Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 17 Oct 1949, p. 5

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vaW aw mw Exminel Clasified Adsfo High in Resutsn ill an our IM 50 30 oclock Saturday or Woan out MI cash minimum 35d word chorgod Minimum 50 Box numbers 25 um HELP WANTED ll yon ms Constru din tBarrlefield mm CARDS or THANKS Bonn cm 9A WOMAN WANTED 10 190k altCIEFUR COAT black broadtaii size III Chili FUN tlmE Ph 47b5 1729 16 325 Phone 4136 7729 BIRCH Fm rs iigc an au FIRST CLASS pLUMBEuI waniwfcooo DEER ROUND yearalter Mrs Ashton wish to ihfnh liiflutgallf 53 rlclw Apply to Box 22 Barri ExamSold Apply 41 Gowar St 33 their surrounding neighbors andl in and mi inerI 172brieI 772I7sp friends or thIir kindness and 38 Tltlm St son Paul Eric Mt ympalhy in their recent Delcave EJ HI SONM me no cum EXPERIENCED and capable sten SLALENGER badminton racquet ment in the loss of husband HOSPML name on 14 100 rs Bo Bgarril ellxzmneer pp 13273pigl1g9PlCSS nearly new Tale 3133 and tamer Jon Bird 729 gnu an um Kenya Jam EKNOWm Ii BOOKKEEPER required part70 FT SNOW FENCE bearskin FRUITAND VEGETABLES vital Ampritm siiifzs tm Ph 4473 he or aeI one iiugs large water color painting to Mr and Mrs Jacx Knowles between am and pm l72blphone 383 7729 APPLES FOR SALErSnows Tal Arnprior ii daughter Janice GIRL WANTED to assist withlmNING ROOM SUITE waihut red Appiiehlliys divs ngislitbfSthAi the Royal vu children and housework In modlpieces excellent condition Tele phone 3738 204107 03 em home Phone 3897 or wrilelphone 4136 7729 190a 100332 iindagres garden 05 500 0300 0500 Robertson Park St may 49 comma own Box 34 Barrie 170 1il73biMIIINuRE and Of Sale delivered an AND SAWYER WANTED with goodlwhere in town also gardens plbiz ROOM BOARD SAWS SEXtdontijle Royal Vici lfansmdwywsgam portable sawmill in take on sawqed Phone 811r12 742 ROOM AND BOARD to two gen toria Hospital Barrie on Oct NWMOVS bankahle ISMer rs comma at smgham 10 ml tiemen Central Ph 3924 1272x 16 1949i MT 811d Ernest CCded HFC spews Phone 133W4 Col inglivoIIozdIIiNFrIINTS CthlInchiBIIIIaMcud SaundesI BR 2I MiminBI II courteous prompt schiccISce 88 arm eggs ye COMFORTABLE accommojmm Wm Lmda Dmme Dim 35 tablercl3ymemPlamaemlm Ave or hone 28 771 CAPABLE GIRL or woman 10 vEGI leihhigfisigogigglf 8252 mild Your immuw need help with general housework in ISERVEL EFRIGERATOR tor phone 5209 1272b Phone or mmcin today 3531mampfg gggnayrlgrlmlgEIPsgDo 13 31553135 OTTAWA Oct Construction dowIspdce has been arranged other for dairy products Such di the lqu dlsh washers and Amount liI of Monthly Robinson 07 Heath St PROPERTY WANTED lsI expected to begin most imme mu ti wm owe cupo op iings as III IOIIII MIIIIIIIS 13 Toronto i72p MOTORCYcLE 1943 BSA 500cc LlHARVEyORCHARDA crumb diater on new 500rnari other buildlngIWIll add further natural stca heated Ihot plates Will Ibo IWM MIIIfII perIlecIt condition ideal transporrIlWANTED To IBUYI lo gmom him on OCL 5I ml by RevI DI ranksImess building at the Royall illumination to the mess hall stan ardI eqmpmcnt In addition 51m $1800 POSITIONS WANTED tation Phone 5797 aIiter Six 9d house redsonoblc down pay LancasierI Lillian AI orchard Canadian Electrical and MeIchani other neIwIicaturc insular as mllII there Will be pastry room larder s2 19 12 32000 too rill unmu Pm III 172751 merit Must be in good locality to Dewitt KI HarveyI cal Engineers School at Barriclield tary buildings are concerned WillI and spare room whereI the cooks Scotch couie Phone 337 Ont was armoUnced today by be the full forcedair Ivenlllation may relny between dullesI 18 HOUSEKEEpmG 905ml wanted weeks oldI Can Bob Defence Minister Brooke Claxton This