Another 100 Months Town Building Total up to $1291578 11 Member Audit Bur uI Circulation 86111 Yorluo 64 if BARRIE EXAMINER BARRIE ONTARIO CANADA THURSDAY SEPTEMBER 15 1949 Winners of $100 in Apple Pie Contest MRS JERMEY of Goldwater ls seen on the left with the apple pie for which she won the S100 prize in Wednesdays NE competition In which there were 257 other entries IIer Leonard Booth also of Goldwater total of $109840 in building permits were issued at the town engineers office during the month of August Added to the seven the record total to $129157 Of particular interest was the numbcr of dwellings in Barrie Last month 17 of the 33 permits issued were for houses totalling $8910 The total number of permits 15 sued for the sevenmonth period reached 229 There were no exceptionally large permits issued the highest being an $8000 permit to Browns Feed and Seed Co for new ad dition 11 their present building Permits issued were as fol lows Edward Elliotson 35 Grove west on Clappcrton between Grove and East dwelling $4500 Law rence Kaye Peel Grove dwelling $5000 Webb SSophia west on Clapperton between Grove and East dwelling $5000 John Janowski north on Napier between Cook and Duckwortli dwelling $4000 Gordon Pratt Anl ten Mills cast onDrury Lane be tween Grove with Mrs Jernic raisin pie third IIU sponge eakc daughter Mrs for to bake who pictured above month period this raised in permits Absent from the meeting Monday night were Aldermen Currie Fra lick and Pugh letter was received from Stewartpacting for Charles Alex ander demanding $475165 owing Berczy we on for work done on the own hall between wellington and Mr Stewart will be advised that this paymem has been withheld owing to certain imperfections of Which the architect and the con tractor are being advised Among the items not considered right by the council were concrete cover 1011 coal bin drains water towards and WellingtonI building where it seeps into found $6000 Mrs Corbett 105 Duck ation drip channels under window worth west on St Vincent dwell sills were lled in or rendered ing $6000 useless by stone coating and other Seymour 38 Napier nerth items on Napier between Cook Rooney dwelling $5000 Coomer 90 Henry west on Ross between Wellington and Sunnidale dwelling $4500 Lawrence Kaye west on Toronto between Welling ton and Grove dwelling $6000 vG Romphf 204 Elizabeth north on Donald between Boys and Frances dwellings $4000 Webb 95 Drury Lane east on Drury Lane between Wellington and Grove dwelling $5000 DAmbrosio 53 Cumberland east on Peel between Grove and Ag nes dwelling $5600 Williams 102 Essa east on Baldwin betWeen Holgate and Essa dwelling $6500 Mc Kenna 140 Dunlop eastIon Puget between Monk and the Highway and dwelling $4500r CT Brown south on Dunlop bebtween Mulcas ter and Post Office addition to existing feed store $8000 Ashton 86 Sanford west on St Vincent between Gunn and Shan non dwelling $5000 There were 14 smaIIEr permits issued having total value of $4740 HUNT COYOTE FROM AIR In 30day trial period LaRue Smith Albertas ying coyote hunter killed 98 coyotes On motion of Reeve Hartand Deputy Reeve Griffin the council decided to have list of the lie ensesI collected tabled for the next meeting bylaw Was introduced to pro vide sewers on parts of Centre Shirley NapierCook Berczy and Gunn streets When Ald Ayres asked why Titfin street had not beerL included Deputy Reeve Grif in explained that an estimate was being obtained on this work It would probably be necessary to provide suction type sewer for certain level of this street This street could not be included this year Final reading 16f abylawto api point Albert Edward Churchill as building inspector was held over for later meeting In the mean 1time the bylaw will be referred to lthe board of works Ald Hambly presented bylaw to amend the licensebylaw This bylaw was given its naI reading and most sections are now in effect Dynoiwiski wrote asking per mission to operate fried potato Seven Hundred Children In CountySwim Classes Swimming classes sponsored by Mrs Phyllisltloody of the Barrie the Simcoe countyrecreation com recreation council was the exam vmittee in various sections of the iner county during the past summer were decidedly successful 5700 children were enrolled at In ais follows nisfil Park 1Waubaushene vShantyr Hillsdale Midland Lake Cross Stroud Couchichmg Tottenham and Stay ner The programr was directed Bay by Miss Louise Culley Much enthusiasm washown for the classes and considerable im provement was noticed by theieend 191111113 six weeks instruction per 10d improvement in the waterliii 190 fish crests fundamental skills olIstimming Members of the swimming class been pupilswof the Rev Mr Kaell gren at the United