Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 22 Sep 1949, p. 16

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PERSONALS atuh events and to and from Home it We are enunciated the locid department BONE 24H Donald Jacobs who has been iii town for sour lune nan Ixlllillszl to Toiozie Mr and Mrs Iivlnll attended the wedding daughter Joyce ultlli if lily tliuiics $3333333 nor CHOCOLATE FUDGE SUNDAE 18c LUNCH AT BRYSONS IceCream Candy 22 ELIZABETH ST $WXXSV$ mjV Burton Avenue United Church Rev Carder Minister Mr ll Dcmpscy Organist and Choir Leader SUNDAY SIIIVlliltlllER 23 1949 ll amMORNING WORSHIP Rev Summer will preach ll am Nursery and Beginners HOLLY RALLY DAY SERVICE at 230 pm 22 ANNIVERSARY St James Church Stroud SUNDAY SEPTEMBER 25 LOIS ll am TllE REV MORRIS lr Minister at SllOtldildfloy What does Salvation Mean 730 pm THE REV FRANK BRISBIN Assistant Minister Metriipolitaii Church Toronto Formerly of Stavely Alberta xriversary Music by The Choir L1ryd Bouth Director Former friends invited to come and worship with us this Sunday My GRACE GOSPEL HALL 37 Mary Street SUNDAY SEPTEMBER 25 1949 130 pmBelieVers Meeting 300 pmSUNDAY SCHOOL pmGOSPEL MEETING EVERYBODY WELCOME Fr Collier St Baptist Church Independent REV MITCHELL Minister SUNDAY SEPTEMBER 25 1949 Vi 11 am gt BELIEVERS EDIFICATION pmBIBLE SCHOOL Annual Picnic Sat Sept 24 pm pmGOSPEL THEME The Only Hope of Ruined Men Mon pmYP Service Wed pmIntercession Oct 2nd RALLY DAY BIBLE SCHOOL Visitors Cordially Welcome St Georges Church Special Harvest Thanksgiving Services SUNDAY SEPTEMBER 25 1949 1030 ElmsMORNING PRAYER Preacher TheRector Sunday School for all ages pmEVENING PRAYER Come and returnthanks with us to God FREEMETHODIST Church 20b Bayfield St PL CHASE ministers chi 000 CBML 830 can to and Life Gospel program punSUNDAY SCHOOL ensue Service 730 pm jay evening prayer meeting e3 welcome cane and we ItlLir Phone 4572 $$ VLilAlAl it Eon Si week il Iii litlaii =3 ll lilvl MI and tindnud omii Si Mi lll Ti El iiilli if Iru Lil o5 Manon iii no lllil Tili piiv titf lcl iii il li fir ll iii l1 lo li2lt iu liiii of Ullclll St lllltlill lllllgttlltl c1 llil liospila All Kingston ll zlfi ill Kale lira ii liaii tii llitil ii ii limits itiini iiioiiiwc was in ii iiis ch St Andrevvs Church lll lll liillGlSON BA llllllli SlNl SlIiVllIMlllCR 1945 ll HMMINION SERVICE ll The Church School pin EVENING WORSHIP The Minister at both serviees Ill It Ill Coaie to Church Lc rm Collier St United Church Rev ll lewis MA 81 Minister Mr Lloyd Iutford Organist and Choirlcader SUNDAY SliillllilMllElt 23 ill amllOllNlNl SERVICE llhe Annual onvention of the Young lcoplcs lnion oITorontol onfcrenee is being held this week lend in Collier St United Church Rev Lloyd Shorten Director of Young Peoples Work Board of iChristian Education of the Unith iChurch will be the Theme Speaker of The Convention and will preach at the Morning Service Young people Officers of the Con fercnce Union will assist in the Service 1949 TIIE CIIURCII SCIIOOL Rally Day 945 amJunior Intermediate Senior Dcpts ll amiNursery Beginners and Primary Depls pm REV DAVID GALLAGHER Secretary Board of Overseas Mis sion of the United Church vwilll speak on Incidents and Conditions Met In llis Round The World Flight First Baptist Church Rev