will eliminate any cookin2 An important feature of the Ilc $10058 21 $3600 PWl HOUSE SUITABLE for boardin gt middleagei Wman in town amsay 498 900 am lo 900 Contract for the job has been odors from the kitchen and pro Sign 15 the marked dwisron bc 019 5330 01 2324 27213 fumwhed unfummhed wm inm awarded to the Schuett Construc vidc the maximum in pleasant dIIII tween the cooking portion of the uquAs mom mo atom 771729 rent or buy it suitable Central ANCI OIOANIZAIIOII ReferencesI phone 52 334 lion Company of Kingston ling conditions ibuIldmiz and the mess hit 50 WAN TED DINING SUITE chest relcctory IThe kitchen will be located it too MONEVMN Youurtnlr BELLAt Barrie on Oct 11 I949 The buildin of onestoic dc RUG WANTEDI suitable for rum ggiggfddggmsargfgohgge UTOMOBILES Elizabeth ElliouI formeIrly of 33 Sign is someung radically niw The kitchen layout and equip icarI and the mess hall at the front ncrsI Reasonale ph 5209 3725 5633 172 Naim Av Toronto WIie of the lent be based mm DCSWM 59 00 mcn mess late Jose Robert Bell and mmmry messmg accommOdamn leading kitchen equipment maliu hall will be equipped with limits MILKING GOATswanted ADDING MACHINES and type CAR FOR SALE 01355 60 mam Mrs A18 Parker mm kfteft Tm 83 facturers and will include the verybuilt to seat six FINANCE Nlall RR NOW Lowell 372 writers for sale or rent at Barrie dmonl Soe beams fan and heat LMUEL Ms Frank E1110 b0 if 81 as eePh Haifa latest in designing and conventl The floors throughout will be Business College 06 Toronto St 31 44 am street is girlfiagegrgg Em 5AM dy onmas 351 togswls ence Cooks and their stall will tile now being manufactured in MAN WANTED to build chimney Phone 4824 769th crmen ream Wl ocac mmc have ample room in which to pmCamda for the rst MI The me Pros ect Cemcte J88 Byrnes 6th Con Vespra near FY Town dialely behlnd the WCSl Paradt pare mealsI Wm the knchen pm greasepmog and acldproofI thus 26 Hugh 1948 CHEVROLET 2door sedan 14 unlon cemtery 3412 JODHPURS mdord grey Sim 16 ground pearly subdivided into various dcicutting cleaning problems to mm black leather riding boots or mam exmsl drigweisfwn ll ERIESTM th Royal Vietoia LIVE POULTRY wantedI any OdhpursI Size 7I seldom womI months new car naition OX 1Tospitai Barrie on Oct 16 1949 The structure Will be of rum partmcnts for the many phases rClt ImImmum The bottom hall of the MullIomI l3 quantity also scrap metals hides hone 2630 772x 23 Barrie Examiner 13 72 Wilfred Howard Priest husband forced concrete laced With white quiled In preparing food Tuolwalls Will be shcctcd with corn 0mm ma etc Pushkoif 33 Collier St the lat Thalma smith and stucco To ensure the utmost in Ie rctri oration units will he mic tile while the top half will be MiulmgaIsi 2ndFlmPhom1m Ph 2983 Stayncr 9812 36176p STOVE small we heater burns 1946 CHEV SEDAN excel tamer Mis Allen Cars light andventilation ample win installed one for meats and the faced With painted plaster wood electric waste in good condition Slip COVHS and heater NOIlne Barrie James De Movri9l050rby cppomlmal POULTRY AN Me new tires Privately owned troit Clair and Donna at home twmmadta rIidonttotwbylowu Highest mices paid vteswviil caI ggggngseocondmon Reasofjglzi Bowerman Alliston Telephone in his 55th year Funeral from connected with nature he is also Sheepfarming areas NGIlWBlCSMm McLaughnnvS Egg and paultry Sta 100 137172b his late residence Minesing to lson ona well known for his French Cam on Am Minesing United Church for ser we ac cc on one 68 4p TRACTOR FLOWS for sale one qdlan dlalecl oems 3furmw and one 24mme Apply DATE 1946 PONTIAC coach new Vice on Wednesday Oct 11 at 9C1 es WI Gems I13 thclc is plenty of room or