ltiiil as Mr and l2 iic vmiiil xiii II thl Anni intbza FHURSDAY SEPTEMBER 22 1949 in am lick III with piawi ilzx ii if ht iii ii xiiX MeccaIds TENDER MOIST DARK rittcn For The Harric Ili Ht llc than uhll Hac =ii yuvaaz palliatixnla llllili in tlllt lay vak lint uh lilllll antino 7lt Ivll Iiii ulltlllll to tin llnilcil Knigdiin nulci iiiid to nnand hci ovvwonsli atom in puiciv itdclal ninthrs SEE OUR DISPLAY RAPERY FABRICS Barrie Exhibition NovSo Drapery Hooks BARRIE TENT AWNING 34 BAYFIELD ST Balm 25W MONTREALCake makihg is filart every woman can mustcrl With fine ingredients host of tested rccipcs available every lcake should reach her expectations know choicc cake flour leads the way to successful akts thats why always buy SWANS DOWN CAKE FLOUR For Swans Down is made from soft winter wheat sifted again and again until 27 tunes as ne as ordinary our Years of experience by cake WEEKlY INFORMATION SERVICE our specialists have perfected Swans Down to give lighter lcup flullicr more tender and moist cakes use Swans Down reg ularly and the tested 1cc1pcs on the Swans Down package Pedigreed thats what the brand new crop of Heinz toma LOGS arel Picked rich and rosy in sunny southern Ontario Heinz proud of thcinand FreshFlavoured Jam Or Jelly lit about 13 of the time 50 more jam or jelly from the same amount of fruit thcse are the advantages you enjoy with CERTO Fruit Pectin Ccrto you know is fruit pectin the natural jollying substance in fruits that makes jams and jellies jell With Ccrto thch is actually not one fruit that cannot be made into jam or jellyand what tender delicious jams and jellies they are Full of the tempting colour and magnicentyavour of the choice fullyripe fruit Just follow exactly the simple direc nrc rightly your family Will be proud of you for buying so scly when you stock up on HblNZ TOMATO PRODUCTSI Frau September to September youll be able to lpcrk up your meals with Heinz Tomato Juice as cocktail Heznz Cream Tomato Soup as steaming rst course und Heinz Ketchup and Heinz Chili Sauce to add excite ment to the flavour of main dishes Nows the time to take advantage of the new Autumn crop of pedi greed tomatoes theyre of their t1ons under the label of each Cerlo tnstcwise best in Hem Tomato bottle Products Small In Amount but with mighty iiiiparlanf role lliats the part baking powder plays So when bake user baking powder that does complete and eicicnt JOI gt9 BAKING POWDER Calumets rst action begins in the mixing bowl when the liquid is added to the dry ingredients Its second action is released by the heat of the oven By these two scientically balanced and perfectlytimedactions Calumet protects your baking from the start to the nishmeans lighter more tender better results September means among other things rosychceked apples at their tasty bestxind how we love thcml PILK Good apples deserve the best of treatmentso why not serve them inan Applesauce Upside Down Cakemadu with FIVE ROSES FLOUR Famous Five Roses the wonderful our for allpurpose baking makes this recipe certain successl 11 cup butter LI tspns baking powder 13cjup shortening 13 cup granulated sugar eggswe1lbeaten lztspif rvanilla brown sugar large baking apples Iz cup seedless raisins cups Five Roses Flour Ii tspn salt 23 cup water Melt butter in baking dish add silgar and stir until melted $001 Peel core and slice apples place on sugar and sprinkle With raisins Slit flour salt and be ing owder together Cream shortening until attng until lightAdd eggs and vanilla fluffy add sugar gradually and eat thoroughly Add sifted dry ingredientsand water alternately beating well With each addition Pour over apples and bake 11 vmoderateoyen 350 deg for 4050 minutes And for uptodate news on baking writeto Pauline Harvey Director The Five Roses Kitchen PO Box 6400 Montreal PQ Yours For The tions for the very latest in sweatersl Designed in New York Golden ours is delightfully different sweater for all occasions Yesits the same sweater Star Weekly