12 i3 2srdrlr evening was broilght to close by Coon and Son Architects For New CwslVENHUDIT THIS IS AN ARCHlTECTS sketch of the proposed new Gravenhurst High architects Coon and Son are the same architects chos en by the Barrie public school smOUD 22 November 14 Wilson and Jean and Miss Mary Wicc visited with friends in Cotil water last week George Cottoin of Rainy River visited with his cousin Miss 11 Orchard on Saturday Mrs Walter Hill and Donny Low iy are under the doctors care We wish for them both good re covery The euchrc party sponsored byI Disroi HIGH scuooc board for the new school to be built on Codrington street The above school Will be built by HillClarkFrancis of New Liskeard The school will be two storeys built of reinforc feet brick and School The window sash NEWS 0F CllllltSTtIWN November 14 byterian Church met on Monday Jack Wilson is taking his annual evening at he mama 11 was vacation social gathering combined with Miss mam webb spent mesdny business Rev William Reynolds in Toronto Mrs Lorne Arnold spent few days in Toronto visiting relatives lconducted the election of officers for the season 1t was agreed to liave Robert Burns Night pro Thcre is great need for Drive gram at pm Wednesday Jani SOVY When Pavemem wet ary 25 in the Town Hall Cooks signs on Highway 27 town Games were played and and gravel roof terrazzo and mastic tile floors steel door frames and steam heating Miss Bessie Lewis of Clarkson dainty lunch was served at the the Hum womcns nbmum spent the eekend at her home close of the meeting which was or vertised for Friday Nov ill has been cancelled Watch for later date very enjoyable euchrc party was held in the Hall here Tuesday Nov sponsored by the Womens Institute The travelling prizes went to Mrs Willoughby and Mrs James Campbell and high score to Mrs Brady Mrs Willougliby Robert Campbell and Dwight Nel son Sunbeam Mission Band had an attendance of 20 at their meeting on Saturday afternoon November 12 The program consisted of singing games fork period and the story of Jesus First Visit to the Temple The children enjoy ed treat of Snow apples after the meeting Congregational Supper The annual congregational sup per and social evening of St James United Church on Monday evening ax new Noyember was very enjoyable event After the bountiful supper an informal program cf musw singing and contests was followed by number of interesting pic tures show by Rev Mr Morris on the new film projector These pic tures were taken by Mr Morris during his two years work in Al berta and Saskatchewan vru National Night After the United Church Sunday evening service November 13 the congregation were guests of the YPU in the SS room when the young people put on their Nation al Night program Don Wice pre Siding The program included group singing vocallduet by Misses Gibbons and JMulliolland and an interesting skit by William Gib boas Mervyn Booth and Donaid McNabb showing the wide extent and objectives of the YPU The young people served coffee and cookies after the program St Pauls WA Entertain St Pauls WA held their annual special meeting Wednesday even ing November when theyenter tained the ladies from St James United Stroud Presbyterian St Peters St Georges and Trinity Mrs Jack Hunter was presented with Life Membership badge After the service Rev Mr and Mrs N1ch01son showed very interesting pictures and told of their work as missmnaries in the Arctic The the ladies retiring to the basement for light refreshments and afriend cup of tea town Mrs Lemmdn and Gordonl spent few days in Torrance visit ing relatives Mr and Mrs Ernest Semple opened their ne new restaurant Thursday evening Mr and Mrs William Lawrence spent Saturday at their home lll town Harman of Toronto spent the weekend visiting his sisters and brother Herb Harman Miss Shirley Allen spent the weekend in Toronto the guest ofi her aunt Miss Violet Graham Mrs Milton Trace and Betty of Elmvale are visiting Dr and Mrs Harry Leadlay for few days The WMS of the United Church will hold their bazaar on Satur day November 26 The WA of St Johns Church are holding their annual hot meat sup per at pm on Saturday Novem ber 19 in the Town Hall Csookstowri United Church annu al chqplaupper c0 ceitukvalilb held in Fridgaevell ing December Wesley Hindle has returned from Toronto General Hospital where he has been patient for two weeks owing to an injured arm Mrs James Miller spent the past week visiting her daughter and soninlaw Mr and Mrs Bert Har man at Wasdell Falls Miss Beatrice McFadden and