came from Livcrpooi andiey Wk notion or am rmsrwnnnmassrmmme Wmvsm WWWVWMW GALA DAYS STARTING TONIGHT mounav Matinee Wed 230 pan wumm it am rnrucn CHRISTOPHER KENT JAMES MASON mmmmourm 011 Juvenile Court Work Problem Children From Payling were Misc Dortha Jackson chiatrlc the mpkiiuperlatendent or case work or of an informative addreso to the vines Childrens Aid Society Kiwanis Club of Barrie Homyysmr Miss Dorothy Bu evening last by John Donald Acbe other Centre Simcoe son MD branch and Frank Dingmn pro Dr Acheson is director of tbc=bation officer Simcoe County Fame Juvenile Court Clinic Iorontiog ily Court mnsmm Tommmpsydlihi The speaker was thanked on be lric uvial lid mme m2 half of the club by Ferguson stuff of the Univeulty ofyloroom Ross Stephem new member was mm adpool pumame NFLintroduced by Roam in meat Dorm the war he nervedlsupbcns who recently rammed to with the Canadian Navy medial Barrie his home town is law die2r on frigate He was My Ifin at London and Whidaor duoed by IL Edmond who Wasi chairman for the program followz In the regular dinner at Commoni Four 1Cogrliniuulty effort is of great lm3 Groups Average 35 nominee declared Dr AchesoaI in handling children with probi Four 88 18m Theweaker save some exi Recreation Schools sponsored by platinum of Psychiatry Younllithe Simcoe County accretion WWII MW 01 MeWilliCommittee got under way in three With WO Ill aspects web We different sections of the County some preventative and curative Norm River New 5L Lou and The mental hygiene mvemtntlAnxua during the past week am only some 80 years ago he fourth School will have its initial stated in outlining some expert session at Sunnldalc Corners next ences from Toronto Dr Acheson Wednesday evening pointed out that most of the cases These recreation school are de shyAw 63011 kg The Old Fawn Hm comma before juvenile court were from disrupted homes Regarding the city problem of adolescent gangs the speaker de clared No one seems to know the answer entirely Dr Acheson explained how Psy chiatry had demonstrated the fun damental development of the child from birth to adolescence The AULT ENTERTAINMENT signed to give teenagers and adults experience and instruction in varl ous forms of rcreation which they can then introduce in their own homes or community groups They will be held one night week for six weeks in the abovementioned communities and are open to any interested people in thoseareas The program will include folk Eve Shows 650 pm GRANADA ENTERTAINMENT an nouns BILLz navs MONDAY and Wilson ACTION and THRILLS With BELITA Barry Sullivan Bonita Granville In SUSPENSE ADULT ENTERTAINMENT 2nd Hit Post Ofce anestigalor Eve Shows 650 and 845 pan BIG ourooonspacm IN TECHNICOLOR it top even his Ol0OU STARTS WED NOV 16 230 pm GALA DAY fashion and the roads and pave Yl ii lit EVE snows AM pm Ill 00 om v0k Mr craggy In 517191911111 Months Mr and Mrs Jahn Preston24A Owen Street returned recently from vcmonths intheir native land ofglapgkgjor both ottbem it was their first trip home for almost 40 years Mrs Preston is native of Shropshire lwhich they used as base for their travels in England in the village ofxEllsmere at be home of her sister Mr Prwm spent few daystbere on their ay from London lackpool to ee Blackpools famous librarian ions Which appeared this fall for he first time since before the war according to anranmial traditibn Animated scenes in colored lights lined the whole of Blackpoots Tlie Prestons also stayed in Wrexham in North Wales dorsomo time andtook several trips by motor coach around he Nor Wales coast gt They visited relatives bf M3 weeks holidays on at Wcston Super south east coa also holidayedforIten days on the south east coast In Hastings they visited with Miss Maelnespie who left Barrie last spring to go back to Englandto live They spent four days in all in London and saw the changing of the guard at St James Palace and Buckingham Palace and other points of interest Mr Prestqn re Dorts thte 01 tensity was bombedlbutiat3ie central sectionof the city around the Shandvoiid Trafalgar some little affected gtbythe seemed viny In armor the Prestons Iaweek to haven good le illumination raisin up col night our the fall fmous Central Promenade every not up um ing been brought into use but last and square dancing choral and uni son singing informal dramatics indoor sports such as shuffleboard carpet bowling and deck tennis creative arts and crafts planning and conducting meeting music appreciation and party planning Each rccreationlschool has been planned by local committee with the help of the recreation director for Simcoe County Miss Louise Colley emotional correct has become very important in the psychiatric range Learning is rather slow pro cess in the basic emotions he stated Assessing of the com plexities of children is of great value and believe the manner in which it will be handled by the juvenile court recently set up heru will be of utmost importance to your community Among the guests at the meet Great