mrmm omi10cmlt comm SSTDOSES couw YOU BE 50 DEADLY DDT YOUR OWN EXECUTOR By ROBERT GEIGER WASHINGTON Aug 29 Alli Plush hVlluve ciVeirtlszV huf IF that Mm iijiile Vtoii tnulil before that TEACHER is itixo 11551111 tiled in 15 ii min11mfur1wrrgttmm0 110 Charlotte 51 Phone 37131 mm mm nworilnnn with otlr sushis lS hunting pmwm xiration as your Pup PM the Neihiits lrllrla ml The xix1115 want to know if VV lt vV VV In dssinnme R0 my WC mm mm ILmiimgi jtll Mining mmd lgmlmnss Talij Vinitalnukvvvrafilhii0urllxlhll Hqu mui tliiy 1111 111 1111 in tough 1ic1 fniiiitully and clip1min 11mm tVft 17 imihmds liltlhlil rlinit islni 111111 TVlVllilli Mi EUVI Frank ll Babeis of the Divisions lwiirtiiinrics Lets talk it Ulrl mthuut ioi insects Ailicting Man and Ani phymuu Emais United Stairs g1cuituc Department has studied tLlyllttll Him My inn could tind that has liven written DURUTHY JunxSuN Allhlt VV VVV UMVUV 11 53V mp on Assoclutc l11i VrWi sil1i ii Most2 Itaugii lllSttls still are 11111 of sci wry Mini lmllhllt lhhi Chartered Arruuntant Einces major iiiystriits Loliege of liano and 151 tuliiir hlnct lliune 111111 For instance 50 flies in CORPORATION llil 1c 15 Maple Avenue in are HHHWVY croup spiiiitd vith DDT ttiiitill Head Olin Toronto xu Vumm Jud limo ialiy survive this pUthllil lliSctll Barrie aiceV Dunlop Sree WVVM MJSVNV itide Il1 dont do this 111 ittLid Bum ill loioido wtzitt looiito ent apparintLv In iaboiatory tests lclzpizntte his 0115 ithcv breed offspring that can take bigtter dusts of DDT than other VV VV VVV VHVV VMVVRVUV VV tt111V11111 VVVVV VVVGHV VVAVVVVVVVVVVEVVV TVVVSVAVV VV Vines ooh1111211 1113 CV Him Whlm BYOCRVBM 230 BM 5L lb pioditd that 111 ltlbl Llill FLEMING lurolilo lli that is dead VhrlHHAMAN NIHN This might be posstble 11ccnuse hopm mm Luv 110 the tiles lived 111 DDT neighboi on no Viiootl tough on tliesl and acquired BMrlhtersV SUIwime Sonnet 5an 1L mmm luhlic oiivcyaiimro Etc 111 uh Simply won bum Wm SfltllllSiS tound that among some Barristers and Solicitors Giro anus lllllNSJN MONEY 1o 11111 iiiuni constitutions liiollt iuizizul lwmwl Willi liiliilli 0m tll Bibeic went into the private Help Dispel This Spec Val MUSIC LESSONS ACCOUNTANTS Alan BOOTH intn 11111 ARMSTRONG MarLU llrsiilfdfii ik 71 JESSIE BHYSON lLLT TEACHER Hi llNtl gtiNlithi and Tllifiliii 11zi1 111 exullllllnltiux of 121 vulury UT Exitistt liltinrito mil it grades including it tl Modem V1VVV HM VV riltlllltl Studio 17 llrttllttltl viti1nsauin nit llllK Aitti ft gcniiations l1ts tan Weniiioriucrois Mtillniio liiithW ll BOYS 115 lluniop Street llione Ztltll ltli SEAGRAM lTltRllI lltltlli fed it is rot unusual to find toughV rrharacters As far back as 1003 1111111711 no iiiiiornairoii nut DitlltllJISS i11111irisi Phone 3070 insects that infected lives called lmuriiwnlr IAIN the San Jose scale few individu nu rn arrw tone 71V VV VHV VV HV mhl ltltltilI 11 11 111111115 ilhuliltltlld mm BY AlltllNlMiCNT DONALD ttclllli KT lizn 115111 Solicitor lflc atomy to ion After few sprayings these 051 Ann Masonic Temple Building Barriei VV hardy 1mlnctr we ml my FDWIN WILSON 5A Ill Elum EV SMlT hm 1011 Hwy mNi wimp on SllXllAlllit lilYSlflAN Successor to WILsoN BUILDING DUNCAN McCIlAlG KC VV gum yp Barrister solicitor lItc Consultation by appointment 053 mmk irlltn phone 2719 lliIJIlllthl Jill MONEY T0 10m JOHN WOODS KC BARRISIER AND SOLICITOR flank of Toronto Bldg Owen St Phone 2061 Money to Lonnl VV If DDT resistance was acquired illkt heavy smoker acquires FUNERAL DIRECTORS toicrancc for nicotine the scien Farm lmPrOHmlmus 05 WWW41 but tists would not be so puzzled But ithc tiy is capable of passingaiongl this resistance to his children Haber is going to