Evita4 iSChOOi Fairs Hel Dunlroon Creemore Stilmi Week ittiul teltill 1The ill iL Specially Written For The ame Examiner 15 By JEAN llloslrsox Canadian Press Staff Writer hit Counterfeit money he run 143 MW lug police in Ontario good titd will of lnllbiv Ilt thy ptlg iill lw It National Exhibition Slo ltlll lfc Mil luv vm up in tonsitlczablt no end r1 concession operator is ll when stuck ch the bogus monu Last Sunday police Stltti Stilton in counterfeit Sltl hi1 Blotkvllle iouiiittigziiu 31 Still in haul was the latent and still counterfeit tlllltiltgv stalltti clien lating across Canada lltn uni Charged itli Itgtlllt on Dassrng counterfeit iiioiity wte LN LV hivlpnlllllilth MutKaol Sr and Edith May laltiiee 34 ct Mrs Frank ipolla it and ti rest at Guelph Out The ililili tltvtili when in tsl llllflill litli ilzltlltillli an nut Dee Stittl tmti lilltlii in it ll lXilllill Lt it in il Kalil illl1l lad it Hi o1 tiilltl htiii jiti it the but lllllli if This flizi lluliti mil Broekville lliey utre airmail lit IM llll AII ll after the pioplietol of Iiihtiifiil bakery shop became stepiclot bill tendered for ltlcelit it chase iit followed them to tin street then called police Frank ipolla ltgt arrested when his ilOlllt ill iuclplrw routed and ii police found bundles oi up bills math up in Sliuuli lets Latest llgtl lll the timid of coun terfcit money comes lioiii loronli 1lIiii held it itzll Elm ll it liltwi Siiltiol hall The Sotlil Not til Him ilfi lzztti llll tzii tl fill st ltlil lhlllil ic ltii won 21 55 will mt is lAil Maigtaicl Hole ln ti illtllll tvgt SS 31 Ei ll it its Miss lloietvi tiiiphxi liit tannin to no of Two men posiiiu as ttlllll ol the Mn hm hm WA Noronic Sltitllbillli liniiptly lilSNiilAhwkpy my pm Hi spurious Sill United States litllltlt$tiiti or if Saturday iiiplit lollce think lht Slorc are linked llll the cane whirllimit sinstat pix of iii in it lite confisl flooded Toronto and oliti parts of tlic illlliltgtl lumber of piii the province with ttilinletlcll Sltl unit by Gail Scull Spinal currency several weeks ago loits ll lttlrltrl to it ibesl lioullry tlllill Wm oh By last weekend peatlies were Hill Ellllllil llttlllttlt glut on the market iii the NlilLiiilJ 5111 51W peninsula and pi ices were torted town to low of 35 cents bus ltet Shortage of baskets and an oe abundant crop are itptyiisililt At iltillfILt of farm help for picking ltlltiill to the National Employment Sev tlie same time there vice Some farmers have stopped pielz ing others are trying to store fruit An estimated 100000 of peaches are rotting on the trees one farmer re ports while canning plants say they are running at full capacity The creation of metropolitan police force for the greater Tor onto area is under serious con sideration Iorontos Mayor Hir am McCallum has proposed dis cussions with the Ontario govein ment on the question of having united force for Toronto and its 12 surrounding municipalities The number of murders unsolved in Toronto brought the issue to the fore Some of the murders were apparently committed just outside the limits of Toronto police juris diction The greater Toronto area with population of approximately 1300 000 is policed at present by separ ate municipal police departmens Sir Stafford Cripps returned to London at the weekend and on Sunday night announced in broadcast that the pound sterling would be devalued to $280 from $403 The following night Finance Minister Abbott told the House of Commons that the Canadian dol HOW MANY lilNS or llllll HAVE YOU SHQVELLED Do you enjoy being cellar coal miner Stopitl You can heat your home without shovclling Install Toridhect NOWWcll leave your basc mcnt clean as pin and Tor idhect will help you keep the whole house clean Ask us to quote costs Installed Complete with yr oil contract $35500 Monarch Refrigeration Co 18 Dunlapt Phone 2057 97 with no oil um Migraine Headaches etc some thought themselves to bis Asthmmlnternal Disorders Female Troubles Psoriasis EczemaSinus and Antonin SufferersrCirculatory dis are among the Testimonials we from personsmany of whom have been sufferers for years is exaggeratiozi toasty 98 per cent of our people get definite ts rumour easy to take atment Ohildrenfrorlir7 years an up few vacancies for those fromoutj of town