mch1Praby tery Camp near Midland in me had the opportunity offtrylng Red Cross swimming and water safety ts at Bardia Pool camp Berdnl on Saturday Aug 13 one hurry our tests were attempts named git About who passe During the last week ofswiml ming classes smallfelt crestsin the shape of ducktoindicate fish to show that boy or girl could float on face and back were awarded to each child who had attended classes regularly About were awarded which indicated that this number of children actually achieved the es and anumberof boys who had People from Barrie landdistrict swimmingtests were JuInlorKen Norman Cross Hook Barrie BochaIckson Angus Allan Money Barrie Partridge Angus Anne Wales Shanty Bay Walton Barrie Bay Hilda Holland Angu Hutchinson Shant Money BarrieLo aine Partridge Angus Miriam TanBush Angus tom Barrie vBayrrEric Richards Shanty Bay rrmrrio NEED erly and accidents kept to mini should be forced 131118 the his speedca beIIalmost as dang 111111111111 13 111111 AUIHOIIIID SECOID CLASS IAIL POST OFICI DEPAIIIINT OTTAA ooo Brings over the collection of garbage in Beaver Barrie Alan Strand Nancy Graham nShanty iBay Hilda Holland Angus Tim Lorraine Carol TarBush Angus Miriam TmBushF Angus Barbara Ann Terry Shanty Bay Ray Intermediate Norman Cross Stroud Geraldine Davis Shanty arol Bay Allan BusterWalton Barrie Ray Wal StantonGermaine Davisg Shanty Bay Carole MacDonald Shanty BusteriIWalton Barrie Ray Wal ton Barrie George Woods Battle fttrafflc is to be handled prop mumoWners of oldermodel cars May On their to keep them vweekpthey found new snow just moving at apacgwhlch will not hway Too llttle New 11111 811121 15 going to build ilwo new schools 11 will be inter icsting to many residents to recall IUIEiIlI Barrios 111111111111 who has illlaltily of the public schools of 111115 town The following article taken from one of Mr lrants volumes was 01 1g111aliy piil115hcd33 years ago in Thc Saturday Morning on July I1 TOWN SCHOOLS OF BARBIE OF SIXTY YEARS AGO in volume entitled Establish Iment of Schools and Colleges in Ontzirio compiled by Dr 00111110 asoinithing of the history of the on 1111 111A111l lot No 74 trial 11 pleactif buildings original gttlliitillitilisz 1111s etcc1111 We are llclltd to Fred at the comp 111 Owen 111111 ollzci Slim where Illk Central 501111111 better schoolhouse than the 1111111 al Bairze toininoii School petitioned Stlltltllllilll1i ratepayers piopowd tax the matter was defcr red for some time liidue course I116 Years Ago VictoriaiBar School Site on Survey Among Award The Barrie Examiner has been awarded third place certificate of merit for weekly newspapers 111 Can 111 1111 lawltticllolls 11c remnod the iovciniiwiit to at 111111 11 11th 1111111 plot brloiigctl l1 wealth of lllIttlllltllllll in his rc 111111 stands 1111loveinnxnt111111 cords Mr Grant has several ar CH1 111d 1111 lgtgtllc 111e11 for 1121 ticlcs 1111111 vaiious sources on the lot 11111 11147 about the 111111 oft lii Iiitipiisttl ttetlltili til new and structure The trustees of he l1stiict1111nc11 111 August 1044 impose tax of 113 pounds for 111 puiposc of building new but some of the 11111 UllJLtlltlllS Eo the 11gt 111w11gt1 111 schoolhouse war of mIitci11i11g the convention 111 when 1111 awznds were alliuitltlvctl e15 in Canada and approximately lllll 11f llllbt over 20011 and vcie therefme 1li gible to partaipate In the senior class to the This was the award 111111 by The ABC NET PAID gt 73 AS Oi r1e ada with circulation ofove announced Monday at the Canadian Weekly NeWs papers Association convention at Jasper Alta business Examiner lilill Barrio Ti 11 manager was Jaspct 101 weekly iicwspai lhcie 11 have circulatmns oi 11 The Mason liophy was 111111111111 hiiiiwack BC Progrcrs MARCH 31 I949 miner size new type laces Were Obtained erpnpment has enabled The Barrie Examiner among the leading weekly new papers 1n anada Iiicli Will 67 2000 This award was New equipment and of and This expansion plant to recapture its place More new equipment is on ordcrl further enable this to serve the needs of the surrounding dis Astmptl 1111e and let SectionwlPoges tob Twice Weakly MONDAY and THURSDAY Examiner Again Winners Man Herald Sidney BC San 11cl1 Review Malcolm Macbeth Shield for best editorial page in the same group Crcsmn Man llmplrcAdvance Ont Review Reporter Virdcn lananoque BC James Memorial Trophy Elmwood Man Herald St Vital Man Lance Sidney San nich Ilugh Savage Shield for best all iound paper circulation more than 3100 and under 100051 Clarcsholm Alta Local Press Summcrland BC Review irenfcll Sash Sun John Eddy Memorial Trophy for best editorial page in the same Illodgins tor the Education Dcpilll 1111111 it Would appear that 11 this complete list of the