try breeding 1thc offspring of tly weaklingsl fcllows that cant take 21 single whiff of DDT without passing outl Batches of flies would be allowl Lloclnt liittlltt 11111111 and diamh lllitt lin11h Ontaiio VVWVV VVV mm VVVSVVVVVS and VVSVVVVVVVVV AlS AND INSECTS Cood farmers never neglect the wellbring Of their farm animals but sometimes put up with conditions which should he changed to Veration of insects that couldnt be killed by the usual spray 111ethods In recent years some hardy mos quitoes verc found in the Pontinc Marshes near Rome They could live as long as 48 hours after being dusted with DDT ther mosquit oes died within three hours 01 IOMLIRT KOBT BARRII llSc llAltltl Oilhlllliti5i$ 93 Dunlup St Phone 2963 Attendance 96 ROBERT ll SMITH n0 lllllllitlSl 53 Dnnlop Stlhonc 2586 Hours 00 daily NOEL STEPHENSON OllMlllltlSl Dunlup St Barrie Phone 420 lessen their mm work and to improve farm production for greater earnings there are Ftlllll improvement Loans designed to take care of these Ill manner that easy SMITH co Established 1809 FUNERAL DIRECTORS AND EMHALMERS Motor ambulance in connection OPEN DAY AND NIGHT BARRIE ONT PHONE 2530 on farmers Such loans are made in amounts up to $3000 if you can use one by all means talk the inatter over soon 13th the manager FIB49 sewers and incinerators the prom REVOLT lN BOLIVIA Cd 10 lay eggs then would get lhe ier said the plan would prevent Another revolution however is DDT UOlhlehl The GEES Of those the pollution of our streams and progressing more successfully than hill turned UP WW 1005 would he the suoliation of natural resources the revolt claimed by the Czecho used 111150 the VWEk Sllum Pollution would be controlled by slovakian government These COfldled weakhngs 0f btllh having the Ontario municipal The second revolution is in the SCXCS Will he lUFVYlOd 10050 Wllh board pass on all sewer and water momitai11ous South American re the 0005 hard 10 k1 works schemes financed by the public of Bolivia where middlc 50011 W0 VShOllld hill0 cm new company oftheroad government on Tues VCIOSSDICd 105 lhill Wlll he LltlieVl But the premier said the govern day began draft of all citizens to 1011ch 1101 WOW lllSl lnhClWLOH mcnt doesnt think it wise to ink combat an insurgent rightwing he SEWS of our nearest branch Barrie Iron Works All Kinds Of ORNAMENTAL IRON WORK Electric WELDING Acetylene Lawn Mowers Repaired STEEL FOR SALE Specially Written For The Barrie Examiner lly ALAN DONNELLY Canadian Press Staff Writer Branlies BARBIEll Nettleton Mgr AlilANDALFaF Stevenson Mgr 1355 Drive the people gt1 the value of in lighting since last Saturday WWW planes on Monday bombed Coch TRY AN EXAMINER WANT ADV administration at the municipal the 1V1ui0nmies took control of The is ll lllkndly Cltnlulc ambambzi city strongly held by it th Niti 111 That the kind of fly the scienl over the entire cost ot socm scr L111 1011 llillY 01 vices To do this would be to dc olutionziry Party 55 lh lUSh rm 50 10 when comm mmth can Bulivi Mtge Cities except he saysibunis very easy to tum tcross reds be 10911 With 1011 LlltClthlY the capital La laz Govvrnment GOWAN ST PHONE 5046 omxuuo GRANTS ntario 1111111icipalitics may find WELCOME RAIN Truckin LOCAL 33 q2siw 7243 gyndt Lawn me VALLEY TAXI AND Service LONG DISTANCE TRUCKING PCV CLASS HOUR SERVICE DRIVEURSELF CARS DRIVEURSELF 12 TON STAKE AND PANEL TRUCKS per mile LARGE TRUCKS 15 per mile Dial 2433 or 1221 10ciper mil So White it easier to finance public works The first heavy widespread rain the rebels PHONE 2414 by aiding them to float debentures lower interest rates Vforward in bill before the next pany known as the Ontario Muni projccts if plan proposed by the provincial