lm the word around among farmer AGENTS WANTED Roy Partridge ShantyBayI Tele tires new battery undercoating 230 pm DST Interment Min For Students II lIIe was introduth by provcmcnt in present controlImcth how they can save themselves phone 16126 om 772 heater defroster winter plug etc esmg Cemetery Chisholm head of the English de ods Horse bots make the lives of money by using me newlrdevcl Complely Wmerlled $11550 partment at the school and thank that animal miserableand the th dI MAKE MONEY this eas wa Lewis Barrie Tele hone Alt ope me mi Ju sell Nameon Greetingy card TAILORMADE sun grey tweed 4048 135172 IN an sence 30m years edby Mary Ellen Young 855mm horse Wm alway be use Sure to be other Women Of 13601 lit boy1415 years like new Cost Ilson MacDonald returned to the editor of overtonesI the school smaller farms though 15 last dis control arise to keep the scienss meOns terrific line oi best 342 sen for $15I Too small for Barrie District Collegiate InstitutelmagazineI appearing on large ones busy on Wednesday afternoon to speak selling cards offers biggest values own Phone best assortments highest commis 27 5m PROPERTY FOR RENT After nding adequate controll sions for you NameOn Christ STEEL DRUMSI 45ganonI heavy BAY you out it in 1H IXAIINII KISSICKI Wing memory 0f to some of the poetry conscmuslsepmmber Registrations lmcasurcs for all these insects the Kerosene replaced whale oil asIa mas and Everyda assortmemsI our dear parents Mr and Mrs students and give 50me of MS we cad nding 2198 Izeature BOX Ev 5335295mfyil Escggrfualogll ROOM FOR RENT furnished Gerge Klsslck known recitals Of his own Writings1hr Public Schools 1404 1lla ma ms 10 SW nfnb ImminatmMn ligious Christmas Carol Currier hulstI Watkins agent 772 Gentleman preferred Telephone YOU Oft tlmes said wed miss you Mr MacDonald is perhaps most 8nd1VSCIIPDer BOX KISldle Cut 3998 15I72p Those Words have proved so true mucus for his son of the Ski September registrations at the oms cum and Clevr Gm cards SADDLE for 3819 Complete With we 105 our bESt our dearest whosenal verse in gthe mm of tour Barrie public schools totalled Humor Cards Gm Sta saddle blanket bridle and cr09 ROOM FOR RENT Wm breakfast Mther and Dad me 1St prayer is recited at the Winter 1404 ThLDrIncipals reports pre lionery etc are unequaled for like neW sell cheap also Muscovy and SUPP Pmleges Telephone you 01 snted ati the school bodfdmecl value and Sales appeal Write 10 ducks Phone 811r12 772p 3777 1572b F0ndIinremembered by ymplCS real mos Impress day for complete information cata 73p Marjorie Mary GeorginaI web to the students on Wednesday mg lasIt Thursday night ShOVAIIffIi GUARANTEEDI 1000 HRS logtIIe samples nowI INameOn NORTHERN ELECTRIC batter OFFICE SPACE for rent 26 Eliza afternoon that VINO SChOOl Wth 9603 COMPLETE STOCK Stationer Company Limited De selI $25I with batter year 01 beth St ApplyIHome Appliance MEREDITHIn proud and lovin special setting of darkened had the highest average attendante 1A 63 onge Street Arcade RelphRR Barrie Gosling Shop Barrie 1572b memory of our dear son an audiioriumIrwas arran ed for Mr for the month 10 WATT TO 1000 WATT TOHlO 472bA IFoxj Farm SunnidIale Rd 7729 brother Tpr HIoWard Meredith Mammal readin ogf Imiw Viciorla schooiI of which gt FURNISHED ROOM central 300d Wh gave his Me his mum 15 MacLennan is principal hadnrcg MARCONI RADIO KETTLES MISCELLANEOUS TARPAULINS new sad rentm resdental dism Break and try Belgm 19 1944 on Gregorian Chant song C16 istration of 436 pupils rigguisaarfiggggiii238333131362 dinners optmnaisiifrgg we have precmus memories mum When he was accompan $2995up $1250 HOUSE PROPERTYmTDBirl or days that are gonedear