newspaper illltlll of 11111110 1910 there ap mm 1111 It umH had WW Bziiiie lllllllil in 1911 1937 1911 ward5 as announced at Jaspw division Suinmcrlaiid Reviuw ipears sketch of the cstabltsh 1113 only those ratepayers who WI 1937 Sptilltl lililttjlllill 015 lilora 0111 Express Grand inciit of the Barrie Public Schools 111111111111111111 At the 111115111 1111 111 Iillg 11 MW 11mm by alpmlmd Forks BC Gazette us gm Mwnd mm hbrlby 11311111111111 and as that vol guts ltlllldltllls of the childicii lilllllflillil Wan paper with 11 circulation more than IVIIIIIIIMUI Illgllllglg SPEC for her fruit cake and 1111111 111111 WY 111 tiuru to 1111110 three pleasei ImlmmI SIIIIIIUIId II 2111111 11111111111111 no Progress PM mm DarnIi 511mm at Mrsc JenniIv taught her laugh Ill Stiff 1911111111d ll Ill ItlzIlImd URI mm Midland Ont Free PressHer $9391 garlmln Local prelim 1111111 111 our 1ca1crs am gm on Emmi er rcn 111 mud right There are four public schools in dlsU 601111111100 LXllimtl Th1 DWI will 11 Id Charters Cup for best allround 111C001 11131 11 wally lWillllcd mm paper circulation 500 and under Barrie I19101 111 which twenty three teachers now carry 1111 le 1le111111ary education 11f the town 111111 at the beginning one teacher in single room sufficed for the edu Icatioual wants of the children Rte not been successful and even tra ditional facts about the original school are scanty 111 the Historical Sketch of tth Town of Barrie 110841 by Ex ludgc Boys he states that the first schoolhouse in the place was crcctv ed on the site of the ICSQDLCCII tral School There is tradition of an earlier school kept in small house 111 shanty that had been or tiuck in Barrie N11 action was taken on this request Smith writing as secre tary of the police commission ad vised council that the government dock on Baylield street was not under the control of the town and it was doubtful if the police had authority to interfere with persons using the dock cctcd by the Government in 1832 with others for the accommoda tion of immigrants arriving in the place 0110 of these log buildings when it became vacant served the purpose of schoolhouse 1151 posi tion was on the west side of Mul castcr Street near the corner of Dunlop at 11101001 of Market Hill One of the earliest teachers if not the very first was Mr Freder ick Gatcsman He taught the common school 1111111 1842 or the following year when he left Can ada for England Wheii Deputy Suiveyor Hawkins had surveyed the town into building lots in 1833 he had reserved site for school Various letters in connection with property dealings among Charles Newton the VLA and the town were referred to the property committee Certain exchanges of land are being made to enable the town to obtain lots to build rental houses on Gunn strept Ald Ayres was in the chair dur in committee discussion and the meeting lasted from 730 pm until nearly 1130 pm Board of WorkeftoTake Up Garbage Collection board of worksIMonday night there was lettr probably take from Heber Smith acting for Mr Tomlinson The letter indicated that Mr Tomlinson would carry on until September 17 The contractor had offered to continue for an additional month if the council would reimburse him Next Monday the of the town will Barrie and carry on until further arrangements are made The contractor for the past three years and the town failed to reach mutual understanding so the present agreement is terminated for the extra truck and men hired since August 22 The council de few cided to accept the contractors Sfexgigcgg ggigmlgeght to theIoffer of termination and the board town council that it was not posslf works was empower to take sible to carry out the service with over Common septtmber 19 one truck In addition to the large truck with three men he has been hiring an extra truck with Donald Tomlinson has had the It is expected that the town council will call for new tenders on garbage collection matter has been before the town council At one time the council decided to make charge of ve cents can against all places of business with more than 70 cans of garbage in week However 011 plan was netsatisfactory to all concerned The council appointeda commit tee which met with several of the merchants and Mr Tomlinson The committee reached decision and prepared report This report re commended that at rate be charged business places according to the amount of refuse When the committee report was presentedto council it was turned down and the council wrote to Mr Tomlinson asking him to present request IThe contractor them wrote and said it would be necessary to have $24000 year to provide an extra truck This was $9000 more than the amount being paid by council for garbage collection and the