1111 1111 tilIILli 111I11 1131111111 BOND 1r 111 111 1111 11 111 to 11151 11u 11111111v1 HEAD lb=tzl 11111111 Mls 1s11111 1111 Many 1tlil111 111111 I1 incison 11411111 Vttlllt 1111 lhc11111111 Iiinit Iliulil Minor Institute 1111111 H111 5111111 111 1111111 11 111 111 11 line The 111 111111 Lil 11111 1111 111 1111 11111111 11 111111 1111 1111 All 1111111 nli iltl111l1111 1211111511111 ll111 1111111111111 111111 111 111111111 t1li 5110111 11111 3111 litiiiilr 111111 11l I11lt 311111111 $111111 11 11 111111 11 111111 11 $111 41 lilt Ii I111 111w 11111111111 111 1111 1111111 to til 1I 111t 111111 11111 11 1111 11111 M11I 111111111 Mi 1111 course 11111 111lp1r Fulfill 11 I11llllttx T112111111 11111 ppc 1111 1111111111 I111111shp 1111111s111 111111d 1i1 1111 11 11 11111111111ns 111111 311s 111111 1111 111111111111 11111 11111 1111111 111111 Il1Il1lel1t 111 1111111 two recitatlmis 111111 Mls A11 Ilolnnnnl 11111111111111 two I111111ks11111111 c1111 111ts 111111 the 11111 call was answer 111 by lilYlllf 11 111s1rvc 111111I 111arty Vote 111 thanks liitehic Alb 711 1111 lit 1liltit11 31111111 Reynolds 11 11111s lice1111 1iicvs leading Mis toes AI You can get 150 51000 ll lNSURlD tOAN A1 110 um 051 FOR ANY AND EVERY PURPOSE Doctor Dentist oi Holpllal Blllu Coal or Fuel Oll Moving Expensu lulu or old Bills ctr tcndcrcd Mrs 1111112 11111 1111 two children for fluI splendid lllc metline closcrl 1111 1111 11111151 Mrs lie program 111cv provide lruycr delectable 11111111 11111111131 1111 111111 11 11111111 ball1111111 GUUE lLJI Scpttnihcl Mrs Stewart 111111 her son Alan Sask Stewart from twero 1111 enests of Mr and Mrs Muir last vcck Mrs Fairy 11111 House Ru all Mcl Janucson c11 tcrtained on Sunday Sept 11 1111 the occasion of faintly 1e1111io1 the guests of honor being Mr 1111111 lMrs Ifrank Sheri 111 Elnora Alber 111 M1 Jamiesons uncle and aunt 11nd if you have money problem or would lili financial advice fr phone or call today uiicfiait NANCI CompanyLtd N104 Federation Night Ilelil The regular meeting of the 1111 teration of Agriculture was 111111 11 Campbell with the president Nor1nanICamo1 JUNE After the minutes 11110 committee reported 1111 theirI council 11 I11 bonus Norman Stoddart 111111 Cori 111 P0111 Idon Caldwell reported on protest 111 the pork producers thanks the home Norman bell presiding meeting with letter of was read from Mrs Richardson for fruit received The 111111 c1111 was read and 17 lnembersl Barn 10 Sowed the Corn 12 Frost in the night out off 15 some Corn and Early Potatoes 13 and 15 Frosty nights 16 Sowcd 1151 lb Swedish Turnip in 12 an acre 17 18 19 Ileid attendance member i11inell lresponded The 35 and olle new lMolasscs and gravel for till was The Secretary of he Caldwell Cabbage and indeed every Garden vegetable Then dry warm 5th remind members 11 IIwcather 26 Hood tip the Corn fine weather crops all The Wilson Building SQUARE Phone 5533 discussed pitalization BARBIE Gordon Howto IVEYOIJR 1111111 131111151111 or start in business Best of all at age 21 the life insurance automatically increases to 35000 without Change in premiums Imagine howhelp fiiIlIIIit willbeito your sonsin manhoodto haveve or ten thousand dollars essential life insurance Childhoods pre rmiums Andthere are suitable optionsfor girls Getcomp mailing the coupon II IIJIIuistricItoirict 1331999191 Street boy orgirl hasa long road 115 travel before meeting with theresponsibili ties of manhood or woman hood Your own experience however will tell ypu how wonderfully helpful Junior Estilte Policy will be theii Until your child is 21 this policy includes little life insurance and anemergency cash fund to use if necessary ft education wedding plans 11111111 Your little lete details by Barrie Head Ofce Toronto tIOnt ywsylpleuesend me detail Id 51 of yourJuuiot yurso my is Clintnusnm 1111 proceedings at tlflllllR1 FARM JANUARY 1111311 1111 East 11111 If Journal of NilIIMINIlZ Slimoi ounty Intuit1 1113 to l1i17 by wilsos illtllltili HE BARRIE EXAMINER BAR West 11531 err11 111111y heavy gates of wind this month generally quarters