Luck BA BD Ministerl Miss Elsie Cloughley ATCM Organist and Choir Leader SUNDAY SEPTEMBER 25 1949 1030 amSUNDAY SCHOOL 11 amCombined Church and Rally Day Service ILL 11 amNURSERY SCHOOL Presbyterian mmxmxvmuxxxnw Subject The Art night at DALS ARev Speaker MR BE new Bewell 3A Choir Leader Mrs Lenover Organist MtgA Smith CSUNDAY SEPTEMBER 11 amTEMPERANCE Presentation of Choir Gowns pm Corrie tot 11 amBREAKING OF BREAD over pmVSunday School and Bible pniGOSPEL MEETING pmwEvening Service Prayer meeting every Wednesday BYPU Mondayat THE FRIENDLY CHURCH km 123rd Anniversary 11 am and 730 pm SPECTALMUSIC Song Service at 715 pm RevGeo 1W Morrison BA CHURCH SCHOOL gt11 amtBeginners and Primary 230 ptnJrlntr Sr Depts ospel Hall 19 Parkaide Drive Liiioi llltllill icKNIGHl Regl loi Ilayter is sciii here following ci oi it lier marrich to May Stefunluk of lizill Si Limp ltorilen and Winnipeg The Regziii ti lMl xii icireinony took place August 27 lcNuil until it ll ilii lllltl SitNdil WE CALL FOR AND DELIVER For your co We call for cuts at any designate Return them to you carcfiill to prevent cr soiling COTT CLEANERS 109 Dunlop St Phone EEC ccmm lISIRONGlltlAX yp MM saypsi Hui Eici Diane Truax daughter tlvlli oi tool iovii iiiiioiiiiit imoi ll Tina and llii late II in glillzzlll their dadJEETTTFITELA li loioiiio was united iii liaii Ruth ti lieiiid liltltll iziiiiii to Robert laiiies Aim oii of Mr tvl ilis lliiwll iii son of Ili and Mrs Rien Riildill oi loioiiio Tlc when ld ll lllllslltlllll lliiiric in Iim Mk llll ill ilii ozhi iiatoii illlliillliil thurcli Tor llll iiio on Saturday Stptember 17 till LI oclock Dr Davis oili ii at the ccieiiioiiy Thi iiiiile was given in marriage by her luotlieiiiila Byron iiuiilioii taiol lendritli of Toronto was maid oi honor and the groom iiin wzi Frank Lusconibe el floionto 1shering were Norman Laws of Toronto and Donald Arni strong of lllllllt Miss Virna Arm strong sang lhc lods lrayei lllllllt the signing of the register The lItllllOll was held at the iesideiice of Mr and Mrs Byron Vaughan McLennan llill Toronto On llltll return from their wed ciiiic trip to Miiskoka the couple litli the groom is attending MI Gill University ADDENSYKES nvenicnce our garnn hour you jorie Sylics daughter of Mr and Mrs Sykes RR Barrie to Harry lladden son of Mrs Edgar lladden tii Icel St Barrie and the late Mr Iiadden took place in Burton Avenue United Church Bifrriri on Wednesday afternoon August 34 1949 at three oclock wrapped casing or marriage ceremony Given in marriage by her father the bride wore gown of while embroidered organdy with tiered skirt and matching mittens Her lingerdip veil was caught with lowered headdress that matched her crescent bouquet of pink roses white stephanotis and gardenias The matron of honor Mrs Hamann of Toronto sister of the YS xusxssxxxvsxssxtxxsxsssssssxsssxx 2885 AV TRINITY CHURCH SU Anglican NDAY SEPTEMBER 25 1949 amIIOLY COMMUNION ll amMORNING PRAYER AND SERMON SubjectTHE VALLEY OI DECISION 230 pmSUNDAY SCHOOL pmEVENSONG Subject IS THERE LIFE AFTER DEATH Preacher The Rector REV asp WRIGHT Rector MRS ROBERTS Organist of Getting into Trouble pm gt pm TON CHURCH ugh MacTaggart BA Minister ECHER PARKHOUSE United Church Minister 25 I949 The Minister Promotion Day Godfsfouse onHis Day Class Prayer