council was not in favor of assess ing this against theIproperty hold ers At the Milk dnd Molasses four men Over the past six weeks the town council meeting on The people of England have forgotten how to work Iunderthe Labor Government was Charles Johns major impreSsion of the government controlled country from which he has justI returned Under the socialist government wages are up and prices controlled but everything from food to build ing materials is very scarce and ridiculously rationed Mr and Mrs Johns returned on September from four months in England Visiting with relativesin thesouth and west sections of the country and in and around London It was over 30 years since eitherI of them had visited the old coun try The Johns ew to and from Eng land by TCAI1eaving Malton on return trip last sisters They found London almost irre Buckingham Palace Tussaudes wax works with form ently on display falln at Goose Bay in Labrador They vlsitedmostly in Devon Cornwall Wittshlre Buckingham shifts Essex and London with Mrs Johusl brother and nephew and USE COLLIER ST adopted report winch in effect Icords are probably not now 111 ex pgpnns ml GI Comh Lines istence of the first common school 01min the 1N1 of 7011m 511111 10 1111 10W 01 Billllt 111 any T3110 land the market squari as bus 1111c writers search to find any has itcimmal Dovvninb Street the houses of Parliament the tovirer of London and Madame don tubes excepted Government controls over raw er Cagadian prime minister Mac materials were inMr Johns opin Kenzie King Barbara Ann Scott ion the ones that most seriously and Viscount Alexander promin affected British industry Icerned gasorI petrol was verl closely rationed the averagegpriv ate car getting only three gallons month The average English man boarded this for summer Ihollday although there was Ia on the Worldinarkets One gov soap with an investment of over slight increase iiillowed IIin June eminent buying 115mm July and August The roads Were could not fhaggle like private Turn to page two please 61 MARKET SQUARE The town iimcil Monday night The report 11 presented by Reeve llait indicated that the town had the authority 111 forbid the load ing and unloading of buses on the public streets but it was felt on only alternative would be to move the terminal to the outskirts The conunittce thought the merchants of Barrie would not favor such ac tion The council committee had met Byrne local terminal 1112111 rigor and Stewart who act ed as counsel for the Gray Coach Lines lhc report suggested the bottle vard be removed to widen Collier street and part of this expense three separate press runs With total of 12 hours press ltlnlllfIlHCdldi time for each issue The take steps 111 improve its service round paper circulation more than to the community The plant was 1000 and under 2000 Brampton expanded to more than double its 0111 Pool Gazette might be borne by the bus com pany Ald Christie indicated favor with the report but suggested parallel parking Ald Harrison said there was not room to get the buses in with parallel parking Hospital Committee met at the He thought parallel parking would CGE recreation room with John be all right for the buses if the Mitchinson as chairman They ap fire hall was out of the way Ald Norton thought parking lot for busesand call them up as needed sell Its rights to the streets Re ferring to the removal of tile boulevard he said if the bus com pany paid the cost of removing the boulevard it would not be 111 clincd to permit the public 10 use this right of way The report on the meeting with Gray Coach officials was re ceivcd At previous meeting the council had adopted an amend ment to the traffic bylaw which restricted the use of Collier street in regard to buses Following the adoption of the committee report Reeve Hart and AldCorbett presented motion asking the public utilities to pre pare an estimate on the cost of re moving the hydro poles on Collier street and also of placing the lines underground The motion was adopted for Baby Fawn ONLY FEW DAYS OLD this fawn is being bottle fed by William Stewart Born two months later than the usual season the fawnwas found alone on farm in Innisfil township It was only day old when found and was handed over to MrIStewart who has another deer at his Brookdale Park in Barrie meces and Mr Johns Ifour sisters all paved with an asphalt composi Iand tWo brothers Torqiiay on the tionand therewas no dust or mud Devon coast was their headquarters to bother thefmotorist during their stay in England at the home of one of Mr Johns Ion weekends The Johns the Labor IGoVernment from the government theTTC ving as the first part of new should be required to prowde hospital building H0 Sllbnlllled lhls