Snow every two or tlilce days towards the end sonic bitter cold days lllelmomctcr ml11 111va 11 11I11 111111 111 deg below Zero Snow upwards of feet deep IlIIlIilAIlY 1st part cold frosty wczlthcr 15111 thaw came on and continued 1111 1111111 1111 end 111 tllc month I1lltlll 111 killlll Vtillllll itllfl Iillll scvcrc frost set 111 with some snow Ihen fine Frost and fresh weather alter natively Snow wearing away Joseph and myself out five days along with Captains Anderson and Steele looking for the best line for 11 canal touuite Lakes Simcoc and Huron 1111111111111 30 Frost returned with great severity Severe frost fresh weather through the night Alltll and snow alternate 31 Rain still frost Snow pretty 11111111 1111 clcarcd land but frosty nights 11 Fine warm summer weather during the day but frost at night 10 Sowcd Iease Onions and other garden seeds 18 13111111 acres of winter chopped land tolerable good but snow under some of the heaps 19 Sowcd Bushel of Feast in an acre 21 Rained all day 25 Very cold weather set in heavy fall of show which lay all day Severe frost 111 inch thick high winds bitter cold frosty weather with showers of snow MAY vegetation blighted by the frost in 11 of 1111 acre still cold frosty weather little milder but still cold 13 Sowcd 21 Bushcls Oats in nearly acre Seed doubtful having been got in vilet 14 Cold wintry weath er severe frost with 11 heavy fall of snow Which lay whole day 17 Snow all gone Weather considerably milder I7 18 it Planted if 1111 acre of Indian Corn Commences planting Potatoes to the end of the month 28 Black cow sent to Mr IMoons Bull and Severe frost killed all the French beans and injured much of the Corn and early Potatoes Finished plant toes 26 1311511015 of Seed Planted 14 Indian Corn got from the Indians Sowed bushels of Oats 2nd time lst seed being bad Fine warm weather EarlyPease in bloom Sent Linah to Mr Moons Bull Employed putting up the Rainy warm weather Grub extremely destructive to Onions looking well Engaged John Galbraith by the week at the rate of twelve dollars for the month lilewals are due in October Rates Mr and Mrs Cliff Bcsse on Wed $9 Plan $1525 ITeachers if lPlan $111 Plan $1250 Plan Cnesday Oct Cards andrcfresll The next meetments concluded the pleasant even ing will be hclti at the home ofing Essa Elect ers Hugill President gt The opening meeting of the Essa Wallace Mrs Hazel Hugill and Teachers Council was held at BaxI George Woods Bowling committee for School Tuesday Sept 20 Mrs Lawrence Burton Frank Stur Hazcl Hugill of Ivy School wasgess and Miss Eva Mitchell Lawr elected president with Mrs LuC ence Burton was elected Blue Cross 1110 Prentice of Thornton School secretary secretary were expressed by several on the retirement of last years president and secretary Bruce Edgar and Miss Elma Quantz Three committees were appoint lcd the School Fair committee Words of apprciationl It was decided to make the sec ond Thursday in each month the regular date for meeting vDiscussion to do with the im provement of the Essa School Fair took place This was followed with the appointment of Fair Mrs DOIOth Tait Miss EVa Mlt committee to discuss in detail thel chell Lawrence Burton SturgeSs George Woods Visual Education committee Miss Mary Wigston Mrs Evelyn Burgess Mrs Miftle Alderson Miss Annie CAinOiRAI itunuut Flanklteachers viewpoint and bring back recommendations to the Council at later date Supervising Principal George Woods reminded the members of the Boards regulation requiring that beginner be six years old by January lst followingrthe open ing of school in September and that educational authoritls agree that in general child should not be required to read too early He also requestedIthat teachers have their list of lm recommendations in the handsof the film committee as soon as possible 56 that lm titles for the Area can be decided upon for the yeah Inspector Lapp took fewmoms cnts to review with the teachers number of Dept of Education reguI lations including those concerning the courses of studyand the ar ranging of subjects