had by Lbydmord at the piano Prince Of waxes SChoo With 34 Baylield Si Phone 4314 704th FEATHERWEI HT IRONS MM efficiently carried out by Beres LIGHT rooms Iward and seven girls from the SChoOlpuPus had an average attendance Sd1 lord Phone 3945I 57075b meI HEMLOCK maple elm partly furnished $1000 and $1500 bereda 41113 ggdiIeEgIlrrnnn glee club who sang the chorus of 512 or 590 ell iS His other readin Selections in primjpal this SChOOL umber wt Iths also baled mont Carter Hotel New and ElmerI II FURNACE and Chimney Clean stratv small cedar posts Lowell Phone 45r15 15727311 72b Chlded tWO dialect poems one ng Edward SChOOl was thud May we supply your hunting wants in done with modern vacuum Cal all da wuh Elmer BrinkleIIM Donald StI Telex aollell Shanty Bay PhIiISneIIl UNFURNISHED rooms for rent lialirnseryiigltzn EiggfgIolgog zEgIeLoaw IsenprIchtIzpaI III Ammunition 0115 Axes Knives Eta pm 4737 571 partly heated upstairs hydm Real amusing poem depicting French this school and there were 346 puplt HOCKEY and SKATING OUTFITS ah HARM HOUSE for sale forIdIemo geglggggmggghscgemi 530 13 hulam Perkms Account mm Canadians rst experience as 115 eInrolled Ith lition rooms Mrs Williams plete withIplowI I000 cashI Tele II no to toven on IIspectator at an Ameman baseball ngI George 00 wi oInIv Talephong Moonsmne kgfzvgn phone Archie Graham Stayner IMMEDIATE POSSESSION Six An ad game gt 45 puplls Fegltelcd had annaveraga mg 3P 225r111 77277b roomed house With large 3piece Wedded MrI MacDonald spoke to the of 43 attending for 9333 Miss th ht kt by the lock dammit th th wom ename 98 Students of poetry as neglected am all ers 15 sem LICENSED auctioneer for coun GOOD MAGICAIR vacuum clean range and Quebec heater supplied PHONE 2414 art Poetry is 7811 the arlsI it is leaCher al SChOOL DICII II Sl ties of Simcoe Grey and Duerln Geo Duncan phone Dundalk filiakle goisggnllatbmimglsgn ogtggd 5235 gg mum and art too Poetry is the 9412 and reversecharges 5837613 most dynamic powerful thing In Peg on or mg con one for er ea err 93 wum 55 demonstration to Royp Tracy heavy stove Applyy to Boxg 20 uses uth en and Laura the world The 23rd Psalm has tr ALL KINDS Of pump and wen 3432 772759 Barrie Examiner 1541729 Graham left on Friday by meter had an innitesmal inuence onAim Of Laboratory work done Pressure Stems sold for the Gamma WESt world history Wellington said mm Recent and hand it and Stmed jb 1947 FORD TRACTOR rubber grayighgrwtyvgtyrdahgv hydraulic plow 1pulley power PROPERTY FORSALE Mr and Mrs OIscIar Laws were Egafagrlllnpotrlwon the BattleI anmgmgs SESIIISICI Ding pl talkeO usec Very mm 25 ymmg MI and Mrs wmmm Bowman the liv insect iabora PIES Phone IVY 1613 Alex Duns LOTS FOR SALE mnes south Lansmg and Mr and Mrs He spoke of the general misun 011 my DRAFTING SERVICE working ei ttin ience to work drawings prepared bins of mate more Highway 27 corner Ivy of Barrie on Highway 11gt sIt Hunter of Chotham derstanding that washed In confus or sIgu Ig ct III III II ials specicatimls Reasonable mad PauIs Village IGood drainage Mrs Haynes of Manchester mg Poetry With rhyme He mam 059 insecs mur rats Quick serv ce ChOIQe gardeniml Lloyd Cum England left Malton airport last tamed that poetry had nothing llveStOCRI LADYS SUITS 301 dressmak mirig Stroud Ph 16r21 161273b Part of the Dominion Scrence Monday after visiting her sOnin whatever to do with rh me andl Might Guthrie Phone 010 er light blue dressmaker black I712 71771 and white check jacket with black CHOICE URGE buildi lot to law and daughter Mr and ms that moreoverl rhyme dld not SciVice Laboratories the insect re Thos Ken and their th search will be the springboard skirt w1nIIe