Rotogravure Sectipn last Saturday And the knitting instruc lions are available to YOU Knit from NEWLANDS yarns Golden Hours is the very latest in stylish practical sweatersAvid patterned trout and Iain back Heres lasting loveliness Iinitted wear formas you know NEWLANDS nylon reenforced kroy year is guaranteed shrinkproof and has reniarknbly longwearmg qualities Youll nd Golden Hours easy to knitin sizes 12to 18 For YOUR knilng Instructions write in today St Montreal PQ And pleaseiiuelude coin 59 paste litigate organics of Him 414 M7 PHONE 4314 IIlliI lctI KIHUIUHI parliamcnt the was anxious for thc chancc of turn spcakcrs of thcir rcspcctivc chamb bcis ycr who has lltll il incnibcr of thc onto he is Iibcral nicmbcr for the to rulc ovcr its dcbalcs scicntious Elic Bcaurcgard Illl WEEK ll Ollllll boll $nadian7ilu lluunincr ll llth ltLTHERAL llf Sltpl ll Jim alas palliaintia run all in IL n1 zx irectam nziicl law in Inc Ila as lzioxvlh tn Jill nlas llltlllllllillliill to NIHt xst logal bonds lh coitzol ivcisliadmvcd othcr Ic iIogiinciits on lailiauitnt lliII llr Inst it vo pioposcd step to Li ioliiphtc autonomy has an imiucol caily in llll gtittkll from Iv llaoric icatl by Viscount Ahab tllt1llivlllill llnr wch iid lc glovciiiincnt vill ad for iichl lri wk from thc liiitid loin pliiliannnl the right tvil ililn lrinc Mininxr St I1lllll spun1 suipiisc by Illtllldlllli thi tinono spitch sccoiul stcp onnnninprovnicial contor ow to locusts niczms of rcachlni unwinnni on ways to ancnd lltl Ulllltllliilt on ninthis iiiidcr pro jllllstllCllUll Ihout thc ivsorluiu tiu llnitcd of to ler St 1nircnt tabicd lcttcis llll prcinicrs o1 cacli of lhc III Ihc plllllt nunislci indicatcd that llnitcd Kingdom parliamcnt nl ovcr to Canada complctc con trol in Iicr own affairs For two mcn on Iarlianicnt Hill who in thc llousc of Commons thc othcr In thc Scnntc opcnini day brought spccial distinction lhcy wow the mcn clcclcd asl lhc llousc of onnnons clcctcdI Ross Macdonaltl 77ycarold law llousc sincc 193 Nativc of T01 Ontario constituency of Branttord lhc Scnatc also named lawycr quicl cori lllLllll from Outrcmont anbcc Defence Measures Canadas arincd forccs and incan surcs to dctcnd Canada were vcry much in the limelight as the new parliamcnt settled down to bush ncss Willi grim warning that thc mcnacc of Communist totalitar ianism continucs to threaten the aspirations of mcn of good will the spccch from the throne uavc assurance to the country that thc lcfcncc needs of the Dominion as separate nation and as signa tory of the North Atlantic Treaty arc being kept under constant rc vich Ihe 51LCll stressed that research and dcvclopmcnl arc bcini carried out to providc thc armed forccs with the most modcru equipment suitable to present requirements While opcpijii ccrcmonics wcrc still on it was learned that Tradc Minister llowc planned to take the governments two top defence and civilian scientists with him to tri nation talks in Washington There Canada hopes steps will bc taken leading to revival of formal agreement on exchange of atomic information between Canada United Kingdom and the United States Slated to accompany the minister are Dr Solandt Chairman of the Defence Research Boaud and Dr Mackenzie chairman of the Atomic Energy Control Board Mobility Test The RCAF showed it was deter mined to be ready for move any where in Canada by launching surprise training operation that sent transport squadrons at Edmon ton and Montreal into whirlwind of activity On signal sent out from RCAF headquarters here simultaneously to the two centres the squadrons were ordered taintcrchange posit ions and be fully operational in their new stations within 68 ours For No 426 squadron at Dorval and No 435 at Edmonton it meant race against time to pack tech thc IGae Twenties Members Serve Refreshments MRS KAY lll and Miss Molly Kidd uric no thc nicrnhcrs of the lay lucntics lub vlin scrvcll Ivlrcshniciitx to llll crond llltlt thronng the main sinct oi the