uoaoxv NOVEMBER our prove ability open In Barrie BROOCH iost heartshap HELPWANTED MY YOU MI 11 II II llAlllll DEALER FOR thresher and full line of farm equi merit for Barrie and district Appy Geo White Son London Ont 17879p GIRL WANTED to assist with children and housework in mod ern Barrie home Live in Tele hone 3897 or write Barrie P0 34 l7$79p POSITIONS WANTED YOUNG MAN age 20 desires of fice work in Barrie Senior matricl uiatlon Good references Box 43 Barrie Examiner 27879b WANTED POULTRY AND EGGS wanted Highest prices paid We will call McLaughlins Egg and Poultry Sta tion Alliston Phone 77 36894p WANTEDPartnership in Real Estate business or will consider outright purchase of same as go ing concern Have 15 years ex perience in real estate and am member of Toronto Real Estate Board Can supply ood refer ences and would wi ling to act as salesman for limited criod to Intercste parties please phone collect Toronto Hud son 8188 3781 AGENTS WANTED VACANCY Italvicigh business now Trade well estab lished Excellent opportunity Full time Write at once Rawleighs Dept MLKl28189 Montreal Quebec 478bP MISCELLANEOUS DRESSMAKING childrens wear and ladies drrsscs 192 Essa Rd Phone 4620 578pMl VACUUM CLEANERS iilso CGE ollshers for rent Apply Roy racy phone 3482 57879p FUR COATS repaired New loops shortened lengthened new style collar sleeves Mrs Urquhart 163 Toronto St Phone 5373 57779p FOR SALE an ion no 11 in ms Inlllu ADDING MACHINES and type1 writers for sale or rent at Barrie Busmess Coliege Phone 4824 749th PINE HEMLOCK maple elm lumber allwidths also baled straw small coder posts Muir Shanty Bay Phone Oro 302 771sz BROWN CARACUL fur coat with brown Persian collar medium size good condition Phone 4027 7n78p MOTORBOAT 16h Dundas out board 5fl dock running lights and battery Windshield tarpauiin and man other accessories Com plete wit 81 Johnson Outfit urchascd new is year and has 955 than 75 hours runnin time Phone 5494 or Smiths oatlng Service for demonstration Satur day Nov 12 77879p SAWMILL AND eiuipincnt Ap ply Dave Wilson liiston Phone 165W 778809 FAIRBANKSMORSE hammcrmill belt hand washing machine with wrniger equipped with gas motor Coleman iron Howard McFarlanc Stayner Phone 221r12 778p PUPPY DOGS forsale part mike and part police Telephone 4977 7781 AIRWAY SANITIZER vacuum cleaner with full set of attach mcnls almost new Priced for quick cash sale $9900 Tele honc 3092 78p ALLISCIIALMERS tractor Model also 2furrow Oliver tractor plow Both practically new Avppiy Leo Cavanaugh Phone 98 inc sing 778p BELL PIANO upright Apply Box 42 Barrie Examiner 7781 CLASSIC RANGE dcep tire box coal or wood nearly new Acme circular heater wood 70picce set good dishes serve Phone 810 ring Barrie 778p CCM STANDARD BICYCLE with large carrier and generator light $35 Phone 3846 7787911 ROYAL PORTABLE typcwriter used one month latest model standard $80 Phone 3848 77879p WESTINGHOUSE refrigerator cu ft practically new FltSgt Wmcnuk RCAF Camp Borden Phone 109W 778p ACCOMMODATION WANTED 3ROOMED apartment or flat wanted by coupic with 7yrold boy Apply Box 45 Barrie Ex aminer ll78p URGENT or rooms unfurnish edbr furnished by couple and one child year old Apply Box 26 Barrie Examiner 1177781 toria Hos ital Barrie on Nov with extra screen 24ft high speed SEVERAL practically new vacuum cleaners with all attachments Sell cheap Phone 3482 7787913 2VENETIAN BLINDS size so 76 new Sell cheap Telephone 3482 PAIR OF SNOW GRIPS like new Apply 82 Essa Road after six pm 77op GIRLS WINTER COAT size 1613 $20 Phone 5283 778p REG COCKERS one rcdand one black Very cheap Phone 5383 778b MANS OVERCOAT size 40 mans suit Size 40 girls suits size 18 evening dresses size 10 All in good condition Cheap Phone 3024 778b WOOD FOR SALE STANDING TIMBER acres for sale Barrie Examiner approx Apply Box 44 67879p PROPERTY FOR RENT Wm FURNISHED ROOM light hOuse keeping Phone 5448 113783 FURNISHED BEDROOM for rent central Phone 2712 1578p GARAGE just west of Arena Apply 201 Elizabeth St or phone 3386 1578p OFFICE SPACE for rent 26 Eliza beth St Apply Home Appliance Shop Barrie 1575tfb WOULDSHARE artmentnwith business girl Phonep4926 between