fitted wmter coat all sole at east end ot Barrie ree sons ma poem WE CUSTOM make Venetian Size 18 good length dry cleaned Viewof bay Pnch for immedifte 61 Dru Lane Mrs Haynes Several autographed copies of from much practical appncamm Ofl blinds of Flexalum strong eas Ito ed hel five week holda in insect control is launched good condition reasonable Tele sale Hand Hiiisdaie On $311350 lijggc 4331 Ilallllfifigrigt Phone 2680 742 tario 1672 game mamaslay lam apartf from leugingangglzogogngzfugloig ery yilr 3n unifountedtamet Won 56 Gem un of amage one insec ar 331 OgvrrgggeOVhessggatgI 72Easy MOTORS sew lights bobbins IMMEDIATE possession$4000 rationed food in the Shires was Greater Poems the Bible were ble ies alone cost the farmer on gt IIIIIyour sewmg machine recondition to Toronto Woodstock Ontario the son 91 MIXED HARDWOOD softwood ed 10 tau Whig Prompt ser Estate BrokerIBeIeIton Telephone hed the Dmmlnv are 31W Baptist reacher He attended Vice WOIk guaranteed have 36 167273 85 bad for sale for immediate delivery been in the 3mm Imachi busi Woodstock Collegiate Institute and Insect damage is not conned my 75D belts shuttles needles and parts roomed brick house bath sun particularly im resscd with the on sale at the door Of the 11 10 for most allmakesIofeWmgnnai prirch garage lien pen fruit large glorious tum Ibeauty of Can torlum the average mm $5 WOOD FOR SALE chmesi Now 18 the time to have garden good localil 1313s diilii ada The Ontario poet was born near eyno ea every head of cattle Lice which infect practically every commercial 21 nessforithe ast ears In Bar FOR SALE In Barrie for Investv McMme UnweSitY addition cattle Sheep alien are infected 1e with bold rlI Tele hone 11 Ph 846121 09729 5179 lit72b EIGIEEEN fIUNDRED Igownbal fIVE p165 we as re Very mo em new foISAIe weeks old home Nov ossssion Seven Wenotice try TheTefEuS NBWS Madden RR Shanty Bay QUIET YOUNG COUPLE re roamed homemamgumboTor Record that television has been in gt rie inleyI 5A ElizabethI merit semidetached brick house to writing his Vlumes 0f poem Th BODY HAPwlgggGgIngri StIBarriePhone 3361I 771 very central and reasonably priced Mr MacDonald has written sevrarallzggess 53 lack Zieconiiiilon Also good form complete with on th 671 74p AGGOMMODATION WANTED good building Possession AMI II For draperies sceBarrie Tent is sriclgc nnaweszggigdafi xiiII Iand deterioration 1n thquualIity oi LIVESTOCK SHE Also ofce and wmkshopIIspace to and Awning line for Fall 1949 Eye the wool NOSe bots pt which an 12031 ROOMS wanted wthr rent Cowan Cowon Bar IINewest Fabrics Quality IOHSand 13 Somalhmg of an artlst adequate control has notyet been PIGS BIweksold John Kitchen furnishII ybuhgIcouI rjIeII 16411431 fhioed fortodays mat Although his poetry is chiey found alsoIare prevalent in many II 64tfb endpointtrimmer partl urn shed romllnfmm 6th in his elggilicllil $335 tsrfritlicsiidtgegggrlivblhvmiirliiifri VTEAMDF ORSEgmggguhggggf 29 gssigntoissuit ume 5illrilkaounty Editor liugh Templin reJ IAIRIFORCEOFFICER ehd Ieg ors orrie If Ir yo saes p017th Vern mine had the gt Child desire 354 liniIuirghished IT III 16f in snagging jt Irime for IRONIWORK omnibus migrants EIeotric EliDING Acetylene Iyqulte afew Fergus 101 saiiv the WD IMMEDIAin 7m thirirgdsifieag9lvell onesviamezairwavesProprie= LawztMowersliRopdired Cd suit II VIIxGoodIlopouPin 0101 FinleyisIHardwareIIIin Fer VI Auxindsor in usIVern is hativeo Barrieg lt31 Ex This plan gives yourtamily IIIoII II III 338 II III II gt ExaImp exatfngeodncoine Tele 35050ty we heal business ST more income for smaller paya II sineIntsthantlietteualpbliciesrU Hll th

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