government goes into fall over central and southern On ltario since Aug came down on ittocL parched farmlands last weekend The plainto form $50000000 crown company to loan money for approved municipal public worksl wwas outlined Monday by Prem ier Leslie Frost at the convention in London of tth Ontario Municipal Association lcrnnng it great innovation in 111unicipai tinancing Mr Frost said it would help smaller centres with minimum of trouble and at He said the plan would be put session of the legislature com Weather officials said the heavi est drenching134 inchespelted down at Windsor but an unofficial report of two inches of rain came from the Welland district Though the drenchcr was wel comed it was carried in on high winds that built up into ininia lure twister north of Cornwall on Sunday and blew down trees near Gait Scattered thunderstorms in parts of northern Ontario vcrca mixed blessing Rain put out 45 small forest fires but lightning touched off 41 new blazes The depart ment of 1andsand forests on Mon icipal Improvement Corporation day VlepoltEd 125 forest res Stlll 1would be formed to buy municipal bum the plovmVCQi 1310 only lbond issues approved by the On two1 the Kenora dlStllClWere itario municipal board Gt CVomlJlelely undeC0nll0l The provincial company would Ram HIV the Temlshammg d15 iborrow the money at prevailing in lrlCt Dermllled the llfllng OfVa ban tcrcst rateswconsiderably lower travel thlOVugh the WQOdSVm that than the average small centre can flreav 510111131 bar Shh Vltmalns obtainand lend it at cost plus the lsonqum district charge for administrative expenses Mr Frost said it could save small BRITAINS 0315s lcr municipalities between one and The BlmSh cabinet on Monday 112 per cent on interest rates apprva 15v000lvmdplan for taverns or playhouses young Edgington agreed not to Besides encouraging local im provements such as waterworks So Washable Scarlele NEW MI Valma VAfVcJV SUPER whirri ENAMEL Ydujcanidoh marvellous painting jobwith theV WW Brarmfnei SUPCELWhue Enamng Equally tradeftind finance ministers ofBri NovlaScotias wool shortage may good on kitchenicabmets lawn furniture puck boats on shelves and store front ProducesVa tough durable highgloss nish that resists weather and is Ya cinch to keep c1eanTry it For extcriorhpuse$urfaces use Scarfes 729V Outside White Varnishes Est 187 Paints EnamelsWax solution to the ctical dollar short ag of Britain and the block of nations which trade in sterling Its proposals drawn up by Sir Staf ford Cripps will be taken totlie coming Washington dollar confer ence by the chancellor of the ex chequer and Britains foreign sec retary Ernest Bevin While no official announcement was madeof the terms of the plan an informed source said it stands strongly for retaining British social services such as free medical serv icesVand makes no mention of de valuation of the pound The pound sterling is now officially pegged at $411325 The Wshington conference bf 1am Canada apdvthe United States will probably be told that Britains supply of gold and dollars for her $1200000ct10 byVSept 30 That is 40 per cent below What was set by officials few months agoiasthe danger point THE IRON CURTAIN Czechoslovhkias Communist gov ernment announced Tuesday that it had crushed an underground movement aimed at overthrowing the government The Prague annoiincenient said into the woolproducing category the group wason the point of be ginning unarmed rebellion The ofcial press bureau linked the group With certain western im perialist power The country was not named Tho dispatch said the purported plot had been squelched With the sentencing of Vsi persohs to death and 10 others tollfe