pared by Wilson and Newton Tor astdne IOlllcl mlmmpalm onto architects for the wing which also felt he town should not it is proposed will be directly b01 the entire proposal The circulation of The Barrie Examiner continued to increase 11111 111 it became first among the 1500111951 from Ptli country vecklics in Canada Followmg IIIIPICIOSOUI the war llarrie Examiner began to Men11111731 Wing Plans Advanced ospital For RV llans arehbcing considerul thoI oughly fifr the proposed memorial wing to the Royal Victoria llospilt int and some definite announce ment may be expected soon the Barrie and District Memorial proved the principle 11f building Tentative plans had been pro hind the present hospital It would torial page Midland Free Press and gross 1101113 111110111 011111111 WORK community Era Pro Newmarket nt Express Chilliwack Echo Shield for Trenton Ont ourivadvocatc Chilliwack rogress lenticton BC Heraldi Tharlcs Clark Cup for best all Amherstburg Illmwood The Barrie Lions Club raised iovcr $4500 from their annual cai Inival and boat draw in 1949 re 1ports Dr Bruce Johnston prcsi launch Thornton Tuesday SepL dcnt as the club moves into an other fiscal year of activities The largest contribution to the made from the total Deseronto Ont Post Slowly Alta Advertiser Morris Man Herald II Rice Trophy for best edi torial page Stavely Herald PunnichySask Touchwood Times 13 Kaslo BC Lootcaian Printer and Publishers Spccril for best front page Dcseronto Post Stavcly Advertiser Pun nichy Touchwoud Times COMING EVENTS bx Chilli Willi J1lirmers meeting Tuesday Sept 20111 11 Gilford Hall at 830 pm 64p Dance at Baxter Friday Sept 23 to the music of Paxtons or chestra Dancing from 930 to 130 8tfth Mixed dancing at Pine Crest every Friday night to Ross Ronald and his orchestra Admission 50 cents 48tfthl Dance at Shanty Bay Hall every Wednesday night Stroud Moun taineers Admission 50c Lunch counter 29111101 Dancing every Friday night Becton Community Memorial Re creation Hall to Norm Burllng and His Kings Men 900 pm to 100 am 33tfbT Special treat in music The Davies Family Trinity United 20 830 pm Womens Association 64 St Andrews Presibyterian Church Oio iStation anniversary services usipces connect and run at right angle to lccclpfs of 3466196 was $1000 giv Sunday Oct Mr Royal Will the basement and the two floors for the present but would be Cap able of further expansion This would mean removing the present boiler room and building another to the northeast HowI over everything is pending approvi at Cameron manager offollows 1110 Royal Victoria Hospital 10011 Health and welfare $51889 the plans andIin the meantime they sports 15000 have been studied by most of the Educanon 14947 doctors the stall and some of the Agriculture 900 board memhels Barrie Recreation ounc1 25000 The hospital board at its meet Boys and Girls 15059 ing on Monday of this week ap Sight Consmatigg proved the idea at building the and Blind 2100 wing in principle and the medical payment staff has also expressed approval chase of autoclave 61475 of the move The entire board is Gram to Commumty in favor of going along with the Assciation 600 00 District Memorial Hospital Com Civic Immoveggg mittee Beach and Park 100000 Mr Newton returned w1th tne Advance to Carnival com sketch plans to Toronto forran mittee re boat 44630 other drafting in more detail as Miscellaneous IIIIIIIIIIII 203111 to general location and princ1ple pew plans have osBarricrefurthe meetings will be called to consider In the drafting of the new plans great deal of invaluable service was given by Colonel Allan Childs of Indianapolis who was consult ant for the new hospital in Day Iton Ohio Colonel Childs went over the plans for the proposed hospital wing in Barrie An authority and consultant on restaurant catering he made aInumber of suggestions regarding kitchen equipmentland sketched in some plans This ad vice was mhch appreciated and Colonel Childs has offered to as sist as much as possible with this phase of the building Early in the war Colonel Childsl he was administrative officer for the Armoured Corps under Major IThe nationalized British railways had goodservice but fares were al most prohibitive Bus and coach fIares which were little more thani trievably damagedby bombs Theyhalf of railway fares were about went to see the usual points of in the same as in this country but terrestto overseas zyisitors in the traveller hadto purchase tickets city the changing ofthe guardiweeks ahead for seat especiallv only travelled by train once the Lon Under wages As far as travelling was con were upand employees conditionstthe beans had cost Frys at least igreatlyimpmved but since priv three times the amount they could concern and