Miss Barbara Purvis of Toronto were recent visitors at Mel Mc Faddens Mr and Mrs Charles Isaac and Paul of Glen Williams were Mr and MrsJack Couses weekend visitors Mrs Douglas of Clarkson was the guest speaker at the Presby terian WMS meeting at Mrs Char les Watsons Tuesday evening Mrs George Moir of Bengoughl Saskatchewan is spending fewl day in town visiting Mrs William joyed by all present Mission Band Hallowcen Party The United Church Mission Band held successful Halloween party for members and their little friends on Friday afternoon Oct 28 at the home of the leader Mrs Gor don Sellers assisted by Mrs Tom Williams and Mrs George Whytc short worship service was open ed with Jesus Loves Mc followed by repeating of different Bible verses by the members The Lords Prayer was repeated by all Joy Sellars vicepresident conducted the program which consisted of stories poems and songs The group was then divided into two groups for games after which lunch was served and their pic tures taken outside Veterans Paraded on Sunday There was large attendance of the local veterans and people of the community at the annualpar and Chilirigsl service on Sun Tafhodh ovember at St Johns Anglican Church The three local ministers and padre of the First World War now re siding in Orillia were present After the service in the Church the wreathplacing ceremony was held at the Cenotaph Simcoe Presbytery YPU The Simcoe Presbytery YPU held special service and social in Bradford United Church on Sun day evening November Miss Lois Faris president of the Presby tery prsided and George Faris gave an inspiring sermon Those frOm Cookstown who attended were George and Lois Faris Miss Helen Davis Miss Eleanor Corri gan Hamilton Davis and Mrs Gor don Sellers Beatty 43rd Wedding Anniversary Mr and Mrs Vivian Beatty cele lbrated their 43rd wedding anniver arria School Design New School dt Gravenhurst ed concrete about 80 byltlf Gable chairman of the Barrie public school board said construction on the two new public schools for Barrie would be started next spring lGiavenhurst Banner Engravingl Cookstown on Sunday November Gordon 13 just after it stared to rain The driver required few skin clipslHad nghest Yield to close cut on his forehead llisl mother Mrs Margaret Sharp OfIPOlatoeS the same address had slight cut hundred buShel pomm bruises and rains Mr Lambert We was returningp home with deer clubs in which the objective is for which he hadsnot nearSudburyi members to produce 500 bushels The car was badly damaged per acre or more have now been light truck landed in the opposite ienamed 600 Bushel Potato Clubs ditch about the same time when in the Parry Sound District he put on his brakes About aI Ofcials of the Crops Branch month ago five cars skidded off the Onmrio Depamem of Agricultqr mad on NO 27 Highway WW0 report that after recent promotion Cookstown and Newton Robinson by the Ontario Crop Improvement durum gm Shower Association and its county branch lts average yield per acre for the tile walls steel bonded pitch Perrier and Mrs William Copeland sary on Mondathovember 1949 MT and Mrs Joseph Alalr at their home Lot 20 Concession and MT and Mrs Eldm Nellly 14 Tecumseth turkey dinner Spent WEdDESday evening at the was servedto about twenty guests Ice Capades in Toronto at pm iVian eatty IS the Mn and MS Allen MCLea and third generation of the Beatty family Fergus 599 the WeEk name to reside on this farm His end with the latters parentngrn and Mrs Vivian Beatty Recent Sunday visitors with Mr and Mrs Herb Mapes were Mr and Mrs Cummings Missl Joy Cummings rand Miss Barbara Robson all of Toronto Those who tookin the Ice Cap ades in Toronto on Tuesday were Mrs Herbert Lemmon Mrs Jacki of AlvinWebb iDonnell Mrs WilliamBennett of Sad was the word on Sunday morning November 13 that Alvin Webb had passed away following an emergency operation during the night atToronto General Hospital He had rbeen suffering from an abcess on the brain Alvin veter anlof the rst world war was in his54thyear He will be greatly missed in this community where he had lived all his life The funeral be was held Wednesday with in Stroud cemetery sympathy is extended to Wife family in Alliston Mr andMrs Eldon JOhn son Harry DaVis Mr and Mrs Oscar Flood and Mr and Mrs Edward McComb Home for weekend were Ken neth Coburn of Toronto Betty Ruby and Joseph Davis of Barrie LoisFaiis John Leadlalh Charles Jevons Dane Evans Janey Sutherl land Velma and Com Simmonsl all of Toronto and Grant Dawson of Bradford vPresbytOrian