Vttn VNew Rev Sunda Pentecostal Holiness Church EVANGELISTIC SERVICES BARRIE GOSPEL CENTRE Hall High St off Bradford St THURSDAY SEPT 22 at pm Noseworthy Former Pastor of Evangelistic Centre will be the Speaker EVERYONE WELCOME Evangelistic Service at pm is OPENING RALLY ltViiesdaiseiiemiei27+aim lltll FBI MRSEICARLSON Will PlayVTh Marimba REVTJgni CARLSON Will speak EARL CROWE Willi Be Soloist And Song Leader SPECIAL VOCAL ANDINSTRU NTAL Iltlie Christ NUMBERS BURCH BARBIE Wm Rev James Caideinpertormcd white gladioli and redroses organdy over taffeta with matching NER BARBIE ONTARIO CANADA rst iiiiiiesiimiiis Jun and li cgso Liz t3 of Barrie and Miss Shi all or lkiroiito ii Wat ill Ailincr wore NelHllulhtl iiu it Zibii iy Ill llvlvil lilll lli itlCiidli ifulc iliiuldcijf iln ltii the ll Ir Maxwell OE Ballli wu cil Stale llx and Mrs Murray Syke oi was tulxibl tonii Mason iil Quebec was growin tizii tlm llgtlitls were Miniay brother of tlii Illlxlr and liaddcii of Battle ikLl Zion Minn followci Eli lat Hail lloiisc Barrie the moi ci or livblltlt IettlYtLl iii Ii navy wlh llsn and pale pink multi Tlll grooms mother iii dicp plum with grey kttl It iivr ii LIC llic biide and giooiu left on wedding trip to Quebec and Ut lfit llltle wearing suit it giiiiiidiiic llll Zl navy pic and navy and whie oika dot accessories and coisaie Koi gaidinias They are making llieii home in Barrie lit Iiit le int IIIOMPSONAN DERSON The marriage of Iills Grace ls lliir Mill ill The ank to Hiild icside it KNAIIKIIT1 iliss iciiiiiili Elisaiwtii ilrudmi ie llli 31 Kcll klllylilltl was notied to Lildfvtlull Wilson Knapp spi of His Kliupp and the Knapp liariie on Monday Septeiiiliti oclock St Illr Pistonr ion Church llai iIc ltey li glhtill performed liic ceremony The church ylaiiioli and palms All Churchill plajwii the iilxiii music The lllltlt givsii lEl nniiie la her father was gowned bluin title iii ili or III ivory satin with sheer yoke fitted bodice and full skirt with long into llci lltlllkllilil viii was held in place with braided ivory dllll She carried ttgttltlc but VV If mgh mulls fl titlzl of Heller limes ltigt uh IN gardenia eoisagc ct iilre and Slltallb ll to hlilon John Thompson sovi WNW fix it nilllt tiitil oi Mi and Mrs lhompson VV VVL Cy Hum Dalston took place on Saturday Ill HV lapppimbw 1040 at gm duck 15 million ol iiiiiioi wore it m1in hmch imp skirted pink moire taffeta gown HUT Tm it Am pr with sweetheart neckline ller is tI white tormed thi marriagc ceremony WWW The hlidp Rico in mlWe by tiliidiolus florets iid llll iiain roses liu father wore white slipper lsiitin floorlength gown with pop lum bark and long pointed sleeves lIii lingertip veil was caught Vitii halo of orange blossoms Sr learned it cascade bouquet of red ioscbuds and lilyoftlievalley ller bridesmaid Miss Betty Rielilt unison of Barrie was gowned ll mauve oorlength taffeta dress Willi iiiatchint slippers and hali headdress Mrs Newman of Craighurst was soloist and Willis lhompson Dal ston was grOomsman At the reception which followed at Ilart IIOllSt Barrie the brides mother dressed in blue crepe with matching accessories received the guists assisted by the grooms mother in green crepe wilh silver fox tur Both wore Corsages red roses For the wedding trip to Kincar dine the bride