consequently the cost of manufacturing was in many cases multipliedthreefold Mr Johns visited the FryCocoa ees appeared spotlessly the world market At the time of bags of cocoa beans owned by the government By the time the government employees salaries and expenses were paid te company could not buy theirlhave bought them for in thevopen raw materials directly but only market most of Lever Brothers another billion dollars could not buy their en to civic improvement used at treasurer Fitzsimmons 1949Carmva lrlfecelpfsvv General Worthngton Later he was Barrie Examiner Photo lhead of catering for the Canadian as If But Believes Labor Govt Will Be Returned ing 140 pounds all purchased and one of the them were now unable to competelworlds largest manufacturers of he beach and park Health and vclfare donations totalled $51889 The clubs nancial statement 1epared by Cameron issued by Wm publicity chairman and TOTAL EXPENDITURES $425351 July 321716 Receipts Draw on Boat 144480 TOTAL RECEIPTS 466193 preach morning and evening ser vices 64p Anniversary of St Georges An glican Church Utopia will be on September 18 11 am preacher Rev de Wright Barrie pm Rev Dann Islington 640 Dont forget cold meat supper at Essa Rd Presbyterian Church next Wednesday Sept 2151 from to pm Adults 75c children 40c Auspiccs Evening Auxiliary 64p St James United Church Stroud anniversary services Sept 25 11 am the pastor RevJohn Morris 730 pmRev Bris bin Metropolitan Church To ronto 64b Hot supper auspices Thornton WI Sept 29 Supper served in United Church basement Play The Path Across the Hills by Ivy Junior Farmers Adults $1 children 600 64b Barn dance every Wednesday night at Joe Nobles new barn at Bond Head Music of Don Gilkes orchestra Good floor lunch coun modern dancing 43tfth Canadaand the United Statesa study in good neighborhood is the subject chosen by Louis Blake Duff for the opening meeting of Barrie Womens Canadian Club on Tues Army Overseas and was in charge of setting up kitchen arrangements for Canadian hospitals in England 830 pm day Sept 20J in the Library Hall 6264bTl Air Cadets Will Begin Fall Training Tonight Tonight at 730 oclock at the Barrie Armoury 102 Barrie tional scholarships wereIIawarded Squadron Iw1ll hold its first mm to 17 deserving air cadets ade and gettogether since 5115 These are the highlights of an resided in Barrie at which time pending activities last June for the summer season All cadets are requested to at tend and bring along their friends additional recruits come Itvill be extended by the of Ishowing of two filins of general Theformation ofa band interest lis now under way andvarious ac tivities are beingplanned for the comingseason to which the new chairman ofxthe civilian commit teeSL George Rodgers VD has already rendered valuable assistance The squadron is in the interesting instructor FL CSP Arnold To the parents of 11111111 lads the chamber of com merce thespcnsors of the squad ron wish to point out thatiu 1948 224 air cadets learned to fly over attended summer at three Barrie junior under BCAF sponsorship 3500 cadets camps top cadets weeksln rltalnr24c etsto Ithe United States by status British cadets were16ntertal ad councils in Icadts on the intern out After roll call an address ofwel ficer commanding followdby the Works at Bristol where 3200 work for new members duagmggg ers were employed on factory 411 months and the recruiting of area 015 347 acres T1191 employj fice at theArmoury will be open Clean every evening Monday through dressed in gleaming white and Friday between the hours ol730 were well paid and contented but and oclock All boys between the Company could not produce at the ages of 14 andIls areiespecial low enough cost to compete on 1y welcome to join and participate program of his visit they had on hand 150000Is11orts fun and training syllabus each contain now being arranged by the chief ICompetitioniin New York educa inspiring program which each year brings valuable citizenship and aviation training t015000 Can radian boys Hog Marketing arable cent higher than in July contrast with mine marke which were per cent below June marketing of year 1120 most noticeable incree Province of Quebec 1111131 theme that uly cent 111111115 th was sigpl Province 10 ketlngs were 111 hertorth terfAdmissiorceld=mriand On Upward Trend Canadian hog marketings during July showed denite upward trend even though they still reI malned six per cent below IthoseI of July 1948 But this was consuls improvement over June marketings whichwere 17per cent below those of June of year ago Increased Imarketings in the anus were mainly responsible for the upward trend for Canada 11in whole asmarketings IinI Eastern Canada during JulyI were 310110