Yrs Meeting The Young People of the pres Emmi55 grandfather John Beatty bought it in February 1848 and the crown deed is in the possession of the Beatty family The Late Mrs ArthurBowen On Monday November 1949 at the home of her daughter Mrs George Richardson of 86 Brandon Avenue Toronto Emma Averall widow of Arthur Bowen and math er of Esther Mrs Harry Sloan Margaret Mrs George Richard son and Ray of Cookstdwn pass ed away in her 76th year The funeral took place on Wednesday afternotmLNovember from War sons Funeral Chapel Cookstown and interment was in Penville cemetery AcoidentSonth of Village car driven by Bruce Lambert of 110 Cameron Avenue Ham one sing half mileslsouth of wefsimic 98 Commons Manitoba Lodge Ladies Night The members of Manitoba Lodge No 236 A1 84 AM entertained their ladies at turkey dinner cai ered to by the women of Newton Robinson United Church on Nov ember After the usual toasts RW Bro James Poppleton of Barl rie gave an enlightening addresst on What Is Free Masonry Emory Hill of Barrie and Mrs Jack Elston of Newton Robinson were soloists of the evening Wor Bro Coutts ofrAlliston showed sound lm safety rst picture The Miracle of Paradise Valley was followed by Niagara the Powerful in color This was especially 111 tcresting as the Lodge members had been conducted throughthc Quecnston plant of the Hydro Elec tric last month when they visited La Salle Lodge at Niagara Falls NY United Church Junior Auxiliary The United Church Junior Auk iliary was held at Garnet Lays on Tuesday evening November with 19 members and visitors present The meeting opened with call to worship follow ed by two minutes silence The scripture lesson was read by Mrs Lemmon and Mrs Russell cald well led in prayer Miss Eleanor Corrigan gave an interesting report of the Sectional meeting at Church ill Mrs French ve the first chapter of the stud book and asked questions about it The pro gram committee Was Mrs 11 Power Mrs Hubert Lemmon and Mrs Wilson solo was sung by Mrs Smith and reading Theme of Remembrance by Mrs Stewart Corrigan The meeting ClOSed with three verses of hymn and Mia pah benediction The next meet ing will be week earlier Decem her at Willis Corrigans social hour was spent over cup of tea served by the hostess and committee Red Cross Water Safety Program In 19519 the Cookstown Red Cross Society sponsored the water safety program for third season Pup ils were taken by bus to Innisfll Park where Miss Colley was in structress assisted by Mrs Charles Jevons of Cookstown and George Wood of Barrie There were 39 pupils from Cookstown and from Thornton who gave splendid atten tion and attendance at the Mon day afternoon classes Swimmng testswere takenlater in the sea son at Bardia Pool Camp Borden Juno Aihley Home Service Dept lilton skidded intofthe ditch about Province has increased and in some cases taken phenomenal jumps Highest yield per acre ever re corded in Ontario was that of lFrank Rick of Trout Creek presig dent of the Parry Sound District 600 Bushel Potato Club His re cord made during the past sum mer was 836 bushels to the acre Runnerup in the same club is Chapman of Nipissing with yield of 774 bushelsper acre Highest yield last year was that of Gordon Bidwell Shanty Bay ilCIC The 1949 topyield highest ever officially recorded in Ontarios his tory is remarkable because of sev ere drought and other unfavorable weather conditions spokesman for the Ontario Department of Agriculture says Mr Rick 1949 champion as well as the runnerup Mr Chapman both used Chippewa FoundationA seed potatoesu and at Barrie Beach in c06perati0n with the Simcoe County and Barrie Recreation committees Presenta tions and awards were made by Mrs Charles Carr and Mrs Char les Jevons atthe Cookstown Town Hall on the occasion of theHallo ween Frolic Congratulations are due to the pupils who continued their efforts to win higher stand ing before the season closed Jun iors Leonard Amon Jean Carter Fraser Carr Ray Lintick Robert Evans Roge TRetire Eric Reynolds Kenneth yt Mildred Wright Intermediate Fraser Carr Ray Lintick Eric ReynoldsSenior who produced 742 bushels to theMrs Ml November It Trinity WA were busy quilting last week Robert Prentice has home after spending months in Alberta During the past week we have had two electric storm and on Sunday afternoon very heavy rain which was badly needed Dr Horton Bert Horton and Frank Hindle left on Thurs day morning for the north country where they will spendJO days hunting Congratulations to Mrs Mary Hand who celebrated her 