Bear Solemnly Parades Along The Top Of The Trees Up The Hudson 12 IYears Ago This In the fourth in series of letters written by Mary Gap per being published in The Barrie Examiner In the previous letters the writer related incidents of the voyage from England to NWYOPI in September of 1828 In the following letter she writes about her impressions of New York In later letters to be published Miss Gripper will tell about the trip to York Toronto and later to Shanty Bay where she became the wife of Col Edward OBrien October 1828 Went to do some very pretty from the wood with shopping and look little more at which it is scattered and the num the town And now will tell you her of pretty residences of various what can of New York as sim sizes which stand on it pose have seen all that shall The right bank is steep slop see of it in ground covered with wood It is built of brick with the ex of second growth surmounted ceptlon of someof the more sump by pale of rock which is ivous liecsssaaclmvklic brildlnsi answered by forestsi Tlie Which are of white marble foliage is generally light and of the churches areof dark red more curly in its outline than stone and in some of the back we are accustomed to see xin streets occasionally you meet with England plank houses and shops of small By degrees all these features size lwere blotted outby the twilight The bricks are painted of and we see only the outline which Sh red and white mar seemed to become more varied tar T1 stone and the mar The stars were brilliant and glisten Most ble seem to keep their color un from bemnd the liege riSing and sullicd by smoke or dirt so that setting as the bank V8rid its to swee in were much the height If St The Great Bear seemed to be solemnly parading along thpgmtpp of the trees The night air and the desire of seeing the country at daybreak at last carried me to thecabin the state or which during the whole night not being caricaturist am unt to describe Every berth was occupied or appropriated and the benches were arranged so as to supply those that were Wanting Sev eral persons however were still sitting or lounging about the room others peeping out and complaining that they had been trying so and so longto sloop in vain little children kicking about and Anothers vainly attempting to lull them ments unworn the whole town would have the appearance of hav wek for thefirst time Most of the streets are airy and oboerful1nther perhaps from want of exhorbltdnti height in the houses than from unusual width in the streets The long street Broadway him which we are terminates at this end in an open space including an enclosure of turfand trees Be yond it is pathway and eld look ingout on the water which they now convert into sort of Banelap The street itself is extremely prtty hardly know why but believe there is drama in its utter irregularity It seems to give an idea ofrich and poor living to rest togeth er on terms of perfect equal October 1828 As soon as it odor the house are or everywas light got up and arranged possible dimensimf birth as to myself but found that we were 50 height and breadth finyolved in fog that the boat was Millie Island on which the City obliged to stopj ls youcomtan fly The river narrowedby progress get refreshingfyiew ofthe water became more fullrof shoals and is lands and at last Lwe got sightof 017 the white spires of Albany cow Ye At the top of widestreet which runs straight up the hill stands the Capitol It is built ofrhandsome change also win reddish stone With the dome the building and very handsome gt steps andrpillars of the portico the As to thenpeoplg the men are almostviIithoutjexeption slip The only corpdlency Ihaveseen west in Circadian ate By mo GIANT or The hardships or privatlous which people of those past firms had to endure no doubt helped to make home life more idul and engendered spirit of thankful ness expressed in the family pray ers scripture reading hymns and songs each evening led by the pawl eats But the present day demand for standardized amusement has tipped the home of its charming rcstfulness with the log burning on the hearth of the big open re place and the blizzard raging out side which are memories still clinging to many of us who have reached an age which perhaps is the only obstacle to our also join ing the younger folks in enjoying those attractions now offering Someone only recently declarcd that if young people would stay at home nights instead of going out to late dances parties and joy rides there would be much less crime But the young people plob ably do not remain at home be cause thoy dont want to be alone in the house and because it has lost much of its at tractiveness since the parents are much less inclined to spend the evening at home themselves There was llniwlicn Mother was almost always found at home nowadays you find women everywhere in the banks offices barber shop in the athletic field driv in automobiles or golf balls everywhere in fact except at home And if she is alway out alas