Plans for the South Simcoe Tea chers Institute convention to be held in Hamilton on October were considered Every member of the ta showed his intention to atten DEOWNING ISNT FUN Have you ever feund yourself being pulled under body of wat en gasping for that one precious gulp of fresh airftnally getting your reprieve Very often people arent that lucky Its not very pleasant this business of drowns tng Swim but swim safely Due to its inability to resist rust the well known Martinis wheat has yieldedKite position of popularity to Thatcher Renown Regent and Apex ltIriist resistant 1FITTIIBFR 20 11mva rut ONTARIO causes Ifu Women Ignildl monthly Stpl Itlll1lgc llaiiik lltdllll N111 the guest spraini 111111 was enjoyed by 1111 piercni Clown 1111 annivclsliy 11 Sunday Sept 111111111111 llllllldilcy 1111111911 kili SlTsul Hashim 111111 111111311111 11 Kluula 1111133 1111 safe home feat nzflil for over lt11 b1111 FOXO mo lWomens Institutes Meet At Agricultural College This 11 51c 1111111113 ittlitfi aid MI BRUlSES miles as 11111111 on CHASES Antiseptic OINTMENT 1111c 1111t 11 1111 111111111 1111 yeah limitcurs 111 111110 11112 liLiIJ 11111ll 11111 hltilvilu 151 111111 111111 Vii111111511111 11151 zi1111 1111 1111 111111111 111 ol 111t1 1111111 1111 s11 111111 111 getll Lili1lt111 1l111l Ill 1xe1lIli1t 11111111 AldfllNn 11311111111g 111 111114 1111 11 111cm 11 1111111 111111 1111111 by 1111 111 lal 11111111111 1111 piesriilatlon 11f hiii orl11111 111 c11111111 111111lcs 11 gt1c i1gt11s1111c intrins p1c1li11 to 11111 1114111 111g1111111111111s for gathering 1111111111 llilitil11 11 Stilt 1111111 livork in tin 11at1icsts 11f i1vst11r1c1111 Ilium11 lllstoiw 11111111112 IIIIII b11131 11111111 11 111 MN it 3111 141111 11s1tttli Jlil 1111 gomt sin il11 lit 111111 Mann1112 1111121 ll 11 IXINllt WANT PHONE 2110 1114 1111 11111111v 11111 Quartet mi 111 531111 11 1111 wt111111 111lrttitc hull111111 Sc 11 11 1111 1111111111 EtrJJla 111111111 facts Wenicns 111111 I11 11011 film ltiltlli littlelrll 1111115 11111111 Illllllllt liillLa 1111111 111111111 111 11111 31 1111 other spi 11k11gt 111111 1111 l1tad1lre 111 Home lirt iI ictuu 11s Mcliuuuxu 11111 11111tsI Ullt Iwculsulliii v1 111 sicy 11111111 111111111111 to v11111111 IIItmlN was 1l111111111 home and Iliumh pupcls wcic suinnitictl gi M11111 11111 111111 11 21111111118 111swing the 1tliplt11 ll1111 11f club 111111ltl111111111s 111111 111111 farms while 111 reported Shelbullduig 111 11111 Ntl 1111111111111 1111111 Mn 15411111 1lla1 111111111 11111111 11111 tests 111 11111 lliilltls 1111s Iiilllitllt1 1t1l111s 121 111 y11111li11th11 1111 111111111 111 housckveping 111 ml essential 111111111111 111 1111 tiltIlilltlpli 111 11111 Willi1 Ilralirll 11111111 11111111111 Mr Alli11111111 11 1111 1111 51111111 1Il111 1111l Ill 1i11l 11f sot111 111111111 Is 111 raise 111 community 1111 111111 111111111111p Mix Which1 of 1111111 11p1l1L1nml I1 Illllltll tilt 111 lmklliililc to liilLll 111tier inure to pro lllllillml 115 11111111 public 111111111 11111111111111 eonr 311111111111y activity 111111 by 1111 study Mi 11 l111f laws dirtctlv 111121111111 11111111 homo111w 11111 1111111 1e1 11111 111111i71111ons fispttls 111 1111111b wcrc 1li 1ussc11 and the splcmlui scivlcc 1111 Villllllltfi IIduratlon stai11111111 1111111s p111sis 11111 11111111 111111111 worthy 1oiz11111untj reporter 11iii1 1111111111 turned that have 1111111111111211 liibllcltv 111111 of 1111 H1051 11111111111 especially for adults was 111111 11111 Most important illitlltltSppminn 111111111111 1111111 Another UnnI llHrunlhttl soil docs its complaining in 11 quict way but 11gt11rconc gradually letting you 11111111 attention increasing lliood 111111 of activity is shown by national 11111115 in busnew life 11I1Iuy mud musing 1111e11111s 111111 11111111111111111 split1Ml1mlmml lJ1II Im In mm 1111 social circles 111 athletic 1cllv11lmmmv us 111 1111111111111 crises Ill lilncs 111mm1 id and great danger or disaster llllllCll1 has played an important role 11111 111 11s forget 111 llllilt ouripm Institute 1111111 success 