WOODEN ICE BOX 50 155 also kitchen cupbcard drawers shelf am it Wm 15739 arid base Phone 4350 after 500 TWO FRONT unfurnished rooms Pm 7731 spartly heated Adults only 42 James St Phone 4086 1578p PROPERTY FOR SALE APARTMENT furnished modern BRICK HOUSE Cookstown six bathroom hydro and telephone rgoms and bath square plan gar age and shed small fruit etc convenience Private entrance Evenmgs C311 2116 1573b large lot Phone Cookstown 43r5 Barrie 5829 187778791 WILD TRADE 9roomed house at Minets Pomt fully furnished all NICE NEW COTTAGE at Wasaga facilities for3roomed furnished Beach only two blocks from or unfurnished suite centrally lo Lankirees dance hall near Jarvis cated Present rent $47 per month home Cottage is unfinished inside Phone 3032 evenings 157879p but complete otherwise Painted yellow with blue roof Price $1400 MONEY T0 LOAN Phone 5533 Wake 16478p NATIONAL HOUSING LOANS FRUITVANI YRGETABLES builders homes properties fin APPLESSpys Snows stet ap anced at current rates mortgages pies and Pewaukees purchased Henry Elrick Owen StBarr1e 3473911 Pb Stanley King 211620578b CARROTS No grown in virgin muck soil no chemicals or poison used Free delivery Barrie area $2 per bus Box 55 Cookstown Opt gt 207883p HIGH QUALITY APPLESMoln toshtSpysPand yarioug1 gaging 14 ex Persian Jcat White mark on vane 165 megs mm throat Phone BlerZ Re giggiggudehveml wardfl 1778b POULTRY LOST AND FOUND BEAGLE HOUND lost black and white male answers to Butch wealin studded collar Phone 4418 award 1778b YED iriim 299 Elizabeth st BLACK WALLET lost containing drivers license etc Finder may he moneyand upturn othercou ten to Mrs Moore Alliston Ont 1778p 24 mOnths old as ockereis months with iMotherYl top with Niagara on front be loinmumt en raved on offer RR lli Reasonable gum1 Phone 3383 lei2 weumlcha Murmurs MANURE for 1m BORN 88 Toronto StlBECIERAl the Royal Victorial Hospital Barrie on Nov 1949 to Mr and Mrs Becker Mid hurst son GEDDESAt The Royal rVictoria Hospital Barrie on Nov 1919 to Mr and Mrs Alex Geddcs RR Barrie son HEENEYAt the Royal Victoria Hospital Barrie on Nov 1049 to Mr and Mrs George Sherman Heeney RR Barrie daugh ter Lynda Jane HOWARDAt the Royal Victoria Hospital Barrie on Nov 1949 to Mr and Mrs Victor Howard RR Barrie son stillborn TASCONNAAt the Royal Vic 1949 to and Mrs Jos Toss conna Angus daughter EMERYSuddenly at Barrie on Nov 1940 Clarence Victor Emery in his 5lst year Resting at the Lloyd Steckley Funeral Home Bargie until Sunday noon then at the residence of his bro ther lclford Emery Cruighurst where service will be held on Monday Nov at 330 pm ST Interment Pres yterian Cemetery at Craighurst CARSONIn loving memory of our dear mothcrCarolinc Brown Carson who passed away Nov 1944 You left swch memories to blossom Bearing fruit for the years to ome In the lives of those who love you Precious memories of days that are gone 78b Family SRIGLEYIn loving memory of dear aunt Mary Orpha Srigiey who passed away Nov 1948 light went out of our lives dear aunt When you slipped beyond the hills But kindness love and unselfish things Are the treasured memories we have of you Evcr remembered by One of the biggest photo collec tions in the country is maintained in Ottawa by Canadian Armed Forces Identication Bureau whore portraits of more than 1200000 Canadian servicemen and exser The pictures were taken for use on identication cards and are be ing kept for thc same reasones in Scaforth lastweek OWig birth in tablishing identity ROMAN TRADITION Chester common ending for Eng lish town names comes from the Roman word castra meaning camp since many were originally Roman camp sites November The WI will meet at the home of Mrs Morris Hayes Wednesday Nov at pm Topic Publi city Program Mrs Slessor Tea hostesses Mrs Crittenden Mrs Johnston Mrs Best AUCTION SALES Wednesday Nov 97Auction sale of farm stock implements hay and grain from Arthur Good hand SW V4 Lot 10 Con Tiny one milenorth miles east of Wyevalel Terms cash Sale at pin ST TraceAuc tioneer 7778b Thursday Nov 17Auction sale of farm stock and implements pro party of Bentley NH Lot 24 Con Tecumseth south of Bond Head Sale at 1230 ST