loun on linniiix Ila last lhursdnl lhrcc rclrcshivicnt booths crc stt up too on Dunlap Milrt and our at post otlivc squarc besidc lhc IIiinncr titlirc The Nut That Holds the Wheel Still the Leading Villain Cause of Traffic Accidents Iiisilc tlllll Iltllll no liltlll tlllxt ot lialtic ltltlllllgt say lUllllllgt of thc pcoplv pollczl icciutlv by the lcpailnunt of high Ihn tonnnons that ho had Sllll to vnvs in surt WW ml Ihc orovinccs asking that Mich coil limb tcrcncc bc hclil Illl ll accldcnt tlu ivcialzc ivoidinu much about lliiW hazards luliliv llti cvpcrtopinions dont lilltll auicc too closcl but in this instancc liltilll of auto insurancc mcn lualuuov and inuiiicipzil ottich ah and diivci ckamiiicrs vcrc poll cd on thc sainc qucslioii thcy lllt cxactly thc samc answcr thc crosssvcl1on of llivcrs So tlic con scusur appcars to rntc lhc nut that holds Ibc whccl as tbc lcadlnl II lam of traffic traccdics Which driving habit is considcrcd lcast safc lhc answcr is cxccssivc ZI sptrcd say both cxpcrts and thci public This opinion is provcd cor cords of both thc ntario dcpart incnt of liiuhways and the national from Ottawa last vcck licld In slightly sombrc notc lhi burcan of statistics issucd its sccond cstimalc of thc countrys ltilll wheat crop and it showcd drop of sonic BILIIUILIIIHI bushcls from the first preliminary cstimatc niadc month ago The report vamc as no particular snrprisc to wheat growers on thc prairics who had watchcd an early drought cut thcir Iltllltdlol yiclds and thou hail sccu dcvaslntinl hail storms pound many ficlds of train into the around Thc wheat crop was estimated at IlTlJiUIHIOII bushels compared with last ycars 393315000busbcl crop lifiitiinatcd yiclils of othci croos such as oats and bark fliliU Wt below the 1918 figure if BETHESDA lii ClllllllLE and silo tilling seems to be the order of the do Scptcmbcr orn gin this neighborhood Mrs Mchlaslcr and lvISS llrenc spent the weekend fricnds in Huntsville Congratulations to Edward Ilill ock and Miss Jcan Somcrvillc who were married on Saturdav chii Miss Marjorie Eldridge is spend ing month withhcr father bot resuming her teaching dnlics villc and Mr andMrs Gordon Collins and children of Stayncr Waltcr Abrams Mr and Mrs ham were all pucsls at the Hill san on Sept 17 TIPS FROM CANADA turc may be helped by few ideas from prairie farms Ajaib Singh representing ment has been visiting farms studying cooperative farm riThixtlswvhynlalwaysiiistoublcActingCALIlMET nicotstorcs sufficient to keel lilo aircraft in operation for the two week period the planes will be away from their home bases and move total of some 285 men as well as 15 aircraft Air force headquarters said the scheme was designed to bring the Itiansport command up to peak of flexibility Fighter squadrons will face similar tests later Ultimately it is planned to idencraleconomic condition was Askinyeknittin instruc you saw illustrated in full colour in the to innBarbamBient 1411 Crescent have every Canadian fighter squid ron in position to move anywhere on three hours noticeto take up defence positions Prosperous Economy A1 cheering word on Canadas given in the throne speech over all and employment For Canadasshipbuildingindus merchant shippingboth postwar slumpthe try and suffering af government promised aid Canada is also seeking to obtain economic strhhi needed by the North Atlantic community to resist aggression And the speech said the ultimate aim of the government 15 to achieve one multilateral sys temof trade in which all the trad1 lug nations can operate For the Maritime fishing inclus new bed of small but succulent scallops found in Northumberland Strait be tween Prince Edward Island and the mainland was cheerful news The fisheries department said the bed was found by try disclosure of threemiledong the Della May Digby seal lop dragger under tcontract to the Fisheries Research Board Wheat Down But to Canadas farmers the news command agricultural production was continuing at