imprisonment weregiVen lesser prison ntencles the secret trial Only were aoqultted The present government was elected following violent upris ing against the Nationalist Revolu tionary Party then in control in 1945 Apprentice In 1896 Has Stern Training SIMCOE ONT AUG 22C Englishborn Ernest Edgington is happy as cabinetmaker here He has his own shop and is his own master But it wasnt always so In his possession is the indenture he signed when he started his ap prenticeship 53 years ago in his home town of Abingdon Berk shire It made life pretty dull for the young cabinetmaker The agreement bound him not to contract matrimony during his apprenticeship He couldnt play at cards or dice tables or haunt His master kept close tab onihim absent himself from his said mas ters service day or night unlaw fully His pay for the first year was two shillings week In the jsixth and final year of his training he made the handsome sum of ten shillings weekly But this strict supervision turned out good craftsman At the end of the six years MrEdgingtons master wrote We have every reason to be sat isfied with Ernest Edgington both ing him to be sturdy industrious persevering truthful and honest Hope For More Wool as The PQIIYIIIII replaces Team From Rabbit Ranch eyeryone who makes his living from the 8011 There aiethousands of farmers and market TRURO us Aug 129 GP be alleviated through the gradual developmentof scientific angora rabbit ranch on billstop nearVthls trade payments will be downdo railway hub tdwn Jan Weinberger 35yearold Czechoslovakian started experim enting With the angora rabbit as wool producer in 1945 From an original dozen rabbits he has by breeding and carefulselectlon de veloped 1000 purebred animals Within year he hopes VVto double the number rabbit must reach the mature age of 18 months before coming During ayear each will produce about pound of high grade wool valued now at $8$10 less than the wartime price Untllnow Weinberger has not marketed the Wool but has used it for experimental purposes The Nova Scotia department of 1116118 th va Scotia research try an Roma An unapecidmumbr of others cially man attempt to establish foundationare assisting him nan the industry air means of over coming loss in sheen Woolproduc Vtto the province investment in largesize tractor equipment Such men were barred from the of power vmachinery uhtilthe Ponycaine into the every MasseyHarris machine In designing the Ptmy MasseysHarria engineers were that 1a small tractor would have to do in practical farm use to give satisfaction to its owner VV and they calculated the reguire 1TH the introductiOn of the Pony tractor MasseyHarris extended the advantages of power farming to practically gardeners whose acreage does not justify the result the MasseyHarris Pony outweighs in itsclass It will do more work thn team picture Today it ishelping them to increase their farm output reduce production costs and eliminate oldfashioned drudgery tractor designed an assortment of quickmounted The Pony is tan outstanding exampld of tools for the Pony exactly the right size the farmminded engineering that lies behind to yield the maximum amount of nished work per hourof time and per gallon of gasoline With these tools thPony nbtbnly dOes not content merely to build aomallsize low cost tractor Theystudied the kinds of work fasterVand cheaper 14 ASSEY ARBIS Eiinuandin moment jMoucroNI wmmm cannon VvORKYQN SWIH comm IcAVLoAiir mm summon ments of pOWer traction Weight and enjg durance that uchworkwould call for As outpullsand outworks every othertractor and zmud morework than alittle walkbehind doing further MasseyHarris engineers morework than team but does it better varicouv