wore wine tropi cal suit with black accessories and Corsage of yellow roses On their return they will make their bum in Barrie The brides gift to the bridesmaid was silver clip and the grooms will make their home in Montreal Lift to the bride was neckpiecoClltllllllsb UlllCHllLd Ill 10 lim and to the groomsman tieclip Guests from distance included Mrs Jack Richardson sister of the bride from NiagaraonthcsLake son of Capreol REIDBRENNAN Catherine Mary Brennan only daughter of Mr and Mrs James Brennan became the bride of Johl Grover Reid Lansdowne arys Roman Catholic Church Barrie on Saturday September 10 1949 at oclock Rev Dean Clair officoalcd at the cere mony Given in marriage by her father the bride wore gown of French lace over blush satin With titted bodice and Queen Anne collar the full skirt falling into circular train Her fingertip veil of tulle illusion was held in place with halo of French lace She carried crescent of red roses stephanotis and gardenias The maid of honor Miss Margar et Brennan was gowned in moss green sheer over taffeta with draped neckline and matching mit tens Her headdress was of bronze ried muff of bronzebabymums The groomsman was Gerald Reid of Lansdowne and Francis Reid of Gananoque and Lawrence Brennan ushered Miss Margaret McKinnqn of Barrie played the Wedding music and the soloist was Miss Jeannette Caruso of Barrie At Hart House the brides moth er received wearing dress cf pearl grey crepe with black and grey accessories and corsage of American Beauty roses The grooms mother assisted in dress of teal bluecrepe with black ac cessories and pink carnation cor sage For the wedding trip to Muskoka the bride wore navy suit with matching accessories endigardenia corsage Mr and Mrs Reid will make their home at Kingston Mills SHEWCHUKEOBSO The marriage of Miss Midge Louise Robson daughter of Mrs Robson of Barrie to Albert Shew chuk son of Mr and Mrs Shew chuk of Barrie took place on Wed nesday September 7th 1949 at oclock in Essa Road Presbyterian Church Allandale Rev RsD Sinclair DD performed the cere mony Given in marriageby her brother Menard the bride was gowned in fullskirted floorlength white slipper satin gown with fitted bod ice nylon yoke long pointed sleev es and bustle back Her oor length veil was held iniplace with an orange blossom crownhead dress Sheicarried bouquet of The bride Vwas attended by her slster Mrsswilbur Henry of Barrie wearing mauve velva fleur dress withtuli skirt and fitted bodice She wore matching picture hat and mittns and carried bouquet of yellow gladioli and roses Miss Mary Jo Tompkins niece of the bride as flower girl wore yellow headdress and mittens Harold Tompkins of Barrie was groomSman and the ushers were onaldrBoyko of Toronto and Wil Henry of Barrie Frank Dutch ayed the wedding music and ey sang Love You Truly ooms of the church mother wearing dove grey crepe ith black acces sories received th guests Assist lnghecmas the grim mother in with wine accesso miss the guests of Andrew Reid son of Mr and Mrs in SLI velvet with ostrich tips SheIcaiw The girooinraian was Robert Sar jeiint of Barrie and the ushers were Edwin Knapp brother of the aroma and Douglas Ieaeoek liariie lne reception following at Robindale hm the brides sister wearing navy blue crepe with navy Illtt