high 1evelarid So were private Capital investments lrccl by thc statistical accidcnt rc Illt 17 at lhc brides liomc alptl5371ll ockSomcrvillc deing at Powasht REGINA CPI Indias agricul the Indian govern district it ill the Givens Public SchoquToronto3 Mr and Mrs Bcrtr Fuller Cello were recent guests of Mr and filigt Wm Akcrsl and Belly Churchill Mr and Mrs Win Hillock and Mr and Mrs Grog ll if on ultii hoc WIN HI va LN ionl HI liallu con ll il Illllltlil lillll inmc Iltli all an ullivi llpiillttl vio all Ill vpi id llll lltl Iilllll li that iiiitigt tlllll1 hat coidiilnitc our to uculcnls tilitlll nt Ihosc polkd iiaiic lltll li licqucnl Ira tH Il vitaith nv tltll111ll two viallai 2nd road conditions lrti Iiavnill1il tiiiiltliuu HI cats Iii ll llillll nuirc that Satuiday anrl Suide nc llu most likcly for illlltllllf and put Friday in thud pl Honccvii accidcnt szatidns shown that Saturday Fri ian Sunday III that ordcri arc llll iil1l days for iccidcnts And III4 lnitti ltIItl and tho vxpcrt lltiltli av tha dusl i3 tlic tune of I32 vlici most Lttltlllllri happcn actuall statistics shovv that morc llttltltlll occur in broad Illlllll that any other timc lanadiaii Fasliion COSTUMED LOOK This Cana dian designed Belgian wool suit made with centre back pleated slim skirt wing collar and cuffs and high pockets outlined inf SIIM PEI WIN wlllit la Concrete Blocks Gravel Sand INNISFIL CONCRETE PRODUCTS RR Barrio Phones Stroud 21R51 Barrie 2369 ARMSTRONG Hill BEN LEE es mi PRICES tFHCllVE iPT 22237 Mon lucs lliurs II to pm Wed to 12 lri 830 to II Sal 830 to 800 IIJL IIUX IlIIllTY Illlllll 34c KETClllIP swms We uurru now as 35c origins ovus no 18c can no BITS no SiltlE rouse 13 Milli not 27c SWIFT CLEII Still ms PIILMOLIVEB UTY SOAP 9c CAKE VEI MAKES DISHES SPARKLE Liar 33 can oxriioi Me nor Ede SPECIAL macs insccirs TOILET SOAP 96 FACIAL SOAP CARES 29c 5c WllllBllllYS LAWRASONS unsure sou STAR BRAND lilllilillllllll EREIIIE SQUARES 1529c SPECIAL LOBLAWS Clltlilillll onion our web zoo illalllYWliiiglElllgllT BETTER lair35c llillillfllilll council iiiir tillllliEE axial 9c clitoris llllSll saw an 24 llllllllgidlllm 29 TOMATO OR FL VEGETABLE2 OZ TINS CLOVER VALLEY CEL3OLL 19c 29c WET IIIE WET JOHNSONS PKG 15c liaisons cocoa up 27 iiicoin waxy on 59 uvacoilarrzn 25c LOBLAWS FRESHLY mourn SHELIED wuiiois 23 PRIDEotABABIA SlZElllESS unison ib 13c COFFEE ma iCLli 31 REDEEM YouRLouiniw lllc EXHIBITION inery irrgizmd cooperative use of maca bugle bead trimming issmart for Fall wear You want ll Stove that Really Heats Th Good tlileci floater presents stylish appearance and yet contains tlcp firebox presentinga wonderfully largerMining sur lacc 4o Baylield St Good Cheer RANGES for youii Kitchen too With or without reservoir ancl high shelf Good Cheer Stoves provide sturdy conv structibn polished overhang ing tops closefitting well bzilanccd doors The baking qualities ofthc Good Cheer Rangc ire thoroughly tested and proven AMPLE HEAT and FUEL ECONOMY ARE Youas IN GOOD CHEER HEATERor RANGE Barie Hardwor Exclusive Dealers Dial 3664 LOBLAWS FINEST ORANGE PEKOE COUPONS ON LB 0F PRIDE 0F ARABIA WillIPIlos PEAS cycles Ephesus coma EolCE Tanners in 15c SMllll Siiiiiur 39c 39 DATES I323 25c ruin PEll Basile as 15 GLENWOOI FANCY rouuo JUICE 17 riiiiciiiir Fltlllll 19c REDEEM YOURISC NEWSPAPER COUPON 48FL iLB oz TIN BED LABEL Tim PKGSlo4 REDEEM YOUR 10c LOBLAW EXHIBlTION COUPONS ON LB 0F RED LABEL TEA FANCY WHOLE rigours ruin coiiii EBLIIEN wnxlo BEANS 14 FL oz TIN Lonmws 3mm COTTAGE BRAVND 18 FANCY our oz rm is it renovcnmu scrva waits afx STllElYS colon coin an is lltlSllCElIVvltticllllillll3233 cALiFORNiAswm JUICY SIZE Slzkvzs AT LEAST one will 53 V3342 SIZE AVAILABLE ONTARIO 0000 GREEN PASCAL 33 ONTARIO No1 cmsr JUICY uciiirosn urns now is THE in T0 cassava ONTHBIO BLUE CONCORD GBUHPES ATTRACTIVELY micro BYSIXQARTBASKET cooiuiic iiioiis lows MARSH CHIIIIIITS lbs 3whvi ONTARIO No l$MAL oNrAiiio No WASHED union WES LoaLAw GROETERIASco LIMITED