Tcrms cash Manning McEwan Auct 787980 WANT ADLEIS Ihese adlets were reoelveu after noon day before My of publication and were too to under RIFLE Lee annals 303 spotter Parker Bros doublebarrel shot 778b Lloyd and Erma Srigley and family 78p one mile ll LOCAL NEW lsurams COURT lungs of the Supreme Court of On tario in Simcoe County will take iplace at the County Court House ion November 21 List of bases is inormally compiled on the sixth day ibefore the session Flexalum venetian blinds 14 colors to choose from Phone 3482 for an estimate 7879 nusr SATURDAY Barrie Fire Dcparlmcnt spent lbusy day Saturday Besides the re which drove 17 people from 3118 Collier Street there were two other calls The firemen put out re in small outbuilding nt 10 iCcnlrc Street and chimney fire Next session of the nonjury slt lat 67 Essa Road was out when they arrived wMornings $350 wave for 3250 35500 wave for $350 Camcronal gBeauty Parlor 34 Dunlop St Tele phone 4484 Still lIIORSE GOES SHOPPING horse at large in the Bank gMarkcl Square gave police few ipuzzllng moments Friday The owncr Mr Campbell Anne Street was located in ort time and the horse claimed It was not lknown how the horse escaped and iwandered down town For draperies sec Barrie Tent iund Awniirg line for Fall 1949 Eye Appual Newest Fabrics Quality lTailoring Priced for todays mar kct 64t1b leoSr OFFICE HOURS On November 11 Remembrance gDay wicket service will be re sirictcd at the Post Ofce to the ghours of am to 12 nOon The public lobby will be open from iamto pm There will be one dclivery of mail by letter carriers at the usual morning hours Spe cial delivery service ruralmail idelivcries and street ictter box col lections will be as usual Mails will be received and despatchcd on the usual schedules PERSONALS and Aliandaleue appreciated by the social department PHONE 2414 7737912 vicemen and women are on lo Mr and Mrs Rowe were sudden death of Mrs Rowes father William Archibald f2 INNIerL NOTES By RGS Comparison in Taxes ratepayer in Innisl makes the following comparison in taxes in three municipalities where he Ihas property On hundred dollar assessment inInnisl in No Area his taxes are $305 Olea lot assessed at $100 in 010 Township his takes includ ing theOIillia High School Area are $392 But on lot in Scarbor uugh Township which is in one of the urban sections an assessment of $100 takes at $157 In Innisfil the school mill rate public and high schools is 1301 mills In Oro Township the total schoolpublic and high rates are 201 mills In Scarborough with collegiate school included run as high as34 mills in some areas These arewhere new schools have recently beenconstructed However on each hundred dol tors of asjsessment Oro ratepayers pay 87c more than Innisfil while both pay nearly double the Scar borough Township rates according to the rates given on the tax bills of the party interviewed Alvin Webbs Condition More Serious Alvin Webb who took seizure overa week ago and was rushed to Sumwbrook Hospital Toronto ral lid for sometimeandlora time he was thought to be out of danger However within the past week someother complications have de veloped and it isllikely that an early operation will be necessary Alvin veteran of the first World war hasbeen pensioner for some yearson lung disability brought oa by poison sale delivered anywhere in 7town hone 31112 High in Result quarter of pork for winter lPork Front 41c pound Russel Dickey hHinds 43c at Market Buried at Thornton Emmmommocasm Barrie Examiner Classified Ads Bringij Phone your ArtDial ILIdem 530 oclock Saturday or Wednesday word cosh minimum 35 word charged minimum In Royal Vicloria Hospital Ban storage was on sale at the market rie only short time Mrs Russel on Saturday The front was priced Dickey 60 passed away suddenlyi at 11 cents pound and the hind after heart attack on Monday Octobcr 24 at 43 cents Horseradish at 30 and 35 cents small bottle had been brought in by one of the vendors The number of customers at the Clair market had dwindled noticeably on Saturday morning and the cold weather had cancelled all outOf doorsbuying and selling Large eggs were 60 and 65 cents dozen Roasting chicken was 45 and 48 cents pound Bolling fowl remained at 40 cents The roaslcrs were mostly large aver aging sevcn pounds apiece In the apple line Canadian Reds sold at 25 cents basket for wind falls arid greenings were 35 certs basket Onions wcrc dear and scarce Red onions sold at 60 cents six quarl basket and others were 50 cents and 40 cents The small pickling onions were still plCIIIi iii and remained at 15 cents per quart IIugc Savoy cabbach sold at 20 cents each Red cabbage and or dinary garden cabbage were 15 and 20 cents depending on size Turn ips were 15 cents each and cauli fiowcr sold at 10 and 15 Carrots sold at 10 cents bunch or 50 cents basket Broccoli was plentiful but ra maincd at 65 cents basket Miss Barrdss Tells OI CAS Help Given Unmarried Mothers The monthly meeting of the Con trc Simcoc Branch Childrens Aid Society was held on Tuesday Nov in the Branch office on Collier St Barrie Miss Helen Robson in her statistical report stated that the Centre Simcoc Branch has 142 children in care After the busi ness portion of the meeting Miss Dorothy Bariass social worker told of the assistance given to un married mothers The social workers give sympav thctic hearing and assistance to the mothertobe prior to the birth of the child On many cases part time position can be arranged so that the mother may be self supporting Details of confine mcnt are also arranged In the event that such course is neces sary the worker endeavors to help the girl in establishing betterrela tions with her parents After mother is free to decide whether she will keep the child or give it up for adoption In the latter case arrangements are made by the Childrens Aid Society Everything possible is done to se cure home where the child will be well cared for and given an op portunity to live happy normal life Wilfordr Planning Another Show at Marsh The second annual Harvest Home Day will be held at the Holland Marsh gardens near Bradford on Nov group of business men are coming up from Toronto to inspect the Holland Marsh its sold storage plant and its pack ing and shipping facilities Wilford of Toronto pub lishel of Trade and Transport Magazine attended meeting of marsh growers week to make arrangemenis for the inspection and surprise party for the growers Manufacturers of machinery commercial fertilizers men and transportation executives will travel to Bradford as good willgesture next Wednesday Of special interest to visitors will be the block of 300 acres which is now in cultivation about two miles in fromthe highway in the new marsh area The grow ers began the opening up of the new marsh only this spring Two hundred additionalacres are now being broken up in that area and 400 are being drained 19496 CITIZENSARSURGEDTO OBSERVE DAMCCQRDINGLY particularlyrequesmthotbtll bu in 1sa mmoinddbdbp the in surance lJamcs and Elvin lIIusscl both of iBnrrie one daughter Mrs Dcmcr Township Office in Bradford last Funeral services were held Thurs day October 27 from Jcnnet Fun eral Home with Rev Sin DD formerly of Essa Road Presbyterian Church and now rcf tired officiating Interment was at Thornton cemetery The former Rosella Malel Mrs Dickey was born at Thornton On lario She was married at Coiling5 wood but lived most of her life at Barrio residing at 56 Cumberland Street Mrs Dickey was active in church affairs belonging to thc Evuiingl Auxiliary and the Womens Mis sionary Society of Road Prcs byterian Church Both organizations contributcd floral wreaths Among other Itll utes were numerous wreaths fromj friends and relatives and one from neighbors Surviving are her husband Rus scl Dickey two sons lzircncc ling Eva Lucille of SllilllCId and nine grandchildren also two brothers Walter Maicl of Oshawa and Fred Maici of Barrie Pallbearers were Davc Watson Cecil Hanson Morris Logan Charg lcs Harris and Benjamin Odd all of Barrie and John Maicl no phcw of Oshawa Present wcreMr and Mrs Wai ter Maicl and family of Oshawn Mrs Samuel Male and family oil Toronto Miss May Taylor and Mrs Robertson of Niagara Falls lt9 CLEOPATRA usao IT Rose petals have provided mater ial for perfume since the days of the ancient Egyptians Greeks and Romans Township of lnnisfil COURT OF REVISION Ratepayers please take notice that Court of Revision will be held on Wednesday November 16 off 130 oclock pm in SllOlld Com unity Hall and also on Thursday Nov 17 at the same hour in the Churchill to conSider appeals against assessl ments for the year 1949 Appeals must be filed with the Clerk according to law or they may not be considered 7678b ALLAN Clerk ESTABLISHED 30 YEARS P0111101 REAL ESTATEBROKER Houses Lots Tobacco 85 General Farms Exchanges Insurance MARKLE Mar 69 Collier St Phone 3844 RR New Lowell Phone l02r24 LIST YOUR PROPERTIES WITH US TEDS RADIO am WWW ALLANDALE DIAL 3609 nrrllag 131054 ram Yorkshire firstlitter SO III 50c Favoured with executors Slessor will so by Public Auction or on LATE MRS osoaoma Madam Sessions will commence at pm EST SATURDAY SESSION which will be hold on the lawns compnsmg in part Olaii Refrigerator Moffat Electric Range Kitchen utensils dishes antique or modern glassware bed linens pillows drapes quilts bed spreadg er trunks suitcases vacuum cleaner many vol of books large number of pictures rugs mats fire place brassware mantel clocks and at great raga ber of other articles too numerous to mention WEDNESDAY SESSION which will be held 1n the dwelling compnsmg Of piece dining room suite mahogany large chino cab24 inet walnut mahogany desk windsor back chairs walnut Ottomans walnut dining room serving table number centretabies walnut piece chesterfield suitor walnut hand carved turntop cord table rosewood oak book shelves cabinet radio spinuet living room chains walnut occasional chalrsWilton rug 1012 Orient a1 rug 12 new drop leaf sewing tables walnut stair carpet and many other antique pieces walnut spool beds antique Marshall mattress and springs walnut vanity dressers antique mahogany Valli dresser mahogany dresser day coah walnut not Because of the limited accommodation we request the no children be present at the Wednesday Sale TERMS CASH POSITIVELY N0 RES AUCTION sits Audios Form Stock Implements Eggggfxtgzeandu Household Effects The undersigned has received instructions from JOHN SHEARD SH Lot 21 Con 13 Innistil Miles East of Painswick to sell by Public Auction on Friday November 11 THE FOLLOWING HORSES Bay gelding yrs 1500 lbs grey gelding 13 yrs MCAIITLE 21 burly ur am ers yrs fat Durham steer Barrie Agent fat Durham heifer 18 months of 2385 Danfort Toronto will publiclloo 70 SAT 0V gt Cooke Cormofdz Storage 43 Essaodea sale staph Durham heifer 15 momns1atf SHEEP AND SWINE ALMND breeding ewes purebredanfc due middle of Dec yearling Yoi shire boar IMPLEMENTS MH trac 101 Jr IHC 11shank stiffto cultivator Cockshutt tiller 831a sec springtooth barrows ft cut horse and tractor hitc IHC fertilizer drill lldlSC hori and tractor hitch mower 5tt cut Cockshutt hay rake ft nearly new rMH manure spreader steel truck wagon and rack farm wagon scuffler sec drag barrows Wilkinson 51 gl plow Fleury 21 single plow eel land roller drums HarttEmerson tanning mill Superior drill wheels flat hay rack set sloop sleighs tongues emery wheel steel gas drums set pig weighing scales and crate 125 ft barn rope sling ropes sling chain number of pulleys HARNESS Set backband barn Vess number of coliars GRAIN AND HAY 600 Ajax oats loads secondcut hay 22 tons mixed bay tons timothy ay HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS Viking cream separator Beatty gasoline washin machine Coleman cook stove arge ice box small ice box incubator 60egg cap Quebec heater Clare Jewel range batteryl radio gramophone kitchen cabl inst number of steel beds Forks chains shovels and many other articles too numerous to men lion be sold wnnout redegve ess Slitinch chopper MII binder your car ready to face the fruise through any kind of Ire iteosy for you because ends All will as the proprietor has sold his farm Terms cash Sale at pm Black clerk SwedeAuctioneer 78b Phone Stroud 23r11 our scom an CASTLE KINCARDINEONFORTH Em Scotland CPThe ministry of works has acquired Tulliallan Castle for use as apermanenti Scottish police college mvusro C90pf FeedyFOtQuaH color LAYVMASH of loans CQOP showbizu 1099 DA OULTR