SSUIIIS llllil ltlbt LHlSilslt litlily ed the guests llillf her was the gioonis mother iii tzicy tlepe with pink dieam rose coiszige For the wedding trip to Quebec and Ottawii the bride wore navy gabaidinc suit with navy and while accessories and eoisage of garden iiis lhe grooms gift to the bride was ii pearl necklace and bracelet On their return the couple will re side in Barrie POOLEWALLWIN Trinity Anglican Church decor ated with white and pink gladioli and asters we the setting for the marriage of Margaret Ruth Wall wiii laughter of Mr and Mrs John Wallwin of Barrie to Al lan Clifford loole son of Mr and Mis Robert II Poole of iillia on Saturday Sept 17 1919 at three oclock Rev William Newman blcring ceremony Given in marriage by her father ltho bride wore gown with bodice of imported Swedish batiste fash le marriage of Miss Rilla Mar and M1 imd MIS James Thumpliontd in tunic effect with puffed isleeves high neck and gauntlcts The gathered French organdy skirt fell into long train Her full length veil was caught with steph youne have liil at tiiiw 15 Illll ilitel ileii lint LL and blind if liiyii ltii gioozininaii Wylhe of iiiii lirltl lgtillll ll yl lll llie liltllt Ii beae cicpi viii li lt mink lL4llil ic Lanaiutianr iiiii ens ST lae mam Meat Specials ROUND STEAK or ROAST For the ILlllll at RoiiiiidalJ JEWELLERS AND OITOMETRISTS DUNLOP STREET For Appointment Phone 4201 Were Mr and Mrs Rid ll Mr SAUSAGE flash Pork TenderBLADE ROAST Blade Removed 45 BRISKET or BEEF Very Lean and Meaty LB 27c STEWING BEEF LEAN BONELESS LB 43c Short Rib Roasts Visl47 Lean BACON SQUARES LB 35c BEEFBOLOGNA SLICEDor PIECE sis Fresh Homemade LB SWEET PICKLED PORKSHOULPER 37 Tomato Juice ODEX BNAMI5WDERTiii 45c TSUNKISI CHANGES fz For Juice Size 344 THURSDAY SEPTEMBER 22 1949 Donald iltlxi tilllll litll Zillll iiil vt kidiLIl ii igtgtwl lied to ltttlill tlic giicil lm HR curricula SMITH an Vir in May ii tie wiili niaa iVVV VV VP Hum U2 whim EItkigtgt3gtv llmhl ll 31 251 liiiviritv Montreal plece lilid glilik ixiiilalliilA of dull stitllclilv ling Um tliizwts itleiiitio from loioiilo HH liiiflillll address to North Ila Midland Wat town 1311 iin students last week idlla London and Windsoi ll sim who is only it tils iii ic piil who had Vlllll ill iiyiiiits heart er circulatory lil lmml ill iiiiulle liil inst czltllilleliwl Ill lllldt wine gity wiiistnii su 3i pgmp in ht 14 with navy ittessillle and Mind opsgiias to the floor lic coisage to their icluiii they will laid iiiloit tlic ambulance could isside Ill Trilolllo ll EPHENSONS Steptendon optimamt BARRIE 333$$XXSSSX$3SXme SPECIAL UP TO $3000 For Your Used Drophead Singer Sewing Machine Phone 44l2 lliirrie anotis and mauve baby mums She mmmmsxmwmxsmwuxxxxxxm WE THANK You BARRIE Our first year in business has been grand success thanks to tried to keep our prices as low as possible dur ing thepast year and feel sure that in the months to come we willbe able to give you even better values Thanks again Grocery Specials 62c VLBV rLurrVo SHORTENIIiEzac ensue i3 Bottles 21c SMITHS or cross ELACKWELL PEAS MY LADDIE Std Size 20 oz Tins Fancy Quality 20 oz Tins FOR NZ mufe HEINZBAEY FOODS 25c 20c sAEE suns LARGEST VARIETYIN TOWN son TELSLNAPTHyi SOAP BARS DOZ J45

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