who wish We rm anti pencil set for the lies lltr stock tXlllllll was won by it c1 Falls of SS September 151 September WA Meeting The September macro1 of BRENTWOODW ll lirtzi iiisill to in as Il iiit it liltt itlia Zliititl to llitsi lt cutlets are criter iJllltli ii inlsti lll linittti States or the US eivil xiii patrol has ioiiitd hands lfl this in lllllltf ictuiainteti selicliit lll lll liltlilillVli ti rtit oi 111 ttt Ln if 311 only ll Ali lvwltwh ilil li riil lo itt vlV lt it uvim the ruin iiilt itt an iiiii when 11 on llltiilr ilt itll Hill of Lt in if lrllt lllltl Mutt tl loi iiiidtllltilll ll ll wel nvi llltilis Him in tilltl tiiti itill to ll oasi iiLLt tlit ntctiiuizz rilt l1llilln dlilie lil ill the squall inttiainilu 1i ttiltllllllllitlfl to its llilil in the air li tilitierttiitiilic litu people the uoiltl ovir li aim of lll iltlti ex wt lIzich ilninicr 1IIlll ol tuiittiiliv tltctttl air tsitisls iit the Atlantic to spwiti ttiii tnomlble weeks in tile tltiin lteturn parties the ltttllt in zinadzr Canada toiitlitul uubassadors ti xltith throttiliout the illrenlwootl WA was held at the The 111 cadet league has played liuine of Mrs Bill Sclicll villi Mt ltLitiin hurt in planning continuous lBOYt 1h lltlll 1v llllhllli tittlopinen ol the exchange lliw fopened by thesinging of llllll turc and roll call was answered ifolloweti with prayer by Rev Mr jCotik Mrs Boyle read the scrip Mrs Bill Scliell and Mrs Orser per cent sultctl ili many countries reducing icurrcncy values Here is the list Britain Canada South Africa Republic of Ireland New Zealaiiti France Australia Egypt Israel India Burma Ceylon Denmark lNorway Sweden Iceland Finland Malaya anti the Netherlands by cheapening the price of British and help narrow the dollar gap Howcvctz imports from dollar countrics will cost more and thcl price of bread made largely from Canadian wheat will be increased from 412 pence to sixpcnce Mr Abbott announced that 10 per cent premium would be placed on United States funds by theCan adian Foreign Exchange Board Persons holding Canadian loi ilars and wishing to convert them into United States funds will pay $1101z for every American dollar In selling American funds they will receive $110 in Canadian cur ircncy The Canadian dollar prev iously was xed at par It will cost snorei to buy Bri tish pound instead of $404 In selling thepound sterling the sell er will receive $30714 Previously he got $402 Mr Abbott told press confer ence that the governmentwill ac ycept gold at $3850 an ounce com gpared with the old price of $35 That set off urry of excitement among gold producers already re ceiving government nancial as help boost production IfUnited States exporters dont lower theirprices it will mean that Canadian consumers likely will pay higher prices for US fruits vegetables coal and other commodities allOwed across the border under Canadian import con trols Canadian consumers of goods made in the United Kinngm will benet Goods will come into Canadaat varying lower rate Infsome cases china cars textiles andother goods may be 10 to 20 It gt is expected that Canadian goods may nd better market in both the United States and the Stern ling areas which recently have been buying less from the Domin ion be hopeless none too old and we lieal elittiliettillt at the University 01 Triltllllti ylars value would be Tsitlrlltti it atlian prt lttntly attending the Can atlian services colleges under league scholarship The two influ ences to which Owe the most in life are my parents anti the Air aticl League of Canada Sir Slallords announcement rcv roll will gladly interview any youths between the ages of 14 and ind Sundax at the Barrie Ailntiuly In his broadcast Sir Stafford saiti between the hours of 730 and the government hoped the mochan products will stimulate exports TENN ANADIiAN PRESS wlLD LIFE TAREs OVER Indians and wild animals was evid enced in three instances last week First the assault and breakin by an Indian second porcupine who left his quills in the front door Of Creston Motors and thirdly large turtle which was making his way up Barton avenue All this life stories of the year FIRST ONES STILL HERE see in use today belie the fact that this is still young country What brings it home to you most fore fully