95th birthday on Sunday at the home of her nephew and niece Mr and Mrs Halbert with whom she reSldes On Thursday evening the memo bers of the Womens Institute are entertaining their husbands to turkey supper in LvyOrange Hall returngd several good program PRISONERS FIRST Brisbane chief seam and cap ial of Queensland Amarillo was am settled as penal station in 1325 by Sir Thomas Brisbane SIMPLIlY mm MONTREAL CF Councillor Daild ROCIIOII think Will have trouble gettinx around streets in Montreal because the routes hm two or three different names up going to ask council that street be numbered as wellu named hang quarters of beef He also has large electric show case un derneath in which there is ample space forcured meats partition was retrieved which not only lVZS more room but adds to the ap pearance of the shop The shop is lighted throughout with uorescent lighting Mia Jenn Holt Specks At Trinity WA Modem On Westley afternoon Trinity WA held their Autumn Thankoffer ing meeting in the basement of the church when they bed as their guest Miss Jean Holt Miss Holt held her audience spellbound while she told of her work in the girls schools of China She told of unique experience she had few weeks ago While attending wor ship in Trinity United Church 111 Toronto when going out of churcn she met two of her girls from China who had just arrived in To ronto the night before Mrs Carr sang Shall Not Pass This Way Again Afternoon tea was served by the ladies assisted by Rub in Minarda Linimmt generously tiiffness sprained nnklcaMlnardo has been well known for over Myron Good for dandruff and skin disorders After the supper there will be the members of the Evening Aux1 3015 bottle may keep kg noy Remembrance Service very impressive Remembrance Day service was held in Trinity Church on Sunday morning con ducted by the pastor One min utes silence was observed in mem ory of those who gave their liws in the two great wars Mrs Pur nell Carr sang beautifully Rock of Ages Cut flowers were plac ed in front of the church by the Halbert Family JButclier Shop Reopened Londry has opened up his butcher shop again after being closed for couple of weeks Dur ing that time the shop has under gone extensive repairs The ei tire inside has been redecorpted and new floor put down Mr Londry also installed huge elec tric refrigerator inwliich he can Ray Lintick Eric Reynolds Jack Reynolds Sunday School Rally On Thursday evening of last week Sunday School Rally under the auspices of the chumseth and West Gwillimbury Branch of the Ontario Council of Christian Edu cation formerly OREC was held in the basement of Cookstown United Church with about 45 pres ent Rev Lewis opened the meetinngith short worship per iod The presidentMurray Paris of Bradford acted as chairman Carr of Cookstown spoke briefly on the work the WCTU does in the Sunday School Temperance Federation lm en titled The Payoff gave some inter esting data on the effects of alco hol How Do You Create Interest in Your Sunday School was the subject of very worthwhile dis cussion led by Mrs Gilroy of offered by Miss Gladys Houghton of Newton Robinson United Rev MrMacTavisllofiBradfordUnited Mrs Trotter of CookstownPres byterian Albert Hall of Cookstown United Mrs Reynolds of Beeton United Mrs Hopper of Totten ham Presbyterian and Fred Cook of Bradford Anglican Rev Burton of Bond Head introduced Cookstown with suggestions being the guest speaker Rev George Morrison 01 Wyevale Rev Mr Morrison gave gery instructive and helpful talk on Using Visual Aids in the Sunday School and demonstrated the use of asmall projector and Bible films boun tiful lunch prepared by the ladies of Cookstown Presbyterian and United Churchesgbrought pleas ant evening to melons Special in IloorSandingPointingCleaning Private and Commercicil cleaning of Ceil ings walls and floors Most modern sanding machine civdilabl Cull Write Phoney iiicniwisMiiN SHANTY Blur rhoneiono iszs diary IlB1I3qfrieiOal CRAB AMBUSH Crabs burrow into the sand or mud leaving only their eyes pro truding to await their prey My WHY NOT SEND COPY OI IIIE EXAMINER TO FRIEND Your Home for the Festive New Drapes Custom Built Slip Covers wide selection of materials and fabrics to choose from Barrie Tent 81 Awning Co 34 BAYFIELD ST PHONE 4314 YOUR DEALER KNOWS RED 3557 We oro truck spocidlisli Our iob is to Imp your omits rolling not lorsoll repairs For complete service and genuine Roo ports coll us Barrie Metros Phone 1nd feel the relief steel Over drenchin muscles For muscular pains ache and