations These Buys grade xm gt from Tschaikokowskys Sympho baa shown that other traffic vio MISS All Men as 315 Pathetique lotions were less rigidly enforced awarded UNI91s 0f Tqumto vocal solo Angels Serenade by said had been driven Bursary 101 general PWcenlyi Braga was sung by William Dali from com unities by parking metersp but later conditions had Wlp genr1pr9d913 violin and Jane Perkins at the 15 been improved by using the park mile Wally lino lug meter revenue to provide park was agent to be Phases who received graduatlo ing lots and widen streets of the mm 853 diplomas at Friday evenings co AldHambly Spoke of his sup 553 slum mtgfnelal meknv nient are as follows port of the arena enlargement and for gradulites attending the Ontario said it would not cost the town Agricultural College was John Mc= ENGLAND BEGAN 11 one cent George Mcconkey Leanr English ice hockeyoriginated utir Georgc McConkey nominated as candidate in word three said VALUESJOR Grand Asso xylem letterThrift Sizes 51 to Sh0p NOW for gt the Familys At 5149 Footwear at 014053 size to 12 Zenem RUBBERS SIZES to11 With Carter Scholarshipai Fridays comic cement iKlwanis Scholarship to the lit in second place for the Centennial Award also went to Metcalf aiid insomnia Col Aw or schblastlc Metcaue WilS 8W3de the lhlid short sticks dent of Barrie all his life he hadl ingot Emmi Lilliput Bin mommyWith clones 13lridlng

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