is the number Of people you meet who pioneered this area so PLACE To ARGUE the defunct Powell River Cit izen was in the middle of hot columnistic battle with writers Of the rival Ncws when the Citizen folded leaving Fred without an or gall on which to play his verbal blasts Its too bad In the final edition of the Citizen Fred seemed to be winning the argument sistance to meet rising costs andto HOME ON THE ROAM Two northern Manitoba news paper then have got themselves into portable real estate business They are purchasing small homes at Cold Lake for tractor freighting down the Kisseynew waterways and thence via the Island Falls winter rOad into Flill Flori NO LONGER THE SAME grey mare is notfwhat it used toI be Few ofthem are structures inl which the citizens can itakelpride The Journal suggests simple structure for the housing of civic departments What community needs more per cnt lower ROOTS or DEMOCRACY the headlines in the newspapers but way dovim the line at the grass roots Ofdemocracyare found the municipal midtown gOyernments Our local municipaligovemment is the voice of the people suchas no titer governing titldy canine proeiain iitiltttlliolittl stliolarshipss untlcr which many deserving young Cant wml favorite hymn ppm 01 atlians complete their education my secretary and tSm form fitting climax to an air cadet rcad followed by the business pe lilllttl NH 11 Hill 23 Slllfllil iotl The meeting closed by sing ship cadets are presently enrolled Jill hymn 11ml lllillt by licvftn the tiinathzin services colleges1 MY C00k leth lS Sslllll itiwliile Nth is studying aeronaut In the words of one young Tan An ollicer of lle Barrie Squad tvery night except Saturday That Crcston is going back to the rounds up the biggest wild CRESTON tBCl REVIEW All the modern conveniences we AWINFIELD Altai GAZETTE Fred Wood exsports editor of Carrot Riyer SasklObserver The Pas tMansl Northern Mail The old town hall like the Old Pembroke ohm Bulletin National governments may Steal RTE THE BARRIE BAR 0395310 CANADA PHELPSION 5illort ll Newlyeds Showcrcd SepulziLel iil culling lite friends of 51155 UKHUC llxNdillf tleng Join Newton lien mluztunc to L1 hit 13 Appendix ptulton on Bill llrs Niki5 1hr newn 33 Hi Mn ippe li litnpalai pie x2lht Coke was drtolul ding ill Billllt on Sula shades to match the hm MD lVLE iin in rat Ctrilt in Star ltiijt ii iii iI Unin liev lint ltelpli therm vil ltov ilitli Uil ittn Niiilllltlfl ii lltln et Smithy Segil list lt it ll tltk arili with loionto friends liougliton ililvetl lioint Vtgtl Wednesday night Tillwiitf lilull lll Day liltlt in lIl limit church It ltiVltli on lfl on tltl klk oniiiiuniori lll Tils lirily ttiflllfi llilllliltl DALSTON li lt twoitll trout here attended land Lake visited the liiillltl ll ning of the United church brothers in lli tdtorti on Sunday Mr and Mrs While and Iain5 WUYN people itl ily of Whitby spent the weekendl iltti the Situcoe county lxCllll with friends here oilill tllmll Guthrie on Friday Sympathy is fell for Mrs Viliiml zill St iitt lllill it Happy llllll lFHlilllV lttrty ii in iiLe lltlllllltl flu pent il ill llulfll on lrg illi lioni lii eiiaiz liilllitiar reti llil litiiililri lllitt iii iiinu liiillli tll2ll1 on it SIiiti Stlio il and Mis loiiie it lioiolti $111 ltlllllllli Jtzitl lat untiful slipper ttii MS Metling Tile etinetlay with eighteen pre Alithtnys and Mrs charge of the pro Elston sang solo llurton reviewed the Growing with Ammmm WP mum ialis might not enter church church service to be held ill PM WWW litl lilhllllii 11 aid and llilltl5 Ill loronli iii tendered ltitilitl gtloiev luitliltz mite lti candles tliitii centred the table suppeihtitil home was jlltlllltt llli lltlll tiuet ot ltl by tlze Wollians As mention toasts tlt over Mr lrltllllt en lellailieti jtilllttl Ali had Mrs tlii ivlllllr3 main llui int Alter supper and study book home Years many luels slung more happy birthdays iizni Bitt the fiction who Doesnt Advertise Every line of advertising in our paper is paid for by the FELLOW WHO DOESNT ewsr Take examlile the classic case of the nationallyadvertised light bulb It cOsts only onefourth as much now as it did 61 an inferiOrOne in 1923 Againlin 1929 the average radio Set cost $135 and Maya few thousand people were proud