for the home training or for the comforts of home And it was Mother too who used to organize those home parties when her daughter entertaincd her friend or friends at home No one expects to move back to those times when an evenings entertain ment was derived from turning over the pages of the old family album or playing and singing ducts at the mclodcon or hanging spray of mistletoe to thc chandelier which was merely an excuse not now required by the young folks That was good cheap way and quite appropriate to the times but the modern girl expects as does also the modern young man agree that he should spend something more than merely his time in on tcrtaining her So its the usual Where do we go tonight every time the young man calls It used to be quite satisfying to take girl to concort dance or similar entertainment half dozen times in season and everyone back home before midnight ex cept in few exceptional dance parties with perhaps Mother waiting to entertain with coffee end cake upon arrival home but nowadays no affairs complete without taxi ride afterwards to something else where her hunger may be appensed in later supper ata couple of dollars plateand itd retty much the same program llnight Not every young man even in these prosperous days is in such favored nancial circumstances as to meet these requirements from his own resources which is the cause ofmuch of the highprer sure questionable careers some of them endeavor to live in keeping up rwith the Joneses and young women twill ultimately haVe to meet that situation and give it pro per consideration They will have toreturn at least part way to the manner of the life of their moth ers and grandmothers and to very large extent modify their demands in regard to their ideas of living Money cannot be picked up any time anywhere by anybody and the young man starting outon business career has quite stretch of road ahead of him before he can expect to own motor car and provgg those demanded things which someone is enabled to have from reason of more favored posi tion or earlier start Wants mu Where To Air Beef Athletic Assn Amazing how those little llers wefhave to run at the bottom of Some columns each issue get us tangled up These fillers are nec essary because type is not made of The luluten which should come wly after economical opentlon of the home had allowed ac cumulation of resources mt Wu how their parents estab lished their homes when the rewards for lndmtty and effort were not an easily nor as quickly secured they are now ll knows that his pm cnl earning power cannot sup ply that advocated high stand mi and saline to begin life Which promises discontent and lotion There is another influenceat work to destroy the discipline of home life since this worlds not leisurely place it used to be Ar plied scicnce is daily adding to tho conveniences and luxuries and with them the growing desire for plot sure and case We are literally surrounded now with the marvelous mechanical household conveniences labor savers ani helps There were no electric lights or utensils then no gas r3115 cs no thermos bottles vacuum cleaners and the rest Telephones phonographs moving pictures to dio motor cars and the all night every night dances and Cilbtllttr had not arrived Themodern houswifc would bl appalled if she had to run the house as her grandmother or even ho mother did with vvoodboxcs and water tubs to fill and empty after heating on top of the kitchen stove ashes to carry various lamps to till and trim after the smoky candle was replaced by the odtiious kcr sene and she had stopped boiling tallow and began relling lamps trimming wicks and cleaning smudgy chimneys remembrance of domestic duties of 70 years ago generally makes us thankful the Meanings of today FridayN BARRIES MODERN ResetvedScitsAvoilable or the most CDUIR BY urination ngawwy STEWART GRANGER warm JV =ltlliiJll MIA WAtTER FITZGERALD Added COMEDY AND maroon ADVERTISE IN THE BARRIE EXAMINER new Barrie Flyerp ovember 18 80 3th Time Airship forW Standing Rdorn Limited MAKE YOUR RESERVATIONS NOW At one of the following agencies Dixies Phone 9057 Jacksons Bradleys Phone 9052 guano 90119 Whittys Drug Store Phone 2823 Smart Smoke Shop Orillia Morrisons Drug Store Penetang Kays Koffee KupElmvale Summers Electric Alliston Gilmore and Son Lefroy Graves and Allen ewmarkct Tickets Available at agencies till5 pm day of game then at Arena from 730 pm Reserved Seats $100 75c rubberand wont stretch Somet timesxjhe stories dont quite the spaccend there is small hole leftopen which the page makeup manmustll with filler Lastweek one subscriber came in to pointbirt filler With the heading will Upor Shut Up The item stated The Athlmic Association Will holda meeting the townbail for like purpose of arranging for the coming season and to listen to beefs bygcitizens Pleasej bring your beef to the meeting or keep it to yourself Wli happened was that the summoned tiomi AIR Scarazrr Standing Room Adults 500 Children 250 NA TIUIVAL scrunrrr=ig4