11111111 Mrs s111111111r1cd sueecstions which 1111111111 111 1111 on lllc quantity and quality 111 your crop IIltl 11 11illolt1tilll ist Jul mull beautitirahon 111111111 cooperation community hospitals 111 social activities such as fainin nights and picnics sponsored by 1111 Institute was c111 phasixed 11s was forums much attention the 111cnlbers to educating of them selves 111 the policies and general ctups of their organization eial Welfare is as wide as 1111 world and as warm as our 111arts saidI slic CROWN HILL slow one so Iyolrll 111 wise 111 111111 1111111111111 soil establishing rinks The valui tcslcil by an cpcri from 11111 1111111st 1p1rl lmni minimI mental farm or agricultural college In cpc1i publlcdy leads to 111 1111111 1imlsoll l1 sting 1111111 lbs 1111 It 111 11111 11111 Matthews rcport citizenship Ireston of her 11111111111 mottos service 111 ilonc to make larin 1111111 all ussci instead of lllgct Mrs Wade be given 1111111 itlLl 13111 11 liability ineffidcrl She gave example of 111111 topics studied by the varl ous Ilranell groups which showed cosmopolitan work citizenship 111111 r1111 calls lp1rt assistance on I1111r liuanrial problems is Stl equally important 111111 you can gel this from Some our nearest branch manager llc 1ill 1111 cicrIy included interest accomplished providing i111cting places for coin gatherings furnishings for community 11111 efforts to welcome Displaced Ier cripples selfsupporting sponsoring speaking tiling possible to help you tilltilltll and llicnillIv fZId BAN 101101101110 IIInIPtIHIIW IRIS Branlies BARBIEH Neltleton Mgr ALLANDALEF Stevenon We VA munity 11111111111111 111111111 public remembering the sick and the aged sending out Christmas Planted two bushels Potatoes Sowed 12 Bushel Barley Damn do In her sons aiding MIISI District LIWomcns Institute Thursday The WMS of Crown Hill Wednesday Win Switzer attended Directors meeting of 1111 01lllia 1111 mics baskets and overseas wet afternoon summary she reported new comers to our shore are goingr impressions of us Canadians by Let us then be very careful to give an example we wish them to have to give them sense 11f security 11nd feeling of belong entertained bythe WMS of Edgar Mrs Har vey Johnson of Barrie the special first their and 11f Canada our actions WXWWSX$MXSX$SSSX$SW$3$ $SSS$$$S$S$$$$ ghettowine Fulaiture Styled ADIOS With ABNETS thy permit Increased franchise was strongly urged upon the mem Now your radio can be fine furniture Electrohome ra dios Vcire furniture styled to complement your present setting The Prelude Your friends will compliment you on this beautiful seven tube commode style radio theyll thrill to its rich concert hall tone and the automatic intermix changer The Vanishing Dial makes the furniture styling complete 000115 01115 1151111111 SORE THRO A1 04 at Size Height 33 Width 2012 Depth1412 You may obldin $50 to $1000 or the money yOu need at HOUSEHOLD FINANCE on your own signature No endorsers or other bankable securityneededa 1HFC will advance moneyfor OVERDUE slits SEASONAL EXPENSES DOCTOR 011 05111151 iiltts REPAIRS on House on can or for any geod purpose You mayrepay in do monthly instalments arranged to fit your income HFCs service is prompt and friendly ad nvenient Sheer beauty1 furniture styled for the discriminating shopperVibI rant colour for your fashionable Ifancy Full tonalrange for your per Stihal selection Makes very personal and thrillin giroSee it in mahogany in addition finishes illustrated Thismodel hand decorated same as IHura Wood Model Size Height 614 Width iURNITURE 129 bUNLQHIsIr Pretty as picture and twiceas usefuII isthis new ELECTROHOME fPicturadiotYoull be proub Itoshow your friends this imaginative intere preter of entertainment personal radio fer you who heard as Well as seen Size Height 7Width Depth 5147 4492 xx1xkxxxxxsnx 3e beauty an be nouSiIIOLn rm 1th ullizaimh 5m Man one epth Sicond Floor nullour 0mm lumen IllMlulnIun last 1nd Floor Plum I13 xsx SMI ILxcnurs rose wetcaning our lo or by oppblnheir lulu naillemma of mrbxliwntl 1111 mic lltfl tail 1PH