owners Now an aVorageset sells for aMutMO00 with ownership in the millions and so it goes MaSsproduotion spurred on byjudic ial advertisinghas brOught prices down +Carripbellton drifts Tribune Elli in Gearisi ilil to it in unto 13bit tllllxti fez tti lite lltrl bride and bi ides short progrziili an gfjliidmiwill 11 Inn by Itlit Itiin 21 til it behalf of the and emu Its were lltlll Itlll 731 11 GT unmet silllil and tile latltc Ilifllltill ll Nitride lmllitl Smmuhr number lfUlil in re out It fatiznttrsam btlitt at Alltllliil ll Jail on Saintly also the tlttlicllion tl llx l3iltilli ttlilt 11c lp it tlottli lilli 15 lAlhlkKL sii iiziti Church The pliett spetlzsl fill annivc night was lIl lolonlo ll Leeion spent mo of Bradford isilitl Life ilgtltlit toiiipgtiiy Mlltlttl Hp ltowe two tlls Suptva hog ill in father the late lion AL rltllll Longlnlulatiolis to Your tili but Slalllievu Minorthin mirth Mr llrcetion of len celebrated his ilillli lillilfiill oli Matthew itiititti lli lIxct llL lltti Miss Ewen lialbtrt for Friday Litt lll lthi upon turizilii if Mr and Mrs Alt Adams of liizizv alter vumnialiiiilig llie ion oversea ill ook who was licrcawtl by tile MOUNr SrfLOtiis Andrews uni death of her sister bits lrcv lit at WNW attended the AslrrtiguMe lara lcnald Wedding in Barrie on Sat Mr and Mrs Dam Super ani September 30 daughter and fills Stilltl Sr oft IN London visited at Mrs lii Ih im Im 1m ihum lt gt gt WMS met at Mrs Burtotis Wm mug ttllllilltllltl riots to Mr and lltoyal Mr and Mrs ltlcl Valli and Marykc Miss Mary llil7c Lilli Mr McCormick of iletioir sprnt Sunday at ltoystons It was once believed that Christ Who Pays for Newspaper Advertising Not the Newspaper Reader because he saves both time and money by shopping the wide selection Of honest values offered through the advertising columns because advertising always returns profit when it is used correctly and consist ently ADVERTISE The business which the nonadvertiser ioses pays the cost of adver tising and ALSO returns nice profit to the fellow Who DOES ADVERTISE The merchant who does not advertise IS THE MAN WHO PAYS for advertising He pays for it in the volume of business he losesin the numberrof customers who buy elsewhere Good advertising does not cost GOOD ADVERTISING PAYS It brings back the original invesimnt and rot dollars too Almost everyjstore wants more bus All crtis SAVES Etigry Once awhilc Somebodycomcs into ourOffice and startsa discussion about the COST Of advertising not Onlyin the Barrie Examiiiepbut in newspapers generally but honestly in our humble opinion advertising particularly WEEKLY 77 newspaper advertising usedlntclligentlyand frequently21doesnt costmoney atgall Ratherlit helps mtlvemcrchandise faster permits distribution economies provides for niass production and masssales and ultimately lower prices with savings both tilt the consumers sellers distributors wholesalers and manufacturers wics WEEKLY GUARANTEED dilemma TQHOMES Manoerlluditmileau or Circtilationg EPTEII BER 22 19 fviLilll v1 lilti lilslllltlili tilill nether litrl tummy Fruit lklll unite no til All vs itvlit tilt if No llll rlltl kt ll tilt ilaittn Alt ptits ilttl Lilo in ur lilllt Ktil lt iigt fitliltllilltl Kill ililrii of ilil lllltfli MATTHEWS has iiltiii MM Mr yr WWW ll illsMild Hi The lIxttlszei ti llusti at the wetkenit Aleloe Siiitpstiii and baby Kllltli iid All 30 Years Well oligiattllations to Mr vilti eltlilaltti lllfil on Sept nil Bil isililig IllIlliclton Lake and illv toiitl tiiiitiiii llllitlill llr mm Viltlmz iiiiit r1 rDGAR iAnniversary Well Allentlctl IZtlgur annivnisaiy was held on Sept 11 with large 211ellti it both seivues and Mr Presbyterian lto lleilhclotte lll lill titall of liuich as guest speaker Mr ltoyal Mrs Nit llll lalttrs llltilil delivered ttI at Soldiers iyl llltllllll Hospital with the IlpllllllllL text lhllll Mat Mlllltiii Mrs ltyan thew thaplcr Verse 10 lllfllll lUlunlo had spent lil the eIlllll1 Psalm 34 teixe he laid llllllltlll months vitli her Slessor tilizilict tioni llillia lsl tltlltllltl Three sonv lolin it1 ml the lotill choir lll thitlirie crinoni inspiring which they three tine selections hands ll eucli ser itl inessthanit is getting Hoping for more business is notas effective as inviting morebusiness