Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 7 Nov 1949, p. 1

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EXA MI ICING can cunt BAIL 86th YearNo 78 The First Column Bits and Pieces To Stop Or Not When motor ist sees red light or police con stable with outstretched arm he usually knows what to do But how does motorist know whether or not to stop when overtaking pedestrian who is proceeding along the sidewalk He slows down but he doesnt stop because he thinks the person walking may be enjoy ing the exercise in the fresh air Then after the motorist passe by he begins to worry for feir the pedestrian may think he was too mean to share ride Motorcycle Thrllls Last Sunday afternoon while watching motor cycles gracefully bank around the sharp corner at Bradford and Essa Road spectators were startled to see machine go out of control and roll over girl riding on the pinion seat was slightly hurt as the heavy bike scraped along the pavement while her left leg was pinned underneath Some of P081 DUI WAITIIIY OTTAWA Collect Baskets for Junior Red Cross BARRiEONTARiO CANADA MONDAY NOVEMBER 77949 Luau kit It PAID 7101 Section lPoges to lFederation Agriculture lSponsoring Night Classl Program For Ninth Year The Simcoe County Federatibu imately 40 rural centres taking part of Agriculture announces that the In the program Among the manyl community program for studyandritopics on the speaker panel this iactlon commences its ninth year season will be an Introduction and of operation in the rural commune followup of the Assessment Act ltles of the county report of the finding of the Royal This program was introduced in Commission on Soil Conservation Slmcoc County in 1940 as an ex latest data on Weed Control Herd IBlast PLAN ENLARGEMENT periment in adult education and Improvement Swine and Beef and IN iit proved so successful that It has Poultry production become Permanent 010190t In In the field of Social Studies sucl many FUTaII 31935 subjects as Family Health and Last spring the Simcoc CountyEChild Care Handicrafts Nutrition Federation of Agriculture accepted Library Services Horticulture and full financial responsibility for theIHomc Beautication and many program and it is operated in Co others are available for the asking operation with the Departmenls of The program AKNCUIIUTP and Education from the Federations office in Bar Each year the program gets un rie and with the assistance of two dcrway in late October or earlyJulltimc and two parttime held November and runs through until men there is direct contact with the middle of May all participating groups Any rur Community meetings once month in the various centred this adult education program is 1n is administered are heldizal group wishing information out Initial plans for enlargement of Trinity Anglican Church Barrlc are proceedingr well Right Reverend It Bever ley Bishop of Toronto said here Friday at the reception following the inductlon of Rev Joseph del Wright Rev Mr erght states com mittees are about to be form ed and It is hoped work will start as early as possible in the new year Enlargement of the church has become necessary because rom Furnacel Sends Twelve Families Rushing Pram House Quick work by the Barrle Volunteer Fire Department pree vented injuries and loss of life in the fire and resultan smoke Saturday morning 0F TRINITY CHURCH that drove 17 people from apartments at 118 Collier Street on The fire left residents of 12 apartments temporarily homev less Arriving moments lifter alarm was sounded firemen rc moved five people from second and third storey windows through land assisted others down stalrways to safety Heroine of the blaze in every oncs opinion was 83yearold Mrs Letitia Harrison who lived in Eng Iand duringthe war She unhesl tatingly accompanied reman down ladder from thirdfloor the were Mrs OSullivan and child Mr andMrsiC Painter and Mills Helen Robson Residents of the ground oor and of their furnlture as firemen suc ceeded in controlling the flames Fire Chief Irwin said calm could not be immgdiately deter mined but the fire ts belleVed to have started near the furnace Apg parently there had been an explo one of the senior officers was like caning ly to get the boot seal of ap 9811035 fall thosc graceful motorcycle maneu vers maybe more closely akin to accidents than We sometimes sus pcct Coin Collection Harry Lennox who now looks after Barrics park ing meters is dailyndding to his unusual coin collection To date this year the meters have released coins from Portugal Italy Genn any Holland and England There have also been 84 bingo slugs25 slot machine tokens one wartlme meat token 48 washers and one button Voters Stand Up When the arena bylaw vote was being taken and later when the school bylaw vote was being planned there were several persons who learned their names were not on thetown voters list Now is the time to have names added Those who are en titled to vote in municipal elections should check the lists and any com plaints should be registered before November 20 Flsh 65 Years Ago In its 65 years ago column The Orillia Packet and Times published an item about Stephens of Barrie meeting of Oro teachers at Jarralt who caught black bass measuring 37 inches from tipito tail an ca ptain Wells spoke of his early 39 mm g9 and welghmgglife in London Paris Marseilles p9unds and am ounce3 Pele and Barcelona After returning to McGlllcn Toronto sports writer CanadaI heImarried city girl who tended to discount the claim had Universit degree bestdes pomtmg out that the sh WmuI3certificates in several special sub top the worlds record by one jects pound and four ounces Tut tut cm and b0 ght what IS now known Mr Mcmnen have you see as The Owl Perl for $15 cash They Ithose picture postcards In this part believed ImatIIIthu werg wen ed the unity with bass big cated people equipped focally WWW thing life had to offer but found Half way The While chat that their humblestI neighbors had ting with some friends in southern Ifgrgotttin more fabout flan lite Ontario recently we heard one of an two hem them remark Barr known place to live because yguofe 211 Both he and his wife decrded that way to anywhere you want to goIn education should teach children the akgggsgyther we tuningsorigami Barrie was halfparbelluelztelrti and Clothing and realize3d the in unto and MuskokaI mm wayrbe adequacy of theirpwn education W933 ulhem dog 11 mm 3231 tggugtgllglllatthr crn am an way etweeni eastern gum and Western 0n life blgtIfoundd thatt Ighese chllfdre tarloBW1Ith thlsdmettshod of reason gerleandema 1538 sveuiwglt Eat mg arrie resi en can set out for anywhere later than persons LeElana for Filing mt wgh the in other parts of the provincr teac er hm ose set we the curriculum with no thought alt way were already fortting the children for life on Shoesand snipe and smmgwaxathe concession line II He felt that The minor mutinies in the can the teacher has an encellent chance adian Navy and the resulting inIto Inculatethe Md Wlth vesti atlons indi ed appreciationofthe dignity of his that Hush without which all other PUPILS IN MISS TOUNGS class at Prince of Wales School in Barrie collect baskets to raise money for the Junior Red Cross Seen here with 124 of the baskets are four of the most energetic collectors Left to right Bobby Darch Marilyn Bruce Barbara McKinnon and Paul Desourdle each Seven years old Standing behind the pupils are Miss Mildred Hay field organizer for the Red Cross and Miss Rhoda Young teacher the money 15 retained locally and first aid kit and mirror have been bought for the classroom Kenneth Oro Teachers Meeting Captain Kenneth Wells the auth everyday life He believed that or of TheIOWI Pen and the rc people were beginning to realize cently published Moonstone Creek this need and that this could re Was the Suest Speaker at recent sult in bettereducatcd world Captain Wells was given sin SChOOI Icere vote of thanks bythose pres ent for his frank and Vivid evalua tion of our presentday educational system The ve finalists in the Ora Township Oratorical Contest gave interesting talks on different sub jects Lynda Handy from Dalston School spoke on Mrs Roosevelt Lois Cooke from Jarrett School spoke onvAlexandet Graham Bell Stewart Strachan from Nevis on Coffee Mary Ross from Oro Sta tion on The Smoking Habit and Bruce Chappell from Crown Hill on Leisure Time The judges were unanimous in their decision that Bruce Chappell was the winner Hewill take part in the contest in the Barrie Colleg iate on Tuesday Nov15 at pm Mr Butler the Supervising Prin cipalof Oro School Area showed film Tips For Teachers The commentator in this lm demon strated the requirements for good teaching and likened the steps to They decided to leave the lawyers Harsh and monotonous voices were likened to those of barker and bus driver on sight seeing tour The three require ments for good teaching were Personality inpluding attitude ap Captain Wells believed that the complaints One rumor had it that rem frThe Pen gtmg senior ofcer was going to be through four editions in lesstime transferred tOIIthe Swiss Navy than other Canadian bookeandi delegation to the next meeting of where he coma he the wholl being chosen by the United Natio the Trustees to discuss return to cheese HoweVer this remrt was as one Of thebest 100 nonfiction afternoonteachers meetings which not authentic gt4 books was not because it wasai result in larger attendance and Well itten book but because it thereforeobtain better results ation including review and sum mary of ithe facts The teachers decided to send proval was put on some of the Wells Speaker The pupils sell the baskets for three cents each Some of cussion of RevMrWright Inducted carcasses iidt carrying the program and at these meetings speakers discuss subjects of interest to the pcople These speakers are selected by the groups themselves from panel of qualified professional and lay people and their subjects range from better poultry production to interior decoration At theso meet lngs too the groups have an oppor tunity to view films distributed through the program by the Nan tional Film Board and which to great extent deal directly with farming or subjects of interest to rural people Another important part of each meeting is the dis local and Federation business Some of the most suc cessfulprograms tare those that also hold study group or Farm For um meetings During the program year of 194849 42 communities in Simcoc County hold regular monthly meet pings under this adult cducailon pfvJgram total of 249 meetings were held with total attendance of 8413 and an average attend ance of 337 This year therewill be approx OVER 1250 ATTEND AS DANGERFIELDS NEW GARAGE OPENED When Dangerfield Motors opened the new garage on Collier St last Saturday night more than 1250 persons attend ed the open house George Dangerfield and his employees wormoverwhelmed at the tremendouscrowd and all parts of the garage were crowded from pm until after 10 oclock Further details of the 0f fioial opening will be publish ed in Thursdays issue of The Examiner services of Rev Mr Morrison He national understanding good wiili ternational of rapidly growing congre vited to write to the Federation gallon office in Barrie ciiohappu 3155er RevGeorgeWMorrisoni Federation SeCretary Tile Board of Directors of the County Federation of Agriculture considered numerous applications for the position of Secretary before replacing the Rev Morrison who resigned recently owing to the pressure of his ministerial dut les Cecil Chappcll of Crown Hill was appointed secretary on part limc basis The experience of the new secretary as practical farmer and as Director of the County Executive for number of years were considered in appointing him to the role of carrying on the work to the satisfaction of the rural peo ple of the County Mr Chappcll commenced his duties on Nov The Executive of the County Fed eration of Agriculture as wcllas its members were sorry to losi the efficiently since the resignation of Smith was the founder of the Colnlt munity Life Training Institute which introduced the adult educa tion program in Simcoc Countyand was one of the rst sccrctorirs of the County Federation Mr IV0rri son has been appointed an Associ ate Director of the Board and con sequently the organization will have the benet of his counsel ill future Mr Chappcll is particularly in terested that the Simcoe County Night Class Program the adult education program of the County Federation gets away to good start He is hoping that the Board of Directors and all members of the County Federation will put forth every effort to strengthen the Federation at the community has guided the organization most level Rotary Clubs In 81 Countries Imer United For Peace tharys 7000 Clubs in Itheir own litary Clubs in 81 countrigslcommunities topromote this Oh throughout the world are unitcdl lective Mr GOOCh explained dur in an endeavor to promote inter ing the next thylele years Rotary In W1 and peace That was the message principally to create better under of John Coach of Toronto Gov standing among the peoples of dif ernor of District 247 of Rotary In ferent nations One of the princi ternational in addressing the Rot11381 Ways in WhiCh this money conference with local Rotary offi th tbl By RtRev ARBeverley 25 15 IS large representation of the those used by salesmen actors and congregation filled Trinity Angli can Church Friday for the induc tion into the church of Rev Joseph 121 Wright formerly of Bowman ville gt Officiating was the Right Rever end Beverley MA DD Bish pearance and voice Prepara up of Toronto and sermon was tion including an absolute know lgiven bythe venerable Enl ledge of material and Present met Archdeacon of Simcoe of Orillia With many representatives pres ent from the Barrie and outofI town Clergy the Service followed werefollowed by hymn and then the form laid down Following an organpreludc pro cessional hymn and the Bishopsi Exhortation Rev Mr Wright readl Cdlor Television We read in ans edsneed for the down to The next meet will he heldin the Declarations and Oaths ReadI the October 8editionof the Dally cuminon happenings Edgar School on oVember 24 Mail fromIondon England that the biggest sensatlon ofthemidi lympia 4949 was color levi First announcement 01th anus radio secret wasvmadeatthe Show and newspper reporters were vited to ingot the Letters of Institution and ZElmvale Rev Eric Richards of dash divided high school sehoolsot will be spent will be on Rotary Foundation FeIIOWShips which en ambassadors of good will Since awarded to studentsin 27 countries with grants totalling more than $250000 Devoted to service Rotary pro vides common ground for 330000 License was by Rev Patstone Stayner Presentation of the Bible and the Book of Common Prayer was by the Bishop who passed his b1ess business and professional execu ing on the new Incumbent tives throughout the world regard After the Act of Induction by the less of nationalities or political Bishop presentation was made ofreligious beliefs the Rotary Dish the keys of the church tothe In trict Governor emphasized cumbent by Col Lee rectors He said that there is striking warden and Arthur Robinson peo parallel between the program or ples warden IRotary and the United Nations The Salutation Procession to the Smarter and that $3199 thelorgaP Rectors Seat and the Admonitions nation 01 the Unlted Natlons 1945 Rotary Clubs throughout the the sermon by venerable world have been active in the dc Emmet velopment of an informedpublic He chose his subjectthe quoopinion on the objectives of the tation in the heavenly hcom St United Nations in an endeavor to paulws Epistle to the Corinthiansmake it an effective instrument for Speaking at the reception in the ee Peoples everyWhele Parish Hall after the service New members recently welcomed Bishop Beverley voiced his pieas lmo the 30131 CIT1b 0f Barrie ure on the large turnout and on 514 Lecomtet C9mmanding 05 thyway the congregation is grow 0f RCAF Station Camp 501 den and Itonald Stewart Funeral Members of the local clergy me Director wrth Lloyd Steckley sentineluded Rev Newton SthA11dl no0 3C$licartgeelent afllom eIitof BGCk ConteSt town Adye of VCollingvvvlolod JIev Mr Stubbs of Wlnners week Readers of The Back Page will gShanty BathBEY MCItart besurprised to see that the win 5f P993308 3811 Downefw nersof this weeks contest ifthey and jPadre Anderan Camp desire may have tickets to the Borden Toronto Marlboro game on Friday night November well that ere otianxiousltoLcomment IE Public school Inspector Scott da ight Iamtijoyof those con xt would be pleased fto note Intrance examinations are to test ppeltringron TheBacklPage ga eonFridiiyfnighl when the St Mob Ige Majors visit the Bit Flyers So when youare tea er that the will be foethe David Smith three years ago Mr tarV C1111 Balrle NOV3f0110lg floor were Miss Reva Burkelt apparently it would run into sg cers directors and committee Cllalr In addition to the activities of spend $750000 ugliythewmnrs ck Civill be offered Tickets furnace lwhich poured thick yellow smokcII helpers managed to remove most Ision in the furnace apartment This is nothing compared to the and pipes were loose at the back bombs she told her daughter Mrs the Chief said Eric Kitchener who also escaped The furnace was coal burncr lvia the ladder and the house was heated by hot Others taken from windows by water remen were Mrs Evelyn ClarkI The Fire Chief gave great praise and her daughter Joan and Mrs to the volunteer remen who he Jamieson all from the second said dld great job floIor Most damage was ill the cellar Opened the dI00r my apart but considerable smoke and water ment and coulant 530 across the damage was sustained throughout lhaIll for smoke Mrs 331311990 the house Firemen had to rip out said She attracted attention of some walls doorframeg and base firemen by shouting from her wln boards on the ground oor to get dow at the fire In one groundstloor With cloths held to their faces mom games had come up beside Barbara Shirley and NIECI Kim wall and gutted cupboard before cner daughters and son of Mrslbelng checked lKitchener were escorted from the Mrs CoumI owner of the third floor through thick smoke by building made arrangements memen take the Kitchener family and Mrs Derry osunwan Who escaped Harrison into her house The 0th from the first floor with Mr and em would be looked anen she had MW BC Snelgmvev learned by friends or nelghbors Brothers and daughter Ruth and and some had made thatown Mrs Pileau said he had just rangements risen and was only partly dressadl Theyve been just wonderful when loud explosion shook the1e saidabout game people who house and SmOke began to the offered to assist with housing rooms Hesnatched up few itcmsi Mrs Couns had no idea when tbs of clothlng and went outsrde house would be habitable am It was almost no time before but said workmen were called In thc fire department was there and immediately after the fire Efforts taking people from windows he would be made to get thetenants said lback in as soon as possible Slit People who made their way out said of the building from the second Damage was not determined but Mrs Mary McMaster and Rob eral thousands of dollars The lnson house was insured Mrs Coulis Absent residents of the building said 3From 12 Countrigs Granted Citizenship Papers Slmcoe County New Canadian citizens receiving zabeth Van Severen Belgium New their citizenship papers in Simcoe Lowell Naun Ko LenChIfla Orll County in October totalled 23 in Ila David Lang formerly Leong eluding three from Barrie Chung Quon Chlflaeplzlfhg00d They appeared before Judge Frank Battigoni Italy PortMc Harvie at the Statutory Sittings Nicoll Fred Mindiuk Po1and of the County Court in Barrie on Singhampton Marcel Sertulen Van October 24 de Velde Belgium Allitoh Clara The applicants countries of ori gin totalled 12 Alliston Joe Mark China Allis There have been 32lother applir ton Michael Lewko Poland Cam cants during the year some of Bordenr Captain Claude nun them passed and some pending United States Camp Borden Name former country and adI dress of Barrie people passed in October are Lee Sh wmg China 29 mm 10p Barrie Loo Ngo China 29 Dunlap Barrie Eva Perenz Yugo Annual Bazaar St Petersuild slavla Allandale Churchill On Saturday Nov 12 Largest group included eight DJ at home leS Slm 73b from Bradford They are Peter Bingo lucky draw GERCQEVGIP Chudy Poland Mrs Annie Kolar ford H811 Friday Nov181BinD ik Czechoslovakia Mrs Elizabeth 810 Pmr dance191aim tensile Sadlon Czechoslovakia Yishihei gamfsbmgo Aml$15QQL9n9h Yoshimura Japan Mrs Elizabethpmwliei 39b PQWFHS 3179953393 Vdovjak Czechoslovakia Nicholas fslces Chmlwmlth Farmers Grencer Czechoslovakia Steve 135 78 are We Wm ml GOAL CARDIFF CPlStaggeredvaca Others are Thorblorn P6061750 tions in South Walesfcoal spits this Norway Victoria Harbor Regina year resulted in aproductlonslua Schmidt Germany Thornton Eli at 160009 tons of Cream Prom Surplus uttr Vvefofmoo creaniprodllcbrs in suit totheanllualynictlngll vein 139 Departments office atxBarrte EXpresslng keenlldlsappointm t9 The Back Pagebe